Why does Trump lie when there is no need

come on dude, Trump doesn't stretch the truth any more than any other politician. This thread is nothing but an attempt to make the ignorant think otherwise. Its propaganda, just like most of what the media spouts and what the opposition party puts out on the floor of congress. Its sad that this great country has come to this, but by buying into it you only perpetuate the foolishness.
Haha, now a lie is stretching the truth? Ok, nice one!

"we landed under sniper fire"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"I never had any classified data on my personal server"

Yes Lies. Why aren’t you making excuses for those and calling them “stretching the truth”? Stop being a partisan hack and call the game fairly on both sides

Ok I will, if you can give me 3 Trump quotes of equal significance.
You're joking right? I think there are now 1000's of documented falsities that have come from Trump and his white house. I've never seen anything like it. Here is a list of 100's
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

You want 3 specific lies that are on par with the ones you pointed out, here:

He accused the president of the United States of co-founding a Terrorist group. Not to mention the idiotic birther conspiracy.
Says Barack Obama "founded ISIS. I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton."
— PolitiFact National on Thursday, August 11th, 2016

He defamed his political opponent by bringing up his Canadian birth and pointing the spotlight to the Fake News tabloid, National Enquirer conspiracy about Cruz's father being with Oswald before the JFK assassination.
Says Ted Cruz’s father "was with Lee Harvey Oswald" before the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
— PolitiFact National on Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016

He called our unemployment numbers under Obama fake and is now taking credit for the low unemployment numbers
"Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent."
— PolitiFact National on Thursday, February 11th, 2016

There are many many many more and the point is that he has cried wolf so many times that it is not possible to trust anything that he says. He thinks up narratives that will be beneficial to him and then pushes them irregardless of facts. Its embarrassing and should be called out.

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

Ok, lets look at each of those.

Obama's policies allowed ISIS to grow and take control of more land. Trump told the truth

Cruz was born in Canada, In an election everything is fair game. No lies

the unemployment calculations under Obama were changed to no longer count those who had stopped looking for work. the UE numbers under Trump are better than Obama's. No lies there

So those three are not lies. Care to try again?
I feel the same way about Trump today as I did the day I voted for him: He's a thin-skinned ego maniac with the attention span of a 5year old child, but I want government regulations whacked, taxes cut, Muslims vetted, illegals deported, and conservative judges appointed.
And you think you are the one who gets to determine when a lie is "significant" enough to count as a "real" lie. So, when a Trump supporter of Trump spokesperson or he himself gets caught lying you can just claim the lie is not significant by your standard and therefore should not be counted as a real lie. Little lies don't count in Trump delusion world.

That's the danger of Trump lies. He lies about everything, even those things it doesn't make any sense to lie about. They're trying to say all those Trump lies where he does it to make himself look greater, or somebody else look smaller don't count. Bigger inauguration, that's just boasting. Obama bugged his phones, that just trying to tear down Obama. More bills signed than Truman, again just boasting.

the DOW broke 25,000 last week. Your 401K is growing because of Trump.

BTW, Obama's minions did bug the phones in Trump tower. No lie there either.
I feel the same way about Trump today as I did the day I voted for him: He's a thin-skinned ego maniac with the attention span of a 5year old child, but I want government regulations whacked, taxes cut, Muslims vetted, illegals deported, and conservative judges appointed.

can you name one politician in either party that is not a thin skinned ego maniac with a short attention span? It comes with the territory. But as you said, actions are more important than words.
I feel the same way about Trump today as I did the day I voted for him: He's a thin-skinned ego maniac with the attention span of a 5year old child, but I want government regulations whacked, taxes cut, Muslims vetted, illegals deported, and conservative judges appointed.
That makes you an unprincipled Idiot ... I have utter contempt for someone making that Deal ..its the kind of sucker Trump loves and cultivates

He might be an abusive dangerous son of a bitch but hey I may get something out of it....Deplorable Fucking Deplorable

