Why doesn't the MSM tell YOU these FACTS? Trump hatred. That's why!

Twice a day since 3/30/20 I've went to this web site and copied this data:
Some key numbers that the BIASED-HATE-Trump MSM don't tell you!
For example The USA has tested almost 3,262,921.
BUT the piece the MSM doesn't tell you... total hospitalized 104,039 (In fact that is now going down)
What this means that nearly 94% of the COVID-19 or 607,478 cases NEVER needed hospitalization!
Why doesn't the MSM tell the public that the individual depending on NOT having conditions like heart, diabetes, obesity, etc.
9 out of 10 don't even get hospitalized. Minor illness.
Why doesn't the MSM tell that to Americans? MSM has TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome)!
Trillions of costs all because the MSM hates the FACTS that Trump calls them out for their BIASED Democrat reporting.
Remember this one FACT...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So any of you anti-Trump people... remember all the so-called "FACTs", like Trump is "racist", Trump is stupid, comes from a group
of people who LOST the 2016 election that they put their money into!

View attachment 324276

Well, Trump IS stupid. I mean let's face it, the guy is largely incompetent, a narcissist, ignorant of policy and lacking even the most basic grasp of how government functions. He doesn't learn from his mistakes and worse, keeps repeating them. He has the most devoted following of any politician I've seen in my lifetime, so passionate it almost borders on religious. They'll defend him no matter how many mistakes he makes and they'll shout down and demonized anyone who dares criticize him. Any reasonable human being can see he fucked the response to the virus up. He was more interested in holding his pep rallies, watching Fox, hanging out at Mar-A-Lago, golfing, and tweeting. But his supporters refuse to hold him accountable. They deflect to whatever boogeyman their right wing media masters tell them is responsible, your post singles out the media. They are supposed to ask the tough questions and hold him (and all our politicians) accountable. You don't like it because they're mean to him.

Testing for COVID-19 is 3.2 million? Jeez, I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so. The greatest nation in the world can't even get that number done in 10 weeks? Trump gets negative news coverage because he makes most of his own bad press. Don't blame the media for asking him questions that he doesn't have any answers to.

I'll prove it to you how dumb and stupid you are!
A) YOU Dumb shit wrote:
"Testing for COVID-19 is 3.2 million? Jeez, I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so."
Don't you know how to use the internet? Dummy?

AND you will see DUMMY... The USA has done as many tests as the top two countries! Dummy. Where did these two countries do that in a week or so? Dumb shit! USA 3,397,021 MORE than Germany or Russia combined! Dummy!
Then you dumb ass make this statement: "any human being can see he fucked the response to the virus up."
B) Well coming from a dummy like you that makes dumb ass comments like I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so."
without doing any research as I did can NOT be trusted for making ANY comments! NOTHING. NO sources for your comments NOTHING. Just a gross ignorance.

View attachment 324313

Nuttin' like fake numbers. All you gotta do is cut the rest of the chart off. Here's the actual chart sorted by test percentage. We're catching up but still around 1%. 43rd place is better than it was but we have just a sliiiiiiiightly higher population than Iceland and the Faeroe Islands. Matter of fact we have more population than every country on the list above, and way more than the list below, with the exception of India, which is way below our infection/death rate.

What's the difference? These countries didn't have massive fuckups getting their testing underway, nor did they have a head of state calling it a hoax, blaming their predecessors for their own failures, or depleting their own pandemic response teams. So here's the real list of what countries have done the most testing -- the top 43.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
Faeroe Islands184169153,7665,765117,983
Falkland Islands111103,16113739,368
Isle of Man284+284154126133,340472,26126,590
San Marino426+3338+2553331512,5551,12084624,933
Channel Islands457+1019+4733652,6291093,32019,095
Hong Kong1,018+1448552991360.5116,27315,509
New Zealand1,401+1597706223291270,16014,549
New Caledonia181171633,00210,515
S. Korea10,613+22229+47,7572,627552074538,77510,509

Well first of all like you did with your previous bullshit LIES..."But we have just a sliiiiiiiightly higher population than Iceland and the Faeroe Islands. " What a dumb ass comment. "Slightly higher population"?
HMMM... 414,000 population for Iceland/Faeroe Islands compared to 330,150,668? Again what a dumb ass comment!

Then you have the gross stupidity to compare testing done in USA based on number of tests per 1 million population?
NO wonder more and more people are finding out that idiots like you that make such gross and stupid statements ALSO
are the types that believe EVERY WORD the MSM puts out especially when you consider this FACT:
Twice a day since 3/30/20 I've went to this web site and copied this data:
Some key numbers that the BIASED-HATE-Trump MSM don't tell you!
For example The USA has tested almost 3,262,921.
BUT the piece the MSM doesn't tell you... total hospitalized 104,039 (In fact that is now going down)
What this means that nearly 94% of the COVID-19 or 607,478 cases NEVER needed hospitalization!
Why doesn't the MSM tell the public that the individual depending on NOT having conditions like heart, diabetes, obesity, etc.
9 out of 10 don't even get hospitalized. Minor illness.
Why doesn't the MSM tell that to Americans? MSM has TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome)!
Trillions of costs all because the MSM hates the FACTS that Trump calls them out for their BIASED Democrat reporting.
Remember this one FACT...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So any of you anti-Trump people... remember all the so-called "FACTs", like Trump is "racist", Trump is stupid, comes from a group
of people who LOST the 2016 election that they put their money into!

View attachment 324276

Well, Trump IS stupid. I mean let's face it, the guy is largely incompetent, a narcissist, ignorant of policy and lacking even the most basic grasp of how government functions. He doesn't learn from his mistakes and worse, keeps repeating them. He has the most devoted following of any politician I've seen in my lifetime, so passionate it almost borders on religious. They'll defend him no matter how many mistakes he makes and they'll shout down and demonized anyone who dares criticize him. Any reasonable human being can see he fucked the response to the virus up. He was more interested in holding his pep rallies, watching Fox, hanging out at Mar-A-Lago, golfing, and tweeting. But his supporters refuse to hold him accountable. They deflect to whatever boogeyman their right wing media masters tell them is responsible, your post singles out the media. They are supposed to ask the tough questions and hold him (and all our politicians) accountable. You don't like it because they're mean to him.

Testing for COVID-19 is 3.2 million? Jeez, I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so. The greatest nation in the world can't even get that number done in 10 weeks? Trump gets negative news coverage because he makes most of his own bad press. Don't blame the media for asking him questions that he doesn't have any answers to.

I'll prove it to you how dumb and stupid you are!
A) YOU Dumb shit wrote:
"Testing for COVID-19 is 3.2 million? Jeez, I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so."
Don't you know how to use the internet? Dummy?

AND you will see DUMMY... The USA has done as many tests as the top two countries! Dummy. Where did these two countries do that in a week or so? Dumb shit! USA 3,397,021 MORE than Germany or Russia combined! Dummy!
Then you dumb ass make this statement: "any human being can see he fucked the response to the virus up."
B) Well coming from a dummy like you that makes dumb ass comments like I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so."
without doing any research as I did can NOT be trusted for making ANY comments! NOTHING. NO sources for your comments NOTHING. Just a gross ignorance.

View attachment 324313

Nuttin' like fake numbers. All you gotta do is cut the rest of the chart off. Here's the actual chart sorted by test percentage. We're catching up but still around 1%. 43rd place is better than it was but we have just a sliiiiiiiightly higher population than Iceland and the Faeroe Islands. Matter of fact we have more population than every country on the list above, and way more than the list below, with the exception of India, which is way below our infection/death rate.

What's the difference? These countries didn't have massive fuckups getting their testing underway, nor did they have a head of state calling it a hoax, blaming their predecessors for their own failures, or depleting their own pandemic response teams. So here's the real list of what countries have done the most testing -- the top 43.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
Faeroe Islands184169153,7665,765117,983
Falkland Islands111103,16113739,368
Isle of Man284+284154126133,340472,26126,590
San Marino426+3338+2553331512,5551,12084624,933
Channel Islands457+1019+4733652,6291093,32019,095
Hong Kong1,018+1448552991360.5116,27315,509
New Zealand1,401+1597706223291270,16014,549
New Caledonia181171633,00210,515
S. Korea10,613+22229+47,7572,627552074538,77510,509
Also you like the BIASED MSM that donated 96% to Hillary... continue to show FALSE news via your clip of the
First Lady of Poland as SHE SHAKES Trump's hand.
Go to the COMPLETE video you fake SOB!

