Why don't people want to know the truth about 9/11?

Iquote=rat in the hat;3382939]

I highly doubt that...if this is the level of your game

In the words of a great song, "You ain't seen nothin' yet"

I've put the strife on this board in the last weeks to good use, and found some real truth.

Get ready to deal with a pissed off, OCD riddled, stubborn, laid-off, Polack with a chip on his shoulder, and nothing but time to kill.

All he wants is attention. If you acknowledge him, he wins in his own feebile rancid mind.

I've been here for about 2 years and he hasn't made a single God-damned point. If it wasn't an insult to other persons suffering from the disability; I'd say that he was mentally retarded and every single post by that dumbass is proof of the fact.

Just let him sit in the corner and fold paper airplanes and go by occasionally to slap the shit out of him when you feel like it,

1) He's an easy target.
2) He's utterly un armed in any battle of intelligence
3) He ALWAYS deserves whatever mis-fortune comes his way.

In short; he's scum. The lone redeeming quality he may possess is that he is fully aware of that fact.

At this point, I could give a damn what he, FizzlesExpiss, or miller want.

I'm going to use the new tools at my disposal to peel all of these goofballs apart like grapes, so that anyone looking in for the first time don't fall for their line of bullshit. I'm sick of these scum using the deaths of the victims, and the pain, suffering and torment of their survivors to make a fast buck on a chunk of plastic full of YouTube videos.

Let them take their garbage to "capt." Bobby Balsamo's hall of shit. He will welcome them with open arms as conquering heroes, since he only has 5 or 6 regular posters. He would welcome a 33% increase in suckers, since no body is buying his new disc.
Let me get this straight.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange with 400,000 secret classified government documents does not believe 9/11 was an inside job.

Obama & all the Democrats in congress despite the rhetoric can't find evidence that 9/11 was an inside job.

The Police, Fire, Rescue ATF, FBI, Military & Port Authority had friends, families & co-workers killed in the 9/11 attacks. All of these officials who were involved in the search, rescue & cleanup sifting through debris looking for friends & family. They could not find any physical evidence of explosive demolition. But some internet whack-jobs watched loose change a political hate movie say Bush killed their friends & family with demolition explosives. :cuckoo:
Let me get this straight.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange with 400,000 secret classified government documents does not believe 9/11 was an inside job.

Obama & all the Democrats in congress despite the rhetoric can't find evidence that 9/11 was an inside job.

The Police, Fire, Rescue ATF, FBI, Military & Port Authority had friends, families & co-workers killed in the 9/11 attacks. All of these officials who were involved in the search, rescue & cleanup sifting through debris looking for friends & family. They could not find any physical evidence of explosive demolition. But some internet whack-jobs watched loose change a political hate movie say Bush killed their friends & family with demolition explosives. :cuckoo:
they are ALL in on it
Let me get this straight.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange with 400,000 secret classified government documents does not believe 9/11 was an inside job.

what so he is omnipotent now ? give it up...do you have a link to his statement ?

Obama & all the Democrats in congress despite the rhetoric can't find evidence that 9/11 was an inside job.

what rhetoric ? Obama and democrats are looking for 9/11 evidence...got a link to that ?

The Police, Fire, Rescue ATF, FBI, Military & Port Authority had friends, families & co-workers killed in the 9/11 attacks. All of these officials who were involved in the search, rescue & cleanup sifting through debris looking for friends & family. They could not find any physical evidence of explosive demolition

they were not looking for any...what would you expect to find ? and many family members and first responders have voiced there belife the 9/11 commison was a cover-up and are active in 9/11 truth

But some internet whack-jobs watched loose change a political hate movie say Bush killed their friends & family with demolition explosives. :cuckoo

and many people that worked in some of them in some highly sensitive areas of military,government research and national security...but you like to pretend

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
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Jesse Ventura's audio expert, Kent Gibson, admits that Ventura edited his interview. And that voice morphing can't be done without huge samples from the subjects.


Oh, snap.

this video debunks nothing

Jesse Ventura aired a segment stating that the black box (CVR) cockpit voice recorder from the hijacked airliner recorded the hijackers in the cockpit before the plane took-off from the airport. What a bald face lie that was. At that time those aircraft had cockpit voice recorders that only record the last 30 minuets of flight. Only after 9/11 were the CVRs upgraded to record the last 2-hours of a flight. Since all of the hijacked aircraft flew well over 30 minutes prior to crashing, there is no way the CVRs had record of anything going on at the air-port on the ground.
in the words of a great song, "you ain't seen nothin' yet"

i've put the strife on this board in the last weeks to good use, and found some real truth.

Get ready to deal with a pissed off, ocd riddled, stubborn, laid-off, polack with a chip on his shoulder, and nothing but time to kill.

all he wants is attention. If you acknowledge him, he wins in his own feebile rancid mind.

I've been here for about 2 years and he hasn't made a single god-damned point. If it wasn't an insult to other persons suffering from the disability; i'd say that he was mentally retarded and every single post by that dumbass is proof of the fact.

