Why doesn't meat help meat eaters be healthy?

I'm defending meat eating, not attacking veganism. Big difference. Note that the theme of the thread is an attack on meat eating.
Not really.

You want to be able to rebut every argument but you want people who disagree with you not to rebut yours.

And you like to use emotionally charged words like "attack" . Why is that?

I haven't "attacked" anything or anyone and I have repeatedly asked you to quote the post where you think I have but as yet you haven't done that.

And why is it you think eating meat needs to be "defended"?
Not really.

I have met more than enough people who are somehow offended by my change in diet even though I never once told them I think they should change what they eat.

In fact I people I know that eat meat have actually put meat on my plate and say shit like , "Come on you know you want to eat it",
Once a person I know put bacon grease all over my baked potato before he served it to me at a cookout thinking I wouldn't notice

It seems meat eaters are threatened by people who choose not to eat meat anymore.
We are in agreement that no one should question or ridicule anothers eating decisions. But most vegans try to denigrate meat eaters and call them insane names. Earlier you said we should not raise and slaughter animals for food. WTF do you think lions and tigers do to anelope and wildebeasts? No, they don't raise them, but they certainly slaughter them and in much more painful ways than humans do. Nature is nature as God designed it. Leave it alone and eat twigs and leaves as you choose.
No one I know would call me a "liberal" whatever that means to you.

Do you even know who I do or don't vote for?

And If you bothered to read anything I ever said about electric cars and so called renewable energy you would know how stupid you sound right now.
most vegans are libs, it you aren't then I mislabeled you. Aren't most of your vegan friends also liberals?
most vegans are libs, it you aren't then I mislabeled you. Aren't most of your vegan friends also liberals?

You do like your broad brushes don't you?

I guess I don't make every little thing into something political
We are in agreement that no one should question or ridicule anothers eating decisions. But most vegans try to denigrate meat eaters and call them insane names. Earlier you said we should not raise and slaughter animals for food. WTF do you think lions and tigers do to anelope and wildebeasts? No, they don't raise them, but they certainly slaughter them and in much more painful ways than humans do. Nature is nature as God designed it. Leave it alone and eat twigs and leaves as you choose.

So you think that humans are no better than wild animals?

You think we are slaves to instinct?

And FYI what we do to animals in factory farming isn;t natural.

You do like to use the word natural though even though it is unnatural for humans to drink cow's milk or to feed cows a diet of grains and animal byproducts, or to pump cows full of antibiotics and steroids

But a whole food plant based diet is what you call unnatural.

And there is no such thing as humane slaughter especially when that slaughter is unnecessary
Not really.

You want to be able to rebut every argument but you want people who disagree with you not to rebut yours.

And you like to use emotionally charged words like "attack" . Why is that?

I haven't "attacked" anything or anyone and I have repeatedly asked you to quote the post where you think I have but as yet you haven't done that.

And why is it you think eating meat needs to be "defended"?
When you entered the fray you 'piled on' the anti-meat arguments. However, it was clear very early that you were going to insinuate veganism into the discussion.

I'm defending meat eating because it was attacked in the OP.
So you think that humans are no better than wild animals?

You think we are slaves to instinct?

And FYI what we do to animals in factory farming isn;t natural.

You do like to use the word natural though even though it is unnatural for humans to drink cow's milk or to feed cows a diet of grains and animal byproducts, or to pump cows full of antibiotics and steroids

But a whole food plant based diet is what you call unnatural.

And there is no such thing as humane slaughter especially when that slaughter is unnecessary
Careful Blues, you are dangerously close to attacking (def: aggressive disagreement).
You do like your broad brushes don't you?

I guess I don't make every little thing into something political
Most vegans are liberal and national health is a very political concern. Fad diets like veganism are not the way forward to better national health.
Nature is nature as God designed it.

Are you a Christian? Because from a biblical standpoint, your statement is demonstrably false.

The way the world is now is NOTHING like the way God designed it to be, and the way it was in the beginning.

Read Genesis 1. In the garden of Eden, both humans AND animals were herbivorous. (Genesis 1: 29–30)

If you're not a Christian then I don't expect you to agree with what I just said because obviously you would be going by an entirely different worldview.
Nothing from the meat or dairy industry can be trusted and no organizations supported by the meat and dairy industry can be trusted.

