Why does Trump begrudge federal employees a pay raise?

This is what I hate about working class republicans. They think their fellow working stiffs are the enemy if they don't think like they do. or maybe have a union that helps them get a decent wage and a pension plan. They think nothing of a handful of people owning most of the wealth in this country, many of whom buy and sell our politicians of both parties to make laws and rules that will send more and more of America's wealth to the oligarch class. The latest republican giveaway tax breaks made the super rich even richer, and now the pigs want to kick grannie off medicare and little kids off food stamps to pay for this, and they'll be cheered on by truck drivers and punch press operators wearing MAGA hats.
Got to love the crazy stuff that the left comes up with so they can hate better.
The military is paid out of the military budget. They got a raise this year the first time In a number of years. While federal workers continued to receive their pay increases.
The average federal worker receives more then the average private sector worker and has one of the best retirement benefits in the nation.
Veterans recieve many more benefits then just government worker pay. Disabled veterans also receive pay for their disabilities.
Since active military did not get raises while government workers got theirs they can surely miss one so that the military can get one.

The left talks about being fiscally responsible yet tries to use cost cutting measures to increase hatred instead of using it for praise.
It is good that Trump is cutting back a little bit.

It doesn't mean that the President and Congress don't need to look for ways to cut spending, but the whopping 0.1% of the $1.2 trillion over budget this plan offers, is laughable if you think it really amounts to much more than the President getting some headlines and spanking Congress about providing him with a better budget in 2019.
It is good that Trump is cutting back a little bit.

It doesn't mean that the President and Congress don't need to look for ways to cut spending, but the whopping 0.1% of the $1.2 trillion over budget this plan offers, is laughable if you think it really amounts to much more than the President getting some headlines and spanking Congress about providing him with a better budget in 2019.

You know the old saying; "A million here and a million there and pretty soon you are talking about real money.
You know the old saying; "A million here and a million there and pretty soon you are talking about real money.

As true as that may be, you do understand that a trillion is a million millions.
Veterans make up almost one third of the federal workforce but he only loves them when a football player takes the knee. About 12% of the federal workforce are disabled vets.
Veterans make up nearly one-third of federal workers

Trump cares about two things in this world & nothing else
1. money
2. receiving adulation & approval from others to stroke Trump's fragile ego

Trump doesn't give two shits about anyone but himself

Do you thing fed employees are underpaid?
Do you thing the wealthiest Americans needed tax cuts? Federal employees spend their money on things we produce, not $100 million dollar paintings and offshore accounts.

Oh, you're back, good.

DO you think he knows the stats on vets in the Federal government, especially disabled ones?

He certainly should - he leads the Federal workforce. He may know, but I doubt he cares. He's playing to his 'anti-government' base. Faceless bureaucrats are easy to bash, and the base loves it!
---------------------------------------------------- base does love it . And the government people aren't faceless as everyone knows a government worker or 'G Man' Joaquin .
I'm alright with this. However, I want our pussies in Congress/Senate to cut down on our damned spending. We're $20T+ in debt elected fuck-wits, get to work fixing that shit instead of pussy-footing around with stuff the D's only pass so they can bitch at Trump about it in Nov. Idiots.
Trump cares about two things in this world & nothing else
1. money
2. receiving adulation & approval from others to stroke Trump's fragile ego

Trump doesn't give two shits about anyone but himself

Do you thing fed employees are underpaid?
Do you thing the wealthiest Americans needed tax cuts? Federal employees spend their money on things we produce, not $100 million dollar paintings and offshore accounts.

Oh, you're back, good.

DO you think he knows the stats on vets in the Federal government, especially disabled ones?

He certainly should - he leads the Federal workforce. He may know, but I doubt he cares. He's playing to his 'anti-government' base. Faceless bureaucrats are easy to bash, and the base loves it!
---------------------------------------------------- base does love it . And the government people aren't faceless as everyone knows a government worker or 'G Man' Joaquin .

