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Why does Trump deny Russian meddling?

The question is simple: how does Trump's lying that Russia did not interfere in 2016 to help him, help him in 18 and 20?

Pretty simple, Trumbots do not care! If he would be found guilty of high crimes they would not care one bit! So no matter what nothing will hurt him with his base!
I care, I want to see the evidence. Why don't you want me to see the evidence? I'll scream for his impeachment. let's go, display the evidence baby. otherwise stfu.
Read the indictments:

You can't even talk to people like Flash and JC. Their facts depend on their feelings.

But the reality is that the Russians meddling does not make Trump somehow illegitimate. Those who consider his election illegitimate would feel that way regardless of the Russians. I firmly believe that without Comey's Nov Surprise Hillary wins, but that doesn't mean I think Hillary should not have been indicted. The election is what it is, and Trump's potus ... with the House Sen and SC.

And the reality also is that Russia interfered. So how is Trump's position stronger with the lie than without it?

Some people say Trump is an unguided missile without reason for doing things. I disagree and think "the trip" shows it. He intended everything. Blowing up Nato before saying they bowed to his demands, throwing May under the bus to push for a hard Brexit exit just as she hosted his dinner, showing up late to dis the Queen ... after Charles and William dissed him.
cause no one was screaming impeach 45 or impeach trump before he ever took office. but who the fk am I, I mean, you're saying that never happened. I believe there was even a house rep that brought impeachment to the floor. but fk, what the fk do I know. right? desperation is just that desperation. and that is all the left has. there was no russia russia. nope, not until evidence is produced.

Looks like Comrade Donnie is digging a deeper hole

Can impeachment be far behind?
Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did?

Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in Trump's mind, Russian meddling delegitimizes his election? Or is it because the Trump campaign acted in concert with the Russians, therefore showing collusion?

Any way you slice it, Trump's denial shows he trusts the word of Vladimir Putin over the American intelligence community and his own Department of Justice. How then can these entities then trust the president? How can we trust the president?

This is beyond partisan politics. This shakes the foundations of our electoral system and our men and women in service to our nation as they perform their duties as intelligence gathering institutions.

This is nothing but partisan politics. It's still the flailing of sore loser leftists who lost a sure bet election.


The grand jury indicted 12 Russians for meddling….

it wasn’t mueller, the democrats, the fictional swamp or this crazy koo-koo land deep state you folks believe in.

The same tool is used to indict MS 13 gang members….

How is it partisan politics?

Nice meme.
An uncontrollable carom into the truth!

The only truth is you morons are a bunch of cry-baby losers.

Gullible ones at that.

ahh…desperate lashing out….

Why does the right wing care so much about 12 Russians getting indicted?
show us the evidence. Why is that so difficult to do? why can't I see it? will it burn my eyes, will cause me to go into convulsions? why, why, why cannot I see the evidence?


Grand jury proceedings are secret.

Again…why are you so worried about the 12 russians?
Do they know something about the Trump campaign?
Were they involved?

I'm more curious if they know anything about Hillary and the DNC, you know since they hacked the DNC server and all...

Why? If those in power were complicit in hiring criminals…isn’t that more of a danger than if those who were not in power had done it?

Sort of wondering if the loser of the ball game cheated when it is fairly clear that the winner did.
This is nothing new..............been going on for a while. Well before this election............Not just us but other countries as well.

It's a spy CYBER WAR being waged ...........and companies are getting nailed by it time and time again........

Meet Fancy Bear, The Russian Group Hacking The US Election

n late July 2008, three weeks before Russia invaded Georgia in a show of force that altered the world’s perception of the Kremlin, a network of zombie computers was already gearing up for an attack against the Georgian government. Many of the earliest attacks were straightforward — the website of then-President Mikheil Saakashvili was overloaded with traffic, and a number of news agencies found their sites hacked. By Aug. 9, with the war underway, much of Georgia’s internet traffic, which routes through Russia and Turkey, was being blocked or diverted, and the president’s website had been defaced with images comparing him to Adolf Hitler.
it was the Russians Russians Russians Russians Russians Russians , fuckin liberals need to quit beating a dead horse.
Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did?

Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in Trump's mind, Russian meddling delegitimizes his election? Or is it because the Trump campaign acted in concert with the Russians, therefore showing collusion?

