Why Donald Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies

go to the whitehouse have some coke and queer beer with the Buymes and then you will forget your obsession with trump....ps, its nobodys fault you live in a democrat run city and someone stole your trumpybear

That's cute (for a 10yr old)

FYI, Don jr came out in favor of Budweiser.

80% of the population in my area, including me, vote against democrats. Our city council, our mayor, sheriff, our state and US politicians are republican.

So I'm just wondering.... Did you learn to lie from Trump? Or have you always lied?
If you agree they are no different then it would have made more sense to start a thread about why do supporters of politicans support them and believe their lies and not hold them accountable. Doing one that singles out only Trump supporters makes it appear you don't believe this and think it's only Trump supporters that do it. Just a little something to consider in future threads if you wish to.

Because I meant to single out Trump. The article I posted singled out Trump. You don't see many folks clamoring over Biden. Most of Bidens support comes from those that dislike Trump. Some have retarded reasons, based on lies. And then there's independents like me who don't like Trump because he's too liberal, lies too much, spent too much and all the other legit reasons.

This thread is about Trump. If you wanted to try and change the subject to Biden, start one, or comment on one of the hundreds that have already been created.

It's pretty simple.
Trump's a bad liar. He fibs over small things in a joking manner. We all do that. They've made an industry from taking a snippet of his words out of context and splicing together soundbytes to create massive fake news stories, (Charlottesville is a perfect example, they were chomping on the bit trying to paint him as a white supremacist before he even got on the podium) because Trump doesn't speak like a lawyer-politician and they shamelessly & disingenuously take advantage of that. Now they're trying to put him in jail for 200 years over something said sarcastically. The propaganda effect of millions of "experts" and journalists to maintain their gravy train status quo is where the LIES come from. They are good liars because they lie in unison. That's why low-IQ lemmings like OP believe it, hook line and sinker. It feels good to agree with the powers that be. Trump is just an individual. Trump making jokes and then you linking another silly article blowing Trump out of proportion is a frivolous waste of time, like making a mountain out of a mole hill. Your propaganda is built on a house of cards and falls over at the slightest gust of wind. That's why they ban commenting on all these news sites. They want one-way communication. Like I'm gonna tolerate a navelgazing monologue from another insulated, compromised, LYING journalist. That includes right-wingnuts (pjmedia, redstate...) as well.
You don't care because Trump's lies, the big ones and the small ones, create that alternate universe that is your emotional home. A world where America comes always first because - cause. That's how you want it to be. Other nations self interest are not as legitimate as ours.
America is always the good guy in that beautiful dream, white people are more capable and moral than darker ones and God blessed us anyways. It's a world where an illegal from Guatemala gets tracked down by the lib government so they can give em your hard earned dollar in exchange for his vote instead of that illegal keeling over from heat stroke in a strawberry field out in California. God wants us to get a pound of strawberries for $ 4.99 and I like it too. It's a beautiful world where climate change sorts itself out if you just ignore it and if that doesn't work we blame China who pollutes, not us. We just benefit from it.
At home, if just everyone knows their place and stays in their lane, the way things were before them ******* got uppity and the women stayed in the house when they had a black eye instead of running to a divorce lawyer.
You love your fantasy too much to care about his lies.
You don't care because Trump's lies, the big ones and the small ones, create that alternate universe that is your emotional home. A world where America comes always first because - cause. That's how you want it to be. Other nations self interest are not as legitimate as ours.
America is always the good guy in that beautiful dream, white people are more capable and moral than darker ones and God blessed us anyways. It's a world where an illegal from Guatemala gets tracked down by the lib government so they can give em your hard earned dollar in exchange for his vote instead of that illegal keeling over from heat stroke in a strawberry field out in California. God wants us to get a pound of strawberries for $ 4.99 and I like it too. It's a beautiful world where climate change sorts itself out if you just ignore it and if that doesn't work we blame China who pollutes, not us. We just benefit from it.
At home, if just everyone knows their place and stays in their lane, the way things were before them ******* got uppity and the women stayed in the house when they had a black eye instead of running to a divorce lawyer.
You love your fantasy too much to care about his lies.
why dont the buydems share some of that coke they keep stashed at the white house
You don't care because Trump's lies, the big ones and the small ones, create that alternate universe that is your emotional home. A world where America comes always first because - cause. That's how you want it to be. Other nations self interest are not as legitimate as ours.
America is always the good guy in that beautiful dream, white people are more capable and moral than darker ones and God blessed us anyways. It's a world where an illegal from Guatemala gets tracked down by the lib government so they can give em your hard earned dollar in exchange for his vote instead of that illegal keeling over from heat stroke in a strawberry field out in California. God wants us to get a pound of strawberries for $ 4.99 and I like it too. It's a beautiful world where climate change sorts itself out if you just ignore it and if that doesn't work we blame China who pollutes, not us. We just benefit from it.
At home, if just everyone knows their place and stays in their lane, the way things were before them ******* got uppity and the women stayed in the house when they had a black eye instead of running to a divorce lawyer.
You love your fantasy too much to care about his lies.
You don't know me. I'm from California. Used to work a job visiting people's houses.The rich liberals living in mansions with Hilary signs in their yards had 100 percent Hispanic housemaids and gardeners. The "sanctuary state" needs its servant underclass.
I've moved to a different state since then and there seems to be far more racial parity, if you wanna talk about skin color, which I think shouldn't be mentioned at all. It's broad stupid generalization
You don't know me. I'm from California. Used to work a job visiting people's houses.The rich liberals living in mansions with Hilary signs in their yards had 100 percent Hispanic housemaids and gardeners. The "sanctuary state" needs its servant underclass.
I've moved to a different state since then and there seems to be far more racial parity, if you wanna talk about skin color, which I think shouldn't be mentioned at all. It's broad stupid generalization
Is that supposed to be a refutation of my post?
That's cute (for a 10yr old)

