Why does Trump lie when there is no need

Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?

Trump is a well documented Pathological liar. They become so accustomed to lying they cannot distinguish between truth and lies. They create their own alternate world based on lies. Trump is a person you could put under a lie detector test--and he could lie all the way through it and pass the test. In his entire life, there has never been a consequence to his lying until NOW--when he is under the microscope of Robert Mueller and media critictism over his lies.
Medical Definition of PATHOLOGICAL LIAR

Here is a good example of that:

And now his voter fraud commission Bullshit is over ...Trump is worth less than a sack of s--t But he's repub s--t so they keep supporting him
No, its because he is a winner and you libs hate winners. You hate winners because when there are winners, there are also losers. You are unable to grasp the concept that everyone cannot win.
You are saying Trump lies because he is a winner? Do you think winners are always liars? That's what you post implies.

of course not, don't be stupid. But Trump has won in every venue he has tried. He is a proven winner.
This "he lies" theme is nothing but liberal butthurt trying to justify crooked Hillary's loss.
The subject of this thread is Why does Trump lie when there is no need
And you replied it's "because he's a winner". That to me sounded like a stupid reason.
It may feel good to tell yourself that but it isn’t reality. Trump is winning and successful to himself and his supporters. I believe that you all believe that. He is a royal disaster to his opponents. Trust me, the Left is not making shit up in an attempt to stop all the winning. They are reacting to a bullish child who can’t tell the truth and who keeps hitting brick walls because he doesn’t know what he’s doing in the White House. Their “resist movement is an attempt to limit the damage he does till the next election.

It’s the same bullshit the Right did to Obama and it leads to gridlock, not progress. At some point we need a unifier who can get bipartisan legislation passed so we aren’t in a constant partisan tug o war.

So when Schumer and Pelosi refuse to attend a meeting aimed at finding compromise solutions--------------its ????????????
No Schumer and Pelosi are in full on resist mode. Just like Republicans had been in full on resist mode since Obamas inauguration. Thats my point, it is not a healthy or productive way to govern. We aren't going to get anywhere with the partisan finger pointing.

true, the dems have the opportunity to stop it and do the people's business. Why wont they?

Remember, Obama said "we won" "elections have consequences" "republicans need to move to the back of the bus" He refused to work with them. Dems refused to work with Bush.

Party has been placed above doing their jobs. Reagan and O'Neill understood and found ways to work together, so did Clinton and Newt.

Trump has invited the dem leaders to participate and they refused. Do you see a pattern here?
The Dems should set an example of how a minority party should act but they are playing the same petty games that the Republican player to block Obama. You forget that Obama tried to work with republicans and they sat on their thumbs. After years of frustration he said fuck it and went the executive order route to get shit done.

Now it’s up to Trump. It’s gotta come from our leader but he is proving to be the most divisive figure I’ve ever seen in the White House

Obama never tried to work with the republicans. In fact, he openly said that he would not. Remember? "elections have consequences" "we won" "the republicans need to move to the back of the bus".

Trump invited Pelosi and Schumer to the white house to work on compromises and they refused to attend. Sorry dude, but the dems are much worse on refusing to work with the party in power.

Actually, you got that backwards. Remember when McConnell and the rest of the GOP met the night after Obama was elected and decided that they were going to make him a one term president by blocking everything they could?
Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?

Trump is a well documented Pathological liar. They become so accustomed to lying they cannot distinguish between truth and lies. They create their own alternate world based on lies. Trump is a person you could put under a lie detector test--and he could lie all the way through it and pass the test. In his entire life, there has never been a consequence to his lying until NOW--when he is under the microscope of Robert Mueller and media critictism over his lies.
Medical Definition of PATHOLOGICAL LIAR

Here is a good example of that:

And now his voter fraud commission Bullshit is over ...Trump is worth less than a sack of s--t But he's repub s--t so they keep supporting him

His supporters are not going to admit that they elected a piece of shit President. They were warned a 1000 times over about Trump in the primary season, and voted for him anyway. 80% of Evangelicals in this country cast a vote for Trump even after the Hollywood access tape came out.
It may feel good to tell yourself that but it isn’t reality. Trump is winning and successful to himself and his supporters. I believe that you all believe that. He is a royal disaster to his opponents. Trust me, the Left is not making shit up in an attempt to stop all the winning. They are reacting to a bullish child who can’t tell the truth and who keeps hitting brick walls because he doesn’t know what he’s doing in the White House. Their “resist movement is an attempt to limit the damage he does till the next election.

