Why does Trump lie when there is no need

"Trump is holding the kryptonite to destroy all of his enemies but he hasn't been using it." - Wacky Ann Coulter
All you can do is try to remember the hardcore cult followers who mimic their leader and just lie, lie, lie without shame to defend him.

good description of Hillary followers.
No, a description of what is going on with this topic right now on this page and segment of this thread.

come on dude, Trump doesn't stretch the truth any more than any other politician. This thread is nothing but an attempt to make the ignorant think otherwise. Its propaganda, just like most of what the media spouts and what the opposition party puts out on the floor of congress. Its sad that this great country has come to this, but by buying into it you only perpetuate the foolishness.
Haha, now a lie is stretching the truth? Ok, nice one!

"we landed under sniper fire"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"I never had any classified data on my personal server"

Yes Lies. Why aren’t you making excuses for those and calling them “stretching the truth”? Stop being a partisan hack and call the game fairly on both sides
good description of Hillary followers.
No, a description of what is going on with this topic right now on this page and segment of this thread.

come on dude, Trump doesn't stretch the truth any more than any other politician. This thread is nothing but an attempt to make the ignorant think otherwise. Its propaganda, just like most of what the media spouts and what the opposition party puts out on the floor of congress. Its sad that this great country has come to this, but by buying into it you only perpetuate the foolishness.
What you are saying is that some others have lied in the past, hence, Trump lies are acceptable.
Yes, that seems to be their arguement. Pathetic isn’t it?

This thread is but another example of the desperation of the loser left. they are trying 24/7/365 to find something to criticize about Trump. Its quite pathetic, and its not working. Trump is succeeding in every aspect of being president and the left is going crazy trying to ignore and denigrate his successes, and at the same time they are destroying the dem party.
It may feel good to tell yourself that but it isn’t reality. Trump is winning and successful to himself and his supporters. I believe that you all believe that. He is a royal disaster to his opponents. Trust me, the Left is not making shit up in an attempt to stop all the winning. They are reacting to a bullish child who can’t tell the truth and who keeps hitting brick walls because he doesn’t know what he’s doing in the White House. Their “resist movement is an attempt to limit the damage he does till the next election.

It’s the same bullshit the Right did to Obama and it leads to gridlock, not progress. At some point we need a unifier who can get bipartisan legislation passed so we aren’t in a constant partisan tug o war.
good description of Hillary followers.
No, a description of what is going on with this topic right now on this page and segment of this thread.

come on dude, Trump doesn't stretch the truth any more than any other politician. This thread is nothing but an attempt to make the ignorant think otherwise. Its propaganda, just like most of what the media spouts and what the opposition party puts out on the floor of congress. Its sad that this great country has come to this, but by buying into it you only perpetuate the foolishness.
What you are saying is that some others have lied in the past, hence, Trump lies are acceptable.

No, I am saying that you are lying about the number and significance of his lies. '

You libs need to get over it. Hillary lost, Obama sucked. Trump won.
So, you are calling me a liar because I quote multiple news sources that list specific lies that Trump has told. We are in the era of Trump. You demand the same nonsense logic Trump demands. If a fact is distorted, misrepresented, or even a complete misrepresentation, you or 'Rump just go into denial and refuse to acknowledge truth and accuracy. Like a small child, you deny eating the cake even though the icing and crumbs are all over your face.

here is what I said: " No, I am saying that you are lying about the number and significance of his lies. "

its obviously beyond your minimal skills in reading comprehension and the English language. Sorry, but I am not responsible for your inability to understand.
good description of Hillary followers.
No, a description of what is going on with this topic right now on this page and segment of this thread.

come on dude, Trump doesn't stretch the truth any more than any other politician. This thread is nothing but an attempt to make the ignorant think otherwise. Its propaganda, just like most of what the media spouts and what the opposition party puts out on the floor of congress. Its sad that this great country has come to this, but by buying into it you only perpetuate the foolishness.
Haha, now a lie is stretching the truth? Ok, nice one!

