Why don't RWs ever fault corporate greed for any of our nation's problems?


There is no competition currently for the Epipen in the US.....shhhhh.....don't tell Ed.

I don't know anything about this drug. I did a paper on why drugs can cost what they do a long time ago....

So, some questions...who makes the drug ?

What is the relative consumption in each country ?

Do other countries have access to all they want ?
The drug is only a few dollars per dose, the $600 is for the pen that delivers it.

Obviously the other countries have a supply that meets or exceeds the demand or the price would be higher.

There is no competition currently for the Epipen in the US.....shhhhh.....don't tell Ed.

I don't know anything about this drug. I did a paper on why drugs can cost what they do a long time ago....

So, some questions...who makes the drug ?

What is the relative consumption in each country ?

Do other countries have access to all they want ?
The drug is only a few dollars per dose, the $600 is for the pen that delivers it.

Obviously the other countries have a supply that meets or exceeds the demand or the price would be higher.

That is not altogether true.

I don't debate development costs because I don't like our current pharma model (it is once again government making rich people richer).

That supply to other countries goes through a regulator. They can simply constrict demand to meet supply needs.

I know that Canada used to delay registration of drugs so they could use older technologies and keep costs down. They also consumed a very small percentage of certain drugs compared to the U.S. so drug companies would allow so much out at reduced prices (really, in some instances in hoping that people would demand more allowing them to raise prices).
Low wages? "It's big government fault!" This is despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high.

Illegal immigrants taking jobs? Oh right it's all Obama's fault - not the actual companies hiring them.

Wall Street corruption? "It's Obama's fault!"

Corporations shipping jobs overseas? "It's high taxes?" Uh no. The official tax rate of 35% means jack shit. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is 12%. Of course, according to GAO, 2/3 of corporations have no federal tax liability because of deductions and loopholes.

The ridiculous price of healthcare in this country? No of course corporate greed has nothing to do with that!
Ah! Interesting meme, though not all that original. The "all people who identify as followers of X ideology must subscribe to Y belief." Not bad, not bad at all.
There is no such thing as "corporate greed" except in the cliche filled minds of the low information left. Everyone is invested in corporations including every freaking pension system and we all want to see a nice return on our 401k. Corporations have to work within state, local and federal (not to mention international) regulations that would fill a good sized garage and all we hear is whining from the freaking low information quasi socialist hypocrites who live and breathe cliches and blame the vast RW conspiracy without even knowing what the hell is going on.
For the same reason left wingers rarely fault government greed for any of the nations problems.
Low wages? "It's big government fault!" This is despite the fact that corporate profits are at an all time high.

Illegal immigrants taking jobs? Oh right it's all Obama's fault - not the actual companies hiring them.

Wall Street corruption? "It's Obama's fault!"

Corporations shipping jobs overseas? "It's high taxes?" Uh no. The official tax rate of 35% means jack shit. The EFFECTIVE tax rate is 12%. Of course, according to GAO, 2/3 of corporations have no federal tax liability because of deductions and loopholes.

The ridiculous price of healthcare in this country? No of course corporate greed has nothing to do with that!

politicians make all of it possible....they sell their offices to the corporations and then make laws or regulations to protect their corporate sponsors....because we have given them too much power to actually do this.....they punish the enemies of their sponsors and reward their sponsors...the only way to stop this is to limit the power of the politicians.....
“Why don't RWs ever fault corporate greed for any of our nation's problems?”

Because they’re liars and hypocrites – but you knew that already.

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