It’s the same bullshit the Right did to Obama and it leads to gridlock, not progress. At some point we need a unifier who can get bipartisan legislation passed so we aren’t in a constant partisan tug o war.

So when Schumer and Pelosi refuse to attend a meeting aimed at finding compromise solutions--------------its ????????????
No Schumer and Pelosi are in full on resist mode. Just like Republicans had been in full on resist mode since Obamas inauguration. Thats my point, it is not a healthy or productive way to govern. We aren't going to get anywhere with the partisan finger pointing.

true, the dems have the opportunity to stop it and do the people's business. Why wont they?

Remember, Obama said "we won" "elections have consequences" "republicans need to move to the back of the bus" He refused to work with them. Dems refused to work with Bush.

Party has been placed above doing their jobs. Reagan and O'Neill understood and found ways to work together, so did Clinton and Newt.

Trump has invited the dem leaders to participate and they refused. Do you see a pattern here?
The Dems should set an example of how a minority party should act but they are playing the same petty games that the Republican player to block Obama. You forget that Obama tried to work with republicans and they sat on their thumbs. After years of frustration he said fuck it and went the executive order route to get shit done.

Now it’s up to Trump. It’s gotta come from our leader but he is proving to be the most divisive figure I’ve ever seen in the White House

Obama never tried to work with the republicans. In fact, he openly said that he would not. Remember? "elections have consequences" "we won" "the republicans need to move to the back of the bus".

Trump invited Pelosi and Schumer to the white house to work on compromises and they refused to attend. Sorry dude, but the dems are much worse on refusing to work with the party in power.
Yeah, the Dems suck. Obama should have tried harder to work on bipartisan efforts and he should not of said what he said. The Reps also had a part in trying to make him a One term president. None of the Dems actions excuses Republicans to do the same shit. Trumpnimbiting the Dems to a meeting doesn’t say shit about unity. Trump is totally divisive and inflammatory, I don’t think that is really a debatable observation. He needs to do better
The Dems should set an example of how a minority party should act but they are playing the same petty games that the Republican player to block Obama. You forget that Obama tried to work with republicans and they sat on their thumbs. After years of frustration he said fuck it and went the executive order route to get shit done.

Now it’s up to Trump. It’s gotta come from our leader but he is proving to be the most divisive figure I’ve ever seen in the White House
The problem as I see it it's gotta be Trumps way or the highway No room for bi partisanship

BS, he invited the dems to participate and they refused to attend. He is doing the country's business regardless of party. He is the most non-partisan president we have had in a very long time.
And now the justice dept are probing Clintons again for the 1000th time? And invited ?? By telling them what they say has no meaning ?? Fk trump and worse

the Clintons are criminals. Eventually they will be brought to justice. Comey and Lynch tried to cover for them and broke the law doing it. Why do you condone it when politicians and their cronies violate federal law?

I held top secret and SAP clearances for years. I know the rules. If I had done what Hillary did I would be typing this from Leavenworth prison. Why is she exempt from the laws that apply to YOU and ME?
She Bill and their charities have been investigated inside and out for many many years and republican scum found nothing Now they try to hide the trump thief behind another investigation??? Are all you fn republicans sick??

the pay for play evidence is there and its very clear. The took bribes through their foundation in exchange for favors when she was SecState. Its unlikely that they will be held up to justice because currently in this country political elites are considered above the laws that apply to you and me.
I never said he won the PV. I said he may have but it doesn't really matter because he won the election.