What kind of people are they?
Got to love the crazy stuff that the left comes up with so they can hate better.
The military is paid out of the military budget. They got a raise this year the first time In a number of years. While federal workers continued to receive their pay increases.
The average federal worker receives more then the average private sector worker and has one of the best retirement benefits in the nation.
Veterans recieve many more benefits then just government worker pay. Disabled veterans also receive pay for their disabilities.
Since active military did not get raises while government workers got theirs they can surely miss one so that the military can get one.

The left talks about being fiscally responsible yet tries to use cost cutting measures to increase hatred instead of using it for praise.
What is fiscally responsible about losing $120 billion in bureaucratic waste? Are there countries spending more on their military than we are? No one comes close to matching this gigantic corporate welfare program.
Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
Do you thing fed employees are underpaid?
Do you thing the wealthiest Americans needed tax cuts? Federal employees spend their money on things we produce, not $100 million dollar paintings and offshore accounts.

Oh, you're back, good.

DO you think he knows the stats on vets in the Federal government, especially disabled ones?

He certainly should - he leads the Federal workforce. He may know, but I doubt he cares. He's playing to his 'anti-government' base. Faceless bureaucrats are easy to bash, and the base loves it!
---------------------------------------------------- base does love it . And the government people aren't faceless as everyone knows a government worker or 'G Man' Joaquin .

What kind of people are they?
----------------------------------------- might be like YOU if you beg for Taxpayer money as a raise . Might be like 'juan mcstain' or Kandy who i think has said that she is a retired government worker . Lots of government workers all over the place . And then see the ranks of Government politicians where everyone of them is at least a millionaire Joquin .
Got to love the crazy stuff that the left comes up with so they can hate better.
The military is paid out of the military budget. They got a raise this year the first time In a number of years. While federal workers continued to receive their pay increases.
The average federal worker receives more then the average private sector worker and has one of the best retirement benefits in the nation.
Veterans recieve many more benefits then just government worker pay. Disabled veterans also receive pay for their disabilities.
Since active military did not get raises while government workers got theirs they can surely miss one so that the military can get one.

The left talks about being fiscally responsible yet tries to use cost cutting measures to increase hatred instead of using it for praise.
What is fiscally responsible about losing $120 billion in bureaucratic waste? Are there countries spending more on their military than we are? No one comes close to matching this gigantic corporate welfare program.
Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
------------------------------- USA Military is the only government agency that can have ALL the money it likes to help secure the USA Nation Militarily both Defensively and Offensively for me , my kids and other Americans August . [as far as i am concerned]
and already mentioned , you government people shouldn't be 'union' lefties [ general comment] .
Got to love the crazy stuff that the left comes up with so they can hate better.
The military is paid out of the military budget. They got a raise this year the first time In a number of years. While federal workers continued to receive their pay increases.
The average federal worker receives more then the average private sector worker and has one of the best retirement benefits in the nation.
Veterans recieve many more benefits then just government worker pay. Disabled veterans also receive pay for their disabilities.
Since active military did not get raises while government workers got theirs they can surely miss one so that the military can get one.

The left talks about being fiscally responsible yet tries to use cost cutting measures to increase hatred instead of using it for praise.
What is fiscally responsible about losing $120 billion in bureaucratic waste? Are there countries spending more on their military than we are? No one comes close to matching this gigantic corporate welfare program.
Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
Let's see is any part of government run efficiently? Not in the slightest.
Yet we hear those on the left yelling that they want more government. They want Medicare for all. They want welfare, food stamps etc. all run by the government and then can't fiqure out why people complain that such things are not efficient and waste money.

So because a portion of the government was not efficient the military should go again without raises and government employees who are also not efficient should get theirs?

As far as having a large military have you any idea how many men are in the Chinese Army? How many could be pressed into service in a matter of a few days? We hear just how terrible the Russians are. How we can not trust North Korea. Do you suggest we get rid of the military and if one of them attacks what is your solution? Offer hugs and throw kisses?
Got to love the crazy stuff that the left comes up with so they can hate better.
The military is paid out of the military budget. They got a raise this year the first time In a number of years. While federal workers continued to receive their pay increases.
The average federal worker receives more then the average private sector worker and has one of the best retirement benefits in the nation.
Veterans recieve many more benefits then just government worker pay. Disabled veterans also receive pay for their disabilities.
Since active military did not get raises while government workers got theirs they can surely miss one so that the military can get one.