Screen Shot 2020-04-17 at 10.27.46 AM.png
Twice a day since 3/30/20 I've went to this web site and copied this data:
Some key numbers that the BIASED-HATE-Trump MSM don't tell you!
For example The USA has tested almost 3,262,921.
BUT the piece the MSM doesn't tell you... total hospitalized 104,039 (In fact that is now going down)
What this means that nearly 94% of the COVID-19 or 607,478 cases NEVER needed hospitalization!
Why doesn't the MSM tell the public that the individual depending on NOT having conditions like heart, diabetes, obesity, etc.
9 out of 10 don't even get hospitalized. Minor illness.
Why doesn't the MSM tell that to Americans? MSM has TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome)!
Trillions of costs all because the MSM hates the FACTS that Trump calls them out for their BIASED Democrat reporting.
Remember this one FACT...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So any of you anti-Trump people... remember all the so-called "FACTs", like Trump is "racist", Trump is stupid, comes from a group
of people who LOST the 2016 election that they put their money into!

View attachment 324276

Well, Trump IS stupid. I mean let's face it, the guy is largely incompetent, a narcissist, ignorant of policy and lacking even the most basic grasp of how government functions. He doesn't learn from his mistakes and worse, keeps repeating them. He has the most devoted following of any politician I've seen in my lifetime, so passionate it almost borders on religious. They'll defend him no matter how many mistakes he makes and they'll shout down and demonized anyone who dares criticize him. Any reasonable human being can see he fucked the response to the virus up. He was more interested in holding his pep rallies, watching Fox, hanging out at Mar-A-Lago, golfing, and tweeting. But his supporters refuse to hold him accountable. They deflect to whatever boogeyman their right wing media masters tell them is responsible, your post singles out the media. They are supposed to ask the tough questions and hold him (and all our politicians) accountable. You don't like it because they're mean to him.

Testing for COVID-19 is 3.2 million? Jeez, I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so. The greatest nation in the world can't even get that number done in 10 weeks? Trump gets negative news coverage because he makes most of his own bad press. Don't blame the media for asking him questions that he doesn't have any answers to.

I'll prove it to you how dumb and stupid you are!
A) YOU Dumb shit wrote:
"Testing for COVID-19 is 3.2 million? Jeez, I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so."
Don't you know how to use the internet? Dummy?

AND you will see DUMMY... The USA has done as many tests as the top two countries! Dummy. Where did these two countries do that in a week or so? Dumb shit! USA 3,397,021 MORE than Germany or Russia combined! Dummy!
Then you dumb ass make this statement: "any human being can see he fucked the response to the virus up."
B) Well coming from a dummy like you that makes dumb ass comments like I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so."
without doing any research as I did can NOT be trusted for making ANY comments! NOTHING. NO sources for your comments NOTHING. Just a gross ignorance.

View attachment 324313
tell me how you can make a point like this when the numbers to find deaths is not available when you can't get a covid-19 test and without the test people are not considered to have died from covid-19 or even being sick from it.
Twice a day since 3/30/20 I've went to this web site and copied this data:
Some key numbers that the BIASED-HATE-Trump MSM don't tell you!
For example The USA has tested almost 3,262,921.
BUT the piece the MSM doesn't tell you... total hospitalized 104,039 (In fact that is now going down)
What this means that nearly 94% of the COVID-19 or 607,478 cases NEVER needed hospitalization!
Why doesn't the MSM tell the public that the individual depending on NOT having conditions like heart, diabetes, obesity, etc.
9 out of 10 don't even get hospitalized. Minor illness.
Why doesn't the MSM tell that to Americans? MSM has TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome)!
Trillions of costs all because the MSM hates the FACTS that Trump calls them out for their BIASED Democrat reporting.
Remember this one FACT...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So any of you anti-Trump people... remember all the so-called "FACTs", like Trump is "racist", Trump is stupid, comes from a group
of people who LOST the 2016 election that they put their money into!

View attachment 324276

Well, Trump IS stupid. I mean let's face it, the guy is largely incompetent, a narcissist, ignorant of policy and lacking even the most basic grasp of how government functions. He doesn't learn from his mistakes and worse, keeps repeating them. He has the most devoted following of any politician I've seen in my lifetime, so passionate it almost borders on religious. They'll defend him no matter how many mistakes he makes and they'll shout down and demonized anyone who dares criticize him. Any reasonable human being can see he fucked the response to the virus up. He was more interested in holding his pep rallies, watching Fox, hanging out at Mar-A-Lago, golfing, and tweeting. But his supporters refuse to hold him accountable. They deflect to whatever boogeyman their right wing media masters tell them is responsible, your post singles out the media. They are supposed to ask the tough questions and hold him (and all our politicians) accountable. You don't like it because they're mean to him.

Testing for COVID-19 is 3.2 million? Jeez, I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so. The greatest nation in the world can't even get that number done in 10 weeks? Trump gets negative news coverage because he makes most of his own bad press. Don't blame the media for asking him questions that he doesn't have any answers to.

I'll prove it to you how dumb and stupid you are!
A) YOU Dumb shit wrote:
"Testing for COVID-19 is 3.2 million? Jeez, I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so."
Don't you know how to use the internet? Dummy?

AND you will see DUMMY... The USA has done as many tests as the top two countries! Dummy. Where did these two countries do that in a week or so? Dumb shit! USA 3,397,021 MORE than Germany or Russia combined! Dummy!
Then you dumb ass make this statement: "any human being can see he fucked the response to the virus up."
B) Well coming from a dummy like you that makes dumb ass comments like I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so."
without doing any research as I did can NOT be trusted for making ANY comments! NOTHING. NO sources for your comments NOTHING. Just a gross ignorance.

View attachment 324313

Nuttin' like fake numbers. All you gotta do is cut the rest of the chart off. Here's the actual chart sorted by test percentage. We're catching up but still around 1%. 43rd place is better than it was but we have just a sliiiiiiiightly higher population than Iceland and the Faeroe Islands. Matter of fact we have more population than every country on the list above, and way more than the list below, with the exception of India, which is way below our infection/death rate.

What's the difference? These countries didn't have massive fuckups getting their testing underway, nor did they have a head of state calling it a hoax, blaming their predecessors for their own failures, or depleting their own pandemic response teams. So here's the real list of what countries have done the most testing -- the top 43.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
Faeroe Islands184169153,7665,765117,983
Falkland Islands111103,16113739,368
Isle of Man284+284154126133,340472,26126,590
San Marino426+3338+2553331512,5551,12084624,933
Channel Islands457+1019+4733652,6291093,32019,095
Hong Kong1,018+1448552991360.5116,27315,509
New Zealand1,401+1597706223291270,16014,549
New Caledonia181171633,00210,515
S. Korea10,613+22229+47,7572,627552074538,77510,509

Well first of all like you did with your previous bullshit LIES..."But we have just a sliiiiiiiightly higher population than Iceland and the Faeroe Islands. " What a dumb ass comment. "Slightly higher population"?
HMMM... 414,000 population for Iceland/Faeroe Islands compared to 330,150,668? Again what a dumb ass comment!

So you DON'T think 330,150,668 is higher than 414,000?

Oh do go on, please. :dig:

Then you have the gross stupidity to compare testing done in USA based on number of tests per 1 million population?
NO wonder more and more people are finding out that idiots like you that make such gross and stupid statements ALSO
are the types that believe EVERY WORD the MSM puts out especially when you consider this FACT:

Correct stupid, because that's a RATE not an ABSOLUTE. Which is exactly why your use of an ABSOLUTE number, absent any proportion, is contrived bullshit. Thus as anybody can see, the Faeroe Islands, Iceland, Luxembourg, Malta, AAAALLLLL the countries on that list, including Italy, have tested more of their populations than we have of ours.

