Why don't white parents get blamed....

black mass shooters
here , this one got very little headlines and the black murdered whites!!!
Kirkwood City Council shooting - Wikipedia

Dallas shooter--mass shooter

Chris Dorner----definitely a spree killer
could definitely fit the definition of a mass killer--no cool down
Christopher Dorner shootings and manhunt - Wikipedia

DC snipers were TWO blacks--serial killers
also could fit definition of mass shooters--no cool down like serial killers

the blacks are mass shooters who murder over EIGHT blacks every DAY
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You're being silly. Providing a link to the top 10 Nigerian scientists doesn't tell us anything. Try looking up "top 10 scientists today" and try to find a Nigerian.

Here, I did the work for you...

Top 10 most influential scientists in the world today

How about the top 50?

The 50 Most Influential Scientists in the World Today | The Best Schools

Do you see ANY Africans?

I am telling you that Nigerians value education. Keep in mind that YOU were making the case that not many people in Nigeria are educated or get formal education. Well....that is true because of poverty. It makes sense that most scientist would come from places that have the best schools and research institutions. Schools and research institutions are knowledge bases that contain all the worlds known knowledge and science. Its from that starting point that science and discoveries are expanded. Nigeria does not have such Universities as compared to the West and Asia....which is why many go to the West to get educated. Also, Nigeria as a country is only 50 something years old. Once the build the knowledge bases, advanced research universities, you will see the inventive class rise. But all that is a moot point.

The point is that the culture of Africans IS NOT THE CULTURE OF AFRICAN AMERICANS. Blacks that come to America with their ROOT African culture DO MUCH BETTER than blacks who are descendants of enslaved Americans. Descendants of American slavery do not manifest African Culture. The culture that they manifest WAS LEARNED FROM THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH WHITES!!! That experience was NEGATIVE.
again---there are not many blacks that come here from Africa....did you not understand the post and mathematics I posted before?? it doesn't matter how the immigrants from Africa do--you can't tell what their true culture is from a very tiny TINY test population

Neither can you tell that with Asians.....as there are Billions of Asians in the world, yet they are given the benefit of the doubt for their high academic achievements as being cultural in the US. Yet, you will not give blacks the same benefit of the doubt. Alas...that is because you are a RACIST.....so its not surprising. Anything that puts blacks in a good light....you will try to tear down to fit your narrative of black inferiority.
I don't have to try to prove black literacy inferiority
how many times do I have to say it--a picture is worth a thousand words
world illiteracy--Africa is below the Asians:
Literacy rates have more to do with poverty than culture. That map would be nearly the same if the metric was poverty. Poverty is the enemy of literacy. You are projecting education opportunity in the West with education opportunity in Africa, which is stupid to do. You think everyone there has the opportunity to become formally educated and therefore high illiteracy rates mean the culture does not value it. All your reasoning is predicated on black inferiority of thinking, of values, of responsibility, of culture, etc. That is how racist think....and since you are a racist, it’s apropos.
AKIP--it is obvious you are doing little or no research
pretty soon, we will have to take all your posts as crap and racist

The following are the most frequent causes of illiteracy in adults:

  • Parents with little schooling;
  • Lack of books at home and lack of stimulation as to the importance of reading;
  • Doing badly at or dropping out of school—many have not completed high school;
  • Difficult living conditions, including poverty;
  • Learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, dysorthographia, etc
Causes of illiteracy | Literacy Foundation
remember the library is FREE
Top 10 Causes of Illiteracy in the World ~ Top Ten 10
poverty is not the leading cause

my daughter was the best reader and one of the--if not the--highest scorer in her class---and I'm far from being rich!!
...I took her to the library a lot/did math with her when she was very young/etc

you have proven to be the racist--AGAIN--you provide NO links/proof to what you say
you spew crap --just what you believe [ no links/proof ] = racism
--while I provide links/facts to back up what I say
Last edited:
When their kids do bad things like mass shootings? When a black youth or young adult commits violence, its seems to always be attributed to poor parenting and or innate propensity towards violence. When a white young adult does something violent, its said to be a mental illness of some sort. Why is not black violence considered a mental illness (from being driven crazy by white folks), as opposed to poor parenting and innate propensity towards violence?

This recent shooter in Florida didn't have any parents, his adopted mom died a year ago and he was staying in a couples home that didn't see the problems..They didn't see the signs.