"we landed under sniper fire"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"I never had any classified data on my personal server"

Yes Lies. Why aren’t you making excuses for those and calling them “stretching the truth”? Stop being a partisan hack and call the game fairly on both sides

Ok I will, if you can give me 3 Trump quotes of equal significance.
No, a description of what is going on with this topic right now on this page and segment of this thread.

come on dude, Trump doesn't stretch the truth any more than any other politician. This thread is nothing but an attempt to make the ignorant think otherwise. Its propaganda, just like most of what the media spouts and what the opposition party puts out on the floor of congress. Its sad that this great country has come to this, but by buying into it you only perpetuate the foolishness.
What you are saying is that some others have lied in the past, hence, Trump lies are acceptable.
Yes, that seems to be their arguement. Pathetic isn’t it?

This thread is but another example of the desperation of the loser left. they are trying 24/7/365 to find something to criticize about Trump. Its quite pathetic, and its not working. Trump is succeeding in every aspect of being president and the left is going crazy trying to ignore and denigrate his successes, and at the same time they are destroying the dem party.
It may feel good to tell yourself that but it isn’t reality. Trump is winning and successful to himself and his supporters. I believe that you all believe that. He is a royal disaster to his opponents. Trust me, the Left is not making shit up in an attempt to stop all the winning. They are reacting to a bullish child who can’t tell the truth and who keeps hitting brick walls because he doesn’t know what he’s doing in the White House. Their “resist movement is an attempt to limit the damage he does till the next election.

It’s the same bullshit the Right did to Obama and it leads to gridlock, not progress. At some point we need a unifier who can get bipartisan legislation passed so we aren’t in a constant partisan tug o war.

So when Schumer and Pelosi refuse to attend a meeting aimed at finding compromise solutions--------------its ????????????
Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?
Donald Trump's huge golf hypocrisy - CNNPolitics
"If I win I may never see my property -- I may never see these places again," Trump said at an August 2016 campaign event. "But because I'm going to be working for you, I'm not going to have time to go golfing, believe me. Believe me. Believe me, folks."

Trump tweeted 27 times about President Barack Obama's golf habits between 2011 and 2016, according to SB Nation. Here's a random sampling:
  • "While our wonderful president was out playing golf all day, the TSA is falling apart, just like our government! Airports a total disaster!" (May 2016)
  • "President Obama should have gone to Louisiana days ago, instead of golfing. Too little, too late!" (August 2016)
  • "Obama has admitted that he spends his mornings watching @ESPN. Then he plays golf, fundraises & grants amnesty to illegals." (December 2014)
They're all pretty much in that vein. Obama would rather play golf than do his job. If he was elected President, promised Trump, he wouldn't be playing much golf at all.


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No, a description of what is going on with this topic right now on this page and segment of this thread.

come on dude, Trump doesn't stretch the truth any more than any other politician. This thread is nothing but an attempt to make the ignorant think otherwise. Its propaganda, just like most of what the media spouts and what the opposition party puts out on the floor of congress. Its sad that this great country has come to this, but by buying into it you only perpetuate the foolishness.
Haha, now a lie is stretching the truth? Ok, nice one!

"we landed under sniper fire"
"the average family will save $2500 per year"
"I never had any classified data on my personal server"

Yes Lies. Why aren’t you making excuses for those and calling them “stretching the truth”? Stop being a partisan hack and call the game fairly on both sides

Ok I will, if you can give me 3 Trump quotes of equal significance.
You're joking right? I think there are now 1000's of documented falsities that have come from Trump and his white house. I've never seen anything like it. Here is a list of 100's
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

You want 3 specific lies that are on par with the ones you pointed out, here:

He accused the president of the United States of co-founding a Terrorist group. Not to mention the idiotic birther conspiracy.
Says Barack Obama "founded ISIS. I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton."
— PolitiFact National on Thursday, August 11th, 2016

