Why Does Washington Want to Hide Science Data From the Public?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
This administration has been the least transparent of all of them. The Dems aren't likely to support a bill that would require government to disclose all scientific and technical info that they base regulations on. The left likely doesn't want this data held up to scrutiny. It's crazy that some in congress have to make a law to force government to be honest with us.

HR 4012 would force the Environmental Protection Agency to disclose all scientific and technical information before proposing or finalizing any regulation. Doing so would allow for independent analysis and allow qualified experts to reproduce the results. The public would have access to the data, computer codes and models, as well as descriptions as to how to use and run the data. The legislation would be an important check on an agency running rogue and landing punch after punch to the American economy.
"Why Does Washington Want to Hide Science Data From the Public?"

Why do many conservatives seek to propagate such ridiculous hyperbole and lies.
"Why Does Washington Want to Hide Science Data From the Public?"

Why do many conservatives seek to propagate such ridiculous hyperbole and lies.

UNBELIEVEABLE!!! Shyster, you are almost as fucked up as Muttley with your outrageous support of the cretin in the White House who, VIDEO AFTER VIDEO, shows the mother fucker LIES! You sir, are scum, just as the LIAR FOR HIRE in the White House is!!! No wonder I keep saying you on the left only have low to mid range 2 digit IQ's!
"Why Does Washington Want to Hide Science Data From the Public?"

Why do many conservatives seek to propagate such ridiculous hyperbole and lies.

LOL! Yeah, hyperbole... and the propagation thereof; serious problem.

Of course there is no greater propagation of hyperbole than that common to the ideological left.

This is the same group which is desperate to avoid the data that shows that the earth's climate changes... and that is the nature of the Earth's climate. Because the Earth's climate responds to endless parades of cycles, from the earth's rotation, to its orbit around the sun... and the sun has its own cycles.

The Left has 'hidden' this 'data' from its constituency, OKA: The Cult of the Intellectually Less Fortunate and they've hidden it, because to not hide it would mean that the 22 billion dollars a year boondoggle to 'prevent Climate Change', would be O V E R!

The coolest part of all this is that ancient fables called this for thousands of years...one of the more popular versions is "Chicken Little". And despite that, the modern left is incapable of seeing what is otherwise obvious.
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The reason Washington hides data, stats and trends is because they themselves have information hidden from them because they are a sub-tier component affected by broader globalization goals.

So the ideological and political philosophy arena is just a big distraction as that part of the play Washington is just a hooded shell to aid deployment of the grander illusion.

Thus Washington is not involved in any global scale systems in finance/investment/banking, global communications, global technological sciences, global military or global government planning because their realm of delusion is the national sphere to also help keep them uninformed.

Plus national governments have enough work just managing their individual nations and their growing debt servitude and they are now national top tier insurance agencies GUARANTEED to fold into the financial foreclosure process, that is also their function.

That is is why Washington has nothing to do with actual Global NATO strategy, the cannot audit the Federal Reserve, they have no idea how much gold bullion the US national powers actually hold, and they are TOTALLY backward and uninformed in global computing networks running global banking, markets, communications and satellite space networking.

The US national government and others are a picture of another era and their backwardness in all direction of technological and system expansion ensure they are absorbed by world government as a pawned nation-state sovereign model of rulership that has expired into the new globalization paradigm.

The "world" does not "end", the nation-state era of autonomous sovereignty does end, and 75% of that intrigue will be by debt and economic dependency on globalist systems for survival, the big guns just ensure that is the way it must go, from top to bottom.

That is why political rhetoric and democrat this and republican that are totally meaningless to the bigger global political system of world government that all this ignorance and debate aids. National governments merely are reorganized and aligned into the bigger world government picture in time. Global sovereignty will supercede national sovereignty and it will be turbulent but it is NOT "the end of the world".

American and EU national sovereign power is just "normalized" to equal status with Russia and China, and from that platform world government emerges utilizing the national unions to carry out what is a "super-corporate" world government based fully globalized and "legal" system.

US politicians will do whatever they are told, and the smokescreen of ideology will continue until world government emerges from the smoke and mirrors. US politicians (as a global type) are the first to get their own 666 "in the forehead" and will lead their nations to that world government "solution" in time, if you want to see it from a semi-prophetic perspective. But it is all the same story, with or without religion it is a cycle to world government, and in the end it will be "without" religion as part of the process.

Religious assets aid recovery of the national system into world government and their definition of "world peace" that they will achieve when the national sovereigns are under foot properly. Its a super-cycle forming since WW1, so it is not "conspiracy" it is history of various institutional complexes to be controlled by the all powerful global corporate system. It is cyclic, this is the fourth cycle since WW1, including the Cold War slated for simultaneous phase 2 of it and GWOT: WW4.

The Cold War is destined to "heat up" in the future, imo. It and GWOT must resolve into world government. That is the plot of the global movie, actually rather easy to see when explained in basic concepts of power consolidation. Washington has no power, because debt transfers that power to the far more powerful global "master creditor" whose corporations are part of the world government.

That is how the USA national power is pawned, while the Anglo-American core globalized empire climaxes globally. It is a formula, and national sovereigns are who must be controlled 100%, to ensure that world peace by world government goals and definition. The chief problem is unintelligent national government and religion, and both are to be dealt with in their own special ways by world government power and authority and a truly global NATO, with Russia and Chinese military assimilation, will be part of that grand "solution" in time.

They also run their own national soap operas of distraction for the average dumbed down Joe of modern society. The less people know the better for world government finalization.

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