Why Donald Trump will win 2020


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
I am sure that Trump will be re-elected because I have seen many articles from VERY different sources, that all focus on different aspects of the election process and use different models, yet all come to the same conclusion. I consider that variety of methods coming to a single conclusion to be very weighty.

Lets start with this article from The Hill. The Hill offers a very wide range of opinion, which is nice. This article contains some seriously great accomplishments of Trump.

Why Donald Trump will win 2020

Why Donald Trump will win 2020
Some takeways:

  • Since Trump took office, more than 7 million new jobs have been created. Unemployment has fallen from 4.8 percent to 3.5 percent, with African American and Hispanic unemployment at historic lows. In sharp contrast to the Obama era, the labor force has been growing rather than shrinking. More Americans are now working than ever before…

  • Given that no president running for reelection in the postwar era has been defeated with unemployment at less than 7.4 percent, the record of Trump on the jobs front alone sets him as a formidable candidate for reelection…

  • Moreover, Trump signed into law the Tax Cut and Jobs Act two years ago. Though Democrats derided it as a sop to the wealthy, a study showed that an average family of four earning the median annual income of $73,000 received a cut in federal income taxes of more than $2,000…

  • Since Trump was elected, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has soared by more than 50 percent to more than 28,000 points. The S&P 500 has climbed by more than 50 percent to more than 3,200 points. The Nasdaq composite has risen by more than 70 percent to more than 8,800 points. If you think those gains go only to elites, think again, as about 100 million people have 401(k)s and 42 million households have individual retirement accounts. They know who is putting more money in their wallets and who is making it easier to save for retirement and pay for college for their kids…
Okay. I covered Trump’s great awesome accomplishments in the OP, then different models showing he will win, and then the insane money he is bringing in, which certainly helps. Now I have one for you that you did not expect but its real. Ready?

Bernie Sanders.

Bernie right now has the momentum among the Dems. The Bernie brigades are still very angry at how the rigged Democrat Primary system (yes, rigged, by superdelegates) stole the nomination from him and gave it to Crooked Hillary. Yes, very angry. He really did get screwed too I believe.

So, one of two things will happen this time around: Bernie will win or he will get shafted again.

If he gets shafted again, the Sanders groupies will have a cow, and will stay home. There is no way they will give their vote to the party that screwed their guy twice. Trump will win.

OR: Sanders will win the nomination, and Trump will destroy that freakshow. Up until now the fake news media has kept a lid on just how much of a insane extremist communist this imbecile Sanders really is. But when he and his polices and his stupidities and his cabal of Commies gets under the Big Top Spotlight, center stage, in a national election, the GOP will destroy him so badly that he’ll wish he had never been born. They will crush him. Trump will win.

So, honored members and fellow Americans, Trump will win by his own hand and he will be assisted by the socialists. Do not doubt me friends. So when it happens, don’t cry, don’t whine, don’t blame Russians… …just remember your good friend: Me.
I, too, felt that President Trump might be able to win reelection.

But today I read that Candidate Biden might choose Mrs. Barack Obama as Vice President. If he does, then President Trump is toast.

The former FLOTUS is extremely popular with many people.
I, too, felt that President Trump might be able to win reelection.

But today I read that Candidate Biden might choose Mrs. Barack Obama as Vice President. If he does, then President Trump is toast.

The former FLOTUS is extremely popular with many people.

Oh ye of little faith
I, too, felt that President Trump might be able to win reelection.

But today I read that Candidate Biden might choose Mrs. Barack Obama as Vice President. If he does, then President Trump is toast.

The former FLOTUS is extremely popular with many people.
She made it pretty clear that she didn't like the lifestyle of being so protected and isolated like that. Can't say I blame her. That has to be suffocating.

On the other hand, who knows. It could happen.
Oh God! She’s back!

Well it was nice while she was gone. Likely banned for the umpteenth time.
I, too, felt that President Trump might be able to win reelection.

But today I read that Candidate Biden might choose Mrs. Barack Obama as Vice President. If he does, then President Trump is toast.

The former FLOTUS is extremely popular with many people.
Very low probability of happening. Mrs. O has too good of a life style to want to get tied down with the VP job.
I think Don Trump will win because he is running against a bunch of Ass-Clowns who aren't qualified to be the Super Duper Pooper Scooper in San Francisco. (The job is open because the last one just got hauled in for corruption--a Democrat.)

The Donald might be about half crazy. But he won in 2016 because the other available choice was pure Depravity. Dumb, Drunk, Dishonest---Depraved Hillary Clinton.

And this year's Democratic-Socialist-Bolshevik Clown Car is just as Fucked Up.

Sometimes you have to take a chance on Crazy. That's what a lot of voters did in 2016. It was a better risk than Depravity.

And, sometimes, you get lucky with Crazy.

Andrew Jackson was about half crazy, and mean too. Got elected to 2 terms and is on the $20 Bill. Theodore Roosevelt was about half-crazy too. He's on Mount Rushmore. The Brits were sure all through the late 1930's that Winston Churchill was Bat-Shit Crazy---until Hitler got to nipping at their ass. Churchill was the greatest man of the 20th Century.

How about the Craziest man ever to run a major country--Peter Alexeyev Romanov. The Russians revere him 300 years later as Peter the Great.

I buckled my seat beat in 2016 and took a chance on Crazy---because I had no choice.

And now I am giving Don Trump money because I have never seen any politician work so hard to keep every campaign promise he made---and if he has not yet succeeded on all of them yet, it is because of resistance which has long ago reached Coup d'etat levels and for which I think people will go to jail.

Fuck Democrats...Fuck Socialists...Fuck Bolsheviks---not that there a whiff of difference between the three.
Trump 2020! KAG! 306 to 232!
Mega Dittos
Feel the Bern...bitch.
It won't be long till dems finally abandon their efforts to win 2016. After Trump kicks commie ass in November, dems will gear up for the next four years of trying to win 2020.
It won't be long till dems finally abandon their efforts to win 2016. After Trump kicks commie ass in November, dems will gear up for the next four years of trying to win 2020.

Oh no, their hate won't allow that. I say, watch for massive and rampant fraud and even some violence

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