Why don't people want to know the truth about 9/11?

Since all of you 9/11 truthers claim it is physically impossible for these buildings to pancake, bend steel & pulverize concrete. Can any of you tell me how much force was exerted once the upper section of the building fell one story / 10ft?

Then tell me how any part of the building could withstand that force.
Since all of you 9/11 truthers claim it is physically impossible for these buildings to pancake, bend steel & pulverize concrete. Can any of you tell me how much force was exerted once the upper section of the building fell one story / 10ft?

Then tell me how any part of the building could withstand that force.

NIST rejected the pancake theory

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Since all of you 9/11 truthers claim it is physically impossible for these buildings to pancake, bend steel & pulverize concrete. Can any of you tell me how much force was exerted once the upper section of the building fell one story / 10ft?

Then tell me how any part of the building could withstand that force.

NIST rejected the pancake theory

holy shit
that guy is an idiot
he used SOLID blocks
that changes the dynamic
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Since all of you 9/11 truthers claim it is physically impossible for these buildings to pancake, bend steel & pulverize concrete. Can any of you tell me how much force was exerted once the upper section of the building fell one story / 10ft?

Then tell me how any part of the building could withstand that force.

NIST rejected the pancake theory

Using the "science" in the video between 2:60 and 3:05 the upper floors should have gone up because of the "explosion".
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It makes people feel important when they "know" something that no one else does.This way they act like they have a different explanation then what obviously happened.

It's like a pretty girl saying over and over they don't consider themselves attractive to get a response from people....It's all about the attention.

Let's call them silly little attention whores.

99% of Americans are in the same trance as ROZMAN from Brooklyn. They can't see the explosion at the top left because they are in the trance. They completely ignore the explosion.

amen to that.
Look: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-jzNfxKSio&feature=related


Upper picture 1st 2 seconds, lower picture 8 seconds into collapse SYMMETRICAL

great pic there,the OCTA's of course,will ignore the truth though thats its physically impossible for it to explode outwards like that from a mere collapse of a tower and that steel beams weighing thousands of tons dont fly several blocks away and wind up in other buildings several blocks away.:lol::lol::lol: the 9/11 apologists that ignore this point are either disinfo agents which a few of them have posted on this thread,or loyal Bush/Obama dupes in denial.
yeah thats because you only know about what the corporate controlled media has brainwashed you with.read the book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,AN ANSWER TO POULAR MECHANICS AND OTHER DEFENDERS OF THE OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY and THEN come back here.

Sorry it's already been debunked.

Defying your Oath. Disgusting SFC ollie.

i love how the trolls like to say that books been debunked when they are so full of shit,they know the only thing thats been debunked is the 9/11 coverup commission. yeah thats whats so disgusting about this jerk army man is he is a disgrace to his fellow officers.thanks for posting that.
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Look: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-jzNfxKSio&feature=related


Upper picture 1st 2 seconds, lower picture 8 seconds into collapse SYMMETRICAL

great pic there,the OCTA's of course,will ignore the truth though thats its physically impossible for it to explode outwards like that from a mere collapse of a tower and that steel beams weighing thousands of tons dont fly several blocks away and wind up in other buildings several blocks away.:lol::lol::lol: the 9/11 apologists that ignore this point are either disinfo agents which a few of them have posted on this thread,or loyal Bush/Obama dupes in denial.
you troofer morons dont know logic
They are in a trance from the government propaganda. They are delusional so don't try to explain the facts to them. I'm just wondering how many of the 18,000 + members on here are not in the trance.

thay have also been brainwashed not only by the media and governemnt but also from the disinfo agents that have penetrated this site and been brainwashed by thier posts such as Kiss My,Gamolon,candycorn,and Ollie.
yeah thats because you only know about what the corporate controlled media has brainwashed you with.read the book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,AN ANSWER TO POULAR MECHANICS AND OTHER DEFENDERS OF THE OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY and THEN come back here.

Sorry it's already been debunked.

Defying your Oath. Disgusting SFC ollie.

You wouldn't know an honest oath if it bit you on the ass. Who the fuck do you think you are that you can even pretend to understand the oath I took 5 times or more. What's disgusting is you morons who totally disregard facts when they don't fit your own little worlds.
They are in a trance from the government propaganda. They are delusional so don't try to explain the facts to them. I'm just wondering how many of the 18,000 + members on here are not in the trance.

thay have also been brainwashed not only by the media and governemnt but also from the disinfo agents that have penetrated this site and been brainwashed by thier posts such as Kiss My,Gamolon,candycorn,and Ollie.

How about me can I be part of the brainwashing cabal ?
Why do people want to fool themselves about anything?

There is no advantage for being ignorant about anything. The :pope and Cardinals didn't want to know about the priests molesting kids. Now the Pope tries to deny and is forced to apologize for protecting molesters.

None of these people will tell the truth about their reasons because those reasons are stupid. There are 17,000 people on this forum. Watch how they refuse to reply to the question.

Its the same thing with many government conspiracys for many poster here Miller.No matter how absurd and ludicrous the government and medias explanation is for the events of 9/11,they will swallow their version of events hook,line,and sinker never questioning it because they have been so brainwashed by our corrupt school systems and the media.they dont want to look at the evidence or facts because its too scary a thought for them to comprehend that they were lied to their whole lives about their country.they are comfortable believing the lies because if they knew and accepted the truth,they know they would have to try and do something about it and thats a scary thought for them since they dont want to get involved.Its the same way with people in the kenendy assassination as well.

