Why go after Barr now?


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
The reason is right in front of ours faces.
Barr has publically said he has put together a team to investigate who was responsible for the attempting to remove a duly elected President.
We all know who the main players are/were.
The DEMs are shit scared the whole HRC/BONOBO/Yates/Comey/McCabe/Page/Struck/Brennan/Holder/Lynch/top DOJ/FBI officials are going to end up in prison.
The DEMs are accusing Trump of trying to stop the Mueller investigation while at the same time they are attempting to get rid of Barr.
Problem is these asshole are NEVER going to get rid of Barr and the more they try the more determined Barr et al are to bring these DEM traitors to justice.
There are some other ongoing investigations going on looking into what the BONOBO administration got up to.
Pity those DEMs who end up wearing orange jumpsuits.
The 'Brothers' and 'Sisters' hate crooked politicians almost as much as they hate child molesters.
Andy McCabe is sort of cute. After four months he'll be mincing around the courtyard wearing a pair of pink 'fuck me' pumps and matching pink mini skirt.
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No one of consequence will see indictment, let alone jail time. Some staffers may fall. An agent or other lower rung bureaucrat will take the 'fall'. No one of power will see anything.
The reason is right in front of ours faces.
Barr has publically said he has put together a team to investigate who was responsible for the attempting to remove a duly elected President.
We all know who the main players are/were.
The DEMs are shit scared the whole HRC/BONOBO/Yates/Comey/McCabe/Page/Struck/Brennan/Holder/Lynch/top DOJ/FBI officials are going to end up in prison.
The DEMs are accusing Trump of trying to stop the Mueller investigation while at the same time they are attempting to get rid of Barr.
Problem is these asshole are NEVER going to get rid of Barr and the more they try the more determined Barr et al are to bring these DEM traitors to justice.
There are some other ongoing investigations going on looking into what the BONOBO administration got up to.
Pity those DEMs who end up wearing orange jumpsuits.
The 'Brothers' and 'Sisters' hate crooked politicians almost as much as they hate child molesters.
Andy McCabe is sort of cute. After four months he'll be mincing around the courtyard wearing a pair of pink 'fuck me' pumps and matching pink mini skirt.
I suspect Mueller is watching all of this knowing he's gonna have to testify and he won't be able to give democrats what they want. He knows if he tries to politicize his testimony or bend the truth Barr will go after him for doing so. He also sees how the democrats have turned on Rosenstein along with how Comey, McCabe, Brennen and Clapper have made embarrassing spectacles of themselves.
I predict the scared dems will not offer an invitation to Mueller. Repubs would be able to ask questions. doh!!!
I suspect Mueller is watching all of this knowing he's gonna have to testify and he won't be able to give democrats what they want. He knows if he tries to politicize his testimony or bend the truth Barr will go after him for doing so. He also sees how the democrats have turned on Rosenstein along with how Comey, McCabe, Brennen and Clapper have made embarrassing spectacles of themselves.
Looks to me like there are a lot of people deciding whether they want to be on the bus, or thrown under it.
A few smart dems are running from this. They know whats about to happen. This facade and continual lies over the past 2 years is over and now the price must be exacted.
I suspect Mueller is watching all of this knowing he's gonna have to testify and he won't be able to give democrats what they want. He knows if he tries to politicize his testimony or bend the truth Barr will go after him for doing so. He also sees how the democrats have turned on Rosenstein along with how Comey, McCabe, Brennen and Clapper have made embarrassing spectacles of themselves.
Looks to me like there are a lot of people deciding whether they want to be on the bus, or thrown under it.


The Democrats’ hysteria over Attorney General William Barr is directly proportional to their fear of the damage they fear he might do, Kim Strassel explains in her Wall Street Journal column here:

Mr. Barr made real news in that Senate hearing, and while the press didn’t notice, Democrats did. The attorney general said he’d already assigned people at the Justice Department to assist his investigation of the origins of the Trump-Russia probe. He said his review would be far-reaching—that he was obtaining details from congressional investigations, from the ongoing probe by the department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, and even from Mr. Mueller’s work. Mr. Barr said the investigation wouldn’t focus only on the fall 2016 justifications for secret surveillance warrants against Trump team members but would go back months earlier.

He also said he’d focus on the infamous “dossier” concocted by opposition-research firm Fusion GPS and British former spy Christopher Steele, on which the FBI relied so heavily in its probe. Mr. Barr acknowledged his concern that the dossier itself could be Russian disinformation, a possibility he described as not “entirely speculative.” He also revealed that the department has “multiple criminal leak investigations under way” into the disclosure of classified details about the Trump-Russia investigation.

Do not underestimate how many powerful people in Washington have something to lose from Mr. Barr’s probe. Among them: Former and current leaders of the law-enforcement and intelligence communities. The Democratic Party pooh-bahs who paid a foreign national (Mr. Steele) to collect information from Russians and deliver it to the FBI. The government officials who misused their positions to target a presidential campaign. The leakers. The media. More than reputations are at risk. Revelations could lead to lawsuits, formal disciplinary actions, lost jobs, even criminal prosecution.

The attacks on Mr. Barr are first and foremost an effort to force him out, to prevent this information from coming to light until Democrats can retake the White House in 2020. As a fallback, the coordinated campaign works as a pre-emptive smear, diminishing the credibility of his ultimate findings by priming the public to view him as a partisan.