I don't even think that there are any black mass shooters is there?

Lee Boyd Malvo.
Since 1982, there have been 56 white mass shooters and 16 black mass shooters. Those numbers almost perfectly reflect the difference between the two population percentages.

What isn't reflected is that they don't include gang shootings in the mass shooter category. If you included those, black mass shootings would FAR exceed those commited by whites.

You understand that whites do have gangs don't you?

Other than a few white supremacist gangs......
Whites invented gangs. Miss me with that bullshit.
This recent shooter in Florida didn't have any parents, his adopted mom died a year ago and he was staying in a couples home that didn't see the problems..They didn't see the signs.

I don't even think that there are any black mass shooters is there?

Lee Boyd Malvo.
Since 1982, there have been 56 white mass shooters and 16 black mass shooters. Those numbers almost perfectly reflect the difference between the two population percentages.

What isn't reflected is that they don't include gang shootings in the mass shooter category. If you included those, black mass shootings would FAR exceed those commited by whites.

You understand that whites do have gangs don't you?

Other than a few white supremacist gangs......
Whites invented gangs. Miss me with that bullshit.

Italians are White when they do gangsterism, but not White when they did Rome, or the Renaissance?
Lee Boyd Malvo.
Since 1982, there have been 56 white mass shooters and 16 black mass shooters. Those numbers almost perfectly reflect the difference between the two population percentages.

What isn't reflected is that they don't include gang shootings in the mass shooter category. If you included those, black mass shootings would FAR exceed those commited by whites.

You understand that whites do have gangs don't you?

Other than a few white supremacist gangs......
Whites invented gangs. Miss me with that bullshit.

Italians are White when they do gangsterism, but not White when they did Rome, or the Renaissance?
Who told you that? I've always considered them white even though they are the only whites I would date. Miss me with your bullshit.
I am telling you that Nigerians value education. Keep in mind that YOU were making the case that not many people in Nigeria are educated or get formal education. Well....that is true because of poverty. It makes sense that most scientist would come from places that have the best schools and research institutions. Schools and research institutions are knowledge bases that contain all the worlds known knowledge and science. Its from that starting point that science and discoveries are expanded. Nigeria does not have such Universities as compared to the West and Asia....which is why many go to the West to get educated. Also, Nigeria as a country is only 50 something years old. Once the build the knowledge bases, advanced research universities, you will see the inventive class rise. But all that is a moot point.

The point is that the culture of Africans IS NOT THE CULTURE OF AFRICAN AMERICANS. Blacks that come to America with their ROOT African culture DO MUCH BETTER than blacks who are descendants of enslaved Americans. Descendants of American slavery do not manifest African Culture. The culture that they manifest WAS LEARNED FROM THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH WHITES!!! That experience was NEGATIVE.
again---there are not many blacks that come here from Africa....did you not understand the post and mathematics I posted before?? it doesn't matter how the immigrants from Africa do--you can't tell what their true culture is from a very tiny TINY test population

Neither can you tell that with Asians.....as there are Billions of Asians in the world, yet they are given the benefit of the doubt for their high academic achievements as being cultural in the US. Yet, you will not give blacks the same benefit of the doubt. Alas...that is because you are a RACIST.....so its not surprising. Anything that puts blacks in a good light....you will try to tear down to fit your narrative of black inferiority.
I don't have to try to prove black literacy inferiority
how many times do I have to say it--a picture is worth a thousand words
world illiteracy--Africa is below the Asians:
Literacy rates have more to do with poverty than culture. That map would be nearly the same if the metric was poverty. Poverty is the enemy of literacy. You are projecting education opportunity in the West with education opportunity in Africa, which is stupid to do. You think everyone there has the opportunity to become formally educated and therefore high illiteracy rates mean the culture does not value it. All your reasoning is predicated on black inferiority of thinking, of values, of responsibility, of culture, etc. That is how racist think....and since you are a racist, it’s apropos.
AKIP--it is obvious you are doing little or no research
pretty soon, we will have to take all your posts as crap and racist

The following are the most frequent causes of illiteracy in adults:

