Why does Trump lie when there is no need

true, the dems have the opportunity to stop it and do the people's business. Why wont they?

Remember, Obama said "we won" "elections have consequences" "republicans need to move to the back of the bus" He refused to work with them. Dems refused to work with Bush.

Party has been placed above doing their jobs. Reagan and O'Neill understood and found ways to work together, so did Clinton and Newt.

Trump has invited the dem leaders to participate and they refused. Do you see a pattern here?
The Dems should set an example of how a minority party should act but they are playing the same petty games that the Republican player to block Obama. You forget that Obama tried to work with republicans and they sat on their thumbs. After years of frustration he said fuck it and went the executive order route to get shit done.

Now it’s up to Trump. It’s gotta come from our leader but he is proving to be the most divisive figure I’ve ever seen in the White House

Obama never tried to work with the republicans. In fact, he openly said that he would not. Remember? "elections have consequences" "we won" "the republicans need to move to the back of the bus".

Trump invited Pelosi and Schumer to the white house to work on compromises and they refused to attend. Sorry dude, but the dems are much worse on refusing to work with the party in power.
Yeah, the Dems suck. Obama should have tried harder to work on bipartisan efforts and he should not of said what he said. The Reps also had a part in trying to make him a One term president. None of the Dems actions excuses Republicans to do the same shit. Trumpnimbiting the Dems to a meeting doesn’t say shit about unity. Trump is totally divisive and inflammatory, I don’t think that is really a debatable observation. He needs to do better

Trump is not a politician, he talks like you and I talk and he does what he says he will do.

to me, that is a refreshing change from the last 20 or 30 years.
Just because he is offensive and unpolished doesn’t mean he is like “you and me” he is till riddled with lies, distortion, and corruption. He may not be as influenced by lobbies which I agree is refreshing... however he will pull out every dirty trick in the book to get what he wants.

That's politics, dude. The problem today is that the media is participating in the dirty tricks and not reporting factual news. Propaganda from the media is the worst possible thing for a free nation.
The Dems should set an example of how a minority party should act but they are playing the same petty games that the Republican player to block Obama. You forget that Obama tried to work with republicans and they sat on their thumbs. After years of frustration he said fuck it and went the executive order route to get shit done.

Now it’s up to Trump. It’s gotta come from our leader but he is proving to be the most divisive figure I’ve ever seen in the White House

Obama never tried to work with the republicans. In fact, he openly said that he would not. Remember? "elections have consequences" "we won" "the republicans need to move to the back of the bus".

Trump invited Pelosi and Schumer to the white house to work on compromises and they refused to attend. Sorry dude, but the dems are much worse on refusing to work with the party in power.
Yeah, the Dems suck. Obama should have tried harder to work on bipartisan efforts and he should not of said what he said. The Reps also had a part in trying to make him a One term president. None of the Dems actions excuses Republicans to do the same shit. Trumpnimbiting the Dems to a meeting doesn’t say shit about unity. Trump is totally divisive and inflammatory, I don’t think that is really a debatable observation. He needs to do better

Trump is not a politician, he talks like you and I talk and he does what he says he will do.

to me, that is a refreshing change from the last 20 or 30 years.
Just because he is offensive and unpolished doesn’t mean he is like “you and me” he is till riddled with lies, distortion, and corruption. He may not be as influenced by lobbies which I agree is refreshing... however he will pull out every dirty trick in the book to get what he wants.

That's politics, dude. The problem today is that the media is participating in the dirty tricks and not reporting factual news. Propaganda from the media is the worst possible thing for a free nation.
Agreed. Propaganda from our white house is just as dangerous.

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