Why don't white parents get blamed....

Lee Boyd Malvo.
Since 1982, there have been 56 white mass shooters and 16 black mass shooters. Those numbers almost perfectly reflect the difference between the two population percentages.

What isn't reflected is that they don't include gang shootings in the mass shooter category. If you included those, black mass shootings would FAR exceed those commited by whites.

You understand that whites do have gangs don't you?

Other than a few white supremacist gangs......

More than that, here are just a few,

Irish Mob

Meanwhile MORE blacks per capita are criminals then whites More blacks murder then whites per capita and by actual volume as well.

Black people don't understand the concept of per capita.
That is not how it works. Being educated does not guarantee a person a ticket or visa into the USA. Most of Nigeria's educated people remain in Nigeria. There are nearly 200 million Nigerians. They get in the same way as your FAVORITES, the Asians, do.

Its telling that people like you do not go digging into the background of Asian countries, to discredit them, but you try to find ways to discredit black success. The bottom line is that when given the opportunity Nigerians will educate themselves because they value education culturally. The country is too poor to offer educational opportunities like exist in the US...which is why when they get to the US they take full advantage of it.

Top Ten Nigerian Scientists Today
You're being silly. Providing a link to the top 10 Nigerian scientists doesn't tell us anything. Try looking up "top 10 scientists today" and try to find a Nigerian.

Here, I did the work for you...

Top 10 most influential scientists in the world today

How about the top 50?

The 50 Most Influential Scientists in the World Today | The Best Schools

Do you see ANY Africans?

I am telling you that Nigerians value education. Keep in mind that YOU were making the case that not many people in Nigeria are educated or get formal education. Well....that is true because of poverty. It makes sense that most scientist would come from places that have the best schools and research institutions. Schools and research institutions are knowledge bases that contain all the worlds known knowledge and science. Its from that starting point that science and discoveries are expanded. Nigeria does not have such Universities as compared to the West and Asia....which is why many go to the West to get educated. Also, Nigeria as a country is only 50 something years old. Once the build the knowledge bases, advanced research universities, you will see the inventive class rise. But all that is a moot point.

The point is that the culture of Africans IS NOT THE CULTURE OF AFRICAN AMERICANS. Blacks that come to America with their ROOT African culture DO MUCH BETTER than blacks who are descendants of enslaved Americans. Descendants of American slavery do not manifest African Culture. The culture that they manifest WAS LEARNED FROM THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH WHITES!!! That experience was NEGATIVE.
again---there are not many blacks that come here from Africa....did you not understand the post and mathematics I posted before?? it doesn't matter how the immigrants from Africa do--you can't tell what their true culture is from a very tiny TINY test population

Neither can you tell that with Asians.....as there are Billions of Asians in the world, yet they are given the benefit of the doubt for their high academic achievements as being cultural in the US. Yet, you will not give blacks the same benefit of the doubt. Alas...that is because you are a RACIST.....so its not surprising. Anything that puts blacks in a good light....you will try to tear down to fit your narrative of black inferiority.
I don't have to try to prove black literacy inferiority
how many times do I have to say it--a picture is worth a thousand words
world illiteracy--Africa is below the Asians:
Literacy rates have more to do with poverty than culture. That map would be nearly the same if the metric was poverty. Poverty is the enemy of literacy. You are projecting education opportunity in the West with education opportunity in Africa, which is stupid to do. You think everyone there has the opportunity to become formally educated and therefore high illiteracy rates mean the culture does not value it. All your reasoning is predicated on black inferiority of thinking, of values, of responsibility, of culture, etc. That is how racist think....and since you are a racist, it’s apropos.
You might see it as stupid.....but it is FACT and TRUTH. Africans who immigrate to America do not demonstrate the same behavior. Ergo...it seems more rooted in historical experience than color.
The black murder rate wasn't anywhere near as high before the civil rights era as it is today. What happened? I'll tell you... fathers abandon their children in the black community today, hence the crazy high murder rate.

The failure of modern black culture is to blame; not slavery.

drugs and the war on drugs

Stop selling and doing drugs.
Problem solved.
You first.

I've never sold drugs.
Although I am guilty of smoking some high end dro in my own home rather than while driving around with a plethora of vehicle infractions.
Neither have I and I do not smoke or drink alcohol. So you admit criminal behavior while arguing the criminality of blacks.....damn idiot.
If your culture was so damn much better why do you white folks appropriate so much of ours?

Whites are where they are today because of legislation. Yes, I am saying that everything you whites have is the result of the government giving it to you.
Black people have taken far more from us than the other way around. Quit deluding yourself.

Wrong answer. Quit deluding yourself.
The language you used in your post comes from us, and the computer you used as well. YOU'RE WELCOME!

Nah, the language I used comes from me. And the computer I use, well you better check yourself here white boy, because it did not come just from whites.
Your language, your computer, the internet, every musical instrument in your music and the equipment used to record it, your tennis shoes, your sports jerseys, your cars, barber shops, hair straighteners, skin bleaching, movies, guns, malt liquor, beer, all the ingredients in sizzurp, fast food, fried chicken, etc, etc, etc. There is literally nothing that you guys like that didn't come from us.