  • Parents with little schooling;
  • Lack of books at home and lack of stimulation as to the importance of reading;
  • Doing badly at or dropping out of school—many have not completed high school;
  • Difficult living conditions, including poverty;
  • Learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, dysorthographia, etc
Causes of illiteracy | Literacy Foundation
remember the library is FREE
Top 10 Causes of Illiteracy in the World ~ Top Ten 10
poverty is not the leading cause

my daughter was the best reader and one of the--if not the--highest scorer in her class---and I'm far from being rich!!
...I took her to the library a lot/did math with her when she was very young/etc

you have proven to be the racist--AGAIN--you provide NO links/proof to what you say
you spew crap --just what you believe [ no links/proof ] = racism
--while I provide links/facts to back up what I say

Your a racist idiot. I know that is redundant....but it is what it is. That list is based upon Western illiteracy....they are not explaining illiteracy in poor countries. That having been said, parents with poor schooling are generally POOR. If you had money but poor schooling, you could afford to send your kids to school to be educated. In fact, people who are illiterate wish they were not and since everyone wants their kids to do better than them.....don't you think that if they can afford it they will send their kids to school?

My parents were share croppers in the Mississippi Delta in the 40's and 50's. They never went to high school BECAUSE THEY WERE SO POOR THEY WERE NEEDED TO WORK THE LAND in the peonage known as share cropping. In poor agrarian societies, like many in Africa are, its all hands on deck for survival from the land. People don't have the money or time to spare often and even if they did access to schools out in the bush is hard to come by.
again---there are not many blacks that come here from Africa....did you not understand the post and mathematics I posted before?? it doesn't matter how the immigrants from Africa do--you can't tell what their true culture is from a very tiny TINY test population

Neither can you tell that with Asians.....as there are Billions of Asians in the world, yet they are given the benefit of the doubt for their high academic achievements as being cultural in the US. Yet, you will not give blacks the same benefit of the doubt. Alas...that is because you are a RACIST.....so its not surprising. Anything that puts blacks in a good light....you will try to tear down to fit your narrative of black inferiority.
I don't have to try to prove black literacy inferiority
how many times do I have to say it--a picture is worth a thousand words
world illiteracy--Africa is below the Asians:
Literacy rates have more to do with poverty than culture. That map would be nearly the same if the metric was poverty. Poverty is the enemy of literacy. You are projecting education opportunity in the West with education opportunity in Africa, which is stupid to do. You think everyone there has the opportunity to become formally educated and therefore high illiteracy rates mean the culture does not value it. All your reasoning is predicated on black inferiority of thinking, of values, of responsibility, of culture, etc. That is how racist think....and since you are a racist, it’s apropos.
AKIP--it is obvious you are doing little or no research
pretty soon, we will have to take all your posts as crap and racist

The following are the most frequent causes of illiteracy in adults:

  • Parents with little schooling;
  • Lack of books at home and lack of stimulation as to the importance of reading;
  • Doing badly at or dropping out of school—many have not completed high school;
  • Difficult living conditions, including poverty;
  • Learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, dysorthographia, etc
Causes of illiteracy | Literacy Foundation
remember the library is FREE
Top 10 Causes of Illiteracy in the World ~ Top Ten 10
poverty is not the leading cause

my daughter was the best reader and one of the--if not the--highest scorer in her class---and I'm far from being rich!!
...I took her to the library a lot/did math with her when she was very young/etc

you have proven to be the racist--AGAIN--you provide NO links/proof to what you say
you spew crap --just what you believe [ no links/proof ] = racism
--while I provide links/facts to back up what I say

Your a racist idiot. I know that is redundant....but it is what it is. That list is based upon Western illiteracy....they are not explaining illiteracy in poor countries. That having been said, parents with poor schooling are generally POOR. If you had money but poor schooling, you could afford to send your kids to school to be educated. In fact, people who are illiterate wish they were not and since everyone wants their kids to do better than them.....don't you think that if they can afford it they will send their kids to school?

My parents were share croppers in the Mississippi Delta in the 40's and 50's. They never went to high school BECAUSE THEY WERE SO POOR THEY WERE NEEDED TO WORK THE LAND in the peonage known as share cropping. In poor agrarian societies, like many in Africa are, its all hands on deck for survival from the land. People don't have the money or time to spare often and even if they did access to schools out in the bush is hard to come by.
again--you provide 0 links--YOU are the racist--your points are WORTHLESS--0 links-0 proof =YOU are the racist

their CULTURE makes them poor!!!!! being poor doesn't cause the culture

you got the horse before the cart--poor doesn't make the culture
they don't have the time or money to spare because of the culture and/or intelligence

hahah---how wrong you are---they didn't/don't know BASIC farming techniques which would ---if they did know them--it would bring them out of poverty

-----they are not intelligent [ to BEGIN with ] enough to even know how to do 19th century farming!!!!!!!!!!
--this causes poverty causing illiteracy!!!