Good CHRIST what a dumbass.
Last edited:
Twice a day since 3/30/20 I've went to this web site and copied this data:
Some key numbers that the BIASED-HATE-Trump MSM don't tell you!
For example The USA has tested almost 3,262,921.
BUT the piece the MSM doesn't tell you... total hospitalized 104,039 (In fact that is now going down)
What this means that nearly 94% of the COVID-19 or 607,478 cases NEVER needed hospitalization!
Why doesn't the MSM tell the public that the individual depending on NOT having conditions like heart, diabetes, obesity, etc.
9 out of 10 don't even get hospitalized. Minor illness.
Why doesn't the MSM tell that to Americans? MSM has TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome)!
Trillions of costs all because the MSM hates the FACTS that Trump calls them out for their BIASED Democrat reporting.
Remember this one FACT...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So any of you anti-Trump people... remember all the so-called "FACTs", like Trump is "racist", Trump is stupid, comes from a group
of people who LOST the 2016 election that they put their money into!

View attachment 324276

Well, Trump IS stupid. I mean let's face it, the guy is largely incompetent, a narcissist, ignorant of policy and lacking even the most basic grasp of how government functions. He doesn't learn from his mistakes and worse, keeps repeating them. He has the most devoted following of any politician I've seen in my lifetime, so passionate it almost borders on religious. They'll defend him no matter how many mistakes he makes and they'll shout down and demonized anyone who dares criticize him. Any reasonable human being can see he fucked the response to the virus up. He was more interested in holding his pep rallies, watching Fox, hanging out at Mar-A-Lago, golfing, and tweeting. But his supporters refuse to hold him accountable. They deflect to whatever boogeyman their right wing media masters tell them is responsible, your post singles out the media. They are supposed to ask the tough questions and hold him (and all our politicians) accountable. You don't like it because they're mean to him.

Testing for COVID-19 is 3.2 million? Jeez, I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so. The greatest nation in the world can't even get that number done in 10 weeks? Trump gets negative news coverage because he makes most of his own bad press. Don't blame the media for asking him questions that he doesn't have any answers to.

I'll prove it to you how dumb and stupid you are!
A) YOU Dumb shit wrote:
"Testing for COVID-19 is 3.2 million? Jeez, I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so."
Don't you know how to use the internet? Dummy?

AND you will see DUMMY... The USA has done as many tests as the top two countries! Dummy. Where did these two countries do that in a week or so? Dumb shit! USA 3,397,021 MORE than Germany or Russia combined! Dummy!
Then you dumb ass make this statement: "any human being can see he fucked the response to the virus up."
B) Well coming from a dummy like you that makes dumb ass comments like I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so."
without doing any research as I did can NOT be trusted for making ANY comments! NOTHING. NO sources for your comments NOTHING. Just a gross ignorance.

View attachment 324313

Nuttin' like fake numbers. All you gotta do is cut the rest of the chart off. Here's the actual chart sorted by test percentage. We're catching up but still around 1%. 43rd place is better than it was but we have just a sliiiiiiiightly higher population than Iceland and the Faeroe Islands. Matter of fact we have more population than every country on the list above, and way more than the list below, with the exception of India, which is way below our infection/death rate.

What's the difference? These countries didn't have massive fuckups getting their testing underway, nor did they have a head of state calling it a hoax, blaming their predecessors for their own failures, or depleting their own pandemic response teams. So here's the real list of what countries have done the most testing -- the top 43.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
Faeroe Islands184169153,7665,765117,983
Falkland Islands111103,16113739,368
Isle of Man284+284154126133,340472,26126,590
San Marino426+3338+2553331512,5551,12084624,933
Channel Islands457+1019+4733652,6291093,32019,095
Hong Kong1,018+1448552991360.5116,27315,509
New Zealand1,401+1597706223291270,16014,549
New Caledonia181171633,00210,515
S. Korea10,613+22229+47,7572,627552074538,77510,509
Also you like the BIASED MSM that donated 96% to Hillary... continue to show FALSE news via your clip of the
First Lady of Poland as SHE SHAKES Trump's hand.
Go to the COMPLETE video you fake SOB!

View attachment 324549

Those pics are great. You can still see the butthurt on the narcissist's face. Which is what my gif does.
It's the gif that keeps on giving.
Twice a day since 3/30/20 I've went to this web site and copied this data:
Some key numbers that the BIASED-HATE-Trump MSM don't tell you!
For example The USA has tested almost 3,262,921.
BUT the piece the MSM doesn't tell you... total hospitalized 104,039 (In fact that is now going down)
What this means that nearly 94% of the COVID-19 or 607,478 cases NEVER needed hospitalization!
Why doesn't the MSM tell the public that the individual depending on NOT having conditions like heart, diabetes, obesity, etc.
9 out of 10 don't even get hospitalized. Minor illness.
Why doesn't the MSM tell that to Americans? MSM has TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome)!
Trillions of costs all because the MSM hates the FACTS that Trump calls them out for their BIASED Democrat reporting.
Remember this one FACT...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So any of you anti-Trump people... remember all the so-called "FACTs", like Trump is "racist", Trump is stupid, comes from a group
of people who LOST the 2016 election that they put their money into!

View attachment 324276
All of these things are well known facts. Nobody is hiding them.

Next straw man.

Look here, horseman and his pack of Useful Idiots have really hitched their Election 2020 star to Perpetual Virus along with Endless Quarantine because We're All Gonna Die.

None of you brain trusts have yet wrapped your brain around what a completely crap plan this is going into an election. AMERICANS WILL HATE THIS and they won't vote for it.

I can tell you this with confidence because you are all so dull you won't change it. You can't. Your Overlords have directed you to shriek at the rest of us like Karens in Menopause and so, that's it for you until the bitter end.


Caring about the economy--BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS

Good luck with that, Horseman. Catch me in the stands eating figurative popcorn :cool:
Well, I must say I'm glad to have you here to tell me what I'm doing/thinking.

BTW, you don't actually believe the crap you posted, do you?

And if so, why?
Twice a day since 3/30/20 I've went to this web site and copied this data:
Some key numbers that the BIASED-HATE-Trump MSM don't tell you!
For example The USA has tested almost 3,262,921.
BUT the piece the MSM doesn't tell you... total hospitalized 104,039 (In fact that is now going down)
What this means that nearly 94% of the COVID-19 or 607,478 cases NEVER needed hospitalization!
Why doesn't the MSM tell the public that the individual depending on NOT having conditions like heart, diabetes, obesity, etc.
9 out of 10 don't even get hospitalized. Minor illness.
Why doesn't the MSM tell that to Americans? MSM has TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome)!
Trillions of costs all because the MSM hates the FACTS that Trump calls them out for their BIASED Democrat reporting.
Remember this one FACT...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So any of you anti-Trump people... remember all the so-called "FACTs", like Trump is "racist", Trump is stupid, comes from a group
of people who LOST the 2016 election that they put their money into!

View attachment 324276
All of these things are well known facts. Nobody is hiding them.

Next straw man.

Look here, horseman and his pack of Useful Idiots have really hitched their Election 2020 star to Perpetual Virus along with Endless Quarantine because We're All Gonna Die.

None of you brain trusts have yet wrapped your brain around what a completely crap plan this is going into an election. AMERICANS WILL HATE THIS and they won't vote for it.

I can tell you this with confidence because you are all so dull you won't change it. You can't. Your Overlords have directed you to shriek at the rest of us like Karens in Menopause and so, that's it for you until the bitter end.


Caring about the economy--BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS

Good luck with that, Horseman. Catch me in the stands eating figurative popcorn :cool:
Well, I must say I'm glad to have you here to tell me what I'm doing/thinking.

BTW, you don't actually believe the crap you posted, do you?

And if so, why?

Well MAJOR reason I KNOW what I post is true, IS I'm not saying it!
The FACTS are linked to substantiation.
YOU infrequently use any substantiation.
FACTS like this:
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that
96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

WITH That FACT... smarter people than you I guess come to the same conclusion I did that if the MSM gave 96% to Hillary they
were pissed their money was wasted! So pissed they continually do/say/make up anything to provide negative news about Trump.

