Why Don't Atheists Contribute To Society?

On the other hand, there aren't too many atheist suicide cells crashing airplanes into Manhattan, either. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

I'm an idiot? I'm not on here condemning everyone to Hell. You are.
You don't even know how to read. I'm not condemning anyone. I'm saying those like you are destined for hell because of the way you use Christianity and the name of Jesus to promote evil and anti-Christian thought and behavior. Try to read and understand with more clarity.

Notice most everyone who believes in heaven also believes they are going?

I love it when two theists meet and one tells the other they aren't doing it right. When I was a theist I got offended now I just laugh.
I am not a theist. I am going by what Jesus supposedly said and supposedly stood for. What Christianity is all about. I have no interest in this at all other than noting the hypocricy of so many who call themselves Christian. LOL I am most definitely not a theist.

What Jesus "supposedly said"? LOL!!
For the believers, yes. What they believe he said.

No, you are stating what you believe he said. And you are wrong.
See atheists think that because they don't believe in Christ, they can attribute all sorts of garbage to him, then they can claim that it's what WE believe.

It's nonsense. Pure garbage. And just another symptom of their innately dishonest, and honor-less, characters.
On the other hand, there aren't too many atheist suicide cells crashing airplanes into Manhattan, either. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

You don't even know how to read. I'm not condemning anyone. I'm saying those like you are destined for hell because of the way you use Christianity and the name of Jesus to promote evil and anti-Christian thought and behavior. Try to read and understand with more clarity.

Notice most everyone who believes in heaven also believes they are going?

I love it when two theists meet and one tells the other they aren't doing it right. When I was a theist I got offended now I just laugh.
I am not a theist. I am going by what Jesus supposedly said and supposedly stood for. What Christianity is all about. I have no interest in this at all other than noting the hypocricy of so many who call themselves Christian. LOL I am most definitely not a theist.

What Jesus "supposedly said"? LOL!!
For the believers, yes. What they believe he said.

No, you are stating what you believe he said. And you are wrong.
You fucking idiot. It's written in the Bible, in the New Testament. You think I haven't read it? You're wrong.

Are you a Christian who is saying she doesn't believe what the New Testament says?
Let me as the OP set the record straight. I have admitted that I was wrong. We did find three atheists who said they had contributed. It was also pointed out to me that atheists as a whole, all work at Walmart and are on SNAP and are unable financially to contribute. I openly and sincerely apologize to the atheist community. I am not one to disparage anyone who lacks the skills training and ambition to get a decent paying job and must rely on government assistance programs in order to have food on their tables. I also acknowledge that some atheist have read three or four Bible verses.
????.....so you figure he drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit BEFORE he got elected so he could GET elected?......gotta love liberal logic.....

New Orleans & Detroit were by design. They may not have planned on the Hurricane but their response after sure was not the same as a year before when a hurricane hit Jeb Bush's state of Florida. The US Government was there the next day with sparkling water and ice to keep them cool.

Detroit's bankruptcy is just like all the corporate bankruptcies. They ripped off the Pensions. The whole middle class disappearing thing started probably before Reagan.

Oh and as for Snyder. He hasn't written one bill. ALEC and the corporations now write the bills and the GOP run Michigan government just passes what they give them. They don't even read the bills.

Don't believe it? Google this like I just did "who writes republican legislation" and ALEC is the first thing to pop up.
lol.....google this.....Detroit went bankrupt because it was run by Democrats.....I will admit its bankruptcy was by design.....you just picked the wrong designers......
Detroit went bankrupt because all the white people left.
lol.....no.....black and hispanic people left as well.....the Inkster school district, which was 90% black, lost half their students over a two year period......2010 and 2011......
So if a school district that was 90% black lost half its peeps, then it's down to 5% white. Like I said, all the white peeps left.
and when you buy a 50 cent candy bar and give the clerk a dollar she gives you a nickel in change......
What do you think about Walmart, McD and Factory workers who are making below poverty level wages? Do you think the corporations that make great profits should be paying above poverty level? I do.

Think about it like these companies are using the us tax payer to subsodize their profits. On YOUR back. Because these workers often have to get foodstamps because they don't make enough.

So either the employees have to unionize or the government has to pass a minimum wage increase. I'd rather the companies just do it out of fear of either. Too much greed. If they can't ship the job overseas they want to hire illegals to do it on the cheap. Anything to not pay an American worker a fair wage.

This brings everyones wages down.