He defamed his political opponent by bringing up his Canadian birth and pointing the spotlight to the Fake News tabloid, National Enquirer conspiracy about Cruz's father being with Oswald before the JFK assassination.
Says Ted Cruz’s father "was with Lee Harvey Oswald" before the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
— PolitiFact National on Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016

He called our unemployment numbers under Obama fake and is now taking credit for the low unemployment numbers
"Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent."
— PolitiFact National on Thursday, February 11th, 2016

There are many many many more and the point is that he has cried wolf so many times that it is not possible to trust anything that he says. He thinks up narratives that will be beneficial to him and then pushes them irregardless of facts. Its embarrassing and should be called out.

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
come on dude, Trump doesn't stretch the truth any more than any other politician. This thread is nothing but an attempt to make the ignorant think otherwise. Its propaganda, just like most of what the media spouts and what the opposition party puts out on the floor of congress. Its sad that this great country has come to this, but by buying into it you only perpetuate the foolishness.
What you are saying is that some others have lied in the past, hence, Trump lies are acceptable.
Yes, that seems to be their arguement. Pathetic isn’t it?

This thread is but another example of the desperation of the loser left. they are trying 24/7/365 to find something to criticize about Trump. Its quite pathetic, and its not working. Trump is succeeding in every aspect of being president and the left is going crazy trying to ignore and denigrate his successes, and at the same time they are destroying the dem party.
It may feel good to tell yourself that but it isn’t reality. Trump is winning and successful to himself and his supporters. I believe that you all believe that. He is a royal disaster to his opponents. Trust me, the Left is not making shit up in an attempt to stop all the winning. They are reacting to a bullish child who can’t tell the truth and who keeps hitting brick walls because he doesn’t know what he’s doing in the White House. Their “resist movement is an attempt to limit the damage he does till the next election.

It’s the same bullshit the Right did to Obama and it leads to gridlock, not progress. At some point we need a unifier who can get bipartisan legislation passed so we aren’t in a constant partisan tug o war.

So when Schumer and Pelosi refuse to attend a meeting aimed at finding compromise solutions--------------its ????????????
No Schumer and Pelosi are in full on resist mode. Just like Republicans had been in full on resist mode since Obamas inauguration. Thats my point, it is not a healthy or productive way to govern. We aren't going to get anywhere with the partisan finger pointing.
Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?

Perception of Trump as the biggest and best is more important to him than the actual facts.

Its why he has never recanted his delusional nonsense about winning the popular vote or having the largest crowd sizes at his inauguration. He doesn't care if its true. He cares if its believed.

but for the illegals voting, the dead voting, and dems voting multiple times, he may have won the popular vote, but it doesn't matter, we don't elect presidents on popular vote. And but for California, he did win the popular vote.

Who cares how many people were at the inauguration? A lot of what he says is just to piss off you fools, and you are too dumb to realize it.
Pure fantasy. I defy you to back thay with actual evidence. You can’t....as it’s just sour grapes.

Trump couldn’t win the popular vote. He couldn’t even come close. So rather than accept reality, you invent a fantastically elaborate conspiracy backed by jack shit.

Ladies and gentlemen......I give you the Trump voter.
Trump couldn’t win the popular vote. He couldn’t even come close. So rather than accept reality, you invent a fantastically elaborate conspiracy backed by jack shit.

Ladies and gentlemen......I give you the Trump voter.

The Trump voter doesn't care what Trump does. Even if Trump screws them with his tax bill, they smile and tell Trump "Yes sir, can I have another..."
Why does Trump lie when there is no need.
I think Trump tells far fewer lies than people think.

According to the book, "On Bullshit by Harry G. Frankfurt"

A lie is when you know the truth but say something contrary.