And you and those dummies don't understand!
The absolute fact is the more you make up dumb crap like YOU have done and you don't substantiate, the more Americans are
coming to the conclusion the MSM and their dummies like you are so biased.
Media bias against conservatives is real, and part of the reason no one trusts the news now
It might not be conscious, but the way that reporters treat conservatives in their coverage has always shown their liberal leanings
Americans in general have begun to catch on:
66 percent of Americans believe that the media has a hard time separating fact from opinion and, according to a recent Gallup poll,
62 percent of the country believes that the press is biased one way or the other in their reporting.
And one can draw a straight line from the fawning Clinton coverage in the 1990s to the deeply suspicious manner with which George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were portrayed in the aughts to the media hyperventilation about Romney's “binders full of women” all the way to Trump’s post-fact world.

But this piece isn't meant for you, idiot. You won't understand it! It is for those on the fence people that still don't understand the MSM influence on their daily lives to these people's detriment!
Twice a day since 3/30/20 I've went to this web site and copied this data:
Some key numbers that the BIASED-HATE-Trump MSM don't tell you!
For example The USA has tested almost 3,262,921.
BUT the piece the MSM doesn't tell you... total hospitalized 104,039 (In fact that is now going down)
What this means that nearly 94% of the COVID-19 or 607,478 cases NEVER needed hospitalization!
Why doesn't the MSM tell the public that the individual depending on NOT having conditions like heart, diabetes, obesity, etc.
9 out of 10 don't even get hospitalized. Minor illness.
Why doesn't the MSM tell that to Americans? MSM has TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome)!
Trillions of costs all because the MSM hates the FACTS that Trump calls them out for their BIASED Democrat reporting.
Remember this one FACT...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So any of you anti-Trump people... remember all the so-called "FACTs", like Trump is "racist", Trump is stupid, comes from a group
of people who LOST the 2016 election that they put their money into!

View attachment 324276
All of these things are well known facts. Nobody is hiding them.

Next straw man.

Look here, horseman and his pack of Useful Idiots have really hitched their Election 2020 star to Perpetual Virus along with Endless Quarantine because We're All Gonna Die.

None of you brain trusts have yet wrapped your brain around what a completely crap plan this is going into an election. AMERICANS WILL HATE THIS and they won't vote for it.

I can tell you this with confidence because you are all so dull you won't change it. You can't. Your Overlords have directed you to shriek at the rest of us like Karens in Menopause and so, that's it for you until the bitter end.


Caring about the economy--BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS

Good luck with that, Horseman. Catch me in the stands eating figurative popcorn :cool:
Well, I must say I'm glad to have you here to tell me what I'm doing/thinking.

BTW, you don't actually believe the crap you posted, do you?

And if so, why?

Well MAJOR reason I KNOW what I post is true, IS I'm not saying it!
The FACTS are linked to substantiation.
YOU infrequently use any substantiation.
FACTS like this:
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that
96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

WITH That FACT... smarter people than you I guess come to the same conclusion I did that if the MSM gave 96% to Hillary they
were pissed their money was wasted! So pissed they continually do/say/make up anything to provide negative news about Trump.

And you and those dummies don't understand!
The absolute fact is the more you make up dumb crap like YOU have done and you don't substantiate, the more Americans are
coming to the conclusion the MSM and their dummies like you are so biased.
Media bias against conservatives is real, and part of the reason no one trusts the news now
It might not be conscious, but the way that reporters treat conservatives in their coverage has always shown their liberal leanings
Americans in general have begun to catch on:
66 percent of Americans believe that the media has a hard time separating fact from opinion and, according to a recent Gallup poll,
62 percent of the country believes that the press is biased one way or the other in their reporting.
And one can draw a straight line from the fawning Clinton coverage in the 1990s to the deeply suspicious manner with which George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were portrayed in the aughts to the media hyperventilation about Romney's “binders full of women” all the way to Trump’s post-fact world.

But this piece isn't meant for you, idiot. You won't understand it! It is for those on the fence people that still don't understand the MSM influence on their daily lives to these people's detriment!
Nobody is saying the stuff you posted in the OP is not true.

I'm just saying we all already knew it, and have all along.

Not sure how you missed it.
Twice a day since 3/30/20 I've went to this web site and copied this data:
Some key numbers that the BIASED-HATE-Trump MSM don't tell you!
For example The USA has tested almost 3,262,921.
BUT the piece the MSM doesn't tell you... total hospitalized 104,039 (In fact that is now going down)
What this means that nearly 94% of the COVID-19 or 607,478 cases NEVER needed hospitalization!
Why doesn't the MSM tell the public that the individual depending on NOT having conditions like heart, diabetes, obesity, etc.
9 out of 10 don't even get hospitalized. Minor illness.
Why doesn't the MSM tell that to Americans? MSM has TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome)!
Trillions of costs all because the MSM hates the FACTS that Trump calls them out for their BIASED Democrat reporting.
Remember this one FACT...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So any of you anti-Trump people... remember all the so-called "FACTs", like Trump is "racist", Trump is stupid, comes from a group
of people who LOST the 2016 election that they put their money into!

View attachment 324276
All of these things are well known facts. Nobody is hiding them.

Next straw man.

Look here, horseman and his pack of Useful Idiots have really hitched their Election 2020 star to Perpetual Virus along with Endless Quarantine because We're All Gonna Die.

None of you brain trusts have yet wrapped your brain around what a completely crap plan this is going into an election. AMERICANS WILL HATE THIS and they won't vote for it.

I can tell you this with confidence because you are all so dull you won't change it. You can't. Your Overlords have directed you to shriek at the rest of us like Karens in Menopause and so, that's it for you until the bitter end.


Caring about the economy--BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS

Good luck with that, Horseman. Catch me in the stands eating figurative popcorn :cool:
Well, I must say I'm glad to have you here to tell me what I'm doing/thinking.

BTW, you don't actually believe the crap you posted, do you?

And if so, why?

Well MAJOR reason I KNOW what I post is true, IS I'm not saying it!
The FACTS are linked to substantiation.
YOU infrequently use any substantiation.
FACTS like this:
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that
96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

WITH That FACT... smarter people than you I guess come to the same conclusion I did that if the MSM gave 96% to Hillary they
were pissed their money was wasted! So pissed they continually do/say/make up anything to provide negative news about Trump.

And you and those dummies don't understand!
The absolute fact is the more you make up dumb crap like YOU have done and you don't substantiate, the more Americans are
coming to the conclusion the MSM and their dummies like you are so biased.
Media bias against conservatives is real, and part of the reason no one trusts the news now
It might not be conscious, but the way that reporters treat conservatives in their coverage has always shown their liberal leanings
Americans in general have begun to catch on:
66 percent of Americans believe that the media has a hard time separating fact from opinion and, according to a recent Gallup poll,
62 percent of the country believes that the press is biased one way or the other in their reporting.
And one can draw a straight line from the fawning Clinton coverage in the 1990s to the deeply suspicious manner with which George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were portrayed in the aughts to the media hyperventilation about Romney's “binders full of women” all the way to Trump’s post-fact world.

But this piece isn't meant for you, idiot. You won't understand it! It is for those on the fence people that still don't understand the MSM influence on their daily lives to these people's detriment!
Nobody is saying the stuff you posted in the OP is not true.

I'm just saying we all already knew it, and have all along.

Not sure how you missed it.
Your quote:
"Everybody knew".
Ambassador Gordon Sonland, 11/20/2019.

And this is exactly what Sonland knew...
I presumed that the aid suspension had become linked to the proposed anticorruption statement,” Mr. Sondland said.