Think about it a person willing to put "a thin-skinned ego maniac with the attention span of a 5 year old" in charge of Nuclear Weapons and our Nation's Armed Forces in order to get tax cuts for the top 1 percent of earners ...tax cuts that will blow up the Nation's deficit and debt but hey its worth it Incredible and to have conservative Judges that do not represent the Nation only the Conservative states which have a lower population total than the Blue states but they want to inflict the Roy Moore brand of Judges on all of us ...even if it takes electing an admitted by the poster mental defective ...that is CONSERVATISM No Moral NO ethics
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and trumps deep state bs? huh republicans?
Are you one of those who believes unions are commie plots? That civil rights, at long last, and the eradication of poll taxes is some socialist take over? Is equal pay and affordable healthcare a blot on our nation? And what about the hateful FDRs Social Security and LBJs Medicare. Because if these are 'deep state' maneuvers, why is it a bad thing? Do you see this progress as drawing the population into a trap? For what purpose? To make a place for an American Kim Jong Un?
Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?

Perception of Trump as the biggest and best is more important to him than the actual facts.

Its why he has never recanted his delusional nonsense about winning the popular vote or having the largest crowd sizes at his inauguration. He doesn't care if its true. He cares if its believed.

but for the illegals voting, the dead voting, and dems voting multiple times, he may have won the popular vote, but it doesn't matter, we don't elect presidents on popular vote. And but for California, he did win the popular vote.

Who cares how many people were at the inauguration? A lot of what he says is just to piss off you fools, and you are too dumb to realize it.
Pure fantasy. I defy you to back thay with actual evidence. You can’t....as it’s just sour grapes.

Trump couldn’t win the popular vote. He couldn’t even come close. So rather than accept reality, you invent a fantastically elaborate conspiracy backed by jack shit.

Ladies and gentlemen......I give you the Trump voter.

take California out of the PV and who wins? My point made and substantiated.

Um, no. Why would we talk the most populous state of the Union out of the vote counts?

You’ve got jack shit to back up your fantasy claims and you know it. Even Trump dissolved his hack Voter Fraud commission for lack of evidence to back up the same nonsense fantasy you’re mechanically apeing.

Back in reality, Trump lost the popular vote. And it wasn’t even close.
Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?

Perception of Trump as the biggest and best is more important to him than the actual facts.

Its why he has never recanted his delusional nonsense about winning the popular vote or having the largest crowd sizes at his inauguration. He doesn't care if its true. He cares if its believed.

but for the illegals voting, the dead voting, and dems voting multiple times, he may have won the popular vote, but it doesn't matter, we don't elect presidents on popular vote. And but for California, he did win the popular vote.

Who cares how many people were at the inauguration? A lot of what he says is just to piss off you fools, and you are too dumb to realize it.
Pure fantasy. I defy you to back thay with actual evidence. You can’t....as it’s just sour grapes.

Trump couldn’t win the popular vote. He couldn’t even come close. So rather than accept reality, you invent a fantastically elaborate conspiracy backed by jack shit.

Ladies and gentlemen......I give you the Trump voter.

take California out of the PV and who wins? My point made and substantiated.

Um, no. Why would we talk the most populous state of the Union out of the vote counts?

You’ve got jack shit to back up your fantasy claims and you know it. Even Trump dissolved his hack Voter Fraud commission for lack of evidence to back up the same nonsense fantasy you’re mechanically apeing.

Back in reality, Trump lost the popular vote. And it wasn’t even close.

the reality is that Trump won the EC, and it wasn't even close, despite libtardian California giving the majority of its votes to crooked Hillary. the founders were brilliant when they came up with the electoral college. they saved the country from crooked, old, sick, corrupt, cheating, lying Hillary Clinton and the corrupt Clinton dynasty. All hail the founders !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel the same way about Trump today as I did the day I voted for him: He's a thin-skinned ego maniac with the attention span of a 5year old child, but I want government regulations whacked, taxes cut, Muslims vetted, illegals deported, and conservative judges appointed.
That makes you an unprincipled Idiot ... I have utter contempt for someone making that Deal ..its the kind of sucker Trump loves and cultivates

