Why doesn't meat help meat eaters be healthy?

I purchased a number of books by Marcus Rothkranz
Not only a vegan but also a foraging expert on edible plants. One of the first things that came to mind when he was encouraging foraging is the fact that most urban areas are penetrated by industrial chemicals that are absorbed in almost all the plant life surrounding our homes and neighborhoods.
This is why I say you have to be careful who you listen to. Still I found his stuff very interesting and he certainly practices what he preaches.

At nearly 60 years of age he and his wife both look like a 35-year-old married couple.
So apparently he's doing something right.

Then again he also has a large product line that's quite pricey.

Never heard of him, so I looked him up. WOW! You're right. He even ACTS young (In a good way)

The words of Jesus.

"If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?

Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?"

My takeaway: Fish, eggs=good gifts.

Jesus fed the multitudes fish. He told Peter where to catch the most fish. He ate of the Passover lamb. He 'abused' the colt by riding on its back.
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Never heard of him, so I looked him up. WOW! You're right. He even ACTS young (In a good way)

He is an interesting guy...
I grew up with foraging. Dandelion greens and wild grape leaves were among two of the Biggies we kids were trained to go find and bring home.
He is an interesting guy...
I grew up with foraging. Dandelion greens and wild grape leaves were among two of the Biggies we kids were trained to go find and bring home.
I've run across his wife's videos but never him. She's a stunning "old lady"
They make their living selling stuff, but they're definately doing something right
Never heard of him, so I looked him up. WOW! You're right. He even ACTS young (In a good way)

I drink beer, coffee, eat donuts and pizza, and I'm in great shape at 83. :biggrin:

He should do what Paul C. Bragg did, claim he's ten years older than he actually is. That would turn some heads.
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I've run across his wife's videos but never him. She's a stunning "old lady"
They make their living selling stuff, but they're definately doing something right
Down the street from my house is a 200-year-old wood lot that's never been developed. I found at least five of the foraging plants he recommended there. Wild carrots, garlic mustard, pig ears, lambs quaters, dandelion plants.....

One day while I was foraging a polite gentleman approached me and asked me what I was doing. I explained to him how I was foraging for wild edible plants. He was completely fascinated by the subject. Turns out he was some high ranking authority at Clark university nearby. He was so taken by the concept of what I was doing that apparently he approached the landowner which was a local hospital and made an offer on the lot of land...approximately 30 acres.

Soon thereafter a sign went up that indicated the land had been purchased by Clark University and was now set aside as an official state arboretum. One of the rules that was stated on the greeting sign indicated that no foraging would be allowed on the land. Needless to say I was a bit pissed off.
Down the street from my house is a 200-year-old wood lot that's never been developed. I found at least five of the foraging plants he recommended there. Wild carrots, garlic mustard, pig ears, lambs quaters, dandelion plants.....

One day while I was foraging a polite gentleman approached me and asked me what I was doing. I explained to him how I was foraging for wild edible plants. He was completely fascinated by the subject. Turns out he was some high ranking authority at Clark university nearby. He was so taken by the concept of what I was doing that apparently he approached the landowner which was a local hospital and made an offer on the lot of land...approximately 30 acres.

Soon thereafter a sign went up that indicated the land had been purchased by Clark University and was now set aside as an official state arboretum. One of the rules that was stated on the greeting sign indicated that no foraging would be allowed on the land. Needless to say I was a bit pissed off.
Not surprising. The chemicals that are killing us are a product of such universities. Health is anathema to their other offspring, the medical industry.
I drink beer, coffee, eat donuts and pizza, and I'm in great shape at 83. :biggrin:

He should do what Paul C. Bragg did, claim he's ten years older than he actually is. That would turn some heads.
He is conflating health and longevity with athletic fitness. Also noteworthy is that at 60 he is not old by today's standards i.e. "70 is the new 50." By that measure he only in his early 40's biologically speaking.

Also, he was born in 1963 (if the video is current) so he hasn't yet reached his life expectancy of 67. I was born in 1940 and have far exceeded my life expectancy of 61 years (I'm 83). Jes' sayin'. :biggrin:
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He is conflating health and longevity with athletic fitness. Also noteworthy is that at 60 he is not old by today's standards i.e. "70 is the new 50." By that measure he only in his early 40's biologically speaking.

Also, he was born in 1963 (if the video is current) so he hasn't yet reached his life expectancy of 67. I was born in 1940 and have far exceeded my life expectancy of 61 years (I'm 83). Jes' sayin'. :biggrin:
Doughnuts....a modern marvel to be sure!
Balance is key.
I can balance one of these in my hand for a few moments before devouring it.

This guy makes doughnuts approximately 6 inches in diameter.
Why should people have to consult the internet for necessary knowledge. Don't we have schools for that?

Read anything written by nutritionists or dieticians for general consumption (magazine and internet articles meant to inform) and you will find incomplete information. Whyzat I wonder?

So where do you get your information on diet?

And I don't get my info from nutritionists or dieticians I get it from medical doctors who have been studying nutrition and plant based diets for years
The words of Jesus.

"If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?

Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?"

My takeaway: Fish, eggs=good gifts.

Jesus fed the multitudes fish. He told Peter where to catch the most fish. He ate of the Passover lamb. He 'abused' the colt by riding on its back.
Jesus was a Doctor specializing in nutrition now?

I thought he was an uneducated carpenter's son
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So where do you get your information on diet?

And I don't get my info from nutritionists or dieticians I get it from medical doctors who have been studying nutrition and plant based diets for years
How do you supplement B-12?
How do you supplement B-12?
I take a 1000 microgram supplement 3 days a week and eat a variety of fortified foods

That gives me more than enough to account for any absorption problems.

My last set of blood labs had me right in the middle of the green zone
So where do you get your information on diet?
Here a little, there a little, over time. I have never read a single article that contained all the necessary information. The authors were like the six blind monks groping at the elephant.

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