That's right... EVERYBODY PRESUMED!!!
Again... you leave out words that are very important. Sondland didn't say he KNEW... he PRESUMED!
Geez that's like my saying based on your inability to comprehend, I presume your IQ is not very high!
Twice a day since 3/30/20 I've went to this web site and copied this data:
Some key numbers that the BIASED-HATE-Trump MSM don't tell you!
For example The USA has tested almost 3,262,921.
BUT the piece the MSM doesn't tell you... total hospitalized 104,039 (In fact that is now going down)
What this means that nearly 94% of the COVID-19 or 607,478 cases NEVER needed hospitalization!
Why doesn't the MSM tell the public that the individual depending on NOT having conditions like heart, diabetes, obesity, etc.
9 out of 10 don't even get hospitalized. Minor illness.
Why doesn't the MSM tell that to Americans? MSM has TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome)!
Trillions of costs all because the MSM hates the FACTS that Trump calls them out for their BIASED Democrat reporting.
Remember this one FACT...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So any of you anti-Trump people... remember all the so-called "FACTs", like Trump is "racist", Trump is stupid, comes from a group
of people who LOST the 2016 election that they put their money into!

View attachment 324276
All of these things are well known facts. Nobody is hiding them.

Next straw man.

Look here, horseman and his pack of Useful Idiots have really hitched their Election 2020 star to Perpetual Virus along with Endless Quarantine because We're All Gonna Die.

None of you brain trusts have yet wrapped your brain around what a completely crap plan this is going into an election. AMERICANS WILL HATE THIS and they won't vote for it.

I can tell you this with confidence because you are all so dull you won't change it. You can't. Your Overlords have directed you to shriek at the rest of us like Karens in Menopause and so, that's it for you until the bitter end.


Caring about the economy--BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS

Good luck with that, Horseman. Catch me in the stands eating figurative popcorn :cool:
Well, I must say I'm glad to have you here to tell me what I'm doing/thinking.

BTW, you don't actually believe the crap you posted, do you?

And if so, why?

Well MAJOR reason I KNOW what I post is true, IS I'm not saying it!
The FACTS are linked to substantiation.
YOU infrequently use any substantiation.
FACTS like this:
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that
96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

WITH That FACT... smarter people than you I guess come to the same conclusion I did that if the MSM gave 96% to Hillary they
were pissed their money was wasted! So pissed they continually do/say/make up anything to provide negative news about Trump.

And you and those dummies don't understand!
The absolute fact is the more you make up dumb crap like YOU have done and you don't substantiate, the more Americans are
coming to the conclusion the MSM and their dummies like you are so biased.
Media bias against conservatives is real, and part of the reason no one trusts the news now
It might not be conscious, but the way that reporters treat conservatives in their coverage has always shown their liberal leanings
Americans in general have begun to catch on:
66 percent of Americans believe that the media has a hard time separating fact from opinion and, according to a recent Gallup poll,
62 percent of the country believes that the press is biased one way or the other in their reporting.
And one can draw a straight line from the fawning Clinton coverage in the 1990s to the deeply suspicious manner with which George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were portrayed in the aughts to the media hyperventilation about Romney's “binders full of women” all the way to Trump’s post-fact world.

But this piece isn't meant for you, idiot. You won't understand it! It is for those on the fence people that still don't understand the MSM influence on their daily lives to these people's detriment!
Nobody is saying the stuff you posted in the OP is not true.

I'm just saying we all already knew it, and have all along.

Not sure how you missed it.
Your quote:
"Everybody knew".
Ambassador Gordon Sonland, 11/20/2019.

And this is exactly what Sonland knew...
I presumed that the aid suspension had become linked to the proposed anticorruption statement,” Mr. Sondland said.

That's right... EVERYBODY PRESUMED!!!
Again... you leave out words that are very important. Sondland didn't say he KNEW... he PRESUMED!
Geez that's like my saying based on your inability to comprehend, I presume your IQ is not very high!
Your increasingly desperate attempts to deflect are funny.
Well, our HIDEOUSLY biased media HAS to try and make our president look bad. This is their LAST big chance to ATTEMPT to make President Trump look bad, and hurt his chances of re-election. Just pitiful AND pathetic.

Horse shit. The Buffoon doesn't need anybody to make him look bad. He's done it all by himself.
The media is trash...if you are counting on them for information you are a fool.
Twice a day since 3/30/20 I've went to this web site and copied this data:
Some key numbers that the BIASED-HATE-Trump MSM don't tell you!
For example The USA has tested almost 3,262,921.
BUT the piece the MSM doesn't tell you... total hospitalized 104,039 (In fact that is now going down)
What this means that nearly 94% of the COVID-19 or 607,478 cases NEVER needed hospitalization!
Why doesn't the MSM tell the public that the individual depending on NOT having conditions like heart, diabetes, obesity, etc.
9 out of 10 don't even get hospitalized. Minor illness.
Why doesn't the MSM tell that to Americans? MSM has TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome)!
Trillions of costs all because the MSM hates the FACTS that Trump calls them out for their BIASED Democrat reporting.
Remember this one FACT...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So any of you anti-Trump people... remember all the so-called "FACTs", like Trump is "racist", Trump is stupid, comes from a group
of people who LOST the 2016 election that they put their money into!

View attachment 324276
All of these things are well known facts. Nobody is hiding them.

Next straw man.

Look here, horseman and his pack of Useful Idiots have really hitched their Election 2020 star to Perpetual Virus along with Endless Quarantine because We're All Gonna Die.

None of you brain trusts have yet wrapped your brain around what a completely crap plan this is going into an election. AMERICANS WILL HATE THIS and they won't vote for it.

I can tell you this with confidence because you are all so dull you won't change it. You can't. Your Overlords have directed you to shriek at the rest of us like Karens in Menopause and so, that's it for you until the bitter end.


Caring about the economy--BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS

Good luck with that, Horseman. Catch me in the stands eating figurative popcorn :cool:
Well, I must say I'm glad to have you here to tell me what I'm doing/thinking.

BTW, you don't actually believe the crap you posted, do you?

And if so, why?

Well MAJOR reason I KNOW what I post is true, IS I'm not saying it!
The FACTS are linked to substantiation.
YOU infrequently use any substantiation.
FACTS like this:
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that
96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

WITH That FACT... smarter people than you I guess come to the same conclusion I did that if the MSM gave 96% to Hillary they
were pissed their money was wasted! So pissed they continually do/say/make up anything to provide negative news about Trump.

And you and those dummies don't understand!
The absolute fact is the more you make up dumb crap like YOU have done and you don't substantiate, the more Americans are
coming to the conclusion the MSM and their dummies like you are so biased.
Media bias against conservatives is real, and part of the reason no one trusts the news now
It might not be conscious, but the way that reporters treat conservatives in their coverage has always shown their liberal leanings
Americans in general have begun to catch on:
66 percent of Americans believe that the media has a hard time separating fact from opinion and, according to a recent Gallup poll,
62 percent of the country believes that the press is biased one way or the other in their reporting.
And one can draw a straight line from the fawning Clinton coverage in the 1990s to the deeply suspicious manner with which George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were portrayed in the aughts to the media hyperventilation about Romney's “binders full of women” all the way to Trump’s post-fact world.

But this piece isn't meant for you, idiot. You won't understand it! It is for those on the fence people that still don't understand the MSM influence on their daily lives to these people's detriment!
Nobody is saying the stuff you posted in the OP is not true.

I'm just saying we all already knew it, and have all along.

Not sure how you missed it.
Your quote:
"Everybody knew".
Ambassador Gordon Sonland, 11/20/2019.

And this is exactly what Sonland knew...
I presumed that the aid suspension had become linked to the proposed anticorruption statement,” Mr. Sondland said.

That's right... EVERYBODY PRESUMED!!!
Again... you leave out words that are very important. Sondland didn't say he KNEW... he PRESUMED!
Geez that's like my saying based on your inability to comprehend, I presume your IQ is not very high!
Your increasingly desperate attempts to deflect are funny.