Some of what Trump says is said merely to spin you idiots up and make your little heads implode. He is toying with you and you don't even know it.
Toying ? By ranting and raving all day?? He is one MFing sick pos

I get it, you don't like Trump. I do. He is doing exactly what I want a president to do. Pissing off you liberals is just a bonus.
Obstruction of justice by the moron get you off??? The guy is a scumbag ,,no more no less

Hmmm, obstruction of justice pisses you off, eh? But not when done by the Clinton crime family?

How specifically has Trump obstructed justice? We all know how the Clintons did it, tell me what exactly you think Trump has done.
Firing Comey Trying to influence Sessions to stay and protect him and fight to get russia investigations dropped Hows that for starters?

Comey was fired because he violated his oath of office and created a false narrative to try to exonerate Hillary Clinton when she was clearly guilty.

Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation, even though there is nothing there, zero evidence of any collusion or undue influence.

Trump did not obstruct justice.

Now, shall we discuss the Clintons and the uranium one deal ? No? didn't think you would want to bring that up.
So when Schumer and Pelosi refuse to attend a meeting aimed at finding compromise solutions--------------its ????????????
No Schumer and Pelosi are in full on resist mode. Just like Republicans had been in full on resist mode since Obamas inauguration. Thats my point, it is not a healthy or productive way to govern. We aren't going to get anywhere with the partisan finger pointing.

true, the dems have the opportunity to stop it and do the people's business. Why wont they?

Remember, Obama said "we won" "elections have consequences" "republicans need to move to the back of the bus" He refused to work with them. Dems refused to work with Bush.

Party has been placed above doing their jobs. Reagan and O'Neill understood and found ways to work together, so did Clinton and Newt.

Trump has invited the dem leaders to participate and they refused. Do you see a pattern here?
The Dems should set an example of how a minority party should act but they are playing the same petty games that the Republican player to block Obama. You forget that Obama tried to work with republicans and they sat on their thumbs. After years of frustration he said fuck it and went the executive order route to get shit done.

Now it’s up to Trump. It’s gotta come from our leader but he is proving to be the most divisive figure I’ve ever seen in the White House

Obama never tried to work with the republicans. In fact, he openly said that he would not. Remember? "elections have consequences" "we won" "the republicans need to move to the back of the bus".

Trump invited Pelosi and Schumer to the white house to work on compromises and they refused to attend. Sorry dude, but the dems are much worse on refusing to work with the party in power.
Yeah, the Dems suck. Obama should have tried harder to work on bipartisan efforts and he should not of said what he said. The Reps also had a part in trying to make him a One term president. None of the Dems actions excuses Republicans to do the same shit. Trumpnimbiting the Dems to a meeting doesn’t say shit about unity. Trump is totally divisive and inflammatory, I don’t think that is really a debatable observation. He needs to do better

Trump is not a politician, he talks like you and I talk and he does what he says he will do.

to me, that is a refreshing change from the last 20 or 30 years.
Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?
/----/ When not dealing the race or class envy card, libs are reduced to calling an honest man a liar. They did it successfully with GWB and it worked because Bush wouldn't fight back. Trump does and libs can't figure out what to do.
Trump train.jpg
Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?

Trump is a well documented Pathological liar. They become so accustomed to lying they cannot distinguish between truth and lies. They create their own alternate world based on lies. Trump is a person you could put under a lie detector test--and he could lie all the way through it and pass the test. In his entire life, there has never been a consequence to his lying until NOW--when he is under the microscope of Robert Mueller and media critictism over his lies.
Medical Definition of PATHOLOGICAL LIAR

Here is a good example of that:

And now his voter fraud commission Bullshit is over ...Trump is worth less than a sack of s--t But he's repub s--t so they keep supporting him

His supporters are not going to admit that they elected a piece of shit President. They were warned a 1000 times over about Trump in the primary season, and voted for him anyway. 80% of Evangelicals in this country cast a vote for Trump even after the Hollywood access tape came out.

His first year has been a massive success in every way. Enjoy your larger paycheck starting feb 1.