Just let him sit in the corner and fold paper airplanes and go by occasionally to slap the shit out of him when you feel like it,

1) he's an easy target.
2) he's utterly un armed in any battle of intelligence
3) he always deserves whatever mis-fortune comes his way.

In short; he's scum. The lone redeeming quality he may possess is that he is fully aware of that fact.

at this point, i could give a damn what he, fizzlesexpiss, or miller want.

I'm going to use the new tools at my disposal to peel all of these goofballs apart like grapes, so that anyone looking in for the first time don't fall for their line of bullshit. I'm sick of these scum using the deaths of the victims, and the pain, suffering and torment of their survivors to make a fast buck on a chunk of plastic full of youtube videos.

Let them take their garbage to "capt." bobby balsamo's hall of shit. He will welcome them with open arms as conquering heroes, since he only has 5 or 6 regular posters. He would welcome a 33% increase in suckers, since no body is buying his new disc.

blah,blah, blah ,blah...what ?
jesse ventura's audio expert, kent gibson, admits that ventura edited his interview. And that voice morphing can't be done without huge samples from the subjects.


oh, snap.

this video debunks nothing

jesse ventura aired a segment stating that the black box (cvr) cockpit voice recorder from the hijacked airliner recorded the hijackers in the cockpit before the plane took-off from the airport. What a bald face lie that was. At that time those aircraft had cockpit voice recorders that only record the last 30 minuets of flight. Only after 9/11 were the cvrs upgraded to record the last 2-hours of a flight. Since all of the hijacked aircraft flew well over 30 minutes prior to crashing, there is no way the cvrs had record of anything going on at the air-port on the ground.

link or stfu
Let me get this straight.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange with 400,000 secret classified government documents does not believe 9/11 was an inside job.

Obama & all the Democrats in congress despite the rhetoric can't find evidence that 9/11 was an inside job.

The Police, Fire, Rescue ATF, FBI, Military & Port Authority had friends, families & co-workers killed in the 9/11 attacks. All of these officials who were involved in the search, rescue & cleanup sifting through debris looking for friends & family. They could not find any physical evidence of explosive demolition. But some internet whack-jobs watched loose change a political hate movie say Bush killed their friends & family with demolition explosives. :cuckoo:

That's right. The NYPD, NYFD, and the Port Authority all lost friends and colleagues in the events of that day, and aren't screaming for a new investigation trying to find the "real" killers. American Airlines and United lost 2 planes each, paid off numerous claims, and are not trying to blame it on the government to reclaim their losses. The insurance companies that paid out billions for the WTC complex claims are not doing anything to try to recoup their losses.

Yet we are supposed to believe the likes of Dylan "can't find a new radio gig" Avery, Korey "wanna buy some smack" Rowe, Jason "30 minutes or less, or your next inside job is free" Bermas, "captain" Bob "I've never flown a commercial jet, but that flight path was impossible" Balsamo, Judy "energy beam from space" Woods, and Alex "nanothermite/thermate" Jones when they tell us they and only they know the inside-jobbity-job-job-job about 9/11?

If any of those 6 freaks called me and said the sky was blue, I wouldn't believe them until I went outside and checked for myself.
they were not looking for any [evidence]...what would you expect to find ? and many family members and first responders have voiced there belife the 9/11 commison was a cover-up and are active in 9/11 truth

Bullshit. These officials are trained to look for evidence. They were also motivated by the death of their loved ones. Now a few weak minded rescue workers have been bamboozled into siding with the truthers without any physical evidence. They have nothing! These whack-jobs are all discredited every-time they say the towers fell at free-fall speed. All the video of the collapse show free-falling debris falling to the ground much faster than the collapsing buildings.
Let me get this straight.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange with 400,000 secret classified government documents does not believe 9/11 was an inside job.

Obama & all the Democrats in congress despite the rhetoric can't find evidence that 9/11 was an inside job.

The Police, Fire, Rescue ATF, FBI, Military & Port Authority had friends, families & co-workers killed in the 9/11 attacks. All of these officials who were involved in the search, rescue & cleanup sifting through debris looking for friends & family. They could not find any physical evidence of explosive demolition. But some internet whack-jobs watched loose change a political hate movie say Bush killed their friends & family with demolition explosives. :cuckoo:

That's right. The NYPD, NYFD, and the Port Authority all lost friends and colleagues in the events of that day, and aren't screaming for a new investigation trying to find the "real" killers. American Airlines and United lost 2 planes each, paid off numerous claims, and are not trying to blame it on the government to reclaim their losses. The insurance companies that paid out billions for the WTC complex claims are not doing anything to try to recoup their losses.

Yet we are supposed to believe the likes of Dylan "can't find a new radio gig" Avery, Korey "wanna buy some smack" Rowe, Jason "30 minutes or less, or your next inside job is free" Bermas, "captain" Bob "I've never flown a commercial jet, but that flight path was impossible" Balsamo, Judy "energy beam from space" Woods, and Alex "nanothermite/thermate" Jones when they tell us they and only they know the inside-jobbity-job-job-job about 9/11?

If any of those 6 freaks called me and said the sky was blue, I wouldn't believe them until I went outside and checked for myself.