Truly sad that you find FACTS "funny"! Almost NONE of your comments have any links...just guesses, suppositions
and yes, "presumptions".
You presume and don't do any research to find the truth. And that's the sad part. Sad because you are a fool for the MSM.
Remember the ventilator shortage crisis? How many MSM articles were written about Trump having caused the shortage.
Coronavirus: NY may need 24,000 more ventilators to fight COVID-19. Here’s how it could get them
Published 5:00 a.m. ET March 20, 2020

Cuomo tells Trump admin. to "pick the 26,000 people who are going to die" amid ventilator shortage

President Donald Trump was pilloried by the media for questioning whether New York would actually need 30,000 additional ventilators or 40,000 ventilators total as claimed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo in late March. New models from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation show that New York already reached its peak projected ventilator usage on April 8, with a projected need of 5,008. The actual use may have been even lower.
As of press time, no media outlets revisited their reporting on the matter.
Twice a day since 3/30/20 I've went to this web site and copied this data:
Some key numbers that the BIASED-HATE-Trump MSM don't tell you!
For example The USA has tested almost 3,262,921.
BUT the piece the MSM doesn't tell you... total hospitalized 104,039 (In fact that is now going down)
What this means that nearly 94% of the COVID-19 or 607,478 cases NEVER needed hospitalization!
Why doesn't the MSM tell the public that the individual depending on NOT having conditions like heart, diabetes, obesity, etc.
9 out of 10 don't even get hospitalized. Minor illness.
Why doesn't the MSM tell that to Americans? MSM has TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome)!
Trillions of costs all because the MSM hates the FACTS that Trump calls them out for their BIASED Democrat reporting.
Remember this one FACT...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So any of you anti-Trump people... remember all the so-called "FACTs", like Trump is "racist", Trump is stupid, comes from a group
of people who LOST the 2016 election that they put their money into!

View attachment 324276

Well, Trump IS stupid. I mean let's face it, the guy is largely incompetent, a narcissist, ignorant of policy and lacking even the most basic grasp of how government functions. He doesn't learn from his mistakes and worse, keeps repeating them. He has the most devoted following of any politician I've seen in my lifetime, so passionate it almost borders on religious. They'll defend him no matter how many mistakes he makes and they'll shout down and demonized anyone who dares criticize him. Any reasonable human being can see he fucked the response to the virus up. He was more interested in holding his pep rallies, watching Fox, hanging out at Mar-A-Lago, golfing, and tweeting. But his supporters refuse to hold him accountable. They deflect to whatever boogeyman their right wing media masters tell them is responsible, your post singles out the media. They are supposed to ask the tough questions and hold him (and all our politicians) accountable. You don't like it because they're mean to him.

Testing for COVID-19 is 3.2 million? Jeez, I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so. The greatest nation in the world can't even get that number done in 10 weeks? Trump gets negative news coverage because he makes most of his own bad press. Don't blame the media for asking him questions that he doesn't have any answers to.

I'll prove it to you how dumb and stupid you are!
A) YOU Dumb shit wrote:
"Testing for COVID-19 is 3.2 million? Jeez, I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so."
Don't you know how to use the internet? Dummy?

AND you will see DUMMY... The USA has done as many tests as the top two countries! Dummy. Where did these two countries do that in a week or so? Dumb shit! USA 3,397,021 MORE than Germany or Russia combined! Dummy!
Then you dumb ass make this statement: "any human being can see he fucked the response to the virus up."
B) Well coming from a dummy like you that makes dumb ass comments like I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so."
without doing any research as I did can NOT be trusted for making ANY comments! NOTHING. NO sources for your comments NOTHING. Just a gross ignorance.

View attachment 324313

Nuttin' like fake numbers. All you gotta do is cut the rest of the chart off. Here's the actual chart sorted by test percentage. We're catching up but still around 1%. 43rd place is better than it was but we have just a sliiiiiiiightly higher population than Iceland and the Faeroe Islands. Matter of fact we have more population than every country on the list above, and way more than the list below, with the exception of India, which is way below our infection/death rate.

What's the difference? These countries didn't have massive fuckups getting their testing underway, nor did they have a head of state calling it a hoax, blaming their predecessors for their own failures, or depleting their own pandemic response teams. So here's the real list of what countries have done the most testing -- the top 43.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
Faeroe Islands184169153,7665,765117,983
Falkland Islands111103,16113739,368
Isle of Man284+284154126133,340472,26126,590
San Marino426+3338+2553331512,5551,12084624,933
Channel Islands457+1019+4733652,6291093,32019,095
Hong Kong1,018+1448552991360.5116,27315,509
New Zealand1,401+1597706223291270,16014,549
New Caledonia181171633,00210,515
S. Korea10,613+22229+47,7572,627552074538,77510,509

Good nooz, Opeepee! We have moved up and passed South Korea. We're now Number 42.
{All chant: WE'RE NUMBER 42! WE'RE NUMBER 42!} Eat our dust, The Cayman Islands!

Although it's still true our infection rate is ten times theirs and our death rate 26 times theirs. Know why that is? TiME. Being ready and reacting at the right time.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
Faeroe Islands184171133,7665,846119,641
Falkland Islands111103,16113739,368
Isle of Man291+74169118113,422472,37527,930
San Marino435+939+1573391512,8201,14984624,933
Channel Islands470+1320+1733772,7031153,32019,095
Hong Kong1,022+4453348591360.5131,78617,579
New Zealand1,409+811+28165822292274,40115,429
New Caledonia181441633,31611,615
S. Korea10,635+22230+17,8292,576552074546,46310,659
Cayman Islands61+1175339281569010,499

Twice a day since 3/30/20 I've went to this web site and copied this data:
Some key numbers that the BIASED-HATE-Trump MSM don't tell you!
For example The USA has tested almost 3,262,921.
BUT the piece the MSM doesn't tell you... total hospitalized 104,039 (In fact that is now going down)
What this means that nearly 94% of the COVID-19 or 607,478 cases NEVER needed hospitalization!
Why doesn't the MSM tell the public that the individual depending on NOT having conditions like heart, diabetes, obesity, etc.
9 out of 10 don't even get hospitalized. Minor illness.
Why doesn't the MSM tell that to Americans? MSM has TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome)!
Trillions of costs all because the MSM hates the FACTS that Trump calls them out for their BIASED Democrat reporting.
Remember this one FACT...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So any of you anti-Trump people... remember all the so-called "FACTs", like Trump is "racist", Trump is stupid, comes from a group
of people who LOST the 2016 election that they put their money into!

View attachment 324276

Well, Trump IS stupid. I mean let's face it, the guy is largely incompetent, a narcissist, ignorant of policy and lacking even the most basic grasp of how government functions. He doesn't learn from his mistakes and worse, keeps repeating them. He has the most devoted following of any politician I've seen in my lifetime, so passionate it almost borders on religious. They'll defend him no matter how many mistakes he makes and they'll shout down and demonized anyone who dares criticize him. Any reasonable human being can see he fucked the response to the virus up. He was more interested in holding his pep rallies, watching Fox, hanging out at Mar-A-Lago, golfing, and tweeting. But his supporters refuse to hold him accountable. They deflect to whatever boogeyman their right wing media masters tell them is responsible, your post singles out the media. They are supposed to ask the tough questions and hold him (and all our politicians) accountable. You don't like it because they're mean to him.

Testing for COVID-19 is 3.2 million? Jeez, I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so. The greatest nation in the world can't even get that number done in 10 weeks? Trump gets negative news coverage because he makes most of his own bad press. Don't blame the media for asking him questions that he doesn't have any answers to.

I'll prove it to you how dumb and stupid you are!
A) YOU Dumb shit wrote:
"Testing for COVID-19 is 3.2 million? Jeez, I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so."
Don't you know how to use the internet? Dummy?

AND you will see DUMMY... The USA has done as many tests as the top two countries! Dummy. Where did these two countries do that in a week or so? Dumb shit! USA 3,397,021 MORE than Germany or Russia combined! Dummy!
Then you dumb ass make this statement: "any human being can see he fucked the response to the virus up."
B) Well coming from a dummy like you that makes dumb ass comments like I think a couple of countries did that in a week or so."
without doing any research as I did can NOT be trusted for making ANY comments! NOTHING. NO sources for your comments NOTHING. Just a gross ignorance.

View attachment 324313

Nuttin' like fake numbers. All you gotta do is cut the rest of the chart off. Here's the actual chart sorted by test percentage. We're catching up but still around 1%. 43rd place is better than it was but we have just a sliiiiiiiightly higher population than Iceland and the Faeroe Islands. Matter of fact we have more population than every country on the list above, and way more than the list below, with the exception of India, which is way below our infection/death rate.