Despite this urgent need, African crop yields have been largely stagnant over the past 50 years. Less than 4% of farmland in sub-Saharan Africa is irrigated. Almost three-quarters of its soils are degraded (pdf) due to years of planting crops without replacing nutrients; fertiliser use is by far the lowest in the world with most farmers unable to afford it.
How Africa can solve its food crisis by growing more crops sustainably | Camilla Toulmin
How low-tech farming innovations can make African farmers climate-resilient

foreigners have to teach them how to do BASIC farming
700 year-old farming technique may revolutionize African farming and mitigate climate change
etc etc etc

they haven't been doing the most basic farming such as rotating crops !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crop rotation increases maize yields in Malawi
Last edited:
Neither can you tell that with Asians.....as there are Billions of Asians in the world, yet they are given the benefit of the doubt for their high academic achievements as being cultural in the US. Yet, you will not give blacks the same benefit of the doubt. Alas...that is because you are a RACIST.....so its not surprising. Anything that puts blacks in a good light....you will try to tear down to fit your narrative of black inferiority.
I don't have to try to prove black literacy inferiority
how many times do I have to say it--a picture is worth a thousand words
world illiteracy--Africa is below the Asians:
Literacy rates have more to do with poverty than culture. That map would be nearly the same if the metric was poverty. Poverty is the enemy of literacy. You are projecting education opportunity in the West with education opportunity in Africa, which is stupid to do. You think everyone there has the opportunity to become formally educated and therefore high illiteracy rates mean the culture does not value it. All your reasoning is predicated on black inferiority of thinking, of values, of responsibility, of culture, etc. That is how racist think....and since you are a racist, it’s apropos.
AKIP--it is obvious you are doing little or no research
pretty soon, we will have to take all your posts as crap and racist

The following are the most frequent causes of illiteracy in adults:

  • Parents with little schooling;
  • Lack of books at home and lack of stimulation as to the importance of reading;
  • Doing badly at or dropping out of school—many have not completed high school;
  • Difficult living conditions, including poverty;
  • Learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, dysorthographia, etc
Causes of illiteracy | Literacy Foundation
remember the library is FREE
Top 10 Causes of Illiteracy in the World ~ Top Ten 10
poverty is not the leading cause

my daughter was the best reader and one of the--if not the--highest scorer in her class---and I'm far from being rich!!
...I took her to the library a lot/did math with her when she was very young/etc

you have proven to be the racist--AGAIN--you provide NO links/proof to what you say
you spew crap --just what you believe [ no links/proof ] = racism
--while I provide links/facts to back up what I say

Your a racist idiot. I know that is redundant....but it is what it is. That list is based upon Western illiteracy....they are not explaining illiteracy in poor countries. That having been said, parents with poor schooling are generally POOR. If you had money but poor schooling, you could afford to send your kids to school to be educated. In fact, people who are illiterate wish they were not and since everyone wants their kids to do better than them.....don't you think that if they can afford it they will send their kids to school?

My parents were share croppers in the Mississippi Delta in the 40's and 50's. They never went to high school BECAUSE THEY WERE SO POOR THEY WERE NEEDED TO WORK THE LAND in the peonage known as share cropping. In poor agrarian societies, like many in Africa are, its all hands on deck for survival from the land. People don't have the money or time to spare often and even if they did access to schools out in the bush is hard to come by.
again--you provide 0 links--YOU are the racist--your points are WORTHLESS--0 links-0 proof =YOU are the racist

their CULTURE makes them poor!!!!! being poor doesn't cause the culture

you got the horse before the cart--poor doesn't make the culture
they don't have the time or money to spare because of the culture and/or intelligence

hahah---how wrong you are---they didn't/don't know BASIC farming techniques which would ---if they did know them--it would bring them out of poverty

-----they are not intelligent [ to BEGIN with ] enough to even know how to do 19th century farming!!!!!!!!!!
--this causes poverty causing illiteracy!!!