He might be an abusive dangerous son of a bitch but hey I may get something out of it....Deplorable Fucking Deplorable

Think about it a person willing to put "a thin-skinned ego maniac with the attention span of a 5 year old" in charge of Nuclear Weapons and our Nation's Armed Forces in order to get tax cuts for the top 1 percent of earners ...tax cuts that will blow up the Nation's deficit and debt but hey its worth it Incredible and to have conservative Judges that do not represent the Nation only the Conservative states which have a lower population total than the Blue states but they want to inflict the Roy Moore brand of Judges on all of us ...even if it takes electing an admitted by the poster mental defective ...that is CONSERVATISM No Moral NO ethics

What does conservatism even stand for? Fiscal responsibility? 1.5 trillion added to the deficit in tax cuts that aren’t paid for say “fuck that”.

A lack of government interference in business? The president threatening businesses who don’t institute his policies say “fuck that”.

Morality and family values? Electing Mr. Grab Them By The Pussy, a serial adulterer who openly bragged about trying to cheat on his pregnant wife says “fuck that”.

Conservatives are left with tax cuts for the wealthy, a litany of batshit conspiracy theories, fucking with women’s reproduction. That’s pretty much it.
I feel the same way about Trump today as I did the day I voted for him: He's a thin-skinned ego maniac with the attention span of a 5year old child, but I want government regulations whacked, taxes cut, Muslims vetted, illegals deported, and conservative judges appointed.
That makes you an unprincipled Idiot ... I have utter contempt for someone making that Deal ..its the kind of sucker Trump loves and cultivates

He might be an abusive dangerous son of a bitch but hey I may get something out of it....Deplorable Fucking Deplorable

Think about it a person willing to put "a thin-skinned ego maniac with the attention span of a 5 year old" in charge of Nuclear Weapons and our Nation's Armed Forces in order to get tax cuts for the top 1 percent of earners ...tax cuts that will blow up the Nation's deficit and debt but hey its worth it Incredible and to have conservative Judges that do not represent the Nation only the Conservative states which have a lower population total than the Blue states but they want to inflict the Roy Moore brand of Judges on all of us ...even if it takes electing an admitted by the poster mental defective ...that is CONSERVATISM No Moral NO ethics

What does conservatism even stand for? Fiscal responsibility? 1.5 trillion added to the deficit in tax cuts that aren’t paid for say “fuck that”.

A lack of government interference in business? The president threatening businesses who don’t institute his policies say “fuck that”.

Morality and family values? Electing Mr. Grab Them By The Pussy, a serial adulterer who openly bragged about trying to cheat on his pregnant wife says “fuck that”.

Conservatives are left with tax cuts for the wealthy, a litany of batshit conspiracy theories, fucking with women’s reproduction. That’s pretty much it.
And no money for most important INFRASTRUCTURE,,,,,,,,,,,,,unless they cut medi care medi cade SS and welfare like ah Ryan will try to do
Perception of Trump as the biggest and best is more important to him than the actual facts.

Its why he has never recanted his delusional nonsense about winning the popular vote or having the largest crowd sizes at his inauguration. He doesn't care if its true. He cares if its believed.

but for the illegals voting, the dead voting, and dems voting multiple times, he may have won the popular vote, but it doesn't matter, we don't elect presidents on popular vote. And but for California, he did win the popular vote.

Who cares how many people were at the inauguration? A lot of what he says is just to piss off you fools, and you are too dumb to realize it.
Pure fantasy. I defy you to back thay with actual evidence. You can’t....as it’s just sour grapes.

Trump couldn’t win the popular vote. He couldn’t even come close. So rather than accept reality, you invent a fantastically elaborate conspiracy backed by jack shit.

Ladies and gentlemen......I give you the Trump voter.

take California out of the PV and who wins? My point made and substantiated.

Um, no. Why would we talk the most populous state of the Union out of the vote counts?

