Why don't people want to know the truth about 9/11?

So boring.

As anyone with an ounce of common sense can see the penthouse fell into the building a full 6 (SIX) seconds before the main roof line moved an inch.

And no there were no reports of anything that could be construed or misconstrued as controlled demolition explosions.

How much noise did It make? I don't know most of the videos that are close enough to hear it are truther videos and they edit out the penthouse falling. Something about it not fitting into what they want us to believe I guess....
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So boring.


As anyone with an ounce of common sense can see the penthouse fell into the building a full 6 (SIX) seconds before the main roof line moved an inch.

And no there were no reports of anything that could be construed or misconstrued as controlled demolition explosions.

How much noise did It make? I don't know most of the videos that are close enough to hear it are truther videos and they edit out the penthouse falling. Something about it not fitting into what they want us to believe I guess....

anyone with any common sense would realize the entire inner structure of a skyscraper can not fall silently and unnoticed behind a facade...pinhead
So boring.


As anyone with an ounce of common sense can see the penthouse fell into the building a full 6 (SIX) seconds before the main roof line moved an inch.

And no there were no reports of anything that could be construed or misconstrued as controlled demolition explosions.

How much noise did It make? I don't know most of the videos that are close enough to hear it are truther videos and they edit out the penthouse falling. Something about it not fitting into what they want us to believe I guess....

anyone with any common sense would realize the entire inner structure of a skyscraper can not fall silently and unnoticed behind a facade...pinhead

So you're saying that in the few hours between the evacuation of building seven and it's collapse, the government completely gutted the entire building and planted explosives? If this was not the case, there would have been no way for them to have done so before 9.11 as there would have been witnesses of this. Also, here's a truther video...watch the top left side of the building BEFORE the actual building starts to fall. You see the penthouse collapsing. ALSO, have you ever listened to building being demolished. There are HUNDREDS of explosions as the builind is falling down, not one or two before. This is what causes a building to fall straight down, the explosions continue to take out supports as the building falls. I've heard no such demolition explosions as the building is falling, just the sound of the builiding falling.

Also, watch the video of any type of building demolition. There are BRIGHT flashes and the explosions are not mistakeable.

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So you're saying that in the few hours between the evacuation of building seven and it's collapse, the government completely gutted the entire building and planted explosives?
If this was not the case, there would have been no way for them to have done so before 9.11 as there would have been witnesses of this.
:lol::lol: If you research you'll discover there were opportunities way before 9-11.

Also, here's a truther video...watch the top left side of the building BEFORE the actual building starts to fall. You see the penthouse collapsing. ALSO, have you ever listened to building being demolished. There are HUNDREDS of explosions as the builind is falling down, not one or two before. This is what causes a building to fall straight down, the explosions continue to take out supports as the building falls. I've heard no such demolition explosions as the building is falling, just the sound of the builiding falling.
You are way behind the times on this it really would help you in your quest for answers to these things to do your own research, most all the people I know had to, including myself, I wouldn't come on boards like these and discuss this topic unless I had some inkling of what the fuss was about, heck just google the question, it's easy, what's time consuming is having to go allll the way back and start from scratch and lead someone by the hand. There's hundreds of pages on this right here on USMB alone.

Also, watch the video of any type of building demolition. There are BRIGHT flashes and the explosions are not mistakeable.
Hint..9-11 was NOT supposed to look like an obvious CD :razz:
So you're saying that in the few hours between the evacuation of building seven and it's collapse, the government completely gutted the entire building and planted explosives?
:lol::lol: If you research you'll discover there were opportunities way before 9-11.

You are way behind the times on this it really would help you in your quest for answers to these things to do your own research, most all the people I know had to, including myself, I wouldn't come on boards like these and discuss this topic unless I had some inkling of what the fuss was about, heck just google the question, it's easy, what's time consuming is having to go allll the way back and start from scratch and lead someone by the hand. There's hundreds of pages on this right here on USMB alone.