Despite this urgent need, African crop yields have been largely stagnant over the past 50 years. Less than 4% of farmland in sub-Saharan Africa is irrigated. Almost three-quarters of its soils are degraded (pdf) due to years of planting crops without replacing nutrients; fertiliser use is by far the lowest in the world with most farmers unable to afford it.
How Africa can solve its food crisis by growing more crops sustainably | Camilla Toulmin
How low-tech farming innovations can make African farmers climate-resilient

foreigners have to teach them how to do BASIC farming
700 year-old farming technique may revolutionize African farming and mitigate climate change
etc etc etc

they haven't been doing the most basic farming such as rotating crops !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crop rotation increases maize yields in Malawi
Keep in mind my goal is not to convince you of anything, but rather, to bait you into talking enough and therefore demonstrate that you are a racist. Do you need the link to the definition? You are clearly arguing black inferiority to your race, which makes you a racist.

In biology the only measure of success is continuation of the blood line. The white bloodline in most countries is in or near decline and is only being masked by longevity. In about 50 years the white population wii drop dramatically....while the inferior negro blood line grows. Your race is running a sprint while others are running a marathon. You are proud because you are far ahead but the finish line is nowhere in sight and you’re burning yourselves out...lol. Pretty soon you will no longer be the majority in this country....

As long as there are racist....there is an explanation for why blacks continue to lag.
Last edited:
The language you used in your post comes from us, and the computer you used as well. YOU'RE WELCOME!

Nah, the language I used comes from me. And the computer I use, well you better check yourself here white boy, because it did not come just from whites.
Your language, your computer, the internet, every musical instrument in your music and the equipment used to record it, your tennis shoes, your sports jerseys, your cars, barber shops, hair straighteners, skin bleaching, movies, guns, malt liquor, beer, all the ingredients in sizzurp, fast food, fried chicken, etc, etc, etc. There is literally nothing that you guys like that didn't come from us.

Human life came from AFRICA (blacks )....unless you are not human....whites would not even have existed without us. Now....if you want to blame us for something.....blame us for that. That was truly a f’ck up on our part....and we are still paying the cost.
We didn't come from Africa. We came from Europe. Without us, you wouldn't even exist.

These 7 million-year-old fossils could re-write how and where the first humans evolved. But not everyone is convinced

How did you get to Europe? Did you land from a space ship?

Now everyone is convinced.....but racist sure are.
You think the world map looked the same 7 million years ago? You think there was water separating Europe and Africa back then? :laugh:
I don't have to try to prove black literacy inferiority
how many times do I have to say it--a picture is worth a thousand words
world illiteracy--Africa is below the Asians:
Literacy rates have more to do with poverty than culture. That map would be nearly the same if the metric was poverty. Poverty is the enemy of literacy. You are projecting education opportunity in the West with education opportunity in Africa, which is stupid to do. You think everyone there has the opportunity to become formally educated and therefore high illiteracy rates mean the culture does not value it. All your reasoning is predicated on black inferiority of thinking, of values, of responsibility, of culture, etc. That is how racist think....and since you are a racist, it’s apropos.
AKIP--it is obvious you are doing little or no research
pretty soon, we will have to take all your posts as crap and racist

The following are the most frequent causes of illiteracy in adults:

  • Parents with little schooling;
  • Lack of books at home and lack of stimulation as to the importance of reading;
  • Doing badly at or dropping out of school—many have not completed high school;
  • Difficult living conditions, including poverty;
  • Learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, dysorthographia, etc
Causes of illiteracy | Literacy Foundation
remember the library is FREE
Top 10 Causes of Illiteracy in the World ~ Top Ten 10
poverty is not the leading cause

my daughter was the best reader and one of the--if not the--highest scorer in her class---and I'm far from being rich!!
...I took her to the library a lot/did math with her when she was very young/etc

you have proven to be the racist--AGAIN--you provide NO links/proof to what you say
you spew crap --just what you believe [ no links/proof ] = racism
--while I provide links/facts to back up what I say

Your a racist idiot. I know that is redundant....but it is what it is. That list is based upon Western illiteracy....they are not explaining illiteracy in poor countries. That having been said, parents with poor schooling are generally POOR. If you had money but poor schooling, you could afford to send your kids to school to be educated. In fact, people who are illiterate wish they were not and since everyone wants their kids to do better than them.....don't you think that if they can afford it they will send their kids to school?

