Why don’t republicans seem to understand the consequences of tax cuts?

Obama promised the 'smoothest transition evuh' ... then had the hardest damn time finding a Democrat who had paid their taxes to fill his Cabinet. He had to fill the Secretaruy of the Treasury with lil' Timmy 'Tax Cheat' Geitner.

Joe Biden 'forgot' to claim his son's $50,000 A MONTH rent on his taxes...and probably 'forgot' to pay all that '10% For The Big Guy' cash as well...

Politicians, especially Democrats, create all those tax loopholes for their millionaire buddies / massive donors ... don't pay their own taxes, throw a tantrum when rich Conservatives like Trump use their loopholes, and REALLY get pissed - after massively adding to the debt by misappropriating and misusing Americans' tax dollars for their bullshit pork - when someone mentions a tax break - giving Americans back more of THEIR money.
Lol I’m making shit up huh? “It was all in the papers”. What the fuck does that even mean? I mean my god you said the same thing for two of your points.

Um yes that was the goal of BBB.

What’s funny about your random Googling is that you can’t even find accurate information for shit. Hey idiot that vote count you’re talking about was in 2012. It wasn’t the actual final vote that passed the law. This law was passed by congress in January of 2013.

In the House, 85 Republicans and 172 Democrats voted in favor while 151 Republicans and 16 Democrats were opposed.

Oh Todd you tried your best but you just couldn’t deliver. You did give the accurate senate vote count but we both know why you left out the party breakdown: the majority of democrats passed it!

I’m glad I could educate you on the matter though!

Lol I’m making shit up huh? “It was all in the papers”. What the fuck does that even mean?

The Republicans had to use reconciliation. So they couldn't make it permanent.
Are you 12? Or just have no idea how those things work?

Um yes that was the goal of BBB.

To make the Trump tax cuts permanent. LOL!
Prove it.

Hey idiot that vote count you’re talking about was in 2012.

You're right, that vote count was to make all the tax cuts permanent.

In the House, 85 Republicans and 172 Democrats voted in favor while 151 Republicans and 16 Democrats were opposed.

You're right, this vote count was to make the under $400K tax cuts permanent.

Thanks for explaining the real story behind Obama's "biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan" that was still the Bush tax cut. That only 7 Dems in the House and 2 in the Senate voted for in 2003.
Thanks for proving once again tax cuts result in higher revenues.
You're full of slogans.

We haven't provided less fiscal support in any recovery in the post WW2 period.

And yet Obama II generated the third highest number of new jobs of any presidential term not served by Elvis.

We haven't provided less fiscal support in any recovery in the post WW2 period.

Obama's ARRA wasn't enough? That's awful!
Reagan tried, making several compromise deals with the Democrooks that were in solid control of both houses of Congress. He upheld his end of every deal, while the Democraps welshed on theirs.
You're FOS.

Reagan didn't compromise anything.
Reagan had a record, at that time, of 8 government shutdowns.
Similar to Trump, "shut the whole thing down", because "I didn't get my way".

It was Reagan who ordered the Grace Commission, to look into waste and fraud at the federal level. The results of that audit were damning, but the criminal Demeocraps in Congress refused to take any action to correct the issues that the report brought up.
Opinions by businessman J. Peter Grace.

Grace, a Democrat, was asked what he would say to the campaign theme of Walter Mondale, the 1984 Democratic Presidential candidate, that higher taxes would be required to ease the deficit regardless of who wins the November election.

"I'd tell him he's nuts," Grace said. "He's wrong. He's wrong."

Reagan, raised taxes 5 times, in 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986 and 1987.
It is absurd and dishonest to blame Reagan for the criminality of the Democraps in Congress.
Criminality of CONGRESS?
The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by numerous scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any president in American history.
Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution
All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;



Yep, just as I knew…no mention of POTUS in there.
Reagan's "elimination of loopholes" in the tax code included the elimination of the "passive loss" provisions that subsidized rental housing.

He removed a loophole? That's awful!!!
Yes, it was, moron.

Reagan’s “elimination of loopholes” in the tax code included the elimination of the “passive loss” provisions that subsidized rental housing.
Because this was removed retroactively, it bankrupted many real estate developments which used this tax break as a premise, which in turn bankrupted 747 Savings and Loans, many of whom were operating, more or less, as banks, thus requiring the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to cover their debts and losses with tax payer money.
This with some other “deregulation” policies, ultimately led to the largest political and financial scandal in U.S. history to that date.
Wait, don't liberals want to remove the loopholes that the rich use to avoid taxes?
On Trump's first day in office (Jan. 20, 2017), the total U.S. debt stood at $19.95 trillion, up from the 11.9 trillion when Barack Obama was sworn in eight years earlier.

Ummmmm....$10.6 trillion when Obama was sworn in.
And about $400 billion of that was TARP loans that were soon repaid. So call it $10.2 trillion.
Trump raised the debt, more than any other one term president in US history.

DC has shrunk our military and exploded our country with debt. We can’t send another politician to the White House Donald J. Trump For President 2024

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 24, 2015

Donald Trump insists he would be able to wipe out the United States’s debt in eight years.

The Republican presidential front-runner said in a wide-ranging interview with The Washington Post that he’d be able to get rid of the more than $19 trillion debt “over a period of eight years.”

Right after Mexico pay's for their border wall.
So what about all the government services you take advantage of such as K-12 schools, infrastructure, national security, emergency services? Should you benefit from those while also not paying taxes?
/——-/ Why take it to a ridiculous extreme? No one said pay no taxes. Besides we had those things before 1913.

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