Why Don't Unauthorized Migrants Come Here Legally?


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
I'm not an open border guy. But I do understand why they come here. And more importantly, why they come here illegally. I think it's important to understand both sides of any argument. That way the decision is rational. Reading through the laws & regulations, you can understand how it's just not possible for most of them to come here legally. If they apply, the Mexican government charges them a non-refundable $500usd. If they don't qualify, they lose the money.

Why Don't Unauthorized Migrants Come Here Legally?​

snipped to important part.....

U.S. immigration laws provide three core means by which an immigrant may obtain lawful permanent residency.(xviii) First, a qualified family member in the United States may petition to bring a foreign-born family member to the country lawfully. U.S. Citizens may petition for lawful permanent residency for their spouses, parents, children or siblings. Lawful Permanent Residents in the country may petition for their foreign-born spouses and unmarried children. To do so, sponsors must demonstrate an income level above poverty line and must commit to financially support the sponsored, foreign-born family member so that they do not become a public charge. The foreign-born immigrant, in turn, must meet all other eligibility requirements.(xix) However, there are numeric limitations on most of these family-based categories, resulting in backlogs for entry that often range anywhere from five years to nearly 20 years.

Second, immigrants fleeing political persecution or a well-founded fear of future persecution on account of their race, religion, membership in a particular social group, political opinion or national origin may seek political asylum in the United States or qualify for refugee status. To do so, they must meet a high evidentiary burden. Even if they do qualify for refugee status, there is an annual cap on the number of refugee admissions to the United States, which is set annually and is typically between 70,000 and 80,000.(xx) Most of today's unauthorized immigrants are fleeing poverty in their home countries, not political persecution. As a result, they do not qualify for asylum.

Third, and significantly, there are various immigration categories for workers to be sponsored by a U.S.-based employer to come to the United States to work and live lawfully. However, these categories are limited to multinational executives and professors; those with advance degrees, the exceptional in the arts, sciences or business; and narrowly-defined, specialized workers.xxi Today's unauthorized immigrants are largely low-skilled workers who come to the United States for work to support their families. They work in the agricultural, meatpacking, landscaping, services, and construction industries in the United States. They fill the ranks of U.S. businesses, large and small throughout the country. Over the past several decades, the demand by U.S. businesses for low-skilled workers has grown exponentially, while the supply of available workers for low-skilled jobs in the United States has diminished.(xxii) Yet, there are only 5,000 green cards available annually for low-skilled workers to enter the United States lawfully.(xxiii) This number stands in stark contrast to the estimated 300,000 immigrants who enter the United States unlawfully each year, most of whom are looking for work.(xxiv) The only alternative to this is to secure a temporary work visa through the H-2A (seasonal agricultural) or H2B (seasonal non-agricultural) visa programs which provide temporary status to low-skilled workers seeking to enter the country lawfully. While H-2A visas are not numerically capped, the requirements are onerous. H-2B visas are capped at 66,000 annually. Both only provide temporary status to work for a U.S. employer for one year.(xxv) At their current numbers, these are woefully insufficient to provide legal means for the foreign-born to enter the United States to live and work, and thereby meet our demand for foreign-born labor.

The simple answer is there are way too many of them wanting to come here and our legal process is woefully backed up and inefficient. Congress is in perpetual fire fighting and sniping mode so they NEVER get immigration reform done. The Democrats have chosen to toss gasoline on the immigration fire. Their welcoming and encouraging messages that are used by the Cartels and smugglers to convince the people to pay them the money to enter illegally.
Arent most of the people coming here from further south?

I think like 60% are from Mexico.

I've known some illegals. And they've all told me that it wasn't possible for them to come here legally. Some tried the $500 application fee and was turned down. So they said screw it and came illegally and took their chances.
The simple answer is there are way too many of them wanting to come here and our legal process is woefully backed up and inefficient. Congress is in perpetual fire fighting and sniping mode so they NEVER get immigration reform done. The Democrats have chosen to toss gasoline on the immigration fire. Their welcoming and encouraging messages that are used by the Cartels and smugglers to convince the people to pay them the money to enter illegally.

The best way to deal with illegal immigration is through monetary policy. Increasing the actual value of the USD, so that the value of a dollar is closer to the Peso.
If $10hr here was a middle class wage, then not so many of them would even bother coming here. Their minumum wage is like $10 per day.
If $5hr was a still a livable wage, and would be what illegals would be paid, then there wouldn't be much incentive to come here.
Now illegals are getting about $15hr. X 8 hours, that's $120 per day. So they can work one day and make as much as they do in 12 days there.
Why dont they come here legally? Because they can not afford high priced US attorneys to navigate all the years of red tape.

Why? Because the person making the decision if they come here legally lives and works in Vermont, not the country or embassy where the immigrants are coming from.

Why, because politicians who dont know their ass from a hole in the ground wrote the laws and created the system they must overcome.
I think like 60% are from Mexico.

I've known some illegals. And they've all told me that it wasn't possible for them to come here legally. Some tried the $500 application fee and was turned down. So they said screw it and came illegally and took their chances.
No, not even close. The vast majority of illegal aliens are coming from 150 different countries. Mexico just happily serves as their expressway to the US Southern border.

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