Damn, I almost forgot Richard "cardboard box" Gage, chief go-to guy for Architects, Engineers and Suckers for 911 Twoof.

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this video debunks nothing

jesse ventura aired a segment stating that the black box (cvr) cockpit voice recorder from the hijacked airliner recorded the hijackers in the cockpit before the plane took-off from the airport. What a bald face lie that was. At that time those aircraft had cockpit voice recorders that only record the last 30 minuets of flight. Only after 9/11 were the cvrs upgraded to record the last 2-hours of a flight. Since all of the hijacked aircraft flew well over 30 minutes prior to crashing, there is no way the cvrs had record of anything going on at the air-port on the ground.

link or stfu
These people make a lot of money suckering people into watching their lies on TV.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WXGy9rxYvc&feature=related"]Conspiracy Theory 911 Jesse Ventura Pt5[/ame]
Get a load of this jolly jag-off.

I couldn't stop laughing at this clown.
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jesse ventura aired a segment stating that the black box (cvr) cockpit voice recorder from the hijacked airliner recorded the hijackers in the cockpit before the plane took-off from the airport. What a bald face lie that was. At that time those aircraft had cockpit voice recorders that only record the last 30 minuets of flight. Only after 9/11 were the cvrs upgraded to record the last 2-hours of a flight. Since all of the hijacked aircraft flew well over 30 minutes prior to crashing, there is no way the cvrs had record of anything going on at the air-port on the ground.

link or stfu
these people make a lot of money suckering people into watching their lies on tv.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wxgy9rxyvc&feature=related"]conspiracy theory 911 jesse ventura pt5[/ame]

so in other words you can not substantiate any of your bullshit post you spew forth with a link or source ...wonder why that is...
they were not looking for any [evidence]...what would you expect to find ? and many family members and first responders have voiced there belife the 9/11 commison was a cover-up and are active in 9/11 truth

Bullshit. These officials are trained to look for evidence. They were also motivated by the death of their loved ones. Now a few weak minded rescue workers have been bamboozled into siding with the truthers without any physical evidence. They have nothing! These whack-jobs are all discredited every-time they say the towers fell at free-fall speed. All the video of the collapse show free-falling debris falling to the ground much faster than the collapsing buildings.

So to sum it up, the truthers have zero explanations for this inward bowing of the buildings.

And since they have nothing the NIST must then be considered the only source for the truth on this matter.


You have disgraced your country by breaking your Oath.

As officers in the U.S. military, we took an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Regardless of our current status -- active duty, reserves, retired, or civilian -- that oath remains in force. Therefore it is not just our responsibility, it is our duty to expose the real perpetrators of 9/11 and bring them to justice, no matter how hard it is, how long it takes, how much we have to suffer, or where it leads us. We owe this to those who have gone before us who executed that same oath, and we owe it to those who are following that same oath today in Iraq and Afghanistan. We believe the official account of 9/11 as defined in the 9/11 Commission Report is grossly inaccurate and fatally flawed. It is imperative that we have an accurate understanding of 9/11 so that those responsible can be identified and brought to justice in order that they and similarly-minded people never again commit such heinous crimes. It is also imperative that we have an accurate understanding of 9/11 so that governmental policies resulting from 9/11 are based on truth rather than deception.

We join with other organizations of professionals, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, and millions of individual citizens in demanding a thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11.

Military Officers for 9/11 Truth

When you get done, serving in the armed forces of this country for 22 years let me know. Then and only then will I entertain the thought of you telling me about the Oath that I took and live by.

You see here is the problem, you do not want a "thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11." What you want is the Government to be wrong. Sometimes you just don't get what you want.

Would you like to attempt to fit the fact of the inward bowing into one of your conspiracy theories?

Didn't think so...
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"inward bowing" ????...thats all you have to say for yourself ?
next your going tell us 'a twenty story hole scooped out of wtc 7 and it was leaning "
This jerk is a fraud.

"When you get done, serving in the armed forces of this country for 22 years let me know. Then and only then will I entertain the thought of you telling me about the Oath that I took and live by.

You see here is the problem, you do not want a "thorough, impartial, open and transparent reinvestigation of the terrorist acts of 9/11." What you want is the Government to be wrong. Sometimes you just don't get what you want."

Every legitimate American knows Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld & Co are a pack of liars who lied America into 2 wars after they were warned more than 40 times that there would be an attack. Spending 22 years in the army or spending 4 years in the Navy like I did have nothing to do with any of it.

I investigated 911 from every angle possible and here's my conclusion.
Screwed Again: David Letterman
Kiss My says, "These people make a lot of money suckering people into watching their lies on TV."

If lot of money is the issue, the creeps -- Bush, Cheney, and their base of whores collected billions of $$ for their wars generated by the 9/11 attack that they ordered.

They didn't just allow the planes to be hi jacked (Moussaui was arrested right before 9/11 and he was convicted for being the hi jacker who missed the mission on 9/11) they ordered the missile that hit the Pentagon and ordered rigging the explosives that collapsed both towers and Building 7,

If this evidence fails to convince you, you are in a trance.

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