Also, watch the video of any type of building demolition. There are BRIGHT flashes and the explosions are not mistakeable.
Hint..9-11 was NOT supposed to look like an obvious CD :razz:

Typical of a truther--post a response telling me I'm wrong without posting a shred of evidence to prove it otherwise. Truther videos and conspiracies have been debunked over and over again. Let's not also forget to mention the one amazing fact that there are around 10 million people in the U.S. with engineering and architecture degrees. Amazingly only 1450 have signed the petition you guys are so proud of. I'm just debating you because it's fun. I know you won't believe anything other than the nonsense you read on truther sites, the edited videos on youtube, and the word of other loons. And i take it you didn't watch either video I posted. It clearly shows what demolishing a building looks and sounds like.
The problem seems to be that libs want to believe that fire doesn't melt steel. Instead of accepting the laws of physics they prefer to imagine a conspiracy that involves both republicans and democrats and supported or ignored by the CIA and the FBI. A gasoline truck cought fire on a bridge in San Francisco in 2000. Even though the fire was on the bridge and not in it and much of the heat radiated into the air the metal bridge supports weakened and buckled. Nobody blew the bridge up and nobody blew the Towers up. It was fire.

Here is the picture:


California Interchange Collapses After Tanker Fire - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

The highway collapsed. It is like a rook collapse similar to what happened in the roof collapse of McCormick Place in Chicago back in the 60s. Notice that the vertical supports are still standing. People using that as an example to explain 9/11 is only a demonstration of complete lack of comprehension of what could happen to a huge self supporting vertical structure.

Whether or not a couple of measly airliners could totally obliterate a couple of the largest buildings ever made in less than TWO HOURS is a simple physics problem. Not expecting to be given accurate data on the tons of steel and tons of concrete that were on every level of the buildings is totally ridiculous. It is totally absurd that neither Steven Jones nor Richard Gage make a big deal of the vertical distribution of mass in the skyscrapers.

The nation that put men on the men on the Moon should be laughed at for the next 1000 years for letting this nonsense drag on for NINE YEARS. But it is far too late to cover up the absurdity. :lol:

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The problem seems to be that libs want to believe that fire doesn't melt steel. Instead of accepting the laws of physics they prefer to imagine a conspiracy that involves both republicans and democrats and supported or ignored by the CIA and the FBI. A gasoline truck cought fire on a bridge in San Francisco in 2000. Even though the fire was on the bridge and not in it and much of the heat radiated into the air the metal bridge supports weakened and buckled. Nobody blew the bridge up and nobody blew the Towers up. It was fire.

Here is the picture:


California Interchange Collapses After Tanker Fire - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

The highway collapsed. It is like a rook collapse similar to what happened in the roof collapse of McCormick Place in Chicago back in the 60s. Notice that the vertical supports are still standing. People using that as an example to explain 9/11 is only a demonstration of complete lack of comprehension of what could happen to a huge self supporting vertical structure.

Whether or not a couple of measly airliners could totally obliterate a couple of the largest buildings ever made in less than TWO HOURS is a simple physics problem. Not expecting to be given accurate data on the tons of steel and tons of concrete that were on every level of the buildings is totally ridiculous. It is totally absurd that neither Steven Jones nor Richard Gage make a big deal of the vertical distribution of mass in the skyscrapers.

The nation that put men on the men on the Moon should be laughed at for the next 1000 years for letting this nonsense drag on for NINE YEARS. But it is far too late to cover up the absurdity. :lol:


There are two main problems with this demonstration.

1. There was not giant dowel rod (or something similar) in he middle of the world trade center. Had there been, it would have acted similar as shown in the demonstration becuse the giant dowel stabelized the entire structure as well as keeps pieces of the structure intact. Had he removed the dowel rod and then done his demonstration, the entire stack would have fallen down. IMO this is the MAIN reason for this demonstration to be invalidated.