Any way you slice it, Trump's denial shows he trusts the word of Vladimir Putin over the American intelligence community and his own Department of Justice. How then can these entities then trust the president? How can we trust the president?

This is beyond partisan politics. This shakes the foundations of our electoral system and our men and women in service to our nation as they perform their duties as intelligence gathering institutions.
NSA spying on Germany. lol

NSA tapped German Chancellery for decades, WikiLeaks claims

Germany demands public promise from US to end spying

But German officials believe that a domestic political audience already rocked by Edward Snowden's revelations of bulk data collection and surveillance of chancellor Merkel's mobile phone will not be satisfied by anything less than a public commitment from the Americans to curtail future espionage activity in Germany.

"Dialogue in private is fine, but there must be something in public; people are so outraged," said the German official.

Diplomats are playing down the significance of a second arrest of a German government worker on Wednesday, saying it is too soon to tell whether he was actually spying for the US, but are adamant that the arrest of an intelligence officer last week for allegedly selling documents to the CIA reveals a complete breakdown of trust between the two countries.

Anger is running so high in Berlin that several earlier overtures by the US have this week been rejected by Berlin, which instead asked the CIA's station chief to leave the country.

The Guardian has confirmed that CIA director John Brennan previously offered to come to Germany to discuss its concerns but has so far been rebuffed by officials in Berlin, who believe he must commit to something more substantive before they agree to meet.
lol Left wingers luvved them some of that Putin until he cracked down on some filthy faggot 'parade' and the spreading of diseases that always accompanies those pedophile friendly activities. No need to take their sniveling seriously yet again; their hillary and obama fest did lots of deals with Putin, very lucrative ones.

So, how is the weather in St. Petersburg?

The question is simple: how does Trump's lying that Russia did not interfere in 2016 to help him, help him in 18 and 20?

Pretty simple, Trumbots do not care! If he would be found guilty of high crimes they would not care one bit! So no matter what nothing will hurt him with his base!
I care, I want to see the evidence. Why don't you want me to see the evidence? I'll scream for his impeachment. let's go, display the evidence baby. otherwise stfu.
Read the indictments:

You can't even talk to people like Flash and JC. Their facts depend on their feelings.

But the reality is that the Russians meddling does not make Trump somehow illegitimate. Those who consider his election illegitimate would feel that way regardless of the Russians. I firmly believe that without Comey's Nov Surprise Hillary wins, but that doesn't mean I think Hillary should not have been indicted. The election is what it is, and Trump's potus ... with the House Sen and SC.

And the reality also is that Russia interfered. So how is Trump's position stronger with the lie than without it?

Some people say Trump is an unguided missile without reason for doing things. I disagree and think "the trip" shows it. He intended everything. Blowing up Nato before saying they bowed to his demands, throwing May under the bus to push for a hard Brexit exit just as she hosted his dinner, showing up late to dis the Queen ... after Charles and William dissed him.
cause no one was screaming impeach 45 or impeach trump before he ever took office. but who the fk am I, I mean, you're saying that never happened. I believe there was even a house rep that brought impeachment to the floor. but fk, what the fk do I know. right? desperation is just that desperation. and that is all the left has. there was no russia russia.

True, it's just rubbish.

nope, not until evidence is produced.

Won't happen; they'll have to fabricate it, and we know their competence levels are pretty low, but then they're certainly stupid enough to try anyway.
But the reality is that the Russians meddling does not make Trump somehow illegitimate. Those who consider his election illegitimate would feel that way regardless of the Russians. I firmly believe that without Comey's Nov Surprise Hillary wins, but that doesn't mean I think Hillary should not have been indicted. The election is what it is, and Trump's potus ... with the House Sen and SC.

Trump is the only one that is trumpeting that someone is claiming his election is not legitimate.

Intelligent people are claiming that he does not have the US interest as any priority, he is too stupid to do the job or he is in Putin's pocket.

And the reality also is that Russia interfered. So how is Trump's position stronger with the lie than without it?

This summit should not be about Trump, it should be about America's interests. Russia is a minor trading partner and their GDP is 1/20 of the US. They are in a recession since 2014 due to the sanctions. They are only important to the US when they interfere in global politics and wars, like in Syria. Russia continually sides with the dictator and oppressive regimes. His goal is to control the people and not give them the freedom to select leaders. I think this is what Trump likes and wants to emulate, but he's not smart like Putin, so Putin just takes advantage of him.