What's the difference? These countries didn't have massive fuckups getting their testing underway, nor did they have a head of state calling it a hoax, blaming their predecessors for their own failures, or depleting their own pandemic response teams. So here's the real list of what countries have done the most testing -- the top 43.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
Faeroe Islands184169153,7665,765117,983
Falkland Islands111103,16113739,368
Isle of Man284+284154126133,340472,26126,590
San Marino426+3338+2553331512,5551,12084624,933
Channel Islands457+1019+4733652,6291093,32019,095
Hong Kong1,018+1448552991360.5116,27315,509
New Zealand1,401+1597706223291270,16014,549
New Caledonia181171633,00210,515
S. Korea10,613+22229+47,7572,627552074538,77510,509

Good nooz, Opeepee! We have moved up and passed South Korea. We're now Number 42.
{All chant: WE'RE NUMBER 42! WE'RE NUMBER 42!} Eat our dust, The Cayman Islands!

Although it's still true our infection rate is ten times theirs and our death rate 26 times theirs. Know why that is? TiME. Being ready and reacting at the right time.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
Faeroe Islands184171133,7665,846119,641
Falkland Islands111103,16113739,368
Isle of Man291+74169118113,422472,37527,930
San Marino435+939+1573391512,8201,14984624,933
Channel Islands470+1320+1733772,7031153,32019,095
Hong Kong1,022+4453348591360.5131,78617,579
New Zealand1,409+811+28165822292274,40115,429
New Caledonia181441633,31611,615
S. Korea10,635+22230+17,8292,576552074546,46310,659
Cayman Islands61+1175339281569010,499

Now umma show you why South Korea has such better results. See those 546,463 tests? They started those EARLY. And here's what the result of that looks like on the graphs:

Kor active.jpg

Kor dailies.jpg
That's TIME across the bottom. See that peak around the beginning of March? That's two weeks before Rump declared a national emergency here, by which time SK was already in front of it.

You can see the same timeline on ours --- same timeline:

US noo.jpg
And here's our active cases, note how the line slopes differently:

US active.jpg

That's the difference between "pro-active" and "re-active".
Twice a day since 3/30/20 I've went to this web site and copied this data:
Some key numbers that the BIASED-HATE-Trump MSM don't tell you!
For example The USA has tested almost 3,262,921.
BUT the piece the MSM doesn't tell you... total hospitalized 104,039 (In fact that is now going down)
What this means that nearly 94% of the COVID-19 or 607,478 cases NEVER needed hospitalization!
Why doesn't the MSM tell the public that the individual depending on NOT having conditions like heart, diabetes, obesity, etc.
9 out of 10 don't even get hospitalized. Minor illness.
Why doesn't the MSM tell that to Americans? MSM has TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome)!
Trillions of costs all because the MSM hates the FACTS that Trump calls them out for their BIASED Democrat reporting.
Remember this one FACT...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So any of you anti-Trump people... remember all the so-called "FACTs", like Trump is "racist", Trump is stupid, comes from a group
of people who LOST the 2016 election that they put their money into!

View attachment 324276
All of these things are well known facts. Nobody is hiding them.

Next straw man.

Look here, horseman and his pack of Useful Idiots have really hitched their Election 2020 star to Perpetual Virus along with Endless Quarantine because We're All Gonna Die.

None of you brain trusts have yet wrapped your brain around what a completely crap plan this is going into an election. AMERICANS WILL HATE THIS and they won't vote for it.

I can tell you this with confidence because you are all so dull you won't change it. You can't. Your Overlords have directed you to shriek at the rest of us like Karens in Menopause and so, that's it for you until the bitter end.


Caring about the economy--BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS

Good luck with that, Horseman. Catch me in the stands eating figurative popcorn :cool:
Well, I must say I'm glad to have you here to tell me what I'm doing/thinking.

BTW, you don't actually believe the crap you posted, do you?

And if so, why?

Well MAJOR reason I KNOW what I post is true, IS I'm not saying it!
The FACTS are linked to substantiation.
YOU infrequently use any substantiation.
FACTS like this:
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that
96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

WITH That FACT... smarter people than you I guess come to the same conclusion I did that if the MSM gave 96% to Hillary they
were pissed their money was wasted! So pissed they continually do/say/make up anything to provide negative news about Trump.

And you and those dummies don't understand!
The absolute fact is the more you make up dumb crap like YOU have done and you don't substantiate, the more Americans are
coming to the conclusion the MSM and their dummies like you are so biased.
Media bias against conservatives is real, and part of the reason no one trusts the news now
It might not be conscious, but the way that reporters treat conservatives in their coverage has always shown their liberal leanings
Americans in general have begun to catch on:
66 percent of Americans believe that the media has a hard time separating fact from opinion and, according to a recent Gallup poll,
62 percent of the country believes that the press is biased one way or the other in their reporting.
And one can draw a straight line from the fawning Clinton coverage in the 1990s to the deeply suspicious manner with which George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were portrayed in the aughts to the media hyperventilation about Romney's “binders full of women” all the way to Trump’s post-fact world.

But this piece isn't meant for you, idiot. You won't understand it! It is for those on the fence people that still don't understand the MSM influence on their daily lives to these people's detriment!
Nobody is saying the stuff you posted in the OP is not true.

I'm just saying we all already knew it, and have all along.

Not sure how you missed it.
Your quote:
"Everybody knew".
Ambassador Gordon Sonland, 11/20/2019.

And this is exactly what Sonland knew...
I presumed that the aid suspension had become linked to the proposed anticorruption statement,” Mr. Sondland said.

That's right... EVERYBODY PRESUMED!!!
Again... you leave out words that are very important. Sondland didn't say he KNEW... he PRESUMED!
Geez that's like my saying based on your inability to comprehend, I presume your IQ is not very high!
Your increasingly desperate attempts to deflect are funny.

Truly sad that you find FACTS "funny"! Almost NONE of your comments have any links...just guesses, suppositions
and yes, "presumptions".
You presume and don't do any research to find the truth. And that's the sad part. Sad because you are a fool for the MSM.
Remember the ventilator shortage crisis? How many MSM articles were written about Trump having caused the shortage.
Coronavirus: NY may need 24,000 more ventilators to fight COVID-19. Here’s how it could get them
Published 5:00 a.m. ET March 20, 2020

Cuomo tells Trump admin. to "pick the 26,000 people who are going to die" amid ventilator shortage

President Donald Trump was pilloried by the media for questioning whether New York would actually need 30,000 additional ventilators or 40,000 ventilators total as claimed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo in late March. New models from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation show that New York already reached its peak projected ventilator usage on April 8, with a projected need of 5,008. The actual use may have been even lower.
As of press time, no media outlets revisited their reporting on the matter.

You're just boring now.
Twice a day since 3/30/20 I've went to this web site and copied this data:
Some key numbers that the BIASED-HATE-Trump MSM don't tell you!
For example The USA has tested almost 3,262,921.
BUT the piece the MSM doesn't tell you... total hospitalized 104,039 (In fact that is now going down)
What this means that nearly 94% of the COVID-19 or 607,478 cases NEVER needed hospitalization!
Why doesn't the MSM tell the public that the individual depending on NOT having conditions like heart, diabetes, obesity, etc.
9 out of 10 don't even get hospitalized. Minor illness.
Why doesn't the MSM tell that to Americans? MSM has TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome)!
Trillions of costs all because the MSM hates the FACTS that Trump calls them out for their BIASED Democrat reporting.
Remember this one FACT...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So any of you anti-Trump people... remember all the so-called "FACTs", like Trump is "racist", Trump is stupid, comes from a group
of people who LOST the 2016 election that they put their money into!

View attachment 324276
All of these things are well known facts. Nobody is hiding them.

Next straw man.

Look here, horseman and his pack of Useful Idiots have really hitched their Election 2020 star to Perpetual Virus along with Endless Quarantine because We're All Gonna Die.

None of you brain trusts have yet wrapped your brain around what a completely crap plan this is going into an election. AMERICANS WILL HATE THIS and they won't vote for it.

I can tell you this with confidence because you are all so dull you won't change it. You can't. Your Overlords have directed you to shriek at the rest of us like Karens in Menopause and so, that's it for you until the bitter end.


