Why Don't Republicans Identify What They Are Fighting?

American conservatism does not represent the American center. If it did you might win a national election once in a while.

True Conservatives win every national election they are in. Republican or Democrat.

And who would they be?
Ronald Reagan, for one.

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Very funny. The guy who saved Social Security is the quintessential conservative?


He's a conservative, not a libertarian.
Very funny. The guy who saved Social Security is the quintessential conservative?


Yes... Seriously. Conservatism is a philosophy and not an ideology... try to get it through your thick head.
This is the effect of conservative media, construct a false enemy and make their audience terrified of it.

In no way are Democrats an enemy of anyone in the US. Having a differeing view of what is important in life, namely human beings over profit, not only does not label someone as an enemy but their very actions have produced all of the benefits that ALL working people enjoy.

But con media paints an evil picture of this because it is much easier to manipulate people if you tell them they are in mortal danger.

Orwell called it 'perpetual war'. A way to keep the population scared and controlled.

Oh, like your dear leader claiming climate change is going to kill us all. ROFLMFAO
But conservatives and Republicans do the same thing. They, too, almost never identify what they are fighting — namely, leftism and the left. (Note to left-wing websites that monitor conservative writings: This is not a comparison of the left with Islamic terrorists; it is about not naming an ideological foe.)

It's difficult for Conservatives to name an ideological foe because Conservatism is a philosophy and not an ideology. Conservative is the opposite measure from extreme. In an ideological sense, it is the more moderate view opposing liberal radicalism. But ideology does not define a conservative. They may have specific ideologies rooted in their conservative philosophies but those can differ greatly. It's mostly about pragmatism vs. radicalism.

lol, that may win funniest post of the week.
Until your weak reply

The nonsense about what conservatism is in that post doesn't need much more than a laugh.

You want to take the position that conservatism is synonymous with moderation? Go ahead, let's hear it.

You can start by explaining why so many conservatives hate moderates.

You mother fuckers are so stupid you don't even know you've worn out any meaning to the words hate, racism and bigotry. How many millions of time do you think you regressives have spewed that pablum just on this site, they are meaningless.
So you are a dog that answers to a whistle. Jesus there is nothing new about anything conservatives say. Its the same old playbook that con-media has been tattooing on your brain for the last 20+ years. But you are too gullible to understand it happened to you.

I feel sorry for you but only can fix yourself. Tune out of the propaganda fido and at least TRY to think for yourself.

That's not what I said, dum dum. Your whining and moaning about "profit over people" is dog whistle for "I want Socialism!" (It means that is REALLY what you're saying).

I'm 56 years old... whatever might have been tattooed on my brain was done a LONG time ago and it won't likely change anytime soon... especially by the likes of an idiot such as yourself.

Don't lecture me about thinking for myself as long as you're running around parroting Socialist propaganda like you're reciting poetry.

Your mind is too scared to step out of the box it has gladly stuffed itself into. You rely on calling people things like 'socialist' because it is like sauve to your brain. It feels good because you believe it makes you 'superior'.

Sorry to pop your lame bubble bongo brain but there are very few actual socialists in this country. And I'm sure you LOVE to say the pledge of allegiance. It was written and promoted by socialists.

It has now been adopted by conservatives everywhere because it is you who have embraced socialism. You just like to whine about everyone else.

Go play little boy, the flame zone is your forte. You have nothing else to offer.

And the pledge was changed, go figure.
American conservatism does not represent the American center. If it did you might win a national election once in a while.

True Conservatives win every national election they are in. Republican or Democrat.

And who would they be?
Ronald Reagan, for one.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk

Very funny. The guy who saved Social Security is the quintessential conservative?


Delaying the demise and saving are two different things.
You mother fuckers are so stupid you don't even know you've worn out any meaning to the words hate, racism and bigotry. How many millions of time do you think you regressives have spewed that pablum just on this site, they are meaningless.

My grandmother taught me something when I was in my early adolescence. She said, if you watch people and how they act, you can learn a lot about them... whenever they can't shut up complaining about someone or something, it's because they see that in themselves. Either they are exactly that way or they would be that way in the same circumstance. It's like a guilt reaction to how they know they are. They feel they must start fires of distraction to cover up their own shortcomings.

These people are the most hateful, intolerant, bigoted and racist people in the world.
You mother fuckers are so stupid you don't even know you've worn out any meaning to the words hate, racism and bigotry. How many millions of time do you think you regressives have spewed that pablum just on this site, they are meaningless.

My grandmother taught me something when I was in my early adolescence. She said, if you watch people and how they act, you can learn a lot about them... whenever they can't shut up complaining about someone or something, it's because they see that in themselves. Either they are exactly that way or they would be that way in the same circumstance. It's like a guilt reaction to how they know they are. They feel they must start fires of distraction to cover up their own shortcomings.

These people are the most hateful, intolerant, bigoted and racist people in the world.

Yep, and they use all this PC and zero tolerance carp to cover their own lack of common sense.

Where have we heard this before?

America, they tell us, is under siege from the inside (by liberal sin) and the outside (by Muslim terrorists). And if you look really hard, you will discover that the internal liberal enemy and external muslim enemy are conjoined in the commander in chief. Indeed my dear sheeple, our institutions have been penetrated to the core! We must take our country back!

[This is such an old playbook. They perfected it in the 40s and 50s with the Cold War. Thank God they created a new national enemy after Gorby folded his tent, or they'd have no fear to sell - and without fear, they have nothing]

Here is their solution: let's give Big Government more money and power to save us.

Here's the problem with the OPs fear mongering.

We bought into it during the age of Bush.