Working at Walmart can hardly be considered high-tech. Were Walmart unable to fill open positions at low hourly wage, then market forces would cause them to raise wages. To my knowledge, Walmart forces no one to work for them. Such jobs will always exist because there are always a number of folks who simply have not the ambition to gain the necessary training to move up the food chain. Such jobs should be held by college students and such and not by any family's primary bread winner.

Most of the Big 3 Unionized Auto workers today would be considered unskilled labor. If they weren't unionized, they would have only made minimum wage.
2. This is why they sent all the jobs overseas and turned a blind eye on illegals from 2000-2008. They wanted the market flooded with workers and no jobs so they could lower wages.

Walmart should unionize. Unless you want to hold your breath and wait for jobs to be plentiful again.

And if scabs try to cross the picket line, there should be hell to pay.

Good for you in recognizing the problem. You fail at your solution though. Unionization isn't the solution in an environment where there is a vast surplus of workers. Secondly, we can do more than just "hold our breath and wait for jobs to be plentiful again" but you're not ready yet to cross that bridge. The solution which helps bring about what you want is staring you in the face, you just have to accept it as necessary.

Yes it is the solution. What you are saying is that we shouldn't unionize now because there are plenty of people who need work that will take our jobs? That's exactly when you should unionize. That way the company can't just fire you and replace you with someone else. You actually would have a right to your job, provided you are doing a good job.

But I do agree it would be great if we could lower unemployment and yes that would help bring up wages. But not if everyone is paying $10 hr.

The only reason non union companies for 30 years paid as well as they did was they didn't want their employees to unionize. Now that unions are all but dead, companies across the board can keep wages low.

What can we do besides hold our breath? You said #2 and you didn't tell me what # 2 was. I'm waiting.

You're misdiagnosing what was happening back then. It was labor scarcity. That scarcity of labor actually led to the highest black income gains relative to whites and there was no government control needed to achieve that.

We have 20 million illegal infiltrators in our labor market at the same time that we have the lowest percentage of ,male workers in the labor force:


The solution is to deport the 20 million illegal infiltrators, stop immigration like we did for over 40 years during the mid-20th Century and then watch as the bargaining power of labor increases relative to capital. Look at what happened to the top 1% during the period.

Labor scarcity is a powerful force.


We never needed to go after illegals in the past. Every year they came in, did their migrant work and left. What changed?

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to 4 in 2003.

Remember back then the GOP position was that they were doing "jobs Americans won't do"? I remember.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to 3."

- See more at: Thom Hartmann - News info from the 1 progressive radio show News. Opinion. Debate

Clearly the GOP wanted to flood the market with workers to lower wages. Obvious to anyone with a brain.
Same way Snyder won in Michigan. Drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit so Detroit is no longer the voting block it once was.

????.....so you figure he drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit BEFORE he got elected so he could GET elected?......gotta love liberal logic.....

New Orleans & Detroit were by design. They may not have planned on the Hurricane but their response after sure was not the same as a year before when a hurricane hit Jeb Bush's state of Florida. The US Government was there the next day with sparkling water and ice to keep them cool.

Detroit's bankruptcy is just like all the corporate bankruptcies. They ripped off the Pensions. The whole middle class disappearing thing started probably before Reagan.

Oh and as for Snyder. He hasn't written one bill. ALEC and the corporations now write the bills and the GOP run Michigan government just passes what they give them. They don't even read the bills.

Don't believe it? Google this like I just did "who writes republican legislation" and ALEC is the first thing to pop up.
lol.....google this.....Detroit went bankrupt because it was run by Democrats.....I will admit its bankruptcy was by design.....you just picked the wrong designers......

Almost every city in America went bankrupt after Bush's Great Recession. They created the crisis so they could cut spending on social issues they don't like. Anything that helps the poor basically. They hate social safety nets. They hated subsodizing college costs.

Say, did you see that Financial Aid has finally surpassed credit card debt? Right now Americans owe $1 trillion in student loans.

1 trillion student loan debt widens US wealth gap

Americans are so stupid. The middle class is disappearing and they don't even show up to vote.
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?

I was listening to jesus talk on the way in. The guy kept calling America a Jewdao Christian Nation. Which founding fathers first of all were Jews?

Besides, that it got me thinking. If we are a Jew/Christian nation, why did we separate church and state? I can't imagine any Christian saying in the meeting, "You know what guys, I think we should have a secular government".

