Why doesn't meat help meat eaters be healthy?

There is no proven genetic link between dogs and wolves, the 'predatory' animal you refer to.
I didn't say wolves did I? There are different species of wild canines you know and they all portably had a common ancestor.

Do you just think domesticated dogs just appeared out of nowhere?
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Would you be?
I'm a shining example of moderation in that regard. I only consume a fifth of the meat of the average meat eater. Reducing meat consumption would help to bring balance to people diets as well as the environment.
I'm a shining example of moderation in that regard. I only consume a fifth of the meat of the average meat eater. Reducing meat consumption would help to bring balance to people diets as well as the environment.

So you support a reduction of the meat industry by 80%?
That's life isn't it?

Nature itself is not cruel because there is no intent.

Humans are cruel because they act intentionally.
The optics may look cruel, I agree, but cruelty isn't the intent. IF anyone on the kill line exhibited cruelty they would be fired.
That's life isn't it?

Nature itself is not cruel because there is no intent.
You have revealed the belief that we are an evolved species, therefore we kill just like the animals, with no cruel intent. And if there is cruelty it is a natural progression of evolution and therefore acceptable.

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