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Why has no one in the vast conspiracy that stole Trump's "Landslide!" in 2020 been identified or prosecuted?

No NSA authorizing spying on Trump. Good thing there is no Deep State. :rolleyes:
They could drive a president right out of office if they took a dislike to him.
You can't fight the Deep State.
No more than you can duke it out with all those vexatious pixies that cavort in the ether



In the real world, such contrived paranoidal entities come up against the formidable obstacles of credible evidence and empirical proofs.

Rather than pleading impotence, conspiracy buffs may consider taking a walk on the sane side, venturing into the unfamiliar regions of fact rather than self-pleasuring, phantasmic fancies.
Why hasn't anyone who colluded with Russia been indicted other than the lame "process crimes" that had nothing to do with collusion?

There is no crime called collusion.

Was it illegal for Manafort to share information with his Ruskie pals?]

Was it illegal to want to take advantage of the hacked dnc material? Or to "love" the wiki-release of democrat's emails.

Probably less so than to base FISA surveillance of private U.S. citizens on a partisan produced questionable dossier

The Deep State's look into Trumpy didn't effect the 2016 election like the two unprecedented shots they took at Clinton.

I don't think you get it.

They don't really give a shit about either one of them.

You are clearly a partisan and completely clueless about what the folks in high positions inside the Deep State are doing.

There is no deep state. That was Trumpybear's Scary Orwellian name for the Federal Bureaucracy. Comey hurt Hillary as much as the Russian did in 2016 and the "DUH" heap state's watchful eye on Trumpy influenced nothing in the 2016 election.

I am very partisan. The only thing worse than the democrats are the republicans.
No. . Hillary hurt herself, and someone in the establishment leaked it so that nation could find out what sleaze she is.

There is no substantiated proof that Russians were ever involved, just the partisan opinions of intel. agencies, none of it could be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt. Anyone that had studied this issue knows all of that could be faked by the establishment. In fact, because of data transfer rates, in all likelihood, it WAS NOT, and had nothing to do with Russians.

. . . and if you don't think the academic term, "deep state" exists, and is well defined, long before Trump ever ran for president? You are just another uneducated partisan that doesn't understand what is going on, and cares little for this nation.

Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State
February 21, 2014
by Mike Lofgren

The Deep State Hiding in Plain Sight
•Apr 15, 2014
That is what is considered justice by the Left.
That proprietary "Left" that festers in your noggin must be that "antifa" that so successfully impersonated Trump goons seeking it in their own distinctive way, eschewing our legal system and indulging in violent attacks upon law enforcement.

You accusing me of obsession with Anti-Fa pales compared to your lies. Anti-Fa is responsible for about 30 deaths. Trump supporters are not violent.

Yes, ask the Capitol Police! I am sure they will agree!!!
The Capitol police are Democratic suck puppies. They will say and do as they are told.
The metastasis of paranoid delusions, e.g., the "Landslide!" Loser pulled out of his butt, is inevitable, and eventually envelops everything.

Occam's Razor dictates that one accept the reality that seven million more Americans reflected the four years of negative assessments of Trump, and voted against him at their first opportunity, rather than imagine a vast, inexplicable conspiracy of millions of undetectable, unidentifiable covert collaborators
Another name for the Deep State is the Administrative State and it's been here since Woodrow Wilson.
Some of these goofballs deep in denial should pull their heads out and look around once in awhile.

The FBI, the IRS, the NSA, the State Department, our spying apparatus, etc.

Good lord! Where do these deniers come from? Mars?
I never suggested that Trump's bum kissers ever "colluded" with Putin's operatives. Putin and Trump merely shared a common objective: electing Trump - as has been established by the FBI, NSA, CIA, and two republican-led Senate Investigative Committees.

That's called a narrative.

And? Since it is neither illegal, nor necessarily unethical, they can push that.

. . . but? It does not necessarily make it true. What is probably true? Trump, in his private life before he ran for president, had many, many business dealings with oligarch in the former USSR, and some in Russia.

Most intelligent folks know this does not amount to anything when it comes to his fitness for office.