Trump won partly because Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate and a terrible human being. He also won because a majority of americans are tired of do-nothing FOS presidents.
Toying ? By ranting and raving all day?? He is one MFing sick pos

I get it, you don't like Trump. I do. He is doing exactly what I want a president to do. Pissing off you liberals is just a bonus.
Obstruction of justice by the moron get you off??? The guy is a scumbag ,,no more no less

Hmmm, obstruction of justice pisses you off, eh? But not when done by the Clinton crime family?

How specifically has Trump obstructed justice? We all know how the Clintons did it, tell me what exactly you think Trump has done.
Firing Comey Trying to influence Sessions to stay and protect him and fight to get russia investigations dropped Hows that for starters?

Comey was fired because he violated his oath of office and created a false narrative to try to exonerate Hillary Clinton when she was clearly guilty.

Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation, even though there is nothing there, zero evidence of any collusion or undue influence.

Trump did not obstruct justice.

Now, shall we discuss the Clintons and the uranium one deal ? No? didn't think you would want to bring that up.
They covered that pretty well yesterday on TV... part of it was there were NINE people on the board and Hillary wasn't one of them Your republican friends have been after her for many years and they haven't laid a glove on her DESPITE all the BS they've thrown
So when Schumer and Pelosi refuse to attend a meeting aimed at finding compromise solutions--------------its ????????????
No Schumer and Pelosi are in full on resist mode. Just like Republicans had been in full on resist mode since Obamas inauguration. Thats my point, it is not a healthy or productive way to govern. We aren't going to get anywhere with the partisan finger pointing.

true, the dems have the opportunity to stop it and do the people's business. Why wont they?

Remember, Obama said "we won" "elections have consequences" "republicans need to move to the back of the bus" He refused to work with them. Dems refused to work with Bush.

Party has been placed above doing their jobs. Reagan and O'Neill understood and found ways to work together, so did Clinton and Newt.

Trump has invited the dem leaders to participate and they refused. Do you see a pattern here?
The Dems should set an example of how a minority party should act but they are playing the same petty games that the Republican player to block Obama. You forget that Obama tried to work with republicans and they sat on their thumbs. After years of frustration he said fuck it and went the executive order route to get shit done.

Now it’s up to Trump. It’s gotta come from our leader but he is proving to be the most divisive figure I’ve ever seen in the White House

Obama never tried to work with the republicans. In fact, he openly said that he would not. Remember? "elections have consequences" "we won" "the republicans need to move to the back of the bus".

Trump invited Pelosi and Schumer to the white house to work on compromises and they refused to attend. Sorry dude, but the dems are much worse on refusing to work with the party in power.

Actually, you got that backwards. Remember when McConnell and the rest of the GOP met the night after Obama was elected and decided that they were going to make him a one term president by blocking everything they could?

Sure, when has that not happened? The losing party always tries to make the winner a one term president. Why do you think that was something unusual? Do you not think the dems are trying to make Trump a one termer?
I get it, you don't like Trump. I do. He is doing exactly what I want a president to do. Pissing off you liberals is just a bonus.
Obstruction of justice by the moron get you off??? The guy is a scumbag ,,no more no less

Hmmm, obstruction of justice pisses you off, eh? But not when done by the Clinton crime family?

How specifically has Trump obstructed justice? We all know how the Clintons did it, tell me what exactly you think Trump has done.
Firing Comey Trying to influence Sessions to stay and protect him and fight to get russia investigations dropped Hows that for starters?

Comey was fired because he violated his oath of office and created a false narrative to try to exonerate Hillary Clinton when she was clearly guilty.

Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation, even though there is nothing there, zero evidence of any collusion or undue influence.

Trump did not obstruct justice.

