Why does Trump deny Russian meddling?

Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections....

There's this thing called "evidence" you know, people who aren't part of the brainwashed #resistance inquisition would like to see it before getting hysterical about evil Russians hacking the selections...

The question is simple: how does Trump's lying that Russia did not interfere in 2016 to help him, help him in 18 and 20?

Pretty simple, Trumbots do not care! If he would be found guilty of high crimes they would not care one bit! So no matter what nothing will hurt him with his base!
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announcing the Friday the 13th indictment: ‘In our justice system, everyone who is charged with a crime is presumed innocent unless proven guilty.'” Rosenstein was saying these Russians are innocent until we prove it. Well, guess what? We’re not gonna prove it because there isn’t gonna be a trial, because these Russians are never gonna get served.

And if they are as he needed, they’re not gonna be extradited, and Mueller knows it! Just like he thought the Russian troll farms would never show up in court when one of them did! That’s another no-no today. Putin started talking about Concord Management. You’re not supposed to embarrassing Mueller by pointing out that one of the people he charged showed up and pled not guilty, demanding to see the evidence, and Mueller doesn’t have any, so he won’t produce it. You’re not supposed to bring that up, and Putin did.
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And you know to a fact they have no evidence even tho a grand jury was it and decided they did? Enough to go to trial, that is awesome, now you can prove this of course.
/——/ It would have leaked by now in order to drive down Trumps numbers and drive a wedge between his supporters. They got nothing.
The question is simple: how does Trump's lying that Russia did not interfere in 2016 to help him, help him in 18 and 20?

Pretty simple, Trumbots do not care! If he would be found guilty of high crimes they would not care one bit! So no matter what nothing will hurt him with his base!
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announcing the Friday the 13th indictment: ‘In our justice system, everyone who is charged with a crime is presumed innocent unless proven guilty.'” Rosenstein was saying these Russians are innocent until we prove it. Well, guess what? We’re not gonna prove it because there isn’t gonna be a trial, because these Russians are never gonna get served.

And if they are as he needed, they’re not gonna be extradited, and Mueller knows it! Just like he thought the Russian troll farms would never show up in court when one of them did! That’s another no-no today. Putin started talking about Concord Management. You’re not supposed to embarrassing Mueller by pointing out that one of the people he charged showed up and pled not guilty, demanding to see the evidence, and Mueller doesn’t have any, so he won’t produce it. You’re not supposed to bring that up, and Putin did.
View attachment 205304

And you know to a fact they have no evidence even tho a grand jury was it and decided they did? Enough to go to trial, that is awesome, now you can prove this of course.
/——/ It would have leaked by now in order to drive down Trumps numbers and drive a wedge between his supporters. They got nothing.

Only Rump and his cronies leak, RM and this team have leaked nothing. Or they do not have anything, the grand jury disagrees with you but we all know you have all the nonevidence.
Can you show me where US agencies concluded that even if the "interference" happened, that they can definitively link it to being the reason Hillary lost?

If that was the exact question, then the question itself, barring the evidence I asked for above, is a loaded bullshit question. (begging the question to be specifically)
"I don’t see any reason why it would be” Russia, Trump said. “President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.

Trump said that. Those are his words. I realize there is an obligation to forgive pretty much everything he says, but holy crap.

Um, how about you respond to my inquiry about the question as asked? He was asked a loaded question.
It doesn't matter. If Trump can't handle a loaded question, it's just another example of my point.

He's completely in over his head.

No, it's an example of your bias reading into the response in the worst way possible.

He didn't say "they didn't do it" He said he hasn't seen a reason to think it swayed the election, and he just stated Putin denied it up and down and sideways.
Putin explained how it was done. It was not Russia. It was not at the direction of the Russian state. It was individuals. Just like our hackers are individuals. Which means the indictments are worthless and foolish.

Actually I could see the GRU or FIS doing something like this. The thing is the left assumes this somehow changed the result of the election, AND that something like this has never happened before.

If it was the GRU, it was a government intelligence organ doing what its supposed to do, i.e. spy on other governments.

I wonder how the left would feel if Russian courts started indicting CIA officers for doing CIA things.
Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did?

Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in Trump's mind, Russian meddling delegitimizes his election? Or is it because the Trump campaign acted in concert with the Russians, therefore showing collusion?

Any way you slice it, Trump's denial shows he trusts the word of Vladimir Putin over the American intelligence community and his own Department of Justice. How then can these entities then trust the president? How can we trust the president?