Some people say Trump is an unguided missile without reason for doing things. I disagree and think "the trip" shows it. He intended everything. Blowing up Nato before saying they bowed to his demands, throwing May under the bus to push for a hard Brexit exit just as she hosted his dinner, showing up late to dis the Queen ... after Charles and William dissed him.

I fail to see how any of this helps the interests of the US. It only helps Putin and his crooked regime becomes more powerful.

So, any guesses on whose loser's sock this is?
Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did?

Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in Trump's mind, Russian meddling delegitimizes his election? Or is it because the Trump campaign acted in concert with the Russians, therefore showing collusion?

Any way you slice it, Trump's denial shows he trusts the word of Vladimir Putin over the American intelligence community and his own Department of Justice. How then can these entities then trust the president? How can we trust the president?

This is beyond partisan politics. This shakes the foundations of our electoral system and our men and women in service to our nation as they perform their duties as intelligence gathering institutions.
Trump continues to deny the fact that Russia interfered with the 2016 General Election because he believes to do so will undermine the legitimacy of his election.

Trump is a coward, like most arrogant narcissists.

The filthy Democrats have to conjure up this silly Russia Russia Russia bullshit in order to make excuses for Crooked Hillary being a terrible corrupt candidate that got scholnged by The Donald.

They should stop being cowards and just admit that Crooked Hillary was an asshole.
The indictments spell out, beyond reasonable doubt, that Russia meddled in the campaign.

Denying this is a fool's game. The indictments are not political, yet Trump and his supporters can't see that.
Trump supporters see and understand that; but like Trump they're dishonest cowards who refuse to admit it.

Sort of makes you appreciate The Rabbi who was no doubt, a republican but apparently couldn’t stomach this pervert in the white house enough to have to defend him. bear513 had convictions at one time as well.

It makes you wonder about how the GOP will look after Trump’s tenure is over (one way or the other)… How do you go back to preaching family values, fiscal responsibility, law and order, or even America’s unique place in the world history when you spend 4 or 8 years looking the other way on all of those issues as your messiah makes a mockery of them.

Trump is still a liberal idiot , but damn he does try to keep his campaign promises with that being said I can't believe how clever Putin is first with Kerry and now with Mueller.

To the defendant, not you. Oh wait YOU are obviously one of the defendants!
yep, usually it becomes public knowledge. why are you against the truth being shown to the public? what have you got against the truth?

I bet there isn't a court date by the way. hmmmm why not?

Has the trial started yet? You do realize that RM presented the evidence and that the grand jury chose to move forward do you not. Perhaps you should scold the grand jury since you no there is no evidence of a crime.
I would if I could. I want to see the evidence. without it, it's all garbage.

So you only believe in YOUR law and YOUR order! Snowflake it just might be alright! You will have to wait just like the rest of us!
I believe in the constitution of the US and right now, RM isn't following it. so he's rogue.

He sure is, you need to ask the grand jury why they indicted on no evidence.
The question is simple: how does Trump's lying that Russia did not interfere in 2016 to help him, help him in 18 and 20?

Pretty simple, Trumbots do not care! If he would be found guilty of high crimes they would not care one bit! So no matter what nothing will hurt him with his base!
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announcing the Friday the 13th indictment: ‘In our justice system, everyone who is charged with a crime is presumed innocent unless proven guilty.'” Rosenstein was saying these Russians are innocent until we prove it. Well, guess what? We’re not gonna prove it because there isn’t gonna be a trial, because these Russians are never gonna get served.

And if they are as he needed, they’re not gonna be extradited, and Mueller knows it! Just like he thought the Russian troll farms would never show up in court when one of them did! That’s another no-no today. Putin started talking about Concord Management. You’re not supposed to embarrassing Mueller by pointing out that one of the people he charged showed up and pled not guilty, demanding to see the evidence, and Mueller doesn’t have any, so he won’t produce it. You’re not supposed to bring that up, and Putin did.
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And you know to a fact they have no evidence even tho a grand jury saw it and decided they did? Enough to go to trial, that is awesome, now you can prove this of course.
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