2. There was no side impact. These demonstrations are simply trying to explain the fall without taking into account that the impact had an effect on the fall itself. These support beams are not infinite in length. They are riveted and welded together to form an overall support. This does not make it resistant to impact. Anyone who has ever welded something knows that, eventually, something with enough force could break the weld. Imagine toothpicks being super-glued end-to-end. When the planes impacted the building, can you imagine the bending and breaking of welds and rivets throughout the entire building from the impact zone to the bottom?

Let's not all forget that we can speculate all we want about it being a conspiracy, or relying on "physics." It seems to me that everyone's definition and understanding of the laws of physics differ--based on the numerous demonstrations and explanations. You could re-created the exact situations and it may not end with the same result. Maybe one rivet wouldn't break, maybe one weld would hold. Everything has a breaking point, and the WTC was no different. It stood until ONE thing happened that overwhelmed the support...
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the problem seems to be that libs want to believe that fire doesn't melt steel. Instead of accepting the laws of physics they prefer to imagine a conspiracy that involves both republicans and democrats and supported or ignored by the cia and the fbi. A gasoline truck cought fire on a bridge in san francisco in 2000. Even though the fire was on the bridge and not in it and much of the heat radiated into the air the metal bridge supports weakened and buckled. Nobody blew the bridge up and nobody blew the towers up. It was fire.

here is the picture:


california interchange collapses after tanker fire - local news | news articles | national news | us news - foxnews.com

the highway collapsed. It is like a rook collapse similar to what happened in the roof collapse of mccormick place in chicago back in the 60s. Notice that the vertical supports are still standing. People using that as an example to explain 9/11 is only a demonstration of complete lack of comprehension of what could happen to a huge self supporting vertical structure.

Whether or not a couple of measly airliners could totally obliterate a couple of the largest buildings ever made in less than two hours is a simple physics problem. Not expecting to be given accurate data on the tons of steel and tons of concrete that were on every level of the buildings is totally ridiculous. It is totally absurd that neither steven jones nor richard gage make a big deal of the vertical distribution of mass in the skyscrapers.

The nation that put men on the men on the moon should be laughed at for the next 1000 years for letting this nonsense drag on for nine years. But it is far too late to cover up the absurdity. :lol:


there are two main problems with this demonstration.

1. There was not giant dowel rod (or something similar)
in he middle of the world trade center. Had there been, it would have acted similar as shown in the demonstration becuse the giant dowel stabelized the entire structure as well as keeps pieces of the structure intact. Had he removed the dowel rod and then done his demonstration, the entire stack would have fallen down. Imo this is the main reason for this demonstration to be invalidated.

2. There was no side impact. These demonstrations are simply trying to explain the fall without taking into account that the impact had an effect on the fall itself. These support beams are not infinite in length. They are riveted and welded together to form an overall support. This does not make it resistant to impact. Anyone who has ever welded something knows that, eventually, something with enough force could break the weld. Imagine toothpicks being super-glued end-to-end. When the planes impacted the building, can you imagine the bending and breaking of welds and rivets throughout the entire building from the impact zone to the bottom?

Let's not all forget that we can speculate all we want about it being a conspiracy, or relying on "physics." it seems to me that everyone's definition and understanding of the laws of physics differ--based on the numerous demonstrations and explanations. You could re-created the exact situations and it may not end with the same result. Maybe one rivet wouldn't break, maybe one weld would hold. Everything has a breaking point, and the wtc was no different. It stood until one thing happened that overwhelmed the support...

yet three out three times they collapsed in secs, essentially straight down...
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:lol::lol: If you research you'll discover there were opportunities way before 9-11.

You are way behind the times on this it really would help you in your quest for answers to these things to do your own research, most all the people I know had to, including myself, I wouldn't come on boards like these and discuss this topic unless I had some inkling of what the fuss was about, heck just google the question, it's easy, what's time consuming is having to go allll the way back and start from scratch and lead someone by the hand. There's hundreds of pages on this right here on USMB alone.