This is beyond partisan politics. This shakes the foundations of our electoral system and our men and women in service to our nation as they perform their duties as intelligence gathering institutions.
Trump continues to deny the fact that Russia interfered with the 2016 General Election because he believes to do so will undermine the legitimacy of his election.

Trump is a coward, like most arrogant narcissists.

Always with the term "interfered"

What exactly did they do, and was it broad enough in scope and application to actually impact the election?

Again, it's just Dems being sore losers for losing when they thought they were shoo-ins.
What exactly did they do
Read the indictment. It's been out for days.

I read it. It was GRU agents doing GRU things, according to the supposed evidence.

So Russia should start indicting CIA officers for doing CIA things now?
because if Hillary had won you wouldn't be caring about it, or trying to link it to her in some way.

Don't try to deny it.

Again, how and how much did it impact the election?
That's not the issue Marty. Russia did interfere for Trump and Trump lies about it. The question is why lie.

And Trump isn't doing himself any favors. Assuming there's not direct link to him and the Russians, it's really irrelevant what Russia did in 2016. Goldwater wasn't bringing up JFK's dad stealing the 1960 election when preparing to run against JFK in 1964. 1984 didn't turn at all on Gore's actually having more people in Fla try to vote for him than for W.

Trump's answer should just be "I don't personally know what Putin did in 2016, but he's assured me he won't do anything in 18 or 20, and I'm holding him to that." End of story unless you're Hillary.

That is 100% the issue, nimrods like you simply apply doublethink to ignore the fact of it.

Nothing he said would have satisfied partisan hacks like you, so anything you comment about it is worthless.

Should he have demanded extradition for the 12 russians mentioned in the Grand Jury indictment?

The question, you may notice, doesn’t reference Hillary Clinton. Neither should your response. If possible.

So we are all of sudden going to start turning over CIA officers as well to the Russians?

You really think we don't hack into their systems as well?

But it's all about your butthurt over HILLARY (go have a fit over that you twat).

Was that a “yes” or “no”?

Are you saying the Russians that were indicted were KGB? Interesting.

No, they were GRU. Don't you read things? The GRU is equivalent to an amalgam of all US military branch intelligence services (Army, Navy, etc.)

And the KGB is now the FIS. 1989 called, it want's its Russian Security service back.
There's really no logical or sinister explanation for that press conference.

Trump is in completely over his head, he doesn't understand context, and he said some truly dumb stuff at a very critical moment.

It's not exactly a surprise. This is precisely the kind of thing many of us were afraid of.

And that impacts things how exactly?

Intent is more important is most situations, like when Obama intended to tell Russia to keep cool until after the election, so he can do things unpopular with some of the American People.
It sends the world the message that an American President is clueless, inept and outclassed on the world stage, at a very critical time, right in front of a dangerous and opportunistic adversary.

Since we haven't been in this position in my lifetime, I don't really know how to attach a context to it. The world is worried, and so am I.

An uncontrollable carom into the truth!

The only truth is you morons are a bunch of cry-baby losers.

Gullible ones at that.

Read the indictments here:https://www.justice.gov/file/1080281/download

I already did. So now all of a sudden the best Muller can do is indict a bunch of Russian military intelligence officers who were doing russian military intelligence things.

You really think the CIA doesn't do the same things these guys are being indicted for?
"I don’t see any reason why it would be” Russia, Trump said. “President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.

Trump said that. Those are his words. I realize there is an obligation to forgive pretty much everything he says, but holy crap.

Um, how about you respond to my inquiry about the question as asked? He was asked a loaded question.
It doesn't matter. If Trump can't handle a loaded question, it's just another example of my point.

He's completely in over his head.

No, it's an example of your bias reading into the response in the worst way possible.

He didn't say "they didn't do it" He said he hasn't seen a reason to think it swayed the election, and he just stated Putin denied it up and down and sideways.
Putin explained how it was done. It was not Russia. It was not at the direction of the Russian state. It was individuals. Just like our hackers are individuals. Which means the indictments are worthless and foolish.


Glad to see the head of the KGB explained how the Russians did it but he knew nothing about it.

The KGB was dissolved back in the 90's. It's the FIS now.

And the indictment was for GRU agents.
Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did?

Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in Trump's mind, Russian meddling delegitimizes his election? Or is it because the Trump campaign acted in concert with the Russians, therefore showing collusion?

Any way you slice it, Trump's denial shows he trusts the word of Vladimir Putin over the American intelligence community and his own Department of Justice. How then can these entities then trust the president? How can we trust the president?