My parents were share croppers in the Mississippi Delta in the 40's and 50's. They never went to high school BECAUSE THEY WERE SO POOR THEY WERE NEEDED TO WORK THE LAND in the peonage known as share cropping. In poor agrarian societies, like many in Africa are, its all hands on deck for survival from the land. People don't have the money or time to spare often and even if they did access to schools out in the bush is hard to come by.
again--you provide 0 links--YOU are the racist--your points are WORTHLESS--0 links-0 proof =YOU are the racist

their CULTURE makes them poor!!!!! being poor doesn't cause the culture

you got the horse before the cart--poor doesn't make the culture
they don't have the time or money to spare because of the culture and/or intelligence

hahah---how wrong you are---they didn't/don't know BASIC farming techniques which would ---if they did know them--it would bring them out of poverty

-----they are not intelligent [ to BEGIN with ] enough to even know how to do 19th century farming!!!!!!!!!!
--this causes poverty causing illiteracy!!!

Despite this urgent need, African crop yields have been largely stagnant over the past 50 years. Less than 4% of farmland in sub-Saharan Africa is irrigated. Almost three-quarters of its soils are degraded (pdf) due to years of planting crops without replacing nutrients; fertiliser use is by far the lowest in the world with most farmers unable to afford it.
How Africa can solve its food crisis by growing more crops sustainably | Camilla Toulmin
How low-tech farming innovations can make African farmers climate-resilient

foreigners have to teach them how to do BASIC farming
700 year-old farming technique may revolutionize African farming and mitigate climate change
etc etc etc

they haven't been doing the most basic farming such as rotating crops !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crop rotation increases maize yields in Malawi
Keep in mind my goal is not to convince you of anything, but rather, to bait you into talking enough and therefore demonstrate that you are a racist. Do you need the link to the definition? You are clearly arguing black inferiority to your race, which makes you a racist.

In biology the only measure of success is continuation of the blood line. The white bloodline in most countries is in or near decline and is only being masked by longevity. In about 50 years the white population wii drop dramatically....while the inferior negro blood line grows. Your race is running a sprint while others are running a marathon. You are proud because you are far ahead but the finish line is nowhere in sight and you’re burning yourselves out...lol. Pretty soon you will no longer be the majority in this country....

As long as there are racist....there is an explanation for why blacks continue to lag.
you are the racist
I'll prove it --again
  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
stating facts is not racist--I've linked what I've stated--I've stated facts---you have NOT--therefore it is only what you believe, --it is not facts
When their kids do bad things like mass shootings? When a black youth or young adult commits violence, its seems to always be attributed to poor parenting and or innate propensity towards violence. When a white young adult does something violent, its said to be a mental illness of some sort. Why is not black violence considered a mental illness (from being driven crazy by white folks), as opposed to poor parenting and innate propensity towards violence?

This recent shooter in Florida didn't have any parents, his adopted mom died a year ago and he was staying in a couples home that didn't see the problems..They didn't see the signs.

I don't even think that there are any black mass shooters is there?
Malvo was one.
The Fort Hood shooter was another.
There are more.
When their kids do bad things like mass shootings? When a black youth or young adult commits violence, its seems to always be attributed to poor parenting and or innate propensity towards violence. When a white young adult does something violent, its said to be a mental illness of some sort. Why is not black violence considered a mental illness (from being driven crazy by white folks), as opposed to poor parenting and innate propensity towards violence?

This recent shooter in Florida didn't have any parents, his adopted mom died a year ago and he was staying in a couples home that didn't see the problems..They didn't see the signs.

I don't even think that there are any black mass shooters is there?
Malvo was one.
The Fort Hood shooter was another.
There are more.
The fort hood shooter wasnt Black you asshole. :rolleyes:

When their kids do bad things like mass shootings? When a black youth or young adult commits violence, its seems to always be attributed to poor parenting and or innate propensity towards violence. When a white young adult does something violent, its said to be a mental illness of some sort. Why is not black violence considered a mental illness (from being driven crazy by white folks), as opposed to poor parenting and innate propensity towards violence?

This recent shooter in Florida didn't have any parents, his adopted mom died a year ago and he was staying in a couples home that didn't see the problems..They didn't see the signs.