Separation of church and state clearly came from an atheist. So, that's one way we contributed to society.
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Christian churches gathered up water and toiletries and other basic human needs and handed out to the storm victims. When Ivan hit, they did the same thing. It has happened over and over whenever their has been a natural disaster. Even individual families who have fell victim to home fires, floods, etc., have been helped by the Church.

Where are the atheists in all this?

I was listening to jesus talk on the way in. The guy kept calling America a Jewdao Christian Nation. Which founding fathers first of all were Jews?

Besides, that it got me thinking. If we are a Jew/Christian nation, why did we separate church and state? I can't imagine any Christian saying in the meeting, "You know what guys, I think we should have a secular government".

Separation of church and state clearly came from an atheist. So, that's one way we contributed to society.

I think they got that from the Pilgrims who I guess came to America to get away from the Church of England which practically ran the English King's government. Yes, the Christians were fighting among themselves even back then.
Same way Snyder won in Michigan. Drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit so Detroit is no longer the voting block it once was.

????.....so you figure he drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit BEFORE he got elected so he could GET elected?......gotta love liberal logic.....

New Orleans & Detroit were by design. They may not have planned on the Hurricane but their response after sure was not the same as a year before when a hurricane hit Jeb Bush's state of Florida. The US Government was there the next day with sparkling water and ice to keep them cool.

Detroit's bankruptcy is just like all the corporate bankruptcies. They ripped off the Pensions. The whole middle class disappearing thing started probably before Reagan.

Oh and as for Snyder. He hasn't written one bill. ALEC and the corporations now write the bills and the GOP run Michigan government just passes what they give them. They don't even read the bills.

Don't believe it? Google this like I just did "who writes republican legislation" and ALEC is the first thing to pop up.
lol.....google this.....Detroit went bankrupt because it was run by Democrats.....I will admit its bankruptcy was by design.....you just picked the wrong designers......

Almost every city in America went bankrupt after Bush's Great Recession.

???.....totally false statement....did you think you could get away with that?......

however, there were eight.....guess how many of them were run by Democrats.....
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Same way Snyder won in Michigan. Drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit so Detroit is no longer the voting block it once was.

????.....so you figure he drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit BEFORE he got elected so he could GET elected?......gotta love liberal logic.....

New Orleans & Detroit were by design. They may not have planned on the Hurricane but their response after sure was not the same as a year before when a hurricane hit Jeb Bush's state of Florida. The US Government was there the next day with sparkling water and ice to keep them cool.

Detroit's bankruptcy is just like all the corporate bankruptcies. They ripped off the Pensions. The whole middle class disappearing thing started probably before Reagan.

Oh and as for Snyder. He hasn't written one bill. ALEC and the corporations now write the bills and the GOP run Michigan government just passes what they give them. They don't even read the bills.

Don't believe it? Google this like I just did "who writes republican legislation" and ALEC is the first thing to pop up.
lol.....google this.....Detroit went bankrupt because it was run by Democrats.....I will admit its bankruptcy was by design.....you just picked the wrong designers......

Almost every city in America went bankrupt after Bush's Great Recession.

???.....totally false statement....did you think you could get away with that?......

however, there were eight.....guess how many of them were run by Democrats.....

I meant almost went bankrupt. Every city in America had to make drastic cuts after the Bush Great Recession of 2007. They all had to make drastic cuts. Lay off workers, ask employees to take all kinds of concessions, cut services. This was the 3rd way the GOP flooded the market with workers. Lay off government workers, send jobs overseas and hire illegals to do jobs American's will do.

Then remember the GOP held the government hostage and ruined our credit rating because they insisted on cutting even more. Cut social security, cut medicaid, cut welfare, foodstamps, headstart, unemployment benefits?

And remember they refused to raise taxes on the job creators? That shifted the tax burden more onto you too, but that's another story.

Back in the 90's when good paying jobs were plentiful, we loved illegals coming in and doing jobs American's wouldn't do. But then your side sent all the good paying manufacturing jobs overseas and what did you think would happen?
Every city in America almost went bankrupt in 2007 is what I meant. Welcome to SAGE

Oh look what happened to the workers

Changes in health and retirement plans

Half of the respondents, human resources professionals, report that their governments have made changes to their health care plans:

  • Increased employee contributions (69 percent)
  • Added number of years required to vest (25 percent)
  • Added wellness programs, 24-hour nurse lines, or on-site clinics (25 percent)
  • Reduced benefits (23 percent)
  • Tiered benefits (15 percent)
  • Decreased employer contributions (10 percent)

????.....so you figure he drove the poor and middle class out of Michigan and Detroit BEFORE he got elected so he could GET elected?......gotta love liberal logic.....