Hint..9-11 was NOT supposed to look like an obvious CD :razz:

Typical of a truther--post a response telling me I'm wrong without posting a shred of evidence to prove it otherwise. Truther videos and conspiracies have been debunked over and over again.
On the contrary, your response is typical of someone who is interested in only ridiculing and here to play games, did you not understand what I wrote? I haven't said you were wrong nor right about anything, in fact I feel it would be a waste of time going by what you post :redface:
If you properly read and interpret my response to you, you should be able to figure out what was inferred. That being that the questions and positions you take on this topic, have already been debated and discussed, debunked, and kicked to the curb to infinity, and that you are sorely lacking in knowledge about it, so it was suggested to you that you should do your own research and gain some insight as to what your talking about so you don't look like such a loony novice coming on here and accusing someone, like Eots who has waaay more knowledge about 9-11 then you, and accusing him of saying the WTC was wired right after the planes hit it!!?
WTF are you nuts?
Everybody with any shred of intelligence knows that you can't arm and rig a building for demolition in such a short time! You believing that someone here believes this is why you need to school yourself.

Here's and idea... why don't you look up the WTCs past, read about it's history, it's many renovations, the corporations, people involved in those corporations, that occupied the many floors of it and the technology they possessed?? .. put that together with what the other side is saying etc. and connect the dots...that's a reasonable task don't you think? No one is going to convince you one way or the other better then you can.
You expect folks to hold your hand and walk you through an event of such magnitude with years worth of updates and information without you putting at least some effort into it? GTF outta here! :lol:

Besides it seems by your responses that you already have an OCTASS lean to you anyway, so why should we bother to write page long rebuttals to your nutty conspiracy theory of 19 hijackers with box cutters? I can't believe people are still parroting that shit :lol:

I notice that links have been posted for your convenience, but it wont be of any help to you unless you have the objectivity to see things from all the angles, and open your mind.

Let's not also forget to mention the one amazing fact that there are around 10 million people in the U.S. with engineering and architecture degrees. Amazingly only 1450 have signed the petition you guys are so proud of.
Follow the herd mentality much? Typical line of reasoning.
Who the fuck cares what anybody thinks? Or are you scared the people will laugh at you?? What a weak ass, sissy way of thinking. I feel sorry for those that walk around castrated of their manhood with such a cowardly attitude. Well I guess some of them feel they have to keep their opinions to themselves, to find or keep a job, and government contracts
But at least those 1400 or so others have the balls to call it like they see it and not worry about being in your popularity club.

I'm just debating you because it's fun. I know you won't believe anything other than the nonsense you read on truther sites, the edited videos on youtube, and the word of other loons. And i take it you didn't watch either video I posted. It clearly shows what demolishing a building looks and sounds like.
I've seen those and most every videos you can paste up. Have you bothered to notice how symetrically a CD and the WTC both came down, and in surprisingly similar timing? HMM...Asymetrical damage causing symetrical collapses....at 3 buildings...with just 2 planes??

People like yourself and other stoonods who can't see how much they're being bullshitted, despite all the attempts to wake you wackos up, are what's looney..pathetic, too.
You try to conceal your ignorance on this topic by saying you're just here to debate because it's fun?, Some people take the murderous criminal attack and cover upon their nation a bit more serious.
If you want to have fun go to a fucking movie or go hang out with your friends at the mall or something, don't waste time and bandwidth playing games and having "fun" about such a horrible tragedy like 9-11 that killed your fellow countrymen and women and continue to do so to this day. It's sick, and it's not cool.
And one last thing...I would hope you are at least smart enough to stay away from the the obvious disinfo crowd that say spaceships or reptilians and God knows what else, are somehow involved, you know.... crazy shit like that..there are lots of those around trying to attach themselves to the 9-11 truth movement so they can discredit them, they like to fool folks like you that might be easily duped.
Why would the government complicate their false flag attack & risk being exposed by demolishing WTC Building 7??? It served no part in inciting Americans to go to war & give up more constitutional freedoms.