You’ve got jack shit to back up your fantasy claims and you know it. Even Trump dissolved his hack Voter Fraud commission for lack of evidence to back up the same nonsense fantasy you’re mechanically apeing.

Back in reality, Trump lost the popular vote. And it wasn’t even close.

the reality is that Trump won the EC, and it wasn't even close, despite libtardian California giving the majority of its votes to crooked Hillary. the founders were brilliant when they came up with the electoral college. they saved the country from crooked, old, sick, corrupt, cheating, lying Hillary Clinton and the corrupt Clinton dynasty. All hail the founders !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then why would Trump have to offer the delusional conspiracy batshit that he won the popular vote?

Why would you foolishly ape that nonsense?

And the EC is pretty much how the Republicans get by. Theyve managed to win the popular vote once since 1988.
and trumps deep state bs? huh republicans?
Are you one of those who believes unions are commie plots? That civil rights, at long last, and the eradication of poll taxes is some socialist take over? Is equal pay and affordable healthcare a blot on our nation? And what about the hateful FDRs Social Security and LBJs Medicare. Because if these are 'deep state' maneuvers, why is it a bad thing? Do you see this progress as drawing the population into a trap? For what purpose? To make a place for an American Kim Jong Un?[/QUOTE

obamacare is not affordable healthcare. everyone who is paying for health insurance is paying more and getting less coverage.

poll taxes were wrong, SS and medicare helped the majority of americans but they are a massive financial burden on our kids futures.

Unions had a valid role in the 20s and 30s. Today we have laws the protect workers from employer abuse, unions are no longer needed (except to fund the DNC).

the civil rights act of 1965 passed because of GOP votes in spite of democrat filibusters. Learn some history before spouting false talking points.

most of the media today is nothing but the mouthpiece of the far left, journalism in the USA is dead.
and trumps deep state bs? huh republicans?
Are you one of those who believes unions are commie plots? That civil rights, at long last, and the eradication of poll taxes is some socialist take over? Is equal pay and affordable healthcare a blot on our nation? And what about the hateful FDRs Social Security and LBJs Medicare. Because if these are 'deep state' maneuvers, why is it a bad thing? Do you see this progress as drawing the population into a trap? For what purpose? To make a place for an American Kim Jong Un?[/QUOTE

obamacare is not affordable healthcare. everyone who is paying for health insurance is paying more and getting less coverage.

poll taxes were wrong, SS and medicare helped the majority of americans but they are a massive financial burden on our kids futures.

Unions had a valid role in the 20s and 30s. Today we have laws the protect workers from employer abuse, unions are no longer needed (except to fund the DNC).

the civil rights act of 1965 passed because of GOP votes in spite of democrat filibusters. Learn some history before spouting false talking points.

most of the media today is nothing but the mouthpiece of the far left, journalism in the USA is dead.
Another guy who signed trumps loyalty pledge
but for the illegals voting, the dead voting, and dems voting multiple times, he may have won the popular vote, but it doesn't matter, we don't elect presidents on popular vote. And but for California, he did win the popular vote.

Who cares how many people were at the inauguration? A lot of what he says is just to piss off you fools, and you are too dumb to realize it.
Pure fantasy. I defy you to back thay with actual evidence. You can’t....as it’s just sour grapes.

Trump couldn’t win the popular vote. He couldn’t even come close. So rather than accept reality, you invent a fantastically elaborate conspiracy backed by jack shit.

Ladies and gentlemen......I give you the Trump voter.

take California out of the PV and who wins? My point made and substantiated.

Um, no. Why would we talk the most populous state of the Union out of the vote counts?

You’ve got jack shit to back up your fantasy claims and you know it. Even Trump dissolved his hack Voter Fraud commission for lack of evidence to back up the same nonsense fantasy you’re mechanically apeing.