Now, shall we discuss the Clintons and the uranium one deal ? No? didn't think you would want to bring that up.
They covered that pretty well yesterday on TV... part of it was there were NINE people on the board and Hillary wasn't one of them Your republican friends have been after her for many years and they haven't laid a glove on her DESPITE all the BS they've thrown

As SecState her vote carried more weight than the others. That deal was the direct result of Russian "contributions" into the Clinton foundation.

the Clinton crime family has been investigated for years because they are crooked. Eventually justice will prevail. But I will give them credit, they have been very good at dodging and eliminating anyone who might testify against them.
No Schumer and Pelosi are in full on resist mode. Just like Republicans had been in full on resist mode since Obamas inauguration. Thats my point, it is not a healthy or productive way to govern. We aren't going to get anywhere with the partisan finger pointing.

true, the dems have the opportunity to stop it and do the people's business. Why wont they?

Remember, Obama said "we won" "elections have consequences" "republicans need to move to the back of the bus" He refused to work with them. Dems refused to work with Bush.

Party has been placed above doing their jobs. Reagan and O'Neill understood and found ways to work together, so did Clinton and Newt.

Trump has invited the dem leaders to participate and they refused. Do you see a pattern here?
The Dems should set an example of how a minority party should act but they are playing the same petty games that the Republican player to block Obama. You forget that Obama tried to work with republicans and they sat on their thumbs. After years of frustration he said fuck it and went the executive order route to get shit done.

Now it’s up to Trump. It’s gotta come from our leader but he is proving to be the most divisive figure I’ve ever seen in the White House

Obama never tried to work with the republicans. In fact, he openly said that he would not. Remember? "elections have consequences" "we won" "the republicans need to move to the back of the bus".

Trump invited Pelosi and Schumer to the white house to work on compromises and they refused to attend. Sorry dude, but the dems are much worse on refusing to work with the party in power.
Yeah, the Dems suck. Obama should have tried harder to work on bipartisan efforts and he should not of said what he said. The Reps also had a part in trying to make him a One term president. None of the Dems actions excuses Republicans to do the same shit. Trumpnimbiting the Dems to a meeting doesn’t say shit about unity. Trump is totally divisive and inflammatory, I don’t think that is really a debatable observation. He needs to do better

Trump is not a politician, he talks like you and I talk and he does what he says he will do.

to me, that is a refreshing change from the last 20 or 30 years.
I most enjoyed how he prevented any airplane crashes in 2017 What doesn't he take credit for?
Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?

Trump is a well documented Pathological liar. They become so accustomed to lying they cannot distinguish between truth and lies. They create their own alternate world based on lies. Trump is a person you could put under a lie detector test--and he could lie all the way through it and pass the test. In his entire life, there has never been a consequence to his lying until NOW--when he is under the microscope of Robert Mueller and media critictism over his lies.
Medical Definition of PATHOLOGICAL LIAR

Here is a good example of that:

And now his voter fraud commission Bullshit is over ...Trump is worth less than a sack of s--t But he's repub s--t so they keep supporting him

His supporters are not going to admit that they elected a piece of shit President. They were warned a 1000 times over about Trump in the primary season, and voted for him anyway. 80% of Evangelicals in this country cast a vote for Trump even after the Hollywood access tape came out.

His first year has been a massive success in every way. Enjoy your larger paycheck starting feb 1.

Trump won partly because Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate and a terrible human being. He also won because a majority of americans are tired of do-nothing FOS presidents.

hillary had a 3 million majority
true, the dems have the opportunity to stop it and do the people's business. Why wont they?

Remember, Obama said "we won" "elections have consequences" "republicans need to move to the back of the bus" He refused to work with them. Dems refused to work with Bush.

Party has been placed above doing their jobs. Reagan and O'Neill understood and found ways to work together, so did Clinton and Newt.

Trump has invited the dem leaders to participate and they refused. Do you see a pattern here?
The Dems should set an example of how a minority party should act but they are playing the same petty games that the Republican player to block Obama. You forget that Obama tried to work with republicans and they sat on their thumbs. After years of frustration he said fuck it and went the executive order route to get shit done.

Now it’s up to Trump. It’s gotta come from our leader but he is proving to be the most divisive figure I’ve ever seen in the White House

Obama never tried to work with the republicans. In fact, he openly said that he would not. Remember? "elections have consequences" "we won" "the republicans need to move to the back of the bus".