I don't even think that there are any black mass shooters is there?
Malvo was one.
The Fort Hood shooter was another.
There are more.
The fort hood shooter wasnt Black you asshole. :rolleyes:

Wait according to you Egyptians are black so why isn't he?
When their kids do bad things like mass shootings? When a black youth or young adult commits violence, its seems to always be attributed to poor parenting and or innate propensity towards violence. When a white young adult does something violent, its said to be a mental illness of some sort. Why is not black violence considered a mental illness (from being driven crazy by white folks), as opposed to poor parenting and innate propensity towards violence?

This recent shooter in Florida didn't have any parents, his adopted mom died a year ago and he was staying in a couples home that didn't see the problems..They didn't see the signs.

I don't even think that there are any black mass shooters is there?
Malvo was one.
The Fort Hood shooter was another.
There are more.
The fort hood shooter wasnt Black you asshole. :rolleyes:

Wait according to you Egyptians are black so why isn't he?
You must have flunked remedial reading again. The ancient Egyptians were Black. This guy is white. Look at the razor sharp thin lips and neanderthal unibrow.
When their kids do bad things like mass shootings? When a black youth or young adult commits violence, its seems to always be attributed to poor parenting and or innate propensity towards violence. When a white young adult does something violent, its said to be a mental illness of some sort. Why is not black violence considered a mental illness (from being driven crazy by white folks), as opposed to poor parenting and innate propensity towards violence?

This recent shooter in Florida didn't have any parents, his adopted mom died a year ago and he was staying in a couples home that didn't see the problems..They didn't see the signs.

I don't even think that there are any black mass shooters is there?
Malvo was one.
The Fort Hood shooter was another.
There are more.
The fort hood shooter wasnt Black you asshole. :rolleyes:

Wait according to you Egyptians are black so why isn't he?
You must have flunked remedial reading again. The ancient Egyptians were Black. This guy is white. Look at the razor sharp thin lips and neanderthal unibrow.
Actually dumb ass ancient Egyptians were ARAB which is a simple fact.
This recent shooter in Florida didn't have any parents, his adopted mom died a year ago and he was staying in a couples home that didn't see the problems..They didn't see the signs.

I don't even think that there are any black mass shooters is there?
Malvo was one.
The Fort Hood shooter was another.
There are more.
The fort hood shooter wasnt Black you asshole. :rolleyes:

Wait according to you Egyptians are black so why isn't he?
You must have flunked remedial reading again. The ancient Egyptians were Black. This guy is white. Look at the razor sharp thin lips and neanderthal unibrow.
Actually dumb ass ancient Egyptians were ARAB which is a simple fact.
Hey jack ass. The first Arabs were Black and from Saudi Arabia. Egypt is an entirely different area you moron.
Malvo was one.
The Fort Hood shooter was another.
There are more.
The fort hood shooter wasnt Black you asshole. :rolleyes:

Wait according to you Egyptians are black so why isn't he?
You must have flunked remedial reading again. The ancient Egyptians were Black. This guy is white. Look at the razor sharp thin lips and neanderthal unibrow.
Actually dumb ass ancient Egyptians were ARAB which is a simple fact.
Hey jack ass. The first Arabs were Black and from Saudi Arabia. Egypt is an entirely different area you moron.
Sure thing. Dumb ass.
The fort hood shooter wasnt Black you asshole. :rolleyes:

Wait according to you Egyptians are black so why isn't he?
You must have flunked remedial reading again. The ancient Egyptians were Black. This guy is white. Look at the razor sharp thin lips and neanderthal unibrow.
Actually dumb ass ancient Egyptians were ARAB which is a simple fact.
Hey jack ass. The first Arabs were Black and from Saudi Arabia. Egypt is an entirely different area you moron.
Sure thing. Dumb ass.
Says the guy that thought Saudi Arabia and Egypt are the same place. :laugh:
Wait according to you Egyptians are black so why isn't he?
You must have flunked remedial reading again. The ancient Egyptians were Black. This guy is white. Look at the razor sharp thin lips and neanderthal unibrow.
Actually dumb ass ancient Egyptians were ARAB which is a simple fact.
Hey jack ass. The first Arabs were Black and from Saudi Arabia. Egypt is an entirely different area you moron.
Sure thing. Dumb ass.
Says the guy that thought Saudi Arabia and Egypt are the same place. :laugh:
RETARD alert be VERY specific and QUOTE me where I EVER said that. Remember be SPECIFIC.

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