Holy Mary mother of God!

Are you that stupid?

Are you actually comparing two vehicles, designed to withstand front and rear impacts with a structure that is designed to withstand vertical loads? A structure which is ALSO not designed to withstand the TOP DOWN impact of a 30 story block?

Or maybe you think that when a building is engineered, the engineers calculate the loads of the floors above all impacting the structure below and design the support structure for each.

Is that what you think?

So for the twin towers, the engineers looked at the first floor and said "Hmmmm....We need to calculate the force of all 109 floors above all of a sudden collapsing down on floor one and what structure we need to design for floor one to resist that."

Then they moved on to floor two and designed it to resist all 108 floors collapsing down on top of it.

Please tell me you aren't that much of an idiot.

So answer me this. Are structures designed to withstand top down impacts or for static loads?
They are in a trance from the government propaganda. They are delusional so don't try to explain the facts to them. I'm just wondering how many of the 18,000 + members on here are not in the trance.

thay have also been brainwashed not only by the media and governemnt but also from the disinfo agents that have penetrated this site and been brainwashed by thier posts such as Kiss My,Gamolon,candycorn,and Ollie.

How about me can I be part of the brainwashing cabal ?

Naw your just a loyal Bush/Obama dupe thats been brainwashed by the likes of them besides the media and government.you dont get it that divecunt here is a resident troll here either who has such a pathetic life he posts here constantly day and night just look at how quick he replied here.he always does,proof is in the pudding on how pitiful his life is in the fact that he talks to me as though i rewad his posts when i have had him on ignore since day one i got here three years ago.your so stupid you dont see that he is a resident troll the way he lives here in this section day and night all hours.:cuckoo:
thay have also been brainwashed not only by the media and governemnt but also from the disinfo agents that have penetrated this site and been brainwashed by thier posts such as Kiss My,Gamolon,candycorn,and Ollie.

How about me can I be part of the brainwashing cabal ?

Naw your just a loyal Bush/Obama dupe thats been brainwashed by the likes of them besides the media and government.you dont get it that divecunt here is a resident troll here either who has such a pathetic life he posts here constantly day and night just look at how quick he replied here.he always does,proof is in the pudding on how pitiful his life is in the fact that he talks to me as though i rewad his posts when i have had him on ignore since day one i got here three years ago.your so stupid you dont see that he is a resident troll the way he lives here in this section day and night all hours.:cuckoo:
you are a fucking idiot
that is clear
he didnt like bush or Obama
you just have no logic in you
The problem seems to be that libs want to believe that fire doesn't melt steel. Instead of accepting the laws of physics they prefer to imagine a conspiracy that involves both republicans and democrats and supported or ignored by the CIA and the FBI. A gasoline truck cought fire on a bridge in San Francisco in 2000. Even though the fire was on the bridge and not in it and much of the heat radiated into the air the metal bridge supports weakened and buckled. Nobody blew the bridge up and nobody blew the Towers up. It was fire.

actually the problem is that you OCTA'S have is you want to cover your ears and eyes when evidence is pointed out to you that explosives were used and thats comparing apples and oranges with each in the fact that many of the witnesses that heard explosions and said that explosives were used were firemen experienced in explosives who called the investigation a half baked farce.here are the credible people listed who say it was an inside job.
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

oh and contray to what gomer pyle ollie or resident troll divecunt tell you,they are not wrong and they ARE real people.

go ahead,be an idiot,have that hysterical logic that these credible people are all wrong and the corporate controlled owned media and proven corrupt government institutions from the last several decades are right and that the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years no longer applies anymore.Go on,be a stupid idiot and keep that logic.you morons crack me up with that logic you have.:lol::lol::lol:
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Look: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-jzNfxKSio&feature=related


Upper picture 1st 2 seconds, lower picture 8 seconds into collapse SYMMETRICAL

great pic there,the OCTA's of course,will ignore the truth though thats its physically impossible for it to explode outwards like that from a mere collapse of a tower and that steel beams weighing thousands of tons dont fly several blocks away and wind up in other buildings several blocks away.:lol::lol::lol: the 9/11 apologists that ignore this point are either disinfo agents which a few of them have posted on this thread,or loyal Bush/Obama dupes in denial.

Stop for just a moment and think about the power that "explosion" must have had to hurl tons of steel that far. Now think for a moment and tell us all why there is no recording of the sound of not just that one huge explosion but the hundreds that there would of had to been if it were a controlled demo. And then continue to explain how the explosives were planted so that the planes wouldn't screw up the firing sequence. And then we'll ask you a few dozen other questions that you don't have answers for.
The problem seems to be that libs want to believe that fire doesn't melt steel. Instead of accepting the laws of physics they prefer to imagine a conspiracy that involves both republicans and democrats and supported or ignored by the CIA and the FBI. A gasoline truck cought fire on a bridge in San Francisco in 2000. Even though the fire was on the bridge and not in it and much of the heat radiated into the air the metal bridge supports weakened and buckled. Nobody blew the bridge up and nobody blew the Towers up. It was fire.

actually the problem is that you OCTA'S have is you want to cover your ears and eyes when evidence is pointed out to you that explosives were used and thats comparing apples and oranges with each in the fact that many of the witnesses that heard explosions and said that explosives were used were firemen experienced in explosives who called the investigation a half baked farce.here are the credible people listed who say it was an inside job.

oh and contray to what gomer pyle ollie or resident troll divecunt tell you,they are not wrong and they ARE real people.
wow, look in the mirror you fucking moron
you ignore all facts

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