Back in reality, Trump lost the popular vote. And it wasn’t even close.

the reality is that Trump won the EC, and it wasn't even close, despite libtardian California giving the majority of its votes to crooked Hillary. the founders were brilliant when they came up with the electoral college. they saved the country from crooked, old, sick, corrupt, cheating, lying Hillary Clinton and the corrupt Clinton dynasty. All hail the founders !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then why would Trump have to offer the delusional conspiracy batshit that he won the popular vote?

Why would you foolishly ape that nonsense?

And the EC is pretty much how the Republicans get by. Theyve managed to win the popular vote once since 1988.

we really don't know how many illegal and fraudulent votes were cast last year. It was certainly more than zero. Was it enough to make up the PV delta? maybe, maybe not, but it doesn't really matter. Hillary lost and will never be anything but a black mark in history.

Without the EC, four states would pick our presidents CA, TX, NY, and Fl. Do you think that would be fair to the other 46 states?
Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?
Because it's in his genes He can't help himself
and trumps deep state bs? huh republicans?
Are you one of those who believes unions are commie plots? That civil rights, at long last, and the eradication of poll taxes is some socialist take over? Is equal pay and affordable healthcare a blot on our nation? And what about the hateful FDRs Social Security and LBJs Medicare. Because if these are 'deep state' maneuvers, why is it a bad thing? Do you see this progress as drawing the population into a trap? For what purpose? To make a place for an American Kim Jong Un?[/QUOTE

obamacare is not affordable healthcare. everyone who is paying for health insurance is paying more and getting less coverage.

poll taxes were wrong, SS and medicare helped the majority of americans but they are a massive financial burden on our kids futures.

Unions had a valid role in the 20s and 30s. Today we have laws the protect workers from employer abuse, unions are no longer needed (except to fund the DNC).

the civil rights act of 1965 passed because of GOP votes in spite of democrat filibusters. Learn some history before spouting false talking points.

most of the media today is nothing but the mouthpiece of the far left, journalism in the USA is dead.
Another guy who signed trumps loyalty pledge

Trump is doing what I want our president to do. As long as he does that, I will support him. If he becomes a libtard, I will cease my support.
Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?
Because it's in his genes He can't help himself

No, its because he is a winner and you libs hate winners. You hate winners because when there are winners, there are also losers. You are unable to grasp the concept that everyone cannot win.
Pure fantasy. I defy you to back thay with actual evidence. You can’t....as it’s just sour grapes.

Trump couldn’t win the popular vote. He couldn’t even come close. So rather than accept reality, you invent a fantastically elaborate conspiracy backed by jack shit.

Ladies and gentlemen......I give you the Trump voter.

take California out of the PV and who wins? My point made and substantiated.

Um, no. Why would we talk the most populous state of the Union out of the vote counts?

You’ve got jack shit to back up your fantasy claims and you know it. Even Trump dissolved his hack Voter Fraud commission for lack of evidence to back up the same nonsense fantasy you’re mechanically apeing.

Back in reality, Trump lost the popular vote. And it wasn’t even close.

the reality is that Trump won the EC, and it wasn't even close, despite libtardian California giving the majority of its votes to crooked Hillary. the founders were brilliant when they came up with the electoral college. they saved the country from crooked, old, sick, corrupt, cheating, lying Hillary Clinton and the corrupt Clinton dynasty. All hail the founders !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then why would Trump have to offer the delusional conspiracy batshit that he won the popular vote?

Why would you foolishly ape that nonsense?

And the EC is pretty much how the Republicans get by. Theyve managed to win the popular vote once since 1988.

we really don't know how many illegal and fraudulent votes were cast last year. It was certainly more than zero. Was it enough to make up the PV delta? maybe, maybe not, but it doesn't really matter. Hillary lost and will never be anything but a black mark in history.

Without the EC, four states would pick our presidents CA, TX, NY, and Fl. Do you think that would be fair to the other 46 states?
Then how can you possibly claim that Trump won the popular vote when by your own admission, you don’t have a clue how many “fraudulent votes” were cast?

Admit it.....you’re just pulling numbers straight out of your ass. Just like Trump

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