We invaded the country of a petty dictator (who didn't attack us on 9/11) resulting in the destabilization of the region, which made everything worse.

And we created a soviet style surveillance bureaucracy so the nanny government could track everything we do.

Their Big Government solution didn't make us any safer. We created a more expensive, more intrusive government - and the middle east is a fucking unstable nightmare.

You'd think people like the OP would get wise and stop giving Big Government so much money and power. You'd think he would realize that Big Government always makes things worse. (Unfortunately, we all know that the Right will never stop giving Washington more money and power to save the world)

The OP is not an independent thinker. He has never done any significant research on the history of the Middle East. He knows nothing about the various tribes fighting for power, nor can he tell you anything about the West's long history in the region. The OP is an apperachik for the Right. He is a cut & paste zombie who sits catatonic in front of the rightwing press with spirals in his eyes. His job is to spread fear on behalf of dear leader.

"Hi, I'm from Government, and I'm here to protect you".

(God Help Us. He Votes)

(If you think Bush & Washington made a mess of Iraq, than guess what: you ain't seen nothing yet. The Right is getting ready to pour more American souls and money into their Middle East Black Hole of Fear. They believe that we can drop bombs on a civil war and have it magically reform into a freedom loving Democracy. [The advocates of Big Government never think about unintended consequences, like the power vacuum that resulted from their incoherent, mismanaged military intervention] The OP and his leaders are stupid and they are to be pitied. They are going to make everything even worse - again. They are going to leave us with a more unstable Middle East, and a larger more unaccountable surveillance bureaucracy at home. And they are going to bankrupt our children and grandchildren in the process. The OP is their servant)
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You say today's conservatives are moderate? What planet have you been on?

He is on Earth, you, being on Mars, will of course not recognize his point.
You obviously have no idea what moderate vs. radical is...hint..it is not everyone who you disagree with.
You mother fuckers are so stupid you don't even know you've worn out any meaning to the words hate, racism and bigotry. How many millions of time do you think you regressives have spewed that pablum just on this site, they are meaningless.

My grandmother taught me something when I was in my early adolescence. She said, if you watch people and how they act, you can learn a lot about them... whenever they can't shut up complaining about someone or something, it's because they see that in themselves. Either they are exactly that way or they would be that way in the same circumstance. It's like a guilt reaction to how they know they are. They feel they must start fires of distraction to cover up their own shortcomings.

These people are the most hateful, intolerant, bigoted and racist people in the world.

I think your grandmother was describing you dude. Maybe she didnt want you to turn out to be the asshole you seem to be.

God bless your Grandmother. To bad you didnt learn from her wisdom.
In no way are Democrats an enemy of anyone in the US.


During Tuesday night’s Democrat debate, frontrunner Hillary Clinton proudly claimed that she viewed both the NRA and Republicans as her enemies.

when Hitlery said Rebublicans were the enemy need more be said?.?.?.
But conservatives and Republicans do the same thing. They, too, almost never identify what they are fighting — namely, leftism and the left. (Note to left-wing websites that monitor conservative writings: This is not a comparison of the left with Islamic terrorists; it is about not naming an ideological foe.)

It's difficult for Conservatives to name an ideological foe because Conservatism is a philosophy and not an ideology. Conservative is the opposite measure from extreme. In an ideological sense, it is the more moderate view opposing liberal radicalism. But ideology does not define a conservative. They may have specific ideologies rooted in their conservative philosophies but those can differ greatly. It's mostly about pragmatism vs. radicalism.

lol, that may win funniest post of the week.
Until your weak reply

The nonsense about what conservatism is in that post doesn't need much more than a laugh.

You want to take the position that conservatism is synonymous with moderation? Go ahead, let's hear it.

You can start by explaining why so many conservatives hate moderates.
The root word is conserve....e.g. save, use in moderation
These are not YOUR thoughts... you've heard this shit before and you're just repeating it like a good little useful idiot.

100% right on, if these liberfool-mind-numbed robots of the left ever realized they ARE useful idiots, they would become Conservatives..., but it seems reality escapes them!! :up:
"Leftism is ruining America. But almost no Republican ever — let alone repeatedly — says this."

And for good reason, the notion is unmitigated idiocy, completely untrue, a straw man fallacy, and a ridiculous lie.

Indeed, liberals defend the principles and beliefs fundamental to the American Nation, they safeguard the rights and protected liberties of all Americans and persons living in the United States, from republicans who for the most part seek to disadvantage Americans through force of law – by denying women their right to privacy, gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law, immigrants their right to due process, minorities their right to vote, and Muslims their rights enshrined in the First Amendment; unwarranted, un-Constitutional hostility toward Muslims for no other reason than who they are.

No, it's conservatism left unchecked that's ruining America.

by denying women their right to privacy,


gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law,


immigrants their right to due process,


minorities their right to vote,


Muslims their rights enshrined in the First Amendment; unwarranted, un-Constitutional hostility toward Muslims for no other reason than who they are.


Son please produce one piece of evidence that supports each of these accusations.
This is the effect of conservative media, construct a false enemy and make their audience terrified of it.

In no way are Democrats an enemy of anyone in the US. Having a differeing view of what is important in life, namely human beings over profit, not only does not label someone as an enemy but their very actions have produced all of the benefits that ALL working people enjoy.

But con media paints an evil picture of this because it is much easier to manipulate people if you tell them they are in mortal danger.

Orwell called it 'perpetual war'. A way to keep the population scared and controlled.
Having a differeing view of what is important in life, namely human beings over profit

What is fair? I've asked and asked and still none of you libturds answer the question. What are you afraid of?

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