Why does Trump deny Russian meddling?

Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did?

Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in Trump's mind, Russian meddling delegitimizes his election? Or is it because the Trump campaign acted in concert with the Russians, therefore showing collusion?

Any way you slice it, Trump's denial shows he trusts the word of Vladimir Putin over the American intelligence community and his own Department of Justice. How then can these entities then trust the president? How can we trust the president?

This is beyond partisan politics. This shakes the foundations of our electoral system and our men and women in service to our nation as they perform their duties as intelligence gathering institutions.

That isn't what he said. He didn't say Russia didn't meddle. That you have to lie in your OP proves how disingenuous it is.

I think they did, but why wouldn't Trump distrust people who continually undercut him? You'd never do that
Trump Critics Disgusted He Won’t Defend Intelligence Community Trying to Destroy Him
Somebody tell me on a human basis: In what sense is Trump supposed to think that the intelligence community’s working for him when he wakes up every day and there’s a tweet from John Brennan accusing him of treason, as there is today?

Obama’s CIA director has tweeted that Trump has committed high crimes and misdemeanors in this press conference today and Republicans need to become patriots and stand up and impeach the guy and throw him out of office because of what he did today. That’s a former CIA director. Why are former members of the intelligence community still working to undermine Donald Trump and why is he supposed to speak up for ’em? - Rush
Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did?

Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in Trump's mind, Russian meddling delegitimizes his election? Or is it because the Trump campaign acted in concert with the Russians, therefore showing collusion?

Any way you slice it, Trump's denial shows he trusts the word of Vladimir Putin over the American intelligence community and his own Department of Justice. How then can these entities then trust the president? How can we trust the president?

This is beyond partisan politics. This shakes the foundations of our electoral system and our men and women in service to our nation as they perform their duties as intelligence gathering institutions.
For some reason I think he thinks admitting meddling by Russia means he is complicit.

Especially since he is.
Do you honestly believe it is a coincidence that so many members of his campaign had ties to Russia and tried to hide them, lied about them, “forgot” they met with the Russians, etc…?
In this country, the accused are PRESUMED INNOCENT until determined guilty by a jury of their peers.

A bunch of US spies just determined that a bunch of Russian spies are guilty, I'd guess that counts as a jury of their peers

(Let's forget about minor details such as evidence)


I'd love to see the evidence and what the Russian spies have to say for themselves.

The bunch of US spies could easily be lying, you know. The American intelligence establishment hates President Trump and seems to be plotting against him. The timing of these indictments is very suspicious to say the least.

Libs are supposed to be Peace Freaks, no? Then why, pray tell, are they so upset that President Trump is seeking good relations with the Russian Federation and are in a tizzy that President Trump isn't interested in a new Cold War?
Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal had kompromat on Trump. No way Russia could pull that off.

No, sir!
Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did?

Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in Trump's mind, Russian meddling delegitimizes his election? Or is it because the Trump campaign acted in concert with the Russians, therefore showing collusion?

Any way you slice it, Trump's denial shows he trusts the word of Vladimir Putin over the American intelligence community and his own Department of Justice. How then can these entities then trust the president? How can we trust the president?

This is beyond partisan politics. This shakes the foundations of our electoral system and our men and women in service to our nation as they perform their duties as intelligence gathering institutions.
For some reason I think he thinks admitting meddling by Russia means he is complicit.

Especially since he is.
Do you honestly believe it is a coincidence that so many members of his campaign had ties to Russia and tried to hide them, lied about them, “forgot” they met with the Russians, etc…?

That you're down to inuendo shows how desperate you are at this point
Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal had kompromat on Trump. No way Russia could pull that off.

No, sir!

The Media was giving the people Stormy news 24/7 for weeks, and now nothing. Not even much of a big story about the way the hoe got pinched in Columbus.

What seems to be the problem here
Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections....

There's this thing called "evidence" you know, people who aren't part of the brainwashed #resistance inquisition would like to see it before getting hysterical about evil Russians hacking the selections...

Indictments are a list of evidence. Perhaps you should learn a thing or two before you brag,about not being brainwashed.
Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal had kompromat on Trump. No way Russia could pull that off.

No, sir!

The Media was giving the people Stormy news 24/7 for weeks, and now nothing. Not even much of a big story about the way the hoe got pinched in Columbus.

What seems to be the problem here

Court dates forthcoming, but Stormy shows Trump is/was vulnerable to blackmail and willing to pay a bribe to stop it. It would be foolish to assume no one else has information Trump would like to keep secret.
I'd love to see the evidence and what the Russian spies have to say for themselves.