Amen! Thank you for having a brain and awareness. (at least on this topic) Unlike most people.
Not really.

I have met more than enough people who are somehow offended by my change in diet even though I never once told them I think they should change what they eat.

In fact I people I know that eat meat have actually put meat on my plate and say shit like , "Come on you know you want to eat it",
Once a person I know put bacon grease all over my baked potato before he served it to me at a cookout thinking I wouldn't notice

It seems meat eaters are threatened by people who choose not to eat meat anymore.

Same here. It really is very interesting…from a psychological standpoint. But it's not that hard to figure out. The reason why people feel threatened by vegans is because even without saying a word (even just the presence of a vegan at a dinner table) it challenges their lifestyle and daily habits.

And of course no one likes to think that they're doing something wrong or unethical. So a person's immediate reaction is defensiveness.

And then, some people go on the attack, because they want so badly to maintain the status quo that they feel a movement that challenges the status quo must be crushed.
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Most vegans are liberal and national health is a very political concern. Fad diets like veganism are not the way forward to better national health.

How anyone can say that with a straight face is mind-boggling to me.

Look at the state of health in the US, which is supposed to be a first world country. Most people are obese, heart disease is the number one killer. And studies have proven time and time again, for many decades, that a diet high in meat raises one's risk for heart disease. Other studies have proven that too much meat raises one's risk for certain types of cancer. Dairy is also bad for health, contrary to what people have been indoctrinated to believe.

Eating dead bodies is not the way to better health, no matter how much you personally want to eat chopped up dead bodies.

And stop being dishonest. Veganism is not a fad diet. As you have ignored again and again and again, throughout this entire thread, a plantbased diet and peace and harmony between humans and animals was GOD's idea from the start. (Genesis 1:29-30) Vegetarianism has been around since the dawn of time. The word veganism is relatively new in comparison to the history of the world, but the idea has always been around to not harm animals unnecessarily.
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Animals raised organically solves the problem of factory farming.
Absolutely! I was just going to say that there are two categories of meat. The factory animals that are pumped with hormones, antibiotics, and GMO grains vs. naturally grown, grass fed beef. That's the only kind I eat and I feel great.
And there is no such thing as humane slaughter especially when that slaughter is unnecessary
Humane is a relative term. Farm animals live a pretty good life, and death is swift. Not so in nature where such animals live in constant fear to the point of paranoia and usually die a horrible death.
How anyone can say that with a straight face is mind-boggling to me.

Look at the state of health in the US, which is supposed to be a first world country. Most people are obese, heart disease is the number one killer. And studies have proven time and time again, for many decades, that a diet high in meat raises one's risk for heart disease. Other studies have proven that too much meat raises one's risk for certain types of cancer. Dairy is also bad for health, contrary to what people have been indoctrinated to believe.

Eating dead bodies is not the way to better health, no matter how much you personally want to eat chopped up dead bodies.

And stop being dishonest. Veganism is not a fad diet. As you have ignored again and again and again, throughout this entire thread, a plantbased diet and peace and harmony between humans and animals was GOD's idea from the start. (Genesis 1:29-30) Vegetarianism has been around since the dawn of time. The word veganism is relatively new in comparison to the history of the world, but the idea has always been around to not harm animals unnecessarily.
It seems that minorities have the most health problems. Take them out of the equation and our health isn't too bad.

Of course, it's not generally healthy to eat too much meat. Eating too much of anything-overeating- is bad for health. However, there those on all meat diets that are perfectly healthy. As I stated earlier I eat one-fifth of the average meat consumption. If everyone ate like me America would be the healthiest place on earth, with the longest life-span.

Once food, any food, is chewed up and swallowed it is all chemistry from there on down. It's no longer meat or vegetables, it's just chemicals. So don't blame certain foods for our health problems, it's more complicated than that.

That fact that so many people don't remain on specialized voluntary diets such as vegan puts it in fad diet category.
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When you entered the fray you 'piled on' the anti-meat arguments. However, it was clear very early that you were going to insinuate veganism into the discussion.

I'm defending meat eating because it was attacked in the OP.

So what? You said yourself this is the topic of the thread.

When you use words like "defending" you are making this argument emotional.

There is more than enough evidence that diets with excessive amounts of animal products are unhealthy.

Why do yo take it so personally?

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