The left talks about being fiscally responsible yet tries to use cost cutting measures to increase hatred instead of using it for praise.
What is fiscally responsible about losing $120 billion in bureaucratic waste? Are there countries spending more on their military than we are? No one comes close to matching this gigantic corporate welfare program.
Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
Let's see is any part of government run efficiently? Not in the slightest.
Yet we hear those on the left yelling that they want more government. They want Medicare for all. They want welfare, food stamps etc. all run by the government and then can't fiqure out why people complain that such things are not efficient and waste money.

So because a portion of the government was not efficient the military should go again without raises and government employees who are also not efficient should get theirs?

As far as having a large military have you any idea how many men are in the Chinese Army? How many could be pressed into service in a matter of a few days? We hear just how terrible the Russians are. How we can not trust North Korea. Do you suggest we get rid of the military and if one of them attacks what is your solution? Offer hugs and throw kisses?
Did I suggest we get rid of the military? China has a much bigger country to defend and they don`t feel they need 800 bases in 70 countries along with 234 military golf courses. We don`t want more welfare and food stamps btw and fyi most families collecting food stamps do have someone employed....for shit wages.
Defense Department Operates 234 Golf Courses in the World, Draining Millions From the U.S. Budget
Got to love the crazy stuff that the left comes up with so they can hate better.
The military is paid out of the military budget. They got a raise this year the first time In a number of years. While federal workers continued to receive their pay increases.
The average federal worker receives more then the average private sector worker and has one of the best retirement benefits in the nation.
Veterans recieve many more benefits then just government worker pay. Disabled veterans also receive pay for their disabilities.
Since active military did not get raises while government workers got theirs they can surely miss one so that the military can get one.

The left talks about being fiscally responsible yet tries to use cost cutting measures to increase hatred instead of using it for praise.
What is fiscally responsible about losing $120 billion in bureaucratic waste? Are there countries spending more on their military than we are? No one comes close to matching this gigantic corporate welfare program.
Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
Let's see is any part of government run efficiently? Not in the slightest.
Yet we hear those on the left yelling that they want more government. They want Medicare for all. They want welfare, food stamps etc. all run by the government and then can't fiqure out why people complain that such things are not efficient and waste money.

So because a portion of the government was not efficient the military should go again without raises and government employees who are also not efficient should get theirs?

As far as having a large military have you any idea how many men are in the Chinese Army? How many could be pressed into service in a matter of a few days? We hear just how terrible the Russians are. How we can not trust North Korea. Do you suggest we get rid of the military and if one of them attacks what is your solution? Offer hugs and throw kisses?
Did I suggest we get rid of the military? China has a much bigger country to defend and they don`t feel they need 800 bases in 70 countries along with 234 military golf courses. We don`t want more welfare and food stamps btw and fyi most families collecting food stamps do have someone employed....for shit wages.
Defense Department Operates 234 Golf Courses in the World, Draining Millions From the U.S. Budget
All you have to do is convince normal Americans to drop our commitment to such things as NATO then we can shutter those bases and bring them home. Of course that would mean massive unemployment. Countries feeling like they can not trust our word to help protect them but that means nothing.

So of course having some form of recreation for those in the military is wrong because it costs money. They should be out fighting or drilling not relaxing. That is only for those here that are not in the military or part of any military base or military family.

As far as shit wages go. What do you think a good wage is? Keep in mind when that Seattle has already proven that a $15.00 an hour minimum wage does not work. We Are Seeing The Effects Of Seattle's $15 An Hour Minimum Wage
Should someone at Burgers are us get $17.00 an hour because they learned to take the fries out of the fryer when they hear the bell? Should it be slightly higher because they have learned not to stick their head in hot grease? How about even more because they can wipe down a table without dropping the rag?
How about we bring back some meaningful paying jobs and they learn to run lathes, work on an assembly line, drive truck or heaven forbid learn to think and maybe become management?
Why do lefties begrudge all Americans a tax break? Federal employees will have to make their way with a booming economy and the same benefits the rest of the Country enjoys..

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