OTH. . . we also can be sure that the same can be said of the Clinton's in their business dealings with Canada and Russia vis-à-vis uranium. I believe they also had business dealings with Saudi Arabia.

The Biden's had business dealings with Ukraine and China.

The Bush family had dealings in oil with the Saudi Family, and hell, even the bin Laden family.

What does any of this mean, or prove? Are business dealings before you run for office necessarily "collusion," and thus, of interest to a foreign power -- thus having this or that American oligarch elected in interest of a specific foreign power?

. . . only someone who is extremely partisan calls it "collusion," requiring a multi-year tax payer funded special prosecutor investigation.
The metastasis of paranoid delusions, e.g., the "Landslide!" Loser pulled out of his butt, is inevitable, and eventually envelops everything.

Occam's Razor dictates that one accept the reality that seven million more Americans reflected the four years of negative assessments of Trump, and voted against him at their first opportunity, rather than imagine a vast conspiracy of millions of undetectable, unidentifiable covert collaborators
Pure BS, Skinflap! It doesn't take "millions" to skew and steal an election.
In fact the less people in on the scam the better.

It takes money and planning. And a pandemic to come along at exactly the right time.
And it takes compliant sheep like yourself to perpetuate the lie that Americans went in for a long time loser and grifter like Joe Biden, who is suffering from senile dementia, didn't bother to campaign to any
appreciable degree and who has never tickled America's fancy in any way before in all his long, unexceptional, corrupt years in the swamps of Washington DC.

Old Senile Joe has no agenda except to be Barack Obama's tool, via Susan Rice, to tear down whatever
Trump spent four years building up. Energy independence? Gone!
Turning up the burners in Iran and the Middle East again? Done!
Opening up the border to tens of thousands of Covid infected children? Right on it boss!
Taxes go up. Energy costs soar. Inflation and staggering debt...working on it, boss.

Why not take up wood working or bird watching instead of befouling the pages of this political meeting
place with your nonstop nonsense?
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That is what is considered justice by the Left.
That proprietary "Left" that festers in your noggin must be that "antifa" that so successfully impersonated Trump goons seeking it in their own distinctive way, eschewing our legal system and indulging in violent attacks upon law enforcement.

You accusing me of obsession with Anti-Fa pales compared to your lies. Anti-Fa is responsible for about 30 deaths. Trump supporters are not violent.

Yes, ask the Capitol Police! I am sure they will agree!!!
The Capitol police are Democratic suck puppies. They will say and do as they are told.
The metastasis of paranoid delusions, e.g., the "Landslide!" Loser pulled out of his butt, is inevitable, and eventually envelops everything.

Occam's Razor dictates that one accept the reality that seven million more Americans reflected the four years of negative assessments of Trump, and voted against him at their first opportunity, rather than imagine a vast, inexplicable conspiracy of millions of undetectable, unidentifiable covert collaborators
The only people paranoid are the ones who conspired to steal an election. The truth will come out. It is just a matter of when.
No. . Hillary hurt herself, and someone in the establishment leaked it so that nation could find out what sleaze she is.

Well the two official statements he released to clear her of the charges didn't help her.

There is no substantiated proof that Russians were ever involved, just the partisan opinions of intel. agencies, none of it could be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Just all our intel agencies, The House, and the Senate.

. and if you don't think the academic term, "deep state" exists, and is well defined, long before Trump ever ran for president?

Do you think there is a difference to the academic version of the term "Deep State" and the version of the term used in Trumps propaganda?
Well the two official statements he released to clear her of the charges didn't help her.

Most intelligent Americans know that only an Attorney General can choose to prosectue or not. . . his job was only to investigate. See? You are a low IQ, totally brainwashed by the system. It wasn't even in his authority to charge or not charge.

OTH, when the AG met Bill on the tarmac back in June? Yeah. . . that pretty much assured that HRC was never, ever going to be charged with anything, regardless of what federal authorities would find. It was the only way they could communicate w/o the Deep State listening in.

If you believe otherwise? You are naive as hell.

Comey has nothing, I say again, absofuckinglutely NOTHING to do with this.

Just all our intel agencies, The House, and the Senate.

