Why don't RWs ever fault corporate greed for any of our nation's problems?

Low wages? "It's big government fault!" This is despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high.

Illegal immigrants taking jobs? Oh right it's all Obama's fault - not the actual companies hiring them.

Wall Street corruption? "It's Obama's fault!"

Corporations shipping jobs overseas? "It's high taxes?" Uh no. The official tax rate of 35% means jack shit. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is 12%. Of course, according to GAO, 2/3 of corporations have no federal tax liability because of deductions and loopholes.

The ridiculous price of healthcare in this country? No of course corporate greed has nothing to do with that!
Corporations can only make what the public is willing to pay them.
Forced high wages do cost jobs and business.
The ACA was more so those that obama works for can have even more free stuff.
The illegals? everytime the suggestion to punish companies that hire them is brought up, the left finds hundreds of reasons that it wont work.
Wall street is regulated by the government, those same people in government that fill their pockets with wall street money, from both sides of congress. Why would they pass any law or regulation that would reduce their own greed driven income.
Face it, the publics desire to stick it to the one percent or the corporations is driven by their own greed. Someone else has it and I want it. Make them give it to me in some fom or another.
Nobody, not you, not me not anyone on this forum does not suffer from a bit of greed.
Low wages? "It's big government fault!" This is despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high.

Illegal immigrants taking jobs? Oh right it's all Obama's fault - not the actual companies hiring them.

Wall Street corruption? "It's Obama's fault!"

Corporations shipping jobs overseas? "It's high taxes?" Uh no. The official tax rate of 35% means jack shit. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is 12%. Of course, according to GAO, 2/3 of corporations have no federal tax liability because of deductions and loopholes.

The ridiculous price of healthcare in this country? No of course corporate greed has nothing to do with that!

Business is the most democratic process there is, if you don't like what they're doing, take your dollars elsewhere, if enough people agree with you, they'll no longer be in business. See how easy it is? Of course wimps like you will just sit on your ass and bitch, so carry on.
Low wages? "It's big government fault!" This is despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high.

Illegal immigrants taking jobs? Oh right it's all Obama's fault - not the actual companies hiring them.

Wall Street corruption? "It's Obama's fault!"

Corporations shipping jobs overseas? "It's high taxes?" Uh no. The official tax rate of 35% means jack shit. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is 12%. Of course, according to GAO, 2/3 of corporations have no federal tax liability because of deductions and loopholes.

The ridiculous price of healthcare in this country? No of course corporate greed has nothing to do with that!

Business is the most democratic process there is, if you don't like what they're doing, take your dollars elsewhere, if enough people agree with you, they'll no longer be in business. See how easy it is? Of course wimps like you will just sit on your ass and bitch, so carry on.
No, wimps like him will scream that the business needs to be bailed out. If a republican refuses to bail out, then the liberals cry that millions of people are going to lose their jobs and starve to death in the streets.

There is no competition currently for the Epipen in the US.....shhhhh.....don't tell Ed.
With free market, you would think there would be.
Low wages? "It's big government fault!" This is despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high.

Illegal immigrants taking jobs? Oh right it's all Obama's fault - not the actual companies hiring them.

Wall Street corruption? "It's Obama's fault!"

Corporations shipping jobs overseas? "It's high taxes?" Uh no. The official tax rate of 35% means jack shit. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is 12%. Of course, according to GAO, 2/3 of corporations have no federal tax liability because of deductions and loopholes.

The ridiculous price of healthcare in this country? No of course corporate greed has nothing to do with that!

Business is the most democratic process there is, if you don't like what they're doing, take your dollars elsewhere, if enough people agree with you, they'll no longer be in business. See how easy it is? Of course wimps like you will just sit on your ass and bitch, so carry on.
No, wimps like him will scream that the business needs to be bailed out. If a republican refuses to bail out, then the liberals cry that millions of people are going to lose their jobs and starve to death in the streets.

Yep, that's why I will never buy another GM vehicle, and I just don't like the way apple does business so I have none of their products.
Low wages? "It's big government fault!" This is despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high.

Illegal immigrants taking jobs? Oh right it's all Obama's fault - not the actual companies hiring them.

Wall Street corruption? "It's Obama's fault!"