Human life came from AFRICA (blacks )....unless you are not human....whites would not even have existed without us. Now....if you want to blame us for something.....blame us for that. That was truly a f’ck up on our part....and we are still paying the cost.
Since 1982, there have been 56 white mass shooters and 16 black mass shooters. Those numbers almost perfectly reflect the difference between the two population percentages.

What isn't reflected is that they don't include gang shootings in the mass shooter category. If you included those, black mass shootings would FAR exceed those commited by whites.

You understand that whites do have gangs don't you?

Other than a few white supremacist gangs......

More than that, here are just a few,

Irish Mob

Meanwhile MORE blacks per capita are criminals then whites More blacks murder then whites per capita and by actual volume as well.

Black people don't understand the concept of per capita.
There are numerically more white racist than any other type racist and more white racist per capita. Such is an oppressive combination.
The black murder rate wasn't anywhere near as high before the civil rights era as it is today. What happened? I'll tell you... fathers abandon their children in the black community today, hence the crazy high murder rate.

The failure of modern black culture is to blame; not slavery.

drugs and the war on drugs

Stop selling and doing drugs.
Problem solved.
You first.

I've never sold drugs.
Although I am guilty of smoking some high end dro in my own home rather than while driving around with a plethora of vehicle infractions.
Neither have I and I do not smoke or drink alcohol. So you admit criminal behavior while arguing the criminality of blacks.....damn idiot.

They dont charge you if you have less than 4 oz.
Black people have taken far more from us than the other way around. Quit deluding yourself.

Wrong answer. Quit deluding yourself.
The language you used in your post comes from us, and the computer you used as well. YOU'RE WELCOME!

Nah, the language I used comes from me. And the computer I use, well you better check yourself here white boy, because it did not come just from whites.
Your language, your computer, the internet, every musical instrument in your music and the equipment used to record it, your tennis shoes, your sports jerseys, your cars, barber shops, hair straighteners, skin bleaching, movies, guns, malt liquor, beer, all the ingredients in sizzurp, fast food, fried chicken, etc, etc, etc. There is literally nothing that you guys like that didn't come from us.

Human life came from AFRICA (blacks )....unless you are not human....whites would not even have existed without us. Now....if you want to blame us for something.....blame us for that. That was truly a f’ck up on our part....and we are still paying the cost.

Now you're taking credit for something you had absolutely nothing to do with.
Sure would be nice if the dindu nuffins would do that when they commit crimes.
Wrong answer. Quit deluding yourself.
The language you used in your post comes from us, and the computer you used as well. YOU'RE WELCOME!

Nah, the language I used comes from me. And the computer I use, well you better check yourself here white boy, because it did not come just from whites.
Your language, your computer, the internet, every musical instrument in your music and the equipment used to record it, your tennis shoes, your sports jerseys, your cars, barber shops, hair straighteners, skin bleaching, movies, guns, malt liquor, beer, all the ingredients in sizzurp, fast food, fried chicken, etc, etc, etc. There is literally nothing that you guys like that didn't come from us.

Human life came from AFRICA (blacks )....unless you are not human....whites would not even have existed without us. Now....if you want to blame us for something.....blame us for that. That was truly a f’ck up on our part....and we are still paying the cost.

Now you're taking credit for something you had absolutely nothing to do with.
Sure would be nice if the dindu nuffins would do that when they commit crimes.
View attachment 178764
No doubt you could not wait to find an excuse to post that racist image.....so you crammed it into this conversation...lol. You saying that we are trying to take credit for something we had nothing to do with.....well....how many whites on this forum have invented any damn thing, yet, are taking credit for it just because they are white? There is no "we" in invention, because you did not contribute jack slit to science....but because you are white.....its "We"....lol.....loser. If we were talking about reparations for the damages white people did from slavery to Jim Crow.....you would say you don't owe sh!t because you had nothing to do with it. Talk to the people who did it....right? Yet, when a white person invents something.....you want get credit for that because you are white too.....LOL.....fcking looser. When its something bad you are like "they" when its something good you are like.. "we". All you racist do the same damn thing. I guess that is what makes you racist.
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Black people have taken far more from us than the other way around. Quit deluding yourself.

Wrong answer. Quit deluding yourself.
The language you used in your post comes from us, and the computer you used as well. YOU'RE WELCOME!

Nah, the language I used comes from me. And the computer I use, well you better check yourself here white boy, because it did not come just from whites.
Your language, your computer, the internet, every musical instrument in your music and the equipment used to record it, your tennis shoes, your sports jerseys, your cars, barber shops, hair straighteners, skin bleaching, movies, guns, malt liquor, beer, all the ingredients in sizzurp, fast food, fried chicken, etc, etc, etc. There is literally nothing that you guys like that didn't come from us.