The House and Senate Intel committees are just parroting what Intel "experts" within the Deep State are telling them. It is clear you did not watch that video, or read that article I posted previously from Bill Moyers site by Mike Lofgren. These folks have an agenda, which is to capture more power for their agencies and play the two parties off of each other. They DO NOT WANT the American voter or elections to decide anything. IF they can convince the public it was Russia? They get more funding for intel. operations, regardless of which party is in power.

Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence

". . .Key among the findings of the independent forensic investigations is the conclusion that the DNC data was copied onto a storage device at a speed that far exceeds an Internet capability for a remote hack. Of equal importance, the forensics show that the copying was performed on the East coast of the U.S. Thus far, mainstream media have ignored the findings of these independent studies [see here and here].

Independent analyst Skip Folden, who retired after 25 years as the IBM Program Manager for Information Technology, US, who examined the recent forensic findings, is a co-author of this Memorandum. He has drafted a more detailed technical report titled “Cyber-Forensic Investigation of ‘Russian Hack’ and Missing Intelligence Community Disclaimers,” and sent it to the offices of the Special Counsel and the Attorney General. VIPS member William Binney, a former Technical Director at the National Security Agency, and other senior NSA “alumni” in VIPS attest to the professionalism of the independent forensic findings.

The recent forensic studies fill in a critical gap. Why the FBI neglected to perform any independent forensics on the original “Guccifer 2.0” material remains a mystery – as does the lack of any sign that the “hand-picked analysts” from the FBI, CIA, and NSA, who wrote the “Intelligence Community Assessment” dated January 6, 2017, gave any attention to forensics.. . ."

Do you think there is a difference to the academic version of the term "Deep State" and the version of the term used in Trumps propaganda?

Again. . . it's clear you didn't watch that interview conducted by Bill Moyers, or read that piece by Mike Lofgren, or I wouldn't have to answer such a stupid question.
Trump's goons attacked Congress and they are being relentlessly identified, apprehended, and arrested, with prosecutions inevitable.

Trump insists that Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county commissioners, and poll personnel and supervisors among many, many others, are complicit in the greatest fraud in history, and they all strut away just like all those 3-5 million illegals voters he insisted had all cast ballots against him in 2016!

Who organized it? Who coordinated it? Who executed it? How did they do it?
The millions of fraudsters are all smarter than the stable genius, that I can tell you. That's how they all got away with it.
That is what is considered justice by the Left.
That proprietary "Left" that festers in your noggin must be that "antifa" that so successfully impersonated Trump goons seeking it in their own distinctive way, eschewing our legal system and indulging in violent attacks upon law enforcement.

You accusing me of obsession with Anti-Fa pales compared to your lies. Anti-Fa is responsible for about 30 deaths. Trump supporters are not violent.

Yes, ask the Capitol Police! I am sure they will agree!!!
The Capitol police are Democratic suck puppies. They will say and do as they are told.

Ya that's it the video's, taken by tRumptards, of them being beaten with flagpoles with the tRump flags on them is because they liked it right? Ewe are a fucking joke house plant, dismissed!!!
Trump's goons attacked Congress and they are being relentlessly identified, apprehended, and arrested, with prosecutions inevitable.

Trump insists that Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county commissioners, and poll personnel and supervisors among many, many others, are complicit in the greatest fraud in history, and they all strut away just like all those 3-5 million illegals voters he insisted had all cast ballots against him in 2016!

Who organized it? Who coordinated it? Who executed it? How did they do it?

Were "they" also responsible for the faking of so many independent public surveys throughout his term (in which he lost his Party the House, the Executive, and the Senate, and was twice impeached)? All those polls confirmed, relentlessly and consistently, that most Americans agreed that he stank, making the prospect of a "Landslide!" appear so laughably ludicrous.

View attachment 470891

There is no shortage of Trumpy politicians in the states and in D.C. to focus national resources on exposing one or two in the 2020 srealthy cabal, at least.

Are all these dastards to remain unidentified and details of their heinous caper never be exposed?

Unless the entire Republican establishment is not complicit in the vast anti-Trump conspiracy, why can't one like Gohmert push for an investigative commission headed by Kobach? He failed to uncover a single malefactor after the 2016 affair. Let's give him another chance! The second time might be the charm!

