Why Has The Dean Not Dropped-Kicked This Douche -

In the day of Trump-mandated no PC, the regressive alt right are wetting themselves for the professor's tweet and are demanding safe spaces.
In the day of Trump-mandated no PC, the regressive alt right are wetting themselves for the professor's tweet and are demanding safe spaces.

Good boy on being so quick to post an answer. You richly deserve poster of the month.
Assistant Prof. -----I seem to recall that means ---young doctoral candidate
with a job----(ie not yet "PROF") Did they not used to call that TEACHING
ASSISTENT? ----------young jerk compromised his career-----I hope
Assistant Prof. -----I seem to recall that means ---young doctoral candidate
with a job----(ie not yet "PROF") Did they not used to call that TEACHING
ASSISTENT? ----------young jerk compromised his career-----I hope
Assistant Professorship is generally a non-tenured Ph.d. position. Depends on the university admin, senate faculty, and the tenured profs in his dept. He may be doing what they all want him doing.
Remember that "gun control" is all about "public safety".

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