Corporations shipping jobs overseas? "It's high taxes?" Uh no. The official tax rate of 35% means jack shit. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is 12%. Of course, according to GAO, 2/3 of corporations have no federal tax liability because of deductions and loopholes.

The ridiculous price of healthcare in this country? No of course corporate greed has nothing to do with that!

Most right-wingers admire corporate greed, in fact, they elect Republicans because it is the GOP's duty to protect corporate greed.

High wages, they are the greed of the workers trying to take advantage of the helpless fat cats, this according to the conservatives.

Wall Street, no, the entire financial industry must be unencumbered by regulations, it is their right to steal from small investors, cheat homeowners out of their homes through foreclosure even when their payments are current.

Corporate greed to blame for America's woes, not if you believe the conservative agenda.

Low wages? "It's big government fault!" This is despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high.

Illegal immigrants taking jobs? Oh right it's all Obama's fault - not the actual companies hiring them.

Wall Street corruption? "It's Obama's fault!"

Corporations shipping jobs overseas? "It's high taxes?" Uh no. The official tax rate of 35% means jack shit. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is 12%. Of course, according to GAO, 2/3 of corporations have no federal tax liability because of deductions and loopholes.

The ridiculous price of healthcare in this country? No of course corporate greed has nothing to do with that!
The federal government fucks everything up it touches
Low wages? "It's big government fault!" This is despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high.

Illegal immigrants taking jobs? Oh right it's all Obama's fault - not the actual companies hiring them.

Wall Street corruption? "It's Obama's fault!"

Corporations shipping jobs overseas? "It's high taxes?" Uh no. The official tax rate of 35% means jack shit. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is 12%. Of course, according to GAO, 2/3 of corporations have no federal tax liability because of deductions and loopholes.

The ridiculous price of healthcare in this country? No of course corporate greed has nothing to do with that!
Hardcore partisan ideologues employ shallow, binary thinking and are generally unwilling to give an inch.

Their highest priority appears to be "winning" over actually solving problems.

Both ends.
The Left Wingers bitch about corporations but they sure as buy things made by corporations, don't they?

You probably oppose the ACA.

Guess why that passed? It helped bigger corporations knock out competition.

I have never been unable to understand why you stupid Moon Bats have this obsessional hate for corporations. They provide tens of millions of jobs, much needed goods and services and contribute about a trillion dollars a year into this bloated Federal government that you idiots love so much in addition to trillions to state and local governments. The Wall Street corporations are funding your wonderful Crooked Hillary and your Black Boy Obama bailed out several Wall Streets corporations and a couple of really big car companies.

If you don't like a corporation instead of bitching about them then just don't buy any of their goods or services and don't vote for any political candidate that they buy, like Crooked Hillary. Problem solved.
Low wages? "It's big government fault!" This is despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high.

Illegal immigrants taking jobs? Oh right it's all Obama's fault - not the actual companies hiring them.

Wall Street corruption? "It's Obama's fault!"

Corporations shipping jobs overseas? "It's high taxes?" Uh no. The official tax rate of 35% means jack shit. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is 12%. Of course, according to GAO, 2/3 of corporations have no federal tax liability because of deductions and loopholes.

The ridiculous price of healthcare in this country? No of course corporate greed has nothing to do with that!

Why do lefties here love strawman arguments so much? Is it because they can't compete when arguing directly so they have to make shit up?

There is no competition currently for the Epipen in the US.....shhhhh.....don't tell Ed.

I don't know anything about this drug. I did a paper on why drugs can cost what they do a long time ago....

So, some questions...who makes the drug ?

What is the relative consumption in each country ?

Do other countries have access to all they want ?

So, some questions...who makes the drug ?


What is the relative consumption in each country ?


Do other countries have access to all they want ?

If they have nationalized healthcare, obviously not.
Low wages? "It's big government fault!" This is despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high.

Illegal immigrants taking jobs? Oh right it's all Obama's fault - not the actual companies hiring them.

Wall Street corruption? "It's Obama's fault!"

Corporations shipping jobs overseas? "It's high taxes?" Uh no. The official tax rate of 35% means jack shit. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is 12%. Of course, according to GAO, 2/3 of corporations have no federal tax liability because of deductions and loopholes.