They would not have risked all to make Silverstein rich or destroy documents. There are much safer ways to funnel money & destroy documents.
And btw ..the wtc 1-2 had a central core

The same size (in relation) to that big-ass dowel rod? The "CORE" was concreate with steel supports and also filled with stairways and elevators. It was basically hollow. Also, parts of the core stood as the building around it collapsed...
Why would the government complicate their false flag attack & risk being exposed by demolishing WTC Building 7??? It served no part in inciting Americans to go to war & give up more constitutional freedoms.

They would not have risked all to make Silverstein rich or destroy documents. There are much safer ways to funnel money & destroy documents.

I dont know why dont we waterboard them and find out...
And btw ..the wtc 1-2 had a central core

The same size (in relation) to that big-ass dowel rod? The "CORE" was concreate with steel supports and also filled with stairways and elevators. It was basically hollow. Also, parts of the core stood as the building around it collapsed...

The only concrete in the core was on the floors. The column's & trusses were not protected by concrete.
And btw ..the wtc 1-2 had a central core

The same size (in relation) to that big-ass dowel rod? The "CORE" was concreate with steel supports and also filled with stairways and elevators. It was basically hollow. Also, parts of the core stood as the building around it collapsed...

The only concrete in the core was on the floors. The column's & trusses were not protected by concrete.

ya so...tell me something I dont know ...you think that explains the nature of collapse ?
On the contrary, your response is typical of someone who is interested in only ridiculing and here to play games, did you not understand what I wrote? I haven't said you were wrong nor right about anything, in fact I feel it would be a waste of time going by what you post :redface:
If you properly read and interpret my response to you, you should be able to figure out what was inferred. That being that the questions and positions you take on this topic, have already been debated and discussed, debunked, and kicked to the curb to infinity, and that you are sorely lacking in knowledge about it, so it was suggested to you that you should do your own research and gain some insight as to what your talking about so you don't look like such a loony novice coming on here and accusing someone, like Eots who has waaay more knowledge about 9-11 then you, and accusing him of saying the WTC was wired right after the planes hit it!!?
WTF are you nuts?
Everybody with any shred of intelligence knows that you can't arm and rig a building for demolition in such a short time! You believing that someone here believes this is why you need to school yourself.

Here's and idea... why don't you look up the WTCs past, read about it's history, it's many renovations, the corporations, people involved in those corporations, that occupied the many floors of it and the technology they possessed?? .. put that together with what the other side is saying etc. and connect the dots...that's a reasonable task don't you think? No one is going to convince you one way or the other better then you can.
You expect folks to hold your hand and walk you through an event of such magnitude with years worth of updates and information without you putting at least some effort into it? GTF outta here! :lol:

Besides it seems by your responses that you already have an OCTASS lean to you anyway, so why should we bother to write page long rebuttals to your nutty conspiracy theory of 19 hijackers with box cutters? I can't believe people are still parroting that shit :lol:

I notice that links have been posted for your convenience, but it wont be of any help to you unless you have the objectivity to see things from all the angles, and open your mind.

Follow the herd mentality much? Typical line of reasoning.
Who the fuck cares what anybody thinks? Or are you scared the people will laugh at you?? What a weak ass, sissy way of thinking. I feel sorry for those that walk around castrated of their manhood with such a cowardly attitude. Well I guess some of them feel they have to keep their opinions to themselves, to find or keep a job, and government contracts
But at least those 1400 or so others have the balls to call it like they see it and not worry about being in your popularity club.

I've seen those and most every videos you can paste up. Have you bothered to notice how symetrically a CD and the WTC both came down, and in surprisingly similar timing? HMM...Asymetrical damage causing symetrical collapses....at 3 buildings...with just 2 planes??