In Freudian terms, the Democrats’ hysteria over Barr is overdetermined. They also fear him because he is smarter than the whole lot of them put together.​

What did Barack Obama know, and when did he know it?
Well we can hope Barr gets it done.

I know I'm hoping.

I originally thought this was too stupid to write about. But stupid is like the plague inside the Beltway — one person catches it and next thing you know there’s an outbreak at MSNBC and the speaker of the House is showing symptoms while her delirious minions tote ceramic chickens around Capitol Hill.

If I were a cynic, I’d think people were trying to get out in front of some embarrassing revelations on the horizon.

It’s tough to make the perjury argument without any false or even inaccurate statements.​

It’s about the distraction from upcoming scandals. The attacks on Barr are in the nature of a spoiling attack, because the Democrats have a pretty good idea of what’s coming down the pike. In fact, everything they’ve done since election night is in that nature, really. Which gives you an idea of how bad it is.
Who won this week?

The attempted coup by Obama, the FBI, and CNN failed. Now Barr will mete out punishment.

Adam Schiff called him the second most dangerous man in America, a nod to the fact that Barr serves at the will and pleasure of President Donald John Trump, who is also the happiest man in the whole USA.

David Harsanyi wrote, "By accurately conveying that the investigation had exonerated Trump and his administration of criminal conspiracy or coordination with the Russians, two years of ostensibly serious reporting was exposed as little more than resistance fan fiction. Rather than take a moment's self-reflection about how their actions had caused unprecedented political chaos, undermined trust in the electoral system and crowded out legitimate coverage of the presidency, the entire collusion industry just moved its frenzied focus onto obstruction."​

Since the witch hunt began two years ago, there has been a lot of quoting of Stalin's secret police chief, Lavrentiy Beria, who said, "Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime."

Once again, Democrats have proved themselves to be lousy as communists. We showed them the man, where is the crime?

No crime, no obstruction.

But what made Bill Barr the week's big winner was his refusal to let Democrats and their minions in the media set the agenda.

He blew them off. He waved the back of his hand at them.

Barr is not worried, but they should be.

He made it clear at the committee hearing that he will get to the bottom of the falsehoods in the FISA warrants, the spying by Obama on The Donald, and the FBI attempt to infiltrate the Trump Campaign.

And after the Senate hearing, Barr skipped a request to appear before a House committee.

We finally are standing up to the bullies in Washington. Barr's defiance encourages others.
The reason is right in front of ours faces.
Barr has publically said he has put together a team to investigate who was responsible for the attempting to remove a duly elected President.
We all know who the main players are/were.
The DEMs are shit scared the whole HRC/BONOBO/Yates/Comey/McCabe/Page/Struck/Brennan/Holder/Lynch/top DOJ/FBI officials are going to end up in prison.
The DEMs are accusing Trump of trying to stop the Mueller investigation while at the same time they are attempting to get rid of Barr.
Problem is these asshole are NEVER going to get rid of Barr and the more they try the more determined Barr et al are to bring these DEM traitors to justice.
There are some other ongoing investigations going on looking into what the BONOBO administration got up to.
Pity those DEMs who end up wearing orange jumpsuits...
Walls are closing in:

NOTHING TO SEE HERE. MOVE ALONG. Nellie Ohr deleted emails sent from husband’s DOJ account.

Nellie Ohr, the wife of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, told her husband she was deleting emails sent from his government account.

The revelation comes as both Ohrs remain under intense scrutiny for their ties to Fusion GPS and British ex-spy Christopher Steele, the author of the anti-Trump dossier that was used to obtain warrants to wiretap a member of President Trump’s 2016 campaign.

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained a series of April 2016 emails from a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Justice Department that show a correspondence between the Ohrs, an aide to Bruce Ohr named Lisa Holtyn, and Stefan Bress, a first secretary at the German Embassy.

They discussed setting up a dinner for the German delegation as well as a meeting to discuss Russian organized crime. Included in a proposed agenda is the “Impact of Russian influence operations in Europe (‘PsyOps/InfoWar’).”

On April 20, responding to the email thread with the subject line, “Analyst Russian Organized Crime – April 2016,” came the email from Nellie Ohr about deleting the emails. “Thanks! I’m deleting these emails now,” she said.

Bruce Ohr was an associate deputy attorney general and director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force while his wife Nellie was an independent contractor and Russia specialist.​

Accountability is for the little people.
The reason is right in front of ours faces.
Barr has publically said he has put together a team to investigate who was responsible for the attempting to remove a duly elected President.
We all know who the main players are/were.
The DEMs are shit scared the whole HRC/BONOBO/Yates/Comey/McCabe/Page/Struck/Brennan/Holder/Lynch/top DOJ/FBI officials are going to end up in prison.
The DEMs are accusing Trump of trying to stop the Mueller investigation while at the same time they are attempting to get rid of Barr.
Problem is these asshole are NEVER going to get rid of Barr and the more they try the more determined Barr et al are to bring these DEM traitors to justice.
There are some other ongoing investigations going on looking into what the BONOBO administration got up to.
Pity those DEMs who end up wearing orange jumpsuits.
The 'Brothers' and 'Sisters' hate crooked politicians almost as much as they hate child molesters.
Andy McCabe is sort of cute. After four months he'll be mincing around the courtyard wearing a pair of pink 'fuck me' pumps and matching pink mini skirt.
No, they are going after Barr now because he's clearly not doing his job.

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