New Orleans & Detroit were by design. They may not have planned on the Hurricane but their response after sure was not the same as a year before when a hurricane hit Jeb Bush's state of Florida. The US Government was there the next day with sparkling water and ice to keep them cool.

Detroit's bankruptcy is just like all the corporate bankruptcies. They ripped off the Pensions. The whole middle class disappearing thing started probably before Reagan.

Oh and as for Snyder. He hasn't written one bill. ALEC and the corporations now write the bills and the GOP run Michigan government just passes what they give them. They don't even read the bills.

Don't believe it? Google this like I just did "who writes republican legislation" and ALEC is the first thing to pop up.
lol.....google this.....Detroit went bankrupt because it was run by Democrats.....I will admit its bankruptcy was by design.....you just picked the wrong designers......

Almost every city in America went bankrupt after Bush's Great Recession.

???.....totally false statement....did you think you could get away with that?......

however, there were eight.....guess how many of them were run by Democrats.....

I meant almost went bankrupt. Every city in America had to make drastic cuts after the Bush Great Recession of 2007. They all had to make drastic cuts. Lay off workers, ask employees to take all kinds of concessions, cut services. This was the 3rd way the GOP flooded the market with workers. Lay off government workers, send jobs overseas and hire illegals to do jobs American's will do.

Then remember the GOP held the government hostage and ruined our credit rating because they insisted on cutting even more. Cut social security, cut medicaid, cut welfare, foodstamps, headstart, unemployment benefits?

And remember they refused to raise taxes on the job creators? That shifted the tax burden more onto you too, but that's another story.

Back in the 90's when good paying jobs were plentiful, we loved illegals coming in and doing jobs American's wouldn't do. But then your side sent all the good paying manufacturing jobs overseas and what did you think would happen?
I find it interesting you think no Democrats owned businesses that cut back on employment.......meanwhile, I DO recall spending five years under Obama experiencing an economy worse than any of the eight years under Bush......
Every city in America almost went bankrupt in 2007 is what I meant. Welcome to SAGE

Oh look what happened to the workers

Changes in health and retirement plans

Half of the respondents, human resources professionals, report that their governments have made changes to their health care plans:

  • Increased employee contributions (69 percent)
  • Added number of years required to vest (25 percent)
  • Added wellness programs, 24-hour nurse lines, or on-site clinics (25 percent)
  • Reduced benefits (23 percent)
  • Tiered benefits (15 percent)
  • Decreased employer contributions (10 percent)

You'd better hurry up and get ready to go to your part-time job at Walmart that Obama got you.
Every city in America almost went bankrupt in 2007 is what I meant. Welcome to SAGE

Oh look what happened to the workers

Changes in health and retirement plans

Half of the respondents, human resources professionals, report that their governments have made changes to their health care plans:

  • Increased employee contributions (69 percent)
  • Added number of years required to vest (25 percent)
  • Added wellness programs, 24-hour nurse lines, or on-site clinics (25 percent)
  • Reduced benefits (23 percent)
  • Tiered benefits (15 percent)
  • Decreased employer contributions (10 percent)

You'd better hurry up and get ready to go to your part-time job at Walmart that Obama got you.

Then after I work 40 hours there I'll go apply for foodstamps that you will have to pay because Walmart wants to subsodize their profits on you, the US taxpayers backs.
Every city in America almost went bankrupt in 2007 is what I meant. Welcome to SAGE

Oh look what happened to the workers

Changes in health and retirement plans

Half of the respondents, human resources professionals, report that their governments have made changes to their health care plans:

  • Increased employee contributions (69 percent)
  • Added number of years required to vest (25 percent)
  • Added wellness programs, 24-hour nurse lines, or on-site clinics (25 percent)
  • Reduced benefits (23 percent)
  • Tiered benefits (15 percent)
  • Decreased employer contributions (10 percent)

You'd better hurry up and get ready to go to your part-time job at Walmart that Obama got you.

Then after I work 40 hours there I'll go apply for foodstamps that you will have to pay because Walmart wants to subsodize their profits on you, the US taxpayers backs.

If you do that I'll steal the batteries out of your Obamaphone, big boy! I'll really hurt you.

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