FYI, Don jr came out in favor of Budweiser.

80% of the population in my area, including me, vote against democrats. Our city council, our mayor, sheriff, our state and US politicians are republican.

So I'm just wondering.... Did you learn to lie from Trump? Or have you always lied?
I never had sex with that woman....Ms Lewinski....democrat truth????
I don’t know that anybody tolerates lies as much as libs and Democrats.

Brandon hasn’t said one honest thing in our lifetimes (not his) and you libs/Dems won’t admit that he is just a plain old liar.
I don't disagree with that. But while focusing on those other things, you're trying to change the subject of Trumps actual big lies. Some very important ones. One's from his 2016 campaign he told to get people to support him. Important lies he told as president. And ones he's telling now.

Why doesn't his supporters hold him in account for doing that? Is the truth not good enough? Do we not deserve better or the truth?
As a Democrat, you don't deserve shit.
Gee, if only Little Bill were here to run the Ministry of truth this could all be straightened out.
Trump lied about:

Who was going to pay for the wall.
Locking Hillary up. Or even having a special prosecutor investigate her. (you know, over that whole Russia Russia Russia thing that turned out to be false. Trump let the instigator/funder of that who thing go not even a week after the election)
He also lied about how he was going to cut spending.
Zero out the national debt.
Called the covid shot the "greatest medical miracle of all time. " That was a huge lie.
He lied about how awesome the trade deals with China and Mexico were.

FFS, there's hardly anything Trump didn't lie about.

BTW, by trying to change the subject of this thread, you proved the OP article correct.

Thanks for playing.
This is so weak a claim, it's comical. On the things Trump didn't finish, he didn't get to serve the two terms that he won.
This is so weak a claim, it's comical. On the things Trump didn't finish, he didn't get to serve the two terms that he won.

He had 4 years and didn't do any of those things. 4 more years, especially with a democrat house and Senate, he wouldn't have gotten anything else done.
Trump is as ineffective as Jimmy Carter was. Even with his own party.
Nice try gov shill,,,,,,,,I have yet to hear ANY TRUMP LIES so why dont you enlighten us shill.

You haven't heard it because you're loyal.

Make Mexico pay for the wall.
Zero out the national debt in 8 years.
Protect our 2A
Balance the budget
Reduce spending
Reverse the trade deficit with China
Bring jobs back
"Lock her up."

Instead what we got was a bunch of liberal BS.
The Platinum Plan
Bump stock ban
Funded Planned Parenthood and gender studies (in Pakistan and Afghanistan)
A trade deal with China and Mexico that almost exactly the same as it was prior.
Trillions more in debt.
USD value loss at record levels.

Trump would've made a great democrat.

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