Why doesnt the Media make fun of Bidens gaffes

it got old while Bush was president?
Or at least the right said it was nothing to be concerned about.

Why doesnt the Media make fun of Bidens gaffes?

He certainly is an endless supply of material!
Because he is a Democrat and the liberal - left leaning press just loves those Democrats. Watch for the quick turn about when Republicans regain the White House come 2012.
Yup. The media will be jumping all over any gaffs if it a Rep.

Right now its, "Oh thats just Joe."
Because to make fun of Biden is to make fun of Obama, and to make fun of Obama means you're a racist, and the media doesn't want to be considered racist.
Because he is a Democrat and the liberal - left leaning press just loves those Democrats. Watch for the quick turn about when Republicans regain the White House come 2012.

Such partisan hackery bullshit. Biden has been saying for over 30 years that his "mouth" always manages to get him in trouble. In other words, he's capable of laughing at his own foibles. Unlike Dan Quayle who thought he was God's gift to the world of intelligentsia. As for the media not paying attention, they do. But they just don't waste endless hours on it, like you wish they would.
"Why doesnt the Media make fun of Bidens gaffes"

If they did, when would they find time to report on any news?
All these over-the-top comments are amusing. I don't hear that many of you forgetting, even two years later, Obama's "57-state" gaff and a few others which I've seen posted hundreds of times in response to some rather important (to adults anyway) issue of the day. Like repeating a gaff is supposed to be some sort of intelligent contribution?

Who gives a shit. Are you perfect? I'm sure not. Never had occasion to open your mouth and insert foot? I sure have.

Just go away. I'm so sick of this childish nonsense you idiots think is so important in the greater sense of our REAL problems, I could spit bullets.
All these over-the-top comments are amusing. I don't hear that many of you forgetting, even two years later, Obama's "57-state" gaff and a few others which I've seen posted hundreds of times in response to some rather important (to adults anyway) issue of the day. Like repeating a gaff is supposed to be some sort of intelligent contribution?

Who gives a shit. Are you perfect? I'm sure not. Never had occasion to open your mouth and insert foot? I sure have.

Just go away. I'm so sick of this childish nonsense you idiots think is so important in the greater sense of our REAL problems, I could spit bullets.

Do you also say "Who gives a shit. Are you perfect?" to those who make fun of the gaffes made by Republicans?
The press doesn't make fun of Biden's gaffes because Biden doesn't make any gaffes.

like they did Rep VPs esp Dan Quayle

Do you really have to ask? Is there any doubt left that Except for FOX, the main stream Media is completely in the Tank for the Democrat Party? Not to me, and thankfully now Most Americans are starting to figure it out as well. That is why the Left is getting so shrill and worried, Because they know the Jig is up, No longer can they count on the Masses being duped by the Media. Were on to them.

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