Why does Trump begrudge federal employees a pay raise?

Veterans make up almost one third of the federal workforce but he only loves them when a football player takes the knee. About 12% of the federal workforce are disabled vets.
Veterans make up nearly one-third of federal workers
It's all about appearances. He wants to look "fiscally responsible" to he low intelligence base and this gives him something to point to. Like cutting vetrans benefits and Obamacare subsidies.

What number am I thinking of?
Depends on how dedicated a tRumpkin you are. The more rabid the lower the number because you can only count so high.
What is their pay rate now? Just curious!
-------------------------------------- casual observation says that they make enough taxpayer paid money as they all go to work in the great provider Government . Course , no one ever makes enough money WTree .
Veterans make up almost one third of the federal workforce but he only loves them when a football player takes the knee. About 12% of the federal workforce are disabled vets.
Veterans make up nearly one-third of federal workers

The pay raises President Trump is talking about cutting are for civilian federal workers (not active military).

Disabled vets also get disability benefits for their injuries that are received in addition to the pay they receive working for the government, the disabled vets are covered. Disabled vets that meet the requirements, also get free college tuition for their children. They don't ever have to pay to visit a National Park (and most state parks). Disabled and honorably discharged veterans don't have to pay for lifetime conceal and carry permits in some states, and receive a plethora of additional benefits as far as discounts on certain licenses, fees, and various additional opportunities charged by both state and federal agencies.

Don't hang your desires borne in your hatred for the President on the disabled vets.
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but i oppose pay raise for government employees simply on the Principle that they make enough taxpayer paid money now and always have at least in the last 50 years . Time to quit overpaying them and treating them as SPECIAL August . --------------- Go TRUMP .
Policy should be in line with dem views of federal employees as thugs they are right....why should thugs get a raise
Veterans make up almost one third of the federal workforce but he only loves them when a football player takes the knee. About 12% of the federal workforce are disabled vets.
Veterans make up nearly one-third of federal workers

We gave $12B to already subsidized farmers….
Would have been nice if we could give that $12B to US Marshalls, the border patrol and the like. But wait; they aren’t a dependable GOP voting block. So the socialism is better enacted on the farmers than those risking their lives serving warrants and taking down drug lords.
Policy should be in line with dem views of federal employees as thugs they are right....why should thugs get a raise
Veterans are now thugs or is everyone a thug who has a better job than you? I was a steelworker for 35 years so maybe I too was a thug. Thugdom is providing me a nice pension. :)
Veterans make up almost one third of the federal workforce but he only loves them when a football player takes the knee. About 12% of the federal workforce are disabled vets.
Veterans make up nearly one-third of federal workers

We gave $12B to already subsidized farmers….
Would have been nice if we could give that $12B to US Marshalls, the border patrol and the like. But wait; they aren’t a dependable GOP voting block. So the socialism is better enacted on the farmers than those risking their lives serving warrants and taking down drug lords.
--------------------------------- build the TRUMP Wall Candy .
Our Federal government is already super bloated. Federal pay and benefits for most rank and file Federal workers are higher than their civilian counterparts. It didn't use to be that way but it is now. The stupid politicians have given into the Federal government workers unions and that is the reason everything is out of whack.

It is good that Trump is cutting back a little bit.

If the federal workers want to have more take home pay then stop paying filthy ass union dues. Problem solved.
Policy should be in line with dem views of federal employees as thugs they are right....why should thugs get a raise
Veterans are now thugs or is everyone a thug who has a better job than you? I was a steelworker for 35 years so maybe I too was a thug. Thugdom is providing me a nice pension. :)
------------------------------------------------------------ many vets work to take away GUNS from Americans as one example . See the veteran helpers to 'gabby giffords' gun control group. There are some big name retired Generals and others as her advisers and that soumds pretty unamerican to me August .
Policy should be in line with dem views of federal employees as thugs they are right....why should thugs get a raise
Veterans are now thugs or is everyone a thug who has a better job than you? I was a steelworker for 35 years so maybe I too was a thug. Thugdom is providing me a nice pension. :)
Ice agents regularly called thugs and worse....FBI agents certainly don't need a raise way they keep showing up late to terrorist attacks to say yeah we knew him, Judges are now rwnjs ......Dems called are Armed Forces terrorists.......
Veterans make up almost one third of the federal workforce but he only loves them when a football player takes the knee. About 12% of the federal workforce are disabled vets.
Veterans make up nearly one-third of federal workers

Trump cares about two things in this world & nothing else
1. money
2. receiving adulation & approval from others to stroke Trump's fragile ego

Trump doesn't give two shits about anyone but himself

Do you thing fed employees are underpaid?

The article said the average age is 45 and they average $74, per year. Also, 90% live outside the DC area.
Veterans make up almost one third of the federal workforce but he only loves them when a football player takes the knee. About 12% of the federal workforce are disabled vets.
Veterans make up nearly one-third of federal workers

Trump cares about two things in this world & nothing else
1. money
2. receiving adulation & approval from others to stroke Trump's fragile ego

Trump doesn't give two shits about anyone but himself

Do you thing fed employees are underpaid?

The article said the average age is 45 and they average $74, per year. Also, 90% live outside the DC area.

Thanks. I don't always click on links provided by lefties. Generally they say everything they are going to say, in the title.
Veterans make up almost one third of the federal workforce but he only loves them when a football player takes the knee. About 12% of the federal workforce are disabled vets.
Veterans make up nearly one-third of federal workers

Trump cares about two things in this world & nothing else
1. money
2. receiving adulation & approval from others to stroke Trump's fragile ego

Trump doesn't give two shits about anyone but himself

Do you thing fed employees are underpaid?
Do you thing the wealthiest Americans needed tax cuts? Federal employees spend their money on things we produce, not $100 million dollar paintings and offshore accounts.

Oh, you're back, good.

DO you think he knows the stats on vets in the Federal government, especially disabled ones?

He certainly should - he leads the Federal workforce. He may know, but I doubt he cares. He's playing to his 'anti-government' base. Faceless bureaucrats are easy to bash, and the base loves it!

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