SOOOO EASY to explain.........

Authoritarian, evil people are now in control of everything....media included.
No different than Communist China.

You don't hear of the massacres and millions who disappear in China either.

What a moronic question

All I know is if people allow themselves to be disarmed....mass murder of millions will come to America quickly.
SOOOO EASY to explain.........

Authoritarian, evil people are now in control of everything....media included.
No different than Communist China.

You don't hear of the massacres and millions who disappear in China either.

What a moronic question

All I know is if people allow themselves to be disarmed....mass murder of millions will come to America quickly.
Even someone that stupid and jam packed with hubris doesn't expect the beneficiaries of theft
to investigate the corruption and clear signs of voter fraud we see they are behind.
Why would anyone do that?
Pure BS, Skinflap! It doesn't take "millions" to skew and steal an election.
In fact the less people in on the scam the better.

It takes money and planning. And a pandemic to come along at exactly the right time.
All it takes to swallow the fantasy that the Loser pulled out of his butt, Foreskin, is cultish devotion and a conspicuous absence of reason and a discerning palate.

Multiple Republican officeholders and Republican judges in multiple states all coordinating in a vast conspiracy so secretive that not one is implicated by all the Trumpy lickspittles in government, in the ideological entertainment industry, or among Trumpy investigative reporters? Hilarious!

Bon appétit!
Trump's goons attacked Congress and they are being relentlessly identified, apprehended, and arrested, with prosecutions inevitable.

Trump insists that Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county commissioners, and poll personnel and supervisors among many, many others, are complicit in the greatest fraud in history, and they all strut away just like all those 3-5 million illegals voters he insisted had all cast ballots against him in 2016!

Who organized it? Who coordinated it? Who executed it? How did they do it?

Were "they" also responsible for the faking of so many independent public surveys throughout his term (in which he lost his Party the House, the Executive, and the Senate, and was twice impeached)? All those polls confirmed, relentlessly and consistently, that most Americans agreed that he stank, making the prospect of a "Landslide!" appear so laughably ludicrous.

View attachment 470891

There is no shortage of Trumpy politicians in the states and in D.C. to focus national resources on exposing one or two in the 2020 srealthy cabal, at least.

Are all these dastards to remain unidentified and details of their heinous caper never be exposed?

Unless the entire Republican establishment is not complicit in the vast anti-Trump conspiracy, why can't one like Gohmert push for an investigative commission headed by Kobach? He failed to uncover a single malefactor after the 2016 affair. Let's give him another chance! The second time might be the charm!

SOOOO EASY to explain.........

Authoritarian, evil people are now in control of everything....media included.
No different than Communist China.

You don't hear of the massacres and millions who disappear in China either.

What a moronic question

All I know is if people allow themselves to be disarmed....mass murder of millions will come to America quickly.
Trump goons alone keep the spirit of America alive!

Screen Shot 2021-04-04 at 8.46.23 AM.png
That is what is considered justice by the Left.
That proprietary "Left" that festers in your noggin must be that "antifa" that so successfully impersonated Trump goons seeking it in their own distinctive way, eschewing our legal system and indulging in violent attacks upon law enforcement.

You accusing me of obsession with Anti-Fa pales compared to your lies. Anti-Fa is responsible for about 30 deaths. Trump supporters are not violent.

Yes, ask the Capitol Police! I am sure they will agree!!!
The Capitol police are Democratic suck puppies. They will say and do as they are told.

Ya that's it the video's, taken by tRumptards, of them being beaten with flagpoles with the tRump flags on them is because they liked it right? Ewe are a fucking joke house plant, dismissed!!!
It's a siple case of Trump goons vs. America.
Pure BS, Skinflap! It doesn't take "millions" to skew and steal an election.
In fact the less people in on the scam the better.

It takes money and planning. And a pandemic to come along at exactly the right time.
All it takes to swallow the fantasy that the Loser pulled out of his butt, Foreskin, is cultish devotion and a conspicuous absence of reason and a discerning palate.