Bullshit is saying a falsehood, not knowing or caring what the truth is.
No, a description of what is going on with this topic right now on this page and segment of this thread.

come on dude, Trump doesn't stretch the truth any more than any other politician. This thread is nothing but an attempt to make the ignorant think otherwise. Its propaganda, just like most of what the media spouts and what the opposition party puts out on the floor of congress. Its sad that this great country has come to this, but by buying into it you only perpetuate the foolishness.
What you are saying is that some others have lied in the past, hence, Trump lies are acceptable.

No, I am saying that you are lying about the number and significance of his lies. '

You libs need to get over it. Hillary lost, Obama sucked. Trump won.
So, you are calling me a liar because I quote multiple news sources that list specific lies that Trump has told. We are in the era of Trump. You demand the same nonsense logic Trump demands. If a fact is distorted, misrepresented, or even a complete misrepresentation, you or 'Rump just go into denial and refuse to acknowledge truth and accuracy. Like a small child, you deny eating the cake even though the icing and crumbs are all over your face.

here is what I said: " No, I am saying that you are lying about the number and significance of his lies. "

its obviously beyond your minimal skills in reading comprehension and the English language. Sorry, but I am not responsible for your inability to understand.
Trump lies on the average of 5.5 times a day. Every day.
Why does Trump lie when there is no need.
I think Trump tells far fewer lies than people think.

According to the book, "On Bullshit by Harry G. Frankfurt"

A lie is when you know the truth but say something contrary.

Bullshit is saying a falsehood, not knowing or caring what the truth is.
Is “ I will lose money on this tax bill “ a lie?
I think Trump tells far fewer lies than people think.

According to the book, "On Bullshit by Harry G. Frankfurt"

A lie is when you know the truth but say something contrary.

Bullshit is saying a falsehood, not knowing or caring what the truth is.
Is “ I will lose money on this tax bill “ a lie?

Trump has access to a whole government of fact checkers. They are certainly trying to correct what's written for Trump. Ther problem is when he goes off script, like when he added "on both sides", that's when Trump starts lying his ass off.

I'm sure they send Trump page after of page of corrections, but as we now know Trump doesn't like reading.
All you can do is try to remember the hardcore cult followers who mimic their leader and just lie, lie, lie without shame to defend him.

good description of Hillary followers.
No, a description of what is going on with this topic right now on this page and segment of this thread.

come on dude, Trump doesn't stretch the truth any more than any other politician. This thread is nothing but an attempt to make the ignorant think otherwise. Its propaganda, just like most of what the media spouts and what the opposition party puts out on the floor of congress. Its sad that this great country has come to this, but by buying into it you only perpetuate the foolishness.
What you are saying is that some others have lied in the past, hence, Trump lies are acceptable.

No, I am saying that you are lying about the number and significance of his lies. '

You libs need to get over it. Hillary lost, Obama sucked. Trump won.
And you think you are the one who gets to determine when a lie is "significant" enough to count as a "real" lie. So, when a Trump supporter of Trump spokesperson or he himself gets caught lying you can just claim the lie is not significant by your standard and therefore should not be counted as a real lie. Little lies don't count in Trump delusion world.
And you think you are the one who gets to determine when a lie is "significant" enough to count as a "real" lie. So, when a Trump supporter of Trump spokesperson or he himself gets caught lying you can just claim the lie is not significant by your standard and therefore should not be counted as a real lie. Little lies don't count in Trump delusion world.

That's the danger of Trump lies. He lies about everything, even those things it doesn't make any sense to lie about. They're trying to say all those Trump lies where he does it to make himself look greater, or somebody else look smaller don't count. Bigger inauguration, that's just boasting. Obama bugged his phones, that just trying to tear down Obama. More bills signed than Truman, again just boasting.
What you are saying is that some others have lied in the past, hence, Trump lies are acceptable.
Yes, that seems to be their arguement. Pathetic isn’t it?

