Why GOP culture warriors lost big in school board races: “Don’t assume that a blanket message on critical race theory or transgender issues will win"

the GOP are losers fighting a losing battle, my friends

I keep telling my fellow conservative this is Defund the Police, but for the Right. They are not listening.

It is just ridiculous to believe that the woman down the pew from you every Sunday in Nebraska or Alabama, who teaches 2nd grade, turns into some gender-rainbow Leftist on Monday morning.

Americans reject this when it comes to their own community. They don't want their children's teachers hounded out of the classroom by conservatives who think every teacher is exactly like the teachers in Berkeley CA.
I keep telling my fellow conservative this is Defund the Police, but for the Right. They are not listening.

It is just ridiculous to believe that the woman down the pew from you every Sunday in Nebraska or Alabama, who teaches 2nd grade, turns into some gender-rainbow Leftist on Monday morning.

Americans reject this when it comes to their own community. They don't want their children's teachers hounded out of the classroom by conservatives who think every teacher is exactly like the teachers in Berkeley CA.
And yet in spite of every teacher claiming to be the exception who walks on water, and would never lead children astray, the liberal education monopoly keeps churning out millions of little marxist social justice warriors that their parents do not recognize

I wonder how that works?
And yet in spite of every teacher claiming to be the exception who walks on water, and would never lead children astray, the liberal education monopoly keeps churning out millions of little marxist social justice warriors that their parents do not recognize

I wonder how that works?

People like YOU doing exactly what the far left wants.
And yet in spite of every teacher claiming to be the exception who walks on water, and would never lead children astray, the liberal education monopoly keeps churning out millions of little marxist social justice warriors that their parents do not recognize

I wonder how that works?
Facts have a liberal bias. I think that is why Conservatives think education is liberal, it deals in facts they do not like.
Facts have a liberal bias. I think that is why Conservatives think education is liberal, it deals in facts they do not like.
Boys whacking off their penis and girls doing same to their breasts are not based on facts but liberal brainwashing based on lies
Boys whacking off their penis and girls doing same to their breasts are not based on facts but liberal brainwashing based on lies
Sure Mac-7, happens millions of times a day, but you did not address the issue. If I believed for a second everyone not in the Q cult were child abusers and molesters I would join and go as crazy as they rest of them. I don't believe it because, in the real reality such things should be between the parents, doctors and children and not whack a doodles doing the culture war silliness on school boards. To normal people you guys looks silly. Look at what you just said for example, "Boys whacking off their penis and girls doing same to their breasts are not based on facts but liberal brainwashing based on lies." I bet it is safe to say not a single mastectomy or penectomy will occur at any school in America today. A shooting maybe...

Even in this crazy conservative area, the antivaxxer nutters talking about child molesting liberals are starting to lose and fake science are quickly losing ground.
And yet in spite of every teacher claiming to be the exception who walks on water, and would never lead children astray, the liberal education monopoly keeps churning out millions of little marxist social justice warriors that their parents do not recognize

I wonder how that works?
Turns out going to school and socializing with people who are black, brown, gay, or trans helps your children see them as actual people rather than as characters in some culture war cosplay.
Sure Mac-7, happens millions of times a day, but you did not address the issue. If I believed for a second everyone not in the Q cult were child abusers and molesters I would join and go as crazy as they rest of them
For you its all or nothing

Not all teachers are bad

But if they want to retire with benefits all teachers serve the woke liberal agenda
Sure Mac-7, happens millions of times a day, but you did not address the issue. If I believed for a second everyone not in the Q cult were child abusers and molesters I would join and go as crazy as they rest of them. I don't believe it because, in the real reality such things should be between the parents, doctors and children and not whack a doodles doing the culture war silliness on school boards. To normal people you guys looks silly. Look at what you just said for example, "Boys whacking off their penis and girls doing same to their breasts are not based on facts but liberal brainwashing based on lies." I bet it is safe to say not a single mastectomy or penectomy will occur at any school in America today. A shooting maybe...

Even in this crazy conservative area, the antivaxxer nutters talking about child molesting liberals are starting to lose and fake science are quickly losing ground.

It is astounding what they can sell as “science” to lefties.
Turns out going to school and socializing with people who are black, brown, gay, or trans helps your children see them as actual people rather than as characters in some culture war cosplay.
That works both ways

Radical lefty culture warriors are far off base to what America is all about
I keep telling my fellow conservative this is Defund the Police, but for the Right. They are not listening.

It is just ridiculous to believe that the woman down the pew from you every Sunday in Nebraska or Alabama, who teaches 2nd grade, turns into some gender-rainbow Leftist on Monday morning.

Americans reject this when it comes to their own community. They don't want their children's teachers hounded out of the classroom by conservatives who think every teacher is exactly like the teachers in Berkeley CA.
We had four of these candidates running in the local school election. Three lost.
Things would be a lot different (better) if we had an honest MSM but we don't, and I fear we never will.
Good point. Let`s see how the Dominion lawsuit plays out for MSM, FOX news. No one can be stupid enough to think that this was their first and only lie.
Turns out going to school and socializing with people who are black, brown, gay, or trans helps your children see them as actual people rather than as characters in some culture war cosplay.
We certainly have spent a lot of resources on these issues for schools and we still have bullying going on.
Facts have a liberal bias. I think that is why Conservatives think education is liberal, it deals in facts they do not like.
That and the fact that every scientific study demonstrates that the Left dominates academia, and increasingly does every consecutive year.

It is astounding what they can sell as “science” to lefties.
I have a MAGA friend who is a retired high school teacher who doesn`t accept Evolution as fact. The school district should be sued for letting this moron teach.

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