People like yourself and other stoonods who can't see how much they're being bullshitted, despite all the attempts to wake you wackos up, are what's looney..pathetic, too.
You try to conceal your ignorance on this topic by saying you're just here to debate because it's fun?, Some people take the murderous criminal attack and cover upon their nation a bit more serious.
If you want to have fun go to a fucking movie or go hang out with your friends at the mall or something, don't waste time and bandwidth playing games and having "fun" about such a horrible tragedy like 9-11 that killed your fellow countrymen and women and continue to do so to this day. It's sick, and it's not cool.
And one last thing...I would hope you are at least smart enough to stay away from the the obvious disinfo crowd that say spaceships or reptilians and God knows what else, are somehow involved, you know.... crazy shit like that..there are lots of those around trying to attach themselves to the 9-11 truth movement so they can discredit them, they like to fool folks like you that might be easily duped.

Blah tity frickin blah...Like I've said a million times over. It's your burden of proof to prove that it happened differently than what was suggested. I'm not going to waste thousands of man hours researching something that you haven't proven yet. You keep wasting your breath and I'll keep thinking you're a dumbass. 9.999 million engineers and architects in the U.S. alone have not voiced their opposition to the NIST report. I'll believe them over you.

I didn't say I was debating the issue because it's fun. I said I'm debating YOU and other idiots like you because it's fun, I can't believe what bull shit you'll come up with next without proving a damn thing or proving me wrong in what I said. It wouldn't matter if it was 9/11 or mystery turds from Jupiter. I'm defending what happened to those innocent men, women, and children who died from your dumbass who thinks our government has no concern for our own citizens...

Fact: You haven't proven 9/11 was an inside job.
Fact: You haven't proven the government had motive.
On the contrary, your response is typical of someone who is interested in only ridiculing and here to play games, did you not understand what I wrote? I haven't said you were wrong nor right about anything, in fact I feel it would be a waste of time going by what you post :redface:
If you properly read and interpret my response to you, you should be able to figure out what was inferred. That being that the questions and positions you take on this topic, have already been debated and discussed, debunked, and kicked to the curb to infinity, and that you are sorely lacking in knowledge about it, so it was suggested to you that you should do your own research and gain some insight as to what your talking about so you don't look like such a loony novice coming on here and accusing someone, like Eots who has waaay more knowledge about 9-11 then you, and accusing him of saying the WTC was wired right after the planes hit it!!?
WTF are you nuts?
Everybody with any shred of intelligence knows that you can't arm and rig a building for demolition in such a short time! You believing that someone here believes this is why you need to school yourself.

Here's and idea... why don't you look up the WTCs past, read about it's history, it's many renovations, the corporations, people involved in those corporations, that occupied the many floors of it and the technology they possessed?? .. put that together with what the other side is saying etc. and connect the dots...that's a reasonable task don't you think? No one is going to convince you one way or the other better then you can.
You expect folks to hold your hand and walk you through an event of such magnitude with years worth of updates and information without you putting at least some effort into it? GTF outta here! :lol:

Besides it seems by your responses that you already have an OCTASS lean to you anyway, so why should we bother to write page long rebuttals to your nutty conspiracy theory of 19 hijackers with box cutters? I can't believe people are still parroting that shit :lol:

I notice that links have been posted for your convenience, but it wont be of any help to you unless you have the objectivity to see things from all the angles, and open your mind.

Follow the herd mentality much? Typical line of reasoning.
Who the fuck cares what anybody thinks? Or are you scared the people will laugh at you?? What a weak ass, sissy way of thinking. I feel sorry for those that walk around castrated of their manhood with such a cowardly attitude. Well I guess some of them feel they have to keep their opinions to themselves, to find or keep a job, and government contracts
But at least those 1400 or so others have the balls to call it like they see it and not worry about being in your popularity club.

I've seen those and most every videos you can paste up. Have you bothered to notice how symetrically a CD and the WTC both came down, and in surprisingly similar timing? HMM...Asymetrical damage causing symetrical collapses....at 3 buildings...with just 2 planes??