Trump invited Pelosi and Schumer to the white house to work on compromises and they refused to attend. Sorry dude, but the dems are much worse on refusing to work with the party in power.
Yeah, the Dems suck. Obama should have tried harder to work on bipartisan efforts and he should not of said what he said. The Reps also had a part in trying to make him a One term president. None of the Dems actions excuses Republicans to do the same shit. Trumpnimbiting the Dems to a meeting doesn’t say shit about unity. Trump is totally divisive and inflammatory, I don’t think that is really a debatable observation. He needs to do better

Trump is not a politician, he talks like you and I talk and he does what he says he will do.

to me, that is a refreshing change from the last 20 or 30 years.
I most enjoyed how he prevented any airplane crashes in 2017 What doesn't he take credit for?

rightly or wrongly, presidents get credit or blame for whatever happens during their terms.

Do you hold Obama responsible for raising the national debt from 10T to 19T in 8 years?
Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?

Trump is a well documented Pathological liar. They become so accustomed to lying they cannot distinguish between truth and lies. They create their own alternate world based on lies. Trump is a person you could put under a lie detector test--and he could lie all the way through it and pass the test. In his entire life, there has never been a consequence to his lying until NOW--when he is under the microscope of Robert Mueller and media critictism over his lies.
Medical Definition of PATHOLOGICAL LIAR

Here is a good example of that:

And now his voter fraud commission Bullshit is over ...Trump is worth less than a sack of s--t But he's repub s--t so they keep supporting him

His supporters are not going to admit that they elected a piece of shit President. They were warned a 1000 times over about Trump in the primary season, and voted for him anyway. 80% of Evangelicals in this country cast a vote for Trump even after the Hollywood access tape came out.

His first year has been a massive success in every way. Enjoy your larger paycheck starting feb 1.

Trump won partly because Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate and a terrible human being. He also won because a majority of americans are tired of do-nothing FOS presidents.

hillary had a 3 million majority

all in California. and California is self destructing as we speak.
No Schumer and Pelosi are in full on resist mode. Just like Republicans had been in full on resist mode since Obamas inauguration. Thats my point, it is not a healthy or productive way to govern. We aren't going to get anywhere with the partisan finger pointing.

true, the dems have the opportunity to stop it and do the people's business. Why wont they?

Remember, Obama said "we won" "elections have consequences" "republicans need to move to the back of the bus" He refused to work with them. Dems refused to work with Bush.

Party has been placed above doing their jobs. Reagan and O'Neill understood and found ways to work together, so did Clinton and Newt.

Trump has invited the dem leaders to participate and they refused. Do you see a pattern here?
The Dems should set an example of how a minority party should act but they are playing the same petty games that the Republican player to block Obama. You forget that Obama tried to work with republicans and they sat on their thumbs. After years of frustration he said fuck it and went the executive order route to get shit done.

Now it’s up to Trump. It’s gotta come from our leader but he is proving to be the most divisive figure I’ve ever seen in the White House

Obama never tried to work with the republicans. In fact, he openly said that he would not. Remember? "elections have consequences" "we won" "the republicans need to move to the back of the bus".

Trump invited Pelosi and Schumer to the white house to work on compromises and they refused to attend. Sorry dude, but the dems are much worse on refusing to work with the party in power.
Yeah, the Dems suck. Obama should have tried harder to work on bipartisan efforts and he should not of said what he said. The Reps also had a part in trying to make him a One term president. None of the Dems actions excuses Republicans to do the same shit. Trumpnimbiting the Dems to a meeting doesn’t say shit about unity. Trump is totally divisive and inflammatory, I don’t think that is really a debatable observation. He needs to do better

Trump is not a politician, he talks like you and I talk and he does what he says he will do.

to me, that is a refreshing change from the last 20 or 30 years.
Just because he is offensive and unpolished doesn’t mean he is like “you and me” he is till riddled with lies, distortion, and corruption. He may not be as influenced by lobbies which I agree is refreshing... however he will pull out every dirty trick in the book to get what he wants.
Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?
It's obvious. He's mentally ill.

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