Caring about the economy--BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS

Good luck with that, Horseman. Catch me in the stands eating figurative popcorn :cool:
Well, I must say I'm glad to have you here to tell me what I'm doing/thinking.

BTW, you don't actually believe the crap you posted, do you?

And if so, why?

Well MAJOR reason I KNOW what I post is true, IS I'm not saying it!
The FACTS are linked to substantiation.
YOU infrequently use any substantiation.
FACTS like this:
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that
96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

WITH That FACT... smarter people than you I guess come to the same conclusion I did that if the MSM gave 96% to Hillary they
were pissed their money was wasted! So pissed they continually do/say/make up anything to provide negative news about Trump.

And you and those dummies don't understand!
The absolute fact is the more you make up dumb crap like YOU have done and you don't substantiate, the more Americans are
coming to the conclusion the MSM and their dummies like you are so biased.
Media bias against conservatives is real, and part of the reason no one trusts the news now
It might not be conscious, but the way that reporters treat conservatives in their coverage has always shown their liberal leanings
Americans in general have begun to catch on:
66 percent of Americans believe that the media has a hard time separating fact from opinion and, according to a recent Gallup poll,
62 percent of the country believes that the press is biased one way or the other in their reporting.
And one can draw a straight line from the fawning Clinton coverage in the 1990s to the deeply suspicious manner with which George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were portrayed in the aughts to the media hyperventilation about Romney's “binders full of women” all the way to Trump’s post-fact world.

But this piece isn't meant for you, idiot. You won't understand it! It is for those on the fence people that still don't understand the MSM influence on their daily lives to these people's detriment!
Nobody is saying the stuff you posted in the OP is not true.

I'm just saying we all already knew it, and have all along.

Not sure how you missed it.
Your quote:
"Everybody knew".
Ambassador Gordon Sonland, 11/20/2019.

And this is exactly what Sonland knew...
I presumed that the aid suspension had become linked to the proposed anticorruption statement,” Mr. Sondland said.

That's right... EVERYBODY PRESUMED!!!
Again... you leave out words that are very important. Sondland didn't say he KNEW... he PRESUMED!
Geez that's like my saying based on your inability to comprehend, I presume your IQ is not very high!
Your increasingly desperate attempts to deflect are funny.

Truly sad that you find FACTS "funny"! Almost NONE of your comments have any links...just guesses, suppositions
and yes, "presumptions".
You presume and don't do any research to find the truth. And that's the sad part. Sad because you are a fool for the MSM.
Remember the ventilator shortage crisis? How many MSM articles were written about Trump having caused the shortage.
Coronavirus: NY may need 24,000 more ventilators to fight COVID-19. Here’s how it could get them
Published 5:00 a.m. ET March 20, 2020

Cuomo tells Trump admin. to "pick the 26,000 people who are going to die" amid ventilator shortage

President Donald Trump was pilloried by the media for questioning whether New York would actually need 30,000 additional ventilators or 40,000 ventilators total as claimed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo in late March. New models from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation show that New York already reached its peak projected ventilator usage on April 8, with a projected need of 5,008. The actual use may have been even lower.
As of press time, no media outlets revisited their reporting on the matter.

You're just boring now.

Of course! The FACTS, The truth all are boring to people like you with a 30 second attention span! There kept it short for your short attention!
Twice a day since 3/30/20 I've went to this web site and copied this data:
Some key numbers that the BIASED-HATE-Trump MSM don't tell you!
For example The USA has tested almost 3,262,921.
BUT the piece the MSM doesn't tell you... total hospitalized 104,039 (In fact that is now going down)
What this means that nearly 94% of the COVID-19 or 607,478 cases NEVER needed hospitalization!
Why doesn't the MSM tell the public that the individual depending on NOT having conditions like heart, diabetes, obesity, etc.
9 out of 10 don't even get hospitalized. Minor illness.
Why doesn't the MSM tell that to Americans? MSM has TDS ( Trump derangement syndrome)!
Trillions of costs all because the MSM hates the FACTS that Trump calls them out for their BIASED Democrat reporting.
Remember this one FACT...
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

So any of you anti-Trump people... remember all the so-called "FACTs", like Trump is "racist", Trump is stupid, comes from a group
of people who LOST the 2016 election that they put their money into!

View attachment 324276
All of these things are well known facts. Nobody is hiding them.

Next straw man.

Look here, horseman and his pack of Useful Idiots have really hitched their Election 2020 star to Perpetual Virus along with Endless Quarantine because We're All Gonna Die.

None of you brain trusts have yet wrapped your brain around what a completely crap plan this is going into an election. AMERICANS WILL HATE THIS and they won't vote for it.

I can tell you this with confidence because you are all so dull you won't change it. You can't. Your Overlords have directed you to shriek at the rest of us like Karens in Menopause and so, that's it for you until the bitter end.


Caring about the economy--BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS

Good luck with that, Horseman. Catch me in the stands eating figurative popcorn :cool:
Well, I must say I'm glad to have you here to tell me what I'm doing/thinking.

BTW, you don't actually believe the crap you posted, do you?

And if so, why?

Well MAJOR reason I KNOW what I post is true, IS I'm not saying it!
The FACTS are linked to substantiation.
YOU infrequently use any substantiation.
FACTS like this:
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that
96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump.
While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative,
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.

WITH That FACT... smarter people than you I guess come to the same conclusion I did that if the MSM gave 96% to Hillary they
were pissed their money was wasted! So pissed they continually do/say/make up anything to provide negative news about Trump.

And you and those dummies don't understand!
The absolute fact is the more you make up dumb crap like YOU have done and you don't substantiate, the more Americans are
coming to the conclusion the MSM and their dummies like you are so biased.
Media bias against conservatives is real, and part of the reason no one trusts the news now
It might not be conscious, but the way that reporters treat conservatives in their coverage has always shown their liberal leanings
Americans in general have begun to catch on:
66 percent of Americans believe that the media has a hard time separating fact from opinion and, according to a recent Gallup poll,
62 percent of the country believes that the press is biased one way or the other in their reporting.
And one can draw a straight line from the fawning Clinton coverage in the 1990s to the deeply suspicious manner with which George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were portrayed in the aughts to the media hyperventilation about Romney's “binders full of women” all the way to Trump’s post-fact world.

But this piece isn't meant for you, idiot. You won't understand it! It is for those on the fence people that still don't understand the MSM influence on their daily lives to these people's detriment!
Nobody is saying the stuff you posted in the OP is not true.

I'm just saying we all already knew it, and have all along.

Not sure how you missed it.
Your quote:
"Everybody knew".
Ambassador Gordon Sonland, 11/20/2019.

And this is exactly what Sonland knew...
I presumed that the aid suspension had become linked to the proposed anticorruption statement,” Mr. Sondland said.

That's right... EVERYBODY PRESUMED!!!
Again... you leave out words that are very important. Sondland didn't say he KNEW... he PRESUMED!
Geez that's like my saying based on your inability to comprehend, I presume your IQ is not very high!
Your increasingly desperate attempts to deflect are funny.

Truly sad that you find FACTS "funny"! Almost NONE of your comments have any links...just guesses, suppositions
and yes, "presumptions".
You presume and don't do any research to find the truth. And that's the sad part. Sad because you are a fool for the MSM.
Remember the ventilator shortage crisis? How many MSM articles were written about Trump having caused the shortage.
Coronavirus: NY may need 24,000 more ventilators to fight COVID-19. Here’s how it could get them
Published 5:00 a.m. ET March 20, 2020

Cuomo tells Trump admin. to "pick the 26,000 people who are going to die" amid ventilator shortage

President Donald Trump was pilloried by the media for questioning whether New York would actually need 30,000 additional ventilators or 40,000 ventilators total as claimed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo in late March. New models from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation show that New York already reached its peak projected ventilator usage on April 8, with a projected need of 5,008. The actual use may have been even lower.
As of press time, no media outlets revisited their reporting on the matter.

You're just boring now.

Of course! The FACTS, The truth all are boring to people like you with a 30 second attention span! There kept it short for your short attention!
Please continue to squirm, it's fun to watch.

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