Human life came from AFRICA (blacks )....unless you are not human....whites would not even have existed without us. Now....if you want to blame us for something.....blame us for that. That was truly a f’ck up on our part....and we are still paying the cost.
We didn't come from Africa. We came from Europe. Without us, you wouldn't even exist.

These 7 million-year-old fossils could re-write how and where the first humans evolved. But not everyone is convinced
Wrong answer. Quit deluding yourself.
The language you used in your post comes from us, and the computer you used as well. YOU'RE WELCOME!

Nah, the language I used comes from me. And the computer I use, well you better check yourself here white boy, because it did not come just from whites.
Your language, your computer, the internet, every musical instrument in your music and the equipment used to record it, your tennis shoes, your sports jerseys, your cars, barber shops, hair straighteners, skin bleaching, movies, guns, malt liquor, beer, all the ingredients in sizzurp, fast food, fried chicken, etc, etc, etc. There is literally nothing that you guys like that didn't come from us.

Human life came from AFRICA (blacks )....unless you are not human....whites would not even have existed without us. Now....if you want to blame us for something.....blame us for that. That was truly a f’ck up on our part....and we are still paying the cost.
We didn't come from Africa. We came from Europe. Without us, you wouldn't even exist.

These 7 million-year-old fossils could re-write how and where the first humans evolved. But not everyone is convinced

How did you get to Europe? Did you land from a space ship?

Now everyone is convinced.....but racist sure are.
Wrong answer. Quit deluding yourself.
The language you used in your post comes from us, and the computer you used as well. YOU'RE WELCOME!

Nah, the language I used comes from me. And the computer I use, well you better check yourself here white boy, because it did not come just from whites.
Your language, your computer, the internet, every musical instrument in your music and the equipment used to record it, your tennis shoes, your sports jerseys, your cars, barber shops, hair straighteners, skin bleaching, movies, guns, malt liquor, beer, all the ingredients in sizzurp, fast food, fried chicken, etc, etc, etc. There is literally nothing that you guys like that didn't come from us.

Human life came from AFRICA (blacks )....unless you are not human....whites would not even have existed without us. Now....if you want to blame us for something.....blame us for that. That was truly a f’ck up on our part....and we are still paying the cost.
We didn't come from Africa. We came from Europe. Without us, you wouldn't even exist.

These 7 million-year-old fossils could re-write how and where the first humans evolved. But not everyone is convinced

This is a jawbone and no one knows what it's from. I read this a long time ago because another dumb ass white wanted to try making that same claim.
Since 1982, there have been 56 white mass shooters and 16 black mass shooters. Those numbers almost perfectly reflect the difference between the two population percentages.

What isn't reflected is that they don't include gang shootings in the mass shooter category. If you included those, black mass shootings would FAR exceed those commited by whites.

You understand that whites do have gangs don't you?

Other than a few white supremacist gangs......

More than that, here are just a few,

Irish Mob

Meanwhile MORE blacks per capita are criminals then whites More blacks murder then whites per capita and by actual volume as well.

Black people don't understand the concept of per capita.


OK. Then more Blacks get shot by police than whites.
You understand that whites do have gangs don't you?

Other than a few white supremacist gangs......

More than that, here are just a few,

Irish Mob

Meanwhile MORE blacks per capita are criminals then whites More blacks murder then whites per capita and by actual volume as well.

Black people don't understand the concept of per capita.


OK. Then more Blacks get shot by police than whites.
More blacks commit crimes then whites so ergo more are shot pretty simple math.
Meanwhile MORE blacks per capita are criminals then whites More blacks murder then whites per capita and by actual volume as well.

Black people don't understand the concept of per capita.


OK. Then more Blacks get shot by police than whites.
More blacks commit crimes then whites so ergo more are shot pretty simple math.

.Nah, whites commit almost 3 times the number of crimes.
Meanwhile MORE blacks per capita are criminals then whites More blacks murder then whites per capita and by actual volume as well.

Black people don't understand the concept of per capita.


OK. Then more Blacks get shot by police than whites.
More blacks commit crimes then whites so ergo more are shot pretty simple math.

.Nah, whites commit almost 3 times the number of crimes.
Not true numb nuts percent wise blacks lead in almost all categories.
Meanwhile MORE blacks per capita are criminals then whites More blacks murder then whites per capita and by actual volume as well.

Black people don't understand the concept of per capita.


OK. Then more Blacks get shot by police than whites.
More blacks commit crimes then whites so ergo more are shot pretty simple math.

.Nah, whites commit almost 3 times the number of crimes.

Per capita?
When their kids do bad things like mass shootings? When a black youth or young adult commits violence, its seems to always be attributed to poor parenting and or innate propensity towards violence. When a white young adult does something violent, its said to be a mental illness of some sort. Why is not black violence considered a mental illness (from being driven crazy by white folks), as opposed to poor parenting and innate propensity towards violence?

This recent shooter in Florida didn't have any parents, his adopted mom died a year ago and he was staying in a couples home that didn't see the problems..They didn't see the signs.

I don't even think that there are any black mass shooters is there?
Yes there are.

Do you recall where?
Any and All Drive bys

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