Zone1 Why Don't Gay Men and Women Repent?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Every other sin I can think of I repent of. Blasphemy, cussing, (I've actually cut back on that a lot) unrighteous anger, because as a saved person I really want to at least attempt to live my life in the way God wants me to but with gay Christians they don't even seem to want to change because they're quite certain that God loves them exactly the way they are.

The truth is that He does love them but He HATES their sin. Oh and btw contrary to popular belief being gay itself isn't a sin, it's just acting on their sexual desires that's sinful behavior.

I once knew a gay Christian who preferred to stay single because of this reason and it took a lot of prayer and will power to get to that point but he still accomplished it so it is very doable.
Every other sin I can think of I repent of. Blasphemy, cussing, (I've actually cut back on that a lot) unrighteous anger, because as a saved person I really want to at least attempt to live my life in the way God wants me to but with gay Christians they don't even seem to want to change because they're quite certain that God loves them exactly the way they are.

The truth is that He does love them but He HATES their sin. Oh and btw contrary to popular belief being gay itself isn't a sin, it's just acting on their sexual desires that's sinful behavior.

I once knew a gay Christian who preferred to stay single because of this reason and it took a lot of prayer and will power to get to that point but he still accomplished it so it is very doable.
If being gay is a sin why did god create gay people?
Judging individuals is far different from judging sinful behavior by itself.

You were not judging any individuals that I recall.

Conversely, playtime was only judging YOU.

Exactly as all I was doing was stating the fact that homosexuality is a sin because it is.
WHY repent when religion is nothing but a global fraud in the first place?

My mother was a psycho church woman......constantly dragging me and my sister to all kinds of churches, in order to find something no religion or church could give her.

And I saw the SAME things in every church we ever went to!!! Liars, cheats, frauds, charlatans, theives, pedophiles, man haters, woman haters, other race haters......with animoosity and hypocrisy for all.


I'll take the chance of just being who I am. If your god does exist, and he doesn't like it, well that tough shit Sherlock!!
He didn't. Just like He didn't create people to be liars, murders, and thieves either. Sinning is a choice. Otherwise Jesus would have been doing all of those things as well but He chose not to.
Of course he did. God, I’m told created everything and he knows exactly what is going to happen. He allows it to happen. God is omnipotent.
Every other sin I can think of I repent of. Blasphemy, cussing, (I've actually cut back on that a lot) unrighteous anger, because as a saved person I really want to at least attempt to live my life in the way God wants me to but with gay Christians they don't even seem to want to change because they're quite certain that God loves them exactly the way they are.

The truth is that He does love them but He HATES their sin. Oh and btw contrary to popular belief being gay itself isn't a sin, it's just acting on their sexual desires that's sinful behavior.

I once knew a gay Christian who preferred to stay single because of this reason and it took a lot of prayer and will power to get to that point but he still accomplished it so it is very doable.
They don't repent for the same reason white racists don't repent. The believe they were born that way, therefore it is natural.
Every other sin I can think of I repent of. Blasphemy, cussing, (I've actually cut back on that a lot) unrighteous anger, because as a saved person I really want to at least attempt to live my life in the way God wants me to but with gay Christians they don't even seem to want to change because they're quite certain that God loves them exactly the way they are.

The truth is that He does love them but He HATES their sin. Oh and btw contrary to popular belief being gay itself isn't a sin, it's just acting on their sexual desires that's sinful behavior.

I once knew a gay Christian who preferred to stay single because of this reason and it took a lot of prayer and will power to get to that point but he still accomplished it so it is very doable.
For the same reason that Christians ignore many parts of the bible.

Why does congress, year after year, put everyone, gay and straight alike, their children, and their children's children, further and further into debt slavery?

IMO, a far greater sin.
Every other sin I can think of I repent of.
Is lying and faking a disability a sin.
You apparently don't think so, because you can still type 8-12 per day on your keyboard but somehow can't take a job in data entry.

You, are a sinner, a pathetic sinner that leeches off our Government, the actual Government that YOU despise.

You are low, very low.
Get a JOB.

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