Why has the right abandoned small government?

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It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.
“Why has the right abandoned small government?”

It can be said that conservatives were never advocates of ‘small government’ to begin with.

Conservatives are for the most part authoritarians; they seek to compel conformity and punish dissent – and have used the authority of the state to accomplish those goals.

Whether it’s denying women their right to privacy or gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law, conservatives have pursued more government, and bigger government, to interfere in the private lives of citizens.

Conservatives have likewise used the authority of the state – more government, bigger government – to place an undue burden on the right to vote with ‘voter ID’ laws and to deny immigrants their right to due process.

And of course there is the paramount example of the right’s love of big government: the military and ‘defense’ spending.

The notion of ‘small government’ is much more than just being hostile to government regulation of private businesses – if conservatives are true advocates of ‘small government,’ then that advocacy must be comprehensive: to aggressively oppose government seeking to violate a woman’s right to privacy or a gay American’s right to marry as they oppose government regulation of business.
/——/ Libertarians agree with us on a small Gubmint. You libtards want an intrusive nanny state.
Small government is for small minds

No major nation on earth operates on a small government concept

In fact, the notion of ‘small’ government or ‘big’ government is pointless nonsense.

The United States government is the size it should be consistent with America being a first world, industrialized, modern Western democracy.
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.
You cannot show anything that Trump has or has not done to the deficit. All you can do is show what the liberals in the media say he has done.
He hasn't decreased them, that is for sure.
You cannot show anything that Trump has or has not done to the deficit. All you can do is show what the liberals in the media say he has done.

The only thing for sure is that you will spew more media garbage declaring it the truth. lol

The increased deficit was understandable under Obama coming out of W's recession....but trump was handed a solid economy.....Still he is breaking deficit records. He had to give his rich friends a tax break....then proclaimed that the better economy would pay for it.


Deficit spending by the Federal government during a recession is vital – an important means to bring a recession to an end.
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.
You cannot show anything that Trump has or has not done to the deficit. All you can do is show what the liberals in the media say he has done.
He hasn't decreased them, that is for sure.
You cannot show anything that Trump has or has not done to the deficit. All you can do is show what the liberals in the media say he has done.

The only thing for sure is that you will spew