That would be nice but the idea isn't to have a trial at all because then Mueller would actually have to present some evidence. That's who no muricans have been indicted, chances of Russian spies showing up to testify before the grand inquisitor aren't really great....
The bunch of US spies could easily be lying, you know. The American intelligence establishment hates President Trump and seems to be plotting against him. The timing of these indictments is very suspicious to say the least.

Come on, that's just deep state nonsense, all 17 intelligence agencies agreed it is a slam dunk and they have no reason to lie to you
Libs are supposed to be Peace Freaks, no? Then why, pray tell, are they so upset that President Trump is seeking good relations with the Russian Federation and are in a tizzy that President Trump isn't interested in a new Cold War?

What gave you the idea that the #resistance are peace freaks, I must have missed all those demonstrations when the hope & change messiah did his own liberations/coups/regime changes and was proud of his drone addiction?

Court dates forthcoming, but Stormy shows Trump is/was vulnerable to blackmail and willing to pay a bribe to stop it. It would be foolish to assume no one else has information Trump would like to keep secret.

It seems to me that you think that "Stormy" was shaking down or blackmailing President Trump.

Last time I looked, blackmail is illegal, why hasn't Ms. Daniels and her pimp been pinched?
Court dates forthcoming, but Stormy shows Trump is/was vulnerable to blackmail and willing to pay a bribe to stop it. It would be foolish to assume no one else has information Trump would like to keep secret.

It seems to me that you think that "Stormy" was shaking down or blackmailing President Trump.

Last time I looked, blackmail is illegal, why hasn't Ms. Daniels and her pimp been pinched?

Because Trump didn't press charges. He paid.

I'm having a hard time not laughing at your question.
Pretty simple, Trumbots do not care! If he would be found guilty of high crimes they would not care one bit! So no matter what nothing will hurt him with his base!
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announcing the Friday the 13th indictment: ‘In our justice system, everyone who is charged with a crime is presumed innocent unless proven guilty.'” Rosenstein was saying these Russians are innocent until we prove it. Well, guess what? We’re not gonna prove it because there isn’t gonna be a trial, because these Russians are never gonna get served.

And if they are as he needed, they’re not gonna be extradited, and Mueller knows it! Just like he thought the Russian troll farms would never show up in court when one of them did! That’s another no-no today. Putin started talking about Concord Management. You’re not supposed to embarrassing Mueller by pointing out that one of the people he charged showed up and pled not guilty, demanding to see the evidence, and Mueller doesn’t have any, so he won’t produce it. You’re not supposed to bring that up, and Putin did.
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And you know to a fact they have no evidence even tho a grand jury was it and decided they did? Enough to go to trial, that is awesome, now you can prove this of course.
/——/ It would have leaked by now in order to drive down Trumps numbers and drive a wedge between his supporters. They got nothing.

Only Rump and his cronies leak, RM and this team have leaked nothing. Or they do not have anything, the grand jury disagrees with you but we all know you have all the nonevidence.
/----/ Whatever helps you sleep at night....
View attachment 205451
Pretty simple, Trumbots do not care! If he would be found guilty of high crimes they would not care one bit! So no matter what nothing will hurt him with his base!
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announcing the Friday the 13th indictment: ‘In our justice system, everyone who is charged with a crime is presumed innocent unless proven guilty.'” Rosenstein was saying these Russians are innocent until we prove it. Well, guess what? We’re not gonna prove it because there isn’t gonna be a trial, because these Russians are never gonna get served.

And if they are as he needed, they’re not gonna be extradited, and Mueller knows it! Just like he thought the Russian troll farms would never show up in court when one of them did! That’s another no-no today. Putin started talking about Concord Management. You’re not supposed to embarrassing Mueller by pointing out that one of the people he charged showed up and pled not guilty, demanding to see the evidence, and Mueller doesn’t have any, so he won’t produce it. You’re not supposed to bring that up, and Putin did.
View attachment 205304

And you know to a fact they have no evidence even tho a grand jury was it and decided they did? Enough to go to trial, that is awesome, now you can prove this of course.
/——/ It would have leaked by now in order to drive down Trumps numbers and drive a wedge between his supporters. They got nothing.

Only Rump and his cronies leak, RM and this team have leaked nothing. Or they do not have anything, the grand jury disagrees with you but we all know you have all the nonevidence.
/----/ Whatever helps you sleep at night....
View attachment 205451

Ahhhhhh meme, soul food for the trumptard horde when got nothing.
Because Trump didn't press charges. He paid.

I'm having a hard time not laughing at your question.

Just because someone didn't press charges doesn't mean a crime wasn't committed. And charges could be pressed even now, at this point in time. Extortion is a serious felony.

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