This is beyond partisan politics. This shakes the foundations of our electoral system and our men and women in service to our nation as they perform their duties as intelligence gathering institutions.

That isn't what he said. He didn't say Russia didn't meddle. That you have to lie in your OP proves how disingenuous it is.

I think they did, but why wouldn't Trump distrust people who continually undercut him? You'd never do that
Asked if he believed U.S. intelligence agencies, which concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help him defeat Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, he said he was not convinced.

“I don’t see any reason why it would be” Russia, Trump said. “President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.”


Can you show me where US agencies concluded that even if the "interference" happened, that they can definitively link it to being the reason Hillary lost?

If that was the exact question, then the question itself, barring the evidence I asked for above, is a loaded bullshit question. (begging the question to be specifically)
"I don’t see any reason why it would be” Russia, Trump said. “President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.

Trump said that. Those are his words. I realize there is an obligation to forgive pretty much everything he says, but holy crap.
Not a proud day for Republicans

Republicans blast Trump meeting with Putin as 'shameful' and 'sign of weakness'
View attachment 205239

Do you notice how the leftist media can't stop with the OP ED in headlines? That's hardly a "slam"
The question is simple: how does Trump's lying that Russia did not interfere in 2016 to help him, help him in 18 and 20?

Pretty simple, Trumbots do not care! If he would be found guilty of high crimes they would not care one bit! So no matter what nothing will hurt him with his base!
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announcing the Friday the 13th indictment: ‘In our justice system, everyone who is charged with a crime is presumed innocent unless proven guilty.'” Rosenstein was saying these Russians are innocent until we prove it. Well, guess what? We’re not gonna prove it because there isn’t gonna be a trial, because these Russians are never gonna get served.

And if they are as he needed, they’re not gonna be extradited, and Mueller knows it! Just like he thought the Russian troll farms would never show up in court when one of them did! That’s another no-no today. Putin started talking about Concord Management. You’re not supposed to embarrassing Mueller by pointing out that one of the people he charged showed up and pled not guilty, demanding to see the evidence, and Mueller doesn’t have any, so he won’t produce it. You’re not supposed to bring that up, and Putin did.
View attachment 205304

And you know to a fact they have no evidence even tho a grand jury was it and decided they did? Enough to go to trial, that is awesome, now you can prove this of course.
/——/ It would have leaked by now in order to drive down Trumps numbers and drive a wedge between his supporters. They got nothing.

Only Rump and his cronies leak, RM and this team have leaked nothing. Or they do not have anything, the grand jury disagrees with you but we all know you have all the nonevidence.
/----/ Whatever helps you sleep at night....
La La Land.jpg
Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did?

Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in Trump's mind, Russian meddling delegitimizes his election? Or is it because the Trump campaign acted in concert with the Russians, therefore showing collusion?

Any way you slice it, Trump's denial shows he trusts the word of Vladimir Putin over the American intelligence community and his own Department of Justice. How then can these entities then trust the president? How can we trust the president?

This is beyond partisan politics. This shakes the foundations of our electoral system and our men and women in service to our nation as they perform their duties as intelligence gathering institutions.
For some reason I think he thinks admitting meddling by Russia means he is complicit.
Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did?

Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in Trump's mind, Russian meddling delegitimizes his election? Or is it because the Trump campaign acted in concert with the Russians, therefore showing collusion?

Any way you slice it, Trump's denial shows he trusts the word of Vladimir Putin over the American intelligence community and his own Department of Justice. How then can these entities then trust the president? How can we trust the president?

This is beyond partisan politics. This shakes the foundations of our electoral system and our men and women in service to our nation as they perform their duties as intelligence gathering institutions.
For some reason I think he thinks admitting meddling by Russia means he is complicit.
/----/ Libtards are pissed Trump won't accept their premise and go along to help them undermine his presidency. Very rude of the president.
Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did?

Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in Trump's mind, Russian meddling delegitimizes his election? Or is it because the Trump campaign acted in concert with the Russians, therefore showing collusion?

Any way you slice it, Trump's denial shows he trusts the word of Vladimir Putin over the American intelligence community and his own Department of Justice. How then can these entities then trust the president? How can we trust the president?

This is beyond partisan politics. This shakes the foundations of our electoral system and our men and women in service to our nation as they perform their duties as intelligence gathering institutions.

Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did?

In this country, the accused are PRESUMED INNOCENT until determined guilty by a jury of their peers.

BTW, Mr. Mueller hasn't even interviewed the accused yet, although President Trump opened that door for him. To even guess what the intent of these 12 Russian nationals were is just guessing at this point in time.

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