Multiple Republican officeholders and Republican judges in multiple states all coordinating in a vast conspiracy so secretive that not one is implicated by all the Trumpy lickspittles in government, in the ideological entertainment industry, or among Trumpy investigative reporters? Hilarious!

Bon appétit!
One has to be bright and prescient enough, Skinflap, to realize that Trump was victimized
by a hostile, virulent media that would make Josef Goebbles seem reasonable and considerate by comparison.

And pile a world wide pandemic on top of that, AND the false lying nature of leftist polls themselves
and I think anyone with a double digit IQ can see what sad bullshit your post is, as per usual.

But I am just and I don't hold you to the standards of normal reasonable people.
That's too high a rung for you to reach, little man.

And yes, many republicans in all sorts of offices hated Donald Trump more than even a cretin like yourself because he upset their little dirty apple carts. The Lincoln Project was a well funded and well organized
squad out to cut Trump's throat, figuratively or otherwise if possible.

Only a real goon, like yourself, keeps using republican opposition to Trump as a rationalization
for the false contention that Donald J. Trump couldn't have possibly been victimized by forces
that illegally kept him from a second term because some of them were republicans!! gasp!

Join the real world someday, loser.
Trump's goons attacked Congress and they are being relentlessly identified, apprehended, and arrested, with prosecutions inevitable.

Trump insists that Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county commissioners, and poll personnel and supervisors among many, many others, are complicit in the greatest fraud in history, and they all strut away just like all those 3-5 million illegals voters he insisted had all cast ballots against him in 2016!

Who organized it? Who coordinated it? Who executed it? How did they do it?

Were "they" also responsible for the faking of so many independent public surveys throughout his term (in which he lost his Party the House, the Executive, and the Senate, and was twice impeached)? All those polls confirmed, relentlessly and consistently, that most Americans agreed that he stank, making the prospect of a "Landslide!" appear so laughably ludicrous.

View attachment 470891

There is no shortage of Trumpy politicians in the states and in D.C. to focus national resources on exposing one or two in the 2020 srealthy cabal, at least.

Are all these dastards to remain unidentified and details of their heinous caper never be exposed?

Unless the entire Republican establishment is not complicit in the vast anti-Trump conspiracy, why can't one like Gohmert push for an investigative commission headed by Kobach? He failed to uncover a single malefactor after the 2016 affair. Let's give him another chance! The second time might be the charm!

Do divisive threads like this make you feel better about yourself?
Pure BS, Skinflap! It doesn't take "millions" to skew and steal an election.
In fact the less people in on the scam the better.

It takes money and planning. And a pandemic to come along at exactly the right time.
All it takes to swallow the fantasy that the Loser pulled out of his butt, Foreskin, is cultish devotion and a conspicuous absence of reason and a discerning palate.

Multiple Republican officeholders and Republican judges in multiple states all coordinating in a vast conspiracy so secretive that not one is implicated by all the Trumpy lickspittles in government, in the ideological entertainment industry, or among Trumpy investigative reporters? Hilarious!

Bon appétit!
One has to be bright and prescient enough, Skinflap, to realize that Trump was victimized
by a hostile, virulent media that would make Josef Goebbles seem reasonable and considerate by comparison.

And pile a world wide pandemic on top of that, AND the false lying nature of leftist polls themselves
and I think anyone with a double digit IQ can see what sad bullshit your post is, as per usual.

But I am just and I don't hold you to the standards of normal reasonable people.
That's too high a rung for you to reach, little man.

And yes, many republicans in all sorts of offices hated Donald Trump more than even a cretin like yourself because he upset their little dirty apple carts. The Lincoln Project was a well funded and well organized
squad out to cut Trump's throat, figuratively or otherwise if possible.

Only a real goon, like yourself, keeps using republican opposition to Trump as a rationalization
for the false contention that Donald J. Trump couldn't have possibly been victimized by forces
that illegally kept him from a second term because some of them were republicans!! gasp!

Join the real world someday, loser.
Your kvetching is noted. It reflects your hyper-partisan, paranoid delusions.

The Trumpy approach to American democracy failed miserably:

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Elsewhere, Americans express their perspective (about which you can kvetch and wallow in paranoid denial):

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