People like yourself and other stoonods who can't see how much they're being bullshitted, despite all the attempts to wake you wackos up, are what's looney..pathetic, too.
You try to conceal your ignorance on this topic by saying you're just here to debate because it's fun?, Some people take the murderous criminal attack and cover upon their nation a bit more serious.
If you want to have fun go to a fucking movie or go hang out with your friends at the mall or something, don't waste time and bandwidth playing games and having "fun" about such a horrible tragedy like 9-11 that killed your fellow countrymen and women and continue to do so to this day. It's sick, and it's not cool.
And one last thing...I would hope you are at least smart enough to stay away from the the obvious disinfo crowd that say spaceships or reptilians and God knows what else, are somehow involved, you know.... crazy shit like that..there are lots of those around trying to attach themselves to the 9-11 truth movement so they can discredit them, they like to fool folks like you that might be easily duped.

99% of what you're bitching at me about in this post has already been addressed in this thread. I was being sarcastic when I said it was wired after the planes it; dumbass. You do an awful lot of talking without posting a damn thing to prove your point. I didn't claim to know more than eots when it comes to this stuff. I simply found stuff that refuted what he said. More importantly, dumbass 9/11 Inside Job posted retarded crap on here that I found to be debunked already. As far as eots is concerned, I respect him. He at least attempts to prove his points. The only issue I have with eots is that he constantly gives you little hurdles to jump to prove him wrong, and when you jump them it's not good enough. He's got to raise it to pole vaulting. I can tell from the last couple of your posts that you're just a plain jack-ass and an over-emotional deusche-bag
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99% of what you're bitching at me about in this post has already been addressed in this thread. I was being sarcastic when I said it was wired after the planes it; dumbass. You do an awful lot of talking without posting a damn thing to prove your point. I didn't claim to know more than eots when it comes to this stuff. I simply found stuff that refuted what he said. More importantly, dumbass 9/11 Inside Job posted retarded crap on here that I found to be debunked already. As far as eots is concerned, I respect him. He at least attempts to prove his points. The only issue I have with eots is that he constantly gives you little hurdles to jump to prove him wrong, and when you jump them it's not good enough. He's got to raise it to pole vaulting. I can tell from the last couple of your posts that you're just a plain jack-ass and an over-emotional deusche-bag
I don't have to prove anything to you, if you can't see that you been lied to about this and other things and that your elected officials are blowing smoke up your ass and want to continue believing the criminals in the US government are all caring benevolent beings then by all means have 'fun" continuing to be a naive fool.
Where's the proof that the official story is true?
Where is YOUR proof that PNAC’s call for a ‘catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor’ was only an unbelievably astounding and timely coincidence rather than a statement that should have raised reasonable suspicion?
Where is YOUR proof that Al Qaeda actually planned and carried out the attacks of 9/11?
Where is YOUR proof that put orders placed on the two Airlines involved in the attacks were mere coincidence?
Where is YOUR proof that Porter Goss knew nothing about $100,000 that was wired to Mohammed Atta?
Where is YOUR proof that the hijackers were who they said they were and that they are indeed all dead?
The official storyline is not proof positive that 9-11 happened the way it did, which, when considered on its own merits, is so implausible as to be considered a bad joke if it wasn't of such a serious and grave nature.
Anyone who reads David Ray Griffin’s book, The 9-11 Commission Report Omissions and Distortions, needs to go no further than the first chapter before this becomes crystal clear. At that point it becomes very difficult to decide whether to laugh at the nonsense of the official story or to scream with disbelief that dumbshits like yourself still buy into it.
You just repeat the propaganda that the gov tells you and swallow that fairy tale hook line and sinker, despite all the inaccuracies, inconsistencies, highly inprobable odds of things happening as you were told and political connections and scenarios.
Maybe someday you 'll decide to research the topic in earnest and debate something about it with a semblance of intelligence, respect for the victims, and the seriousness it deserves. The official conspiracy theory dogma you worship is a long way from being proven accurate, don't think so?
There are thousands if not millions worldwide that suspect deceit, especially given the fact the US has constantly lied to its people in the past. Just research the 9-11 commission panel and learn something instead of being such a dipshit about the biggest life changing event in the nation in your lifetime.

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