The ridiculous price of healthcare in this country? No of course corporate greed has nothing to do with that!

You damn idiot. Hildebeast is the WORST abuser of the corporate greed you whine about.. She gives goodies to Corporations for greasing the Clinton Foundation.. You leftists are fucking morons..

There is no competition currently for the Epipen in the US.....shhhhh.....don't tell Ed.

I don't know anything about this drug. I did a paper on why drugs can cost what they do a long time ago....

So, some questions...who makes the drug ?

What is the relative consumption in each country ?

Do other countries have access to all they want ?

So, some questions...who makes the drug ?


What is the relative consumption in each country ?


Do other countries have access to all they want ?

If they have nationalized healthcare, obviously not.

The answer to those questions is what can help explain those differences.

Canada used to consume about 2% of our drug output. They often utilized older generation drugs too.

Drug companies would use excess production to satisfy their requests (much like hotels will give deals on unused rooms).

But once capacity was used up....Sorry Charlie.
Low wages? "It's big government fault!" This is despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high.

Wages aren't the problem, the cost of living is. That inflation, which happens even during economic downturns, when prices should FALL, is caused by the Federal Reserve, which could not exist without government.

So you're wrong on your first example. Let's see how you do on the next one.

Illegal immigrants taking jobs? Oh right it's all Obama's fault - not the actual companies hiring them.

Companies have no legal ability to curb illegal immigration, only the Federal government has that ability. In fact, it's a duty in which they've failed.

So, wrong again. Strike two.

Wall Street corruption? "It's Obama's fault!"

You can't just yell corruption and expect someone to engage with specificity. Use your grown up words and explain exactly what you mean.

Whatever your example, I strongly suspect the truth would be due to government meddling, but let's see.

Corporations shipping jobs overseas?

You're suggesting a citizen should not be free to investing in an overseas operation?

Only government, a tyrannical one, could prevent that. You a Trump supporter by chance? That seems to be in line with the shite Donald spews.

"It's high taxes?" Uh no. The official tax rate of 35% means jack shit. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is 12%. Of course, according to GAO, 2/3 of corporations have no federal tax liability because of deductions and loopholes.

Let me get this straight. You're pissed at the tax rate corporations pay, but you don't blame the government that created those tax rules, you blame the tax payers that follow them.


Strike three.

The ridiculous price of healthcare in this country? No of course corporate greed has nothing to do with that!

Any chance those high prices have to do with the fact that health care is the MOST MEDDLED WITH market in America?

Ever notice that markets in which government meddles less have more competition and therefore lower prices?

Guess not.

You're outta here!
Low wages? "It's big government fault!" This is despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high.

Wages aren't the problem, the cost of living is. That inflation, which happens even during economic downturns, when prices should FALL, is caused by the Federal Reserve, which could not exist without government.

So you're wrong on your first example. Let's see how you do on the next one.

Illegal immigrants taking jobs? Oh right it's all Obama's fault - not the actual companies hiring them.

Companies have no legal ability to curb illegal immigration, only the Federal government has that ability. In fact, it's a duty in which they've failed.

So, wrong again. Strike two.

Wall Street corruption? "It's Obama's fault!"

You can't just yell corruption and expect someone to engage with specificity. Use your grown up words and explain exactly what you mean.

Whatever your example, I strongly suspect the truth would be due to government meddling, but let's see.

Corporations shipping jobs overseas?

You're suggesting a citizen should not be free to investing in an overseas operation?

Only government, a tyrannical one, could prevent that. You a Trump supporter by chance? That seems to be in line with the shite Donald spews.

"It's high taxes?" Uh no. The official tax rate of 35% means jack shit. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is 12%. Of course, according to GAO, 2/3 of corporations have no federal tax liability because of deductions and loopholes.

Let me get this straight. You're pissed at the tax rate corporations pay, but you don't blame the government that created those tax rules, you blame the tax payers that follow them.


Strike three.

The ridiculous price of healthcare in this country? No of course corporate greed has nothing to do with that!

Any chance those high prices have to do with the fact that health care is the MOST MEDDLED WITH market in America?

Ever notice that markets in which government meddles less have more competition and therefore lower prices?

Guess not.

You're outta here!

the Federal Reserve, which could not exist without government.

Since the Fed is part of the government.....yup.

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