Why don't people want to know the truth about 9/11?

so what what happened to the core ?

What happened to the core...

Do you understand that structures are designed with INDIVIDUAL components to function as one component?

That if one component fails, the work that the failed component was responsible for is then transfered to the remaining components?

Did the perimeter columns help support any of the gravity load of the towers?

When the plane smashed through the perimeter columns and removed those columns, the load that those particular columns were responsible for moved to the other columns.

The fires further weakened the columns which are already under stress. The core eventually came to a point where it couldn't support the load and failed. Once that started, what was supposed to stop the upper structure from coming down?

Again, were those floor truss supports supposed to do that? That "block" coming down, basically ripped connections apart. What do you think would failed first under stress? The column itself or a weaker connection attached to the column?

You can see in any video as the debris fell down the center of the towers, you can see sections of perimeter walls getting pushed outward after the floor connections were severed.

Don't forget the heavy elevator motors and electrical panels in the core.

Why do you think this photo shows a still standing core with no floors around it?

The floors were ripped away.
In response to the OP. Personally, does it really matter? I don't believe that the U.S. government did it...but if they did, it still wouldn't matter because people already distrust the government and think it's corrupt.

I don't understand why it's so suprising to some that these buildings actually fell down. Stack up a tower of dominos and throw a baseball at it. It's gonna fall down. People claim that the jet fuel burns this much, and steel melts at this much, blah blah blah. They forget about the THOUSANDS if not MILLIONS of flammable objects inside the WTC. Desks, paper, carbet, wall paneling, etc...You had jet fuel burning along with all these other propellants, not to mention the seats, paper, clothes, etc... that were on the plane itself. You have electrical wires, breakers, and junction boxes inside the WTC that, I'm sure, were created an ENORMOUS heat source when they shorted out after the impact. I do not believe that these fires were burning precisely at the temperature that jet fuel burns. Conspiracy theorists also show pictures of molten metal to try to prove their points. There are all kinds of metals that melt and turn orange...that molten metal could have been other metals besides steel. At the same rate, steel melts at a certain degree, but what if the fire was slightly below that degree, it would still begin to weaken it. There's just too many factors involved...
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Something else for the troofer loons to completely ignore:

Your own video states that the core cannot stand on it's own. Once the floors linking columns are gone you have nothing but individual skinny beams reaching 1,300-ft in the air. A single beam can't even free-stand at 250-ft much less 1,300-ft.

it said it could take multiple strikes and still stand
one guy, said he believed it should have withstood multiple
but the designers only said A hit, niot multiple
and the buildings DID survive the hits
it was the fires after that made the structures collapse

Your own video states that the core cannot stand on it's own. Once the floors linking columns are gone you have nothing but individual skinny beams reaching 1,300-ft in the air. A single beam can't even free-stand at 250-ft much less 1,300-ft.

it said it could take multiple strikes and still stand

Jesus H ChrisT eots!!!!

The towers DID take the strike! They stood well after the initial strikes, thus withstood the impact.

Do you understand that?

They collapsed because of the resultant fires, the weakening of the steel and components, and damage, NOT from the impact.

They did studies and calculations on the FORCE of the impact of the jet and the resiliency of the building to not topple or collapse at that moment of impact.

What they DIDN'T do studies and calculations on was the resultant fires from that impact and how the structure would perform then.
Your own video states that the core cannot stand on it's own. Once the floors linking columns are gone you have nothing but individual skinny beams reaching 1,300-ft in the air. A single beam can't even free-stand at 250-ft much less 1,300-ft.

it said it could take multiple strikes and still stand
one guy, said he believed it should have withstood multiple
but the designers only said A hit, niot multiple
and the buildings DID survive the hits
it was the fires after that made the structures collapse

fuel ignited and burned off in the impact...there is zero evidence of the temperatures claimed by NIST
it said it could take multiple strikes and still stand
one guy, said he believed it should have withstood multiple
but the designers only said A hit, niot multiple
and the buildings DID survive the hits
it was the fires after that made the structures collapse

fuel ignited and burned off in the impact...there is zero evidence of the temperatures claimed by NIST
you are still wrong
and you have been shown why
yet you still keep posting the same debunked bullshit over and over
it said it could take multiple strikes and still stand
one guy, said he believed it should have withstood multiple
but the designers only said A hit, niot multiple
and the buildings DID survive the hits
it was the fires after that made the structures collapse

fuel ignited and burned off in the impact...there is zero evidence of the temperatures claimed by NIST

It ignited the contents on the floors, which continued to burn.

Are you telling me that office fires cannot reach temperatures high enough to WEAKEN steel. STRESSED STEEL?
it said it could take multiple strikes and still stand
one guy, said he believed it should have withstood multiple
but the designers only said A hit, niot multiple
and the buildings DID survive the hits
it was the fires after that made the structures collapse

fuel ignited and burned off in the impact...there is zero evidence of the temperatures claimed by NIST
They did, REALLY?

Check out 2:02 of this video and tell me those fires weren't still raging just as the building began it's collapse.

Are you going to say the fires were faked?

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Miller is in need of serious professional help. Maybe he can get Dr. Phil to put him on TV and then he can tell millions the truth. They will lock him away for ever.
Miller is in need of serious professional help. Maybe he can get Dr. Phil to put him on TV and then he can tell millions the truth. They will lock him away for ever.
Actually, Miller fully admitted that a judge declared him insane. He also spent a significant amount of time in prison for fraud based crimes.

It's all in his profile....Go check it out.

Oh, and he also said he had a plan to come "kill you all" in another troofer loon thread up here.

The dude obviously had a few Fruit Loops tossed into his Cheerios long ago!:cuckoo:
one guy, said he believed it should have withstood multiple
but the designers only said A hit, niot multiple
and the buildings DID survive the hits
it was the fires after that made the structures collapse

fuel ignited and burned off in the impact...there is zero evidence of the temperatures claimed by NIST
They did, REALLY?

Check out 2:02 of this video and tell me those fires weren't still raging just as the building began it's collapse.

Are you going to say the fires were faked?


"raging" is a very relative term...fires were still but it was not jet fuel burning hours after the initial impact
- The towers were struck by 25% larger planes than the Boeing 707 it was designed to withstand.
- Lost 20% of its supporting columns from the planes impact.
- Had to support an additional 100,000-lbs of aircraft debris.
- Lost most of the structural fire-proofing insulation from impact explosion.
- Lost its fire suppression & sprinkler system severed by aircraft.
- Remaining steel structure lost over 60% of its strength due to 650°C fires.
- Plane impacted fully charged UPC battery rooms blasting sulfuric acid all over the remaining structure.
- Plane destroyed the extra support beams installed to hold the weight of all those batteries.

DUH! Gee-Wiz Wally, I don't understand why the tower collapsed!

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