This thread is but another example of the desperation of the loser left. they are trying 24/7/365 to find something to criticize about Trump. Its quite pathetic, and its not working. Trump is succeeding in every aspect of being president and the left is going crazy trying to ignore and denigrate his successes, and at the same time they are destroying the dem party.
It may feel good to tell yourself that but it isn’t reality. Trump is winning and successful to himself and his supporters. I believe that you all believe that. He is a royal disaster to his opponents. Trust me, the Left is not making shit up in an attempt to stop all the winning. They are reacting to a bullish child who can’t tell the truth and who keeps hitting brick walls because he doesn’t know what he’s doing in the White House. Their “resist movement is an attempt to limit the damage he does till the next election.

It’s the same bullshit the Right did to Obama and it leads to gridlock, not progress. At some point we need a unifier who can get bipartisan legislation passed so we aren’t in a constant partisan tug o war.

So when Schumer and Pelosi refuse to attend a meeting aimed at finding compromise solutions--------------its ????????????
No Schumer and Pelosi are in full on resist mode. Just like Republicans had been in full on resist mode since Obamas inauguration. Thats my point, it is not a healthy or productive way to govern. We aren't going to get anywhere with the partisan finger pointing.

true, the dems have the opportunity to stop it and do the people's business. Why wont they?

Remember, Obama said "we won" "elections have consequences" "republicans need to move to the back of the bus" He refused to work with them. Dems refused to work with Bush.

Party has been placed above doing their jobs. Reagan and O'Neill understood and found ways to work together, so did Clinton and Newt.

Trump has invited the dem leaders to participate and they refused. Do you see a pattern here?
Why does Trump lie when there is no need. He made a ridiculous claim that he signed the most bills of any President. It is not close to the truth.
He has plenty to tout with the passing of tax reform, judges appointed, regulations reduced through executive order and more.
Why does he continually lie?

Perception of Trump as the biggest and best is more important to him than the actual facts.

Its why he has never recanted his delusional nonsense about winning the popular vote or having the largest crowd sizes at his inauguration. He doesn't care if its true. He cares if its believed.

but for the illegals voting, the dead voting, and dems voting multiple times, he may have won the popular vote, but it doesn't matter, we don't elect presidents on popular vote. And but for California, he did win the popular vote.

Who cares how many people were at the inauguration? A lot of what he says is just to piss off you fools, and you are too dumb to realize it.
Pure fantasy. I defy you to back thay with actual evidence. You can’t....as it’s just sour grapes.

Trump couldn’t win the popular vote. He couldn’t even come close. So rather than accept reality, you invent a fantastically elaborate conspiracy backed by jack shit.

Ladies and gentlemen......I give you the Trump voter.

take California out of the PV and who wins? My point made and substantiated.
good description of Hillary followers.
No, a description of what is going on with this topic right now on this page and segment of this thread.

come on dude, Trump doesn't stretch the truth any more than any other politician. This thread is nothing but an attempt to make the ignorant think otherwise. Its propaganda, just like most of what the media spouts and what the opposition party puts out on the floor of congress. Its sad that this great country has come to this, but by buying into it you only perpetuate the foolishness.
What you are saying is that some others have lied in the past, hence, Trump lies are acceptable.

No, I am saying that you are lying about the number and significance of his lies. '

You libs need to get over it. Hillary lost, Obama sucked. Trump won.
And you think you are the one who gets to determine when a lie is "significant" enough to count as a "real" lie. So, when a Trump supporter of Trump spokesperson or he himself gets caught lying you can just claim the lie is not significant by your standard and therefore should not be counted as a real lie. Little lies don't count in Trump delusion world.

an exaggeration or a joke may or may not be a lie. Trump is very good at spinning you libs up and making your little heads explode-----------and then laughing at you.

Get real. Everyone lies, especially politicians and the media. Its our duty as citizens to sort out the bullshit and vote in our best interests, the vote of November 2016 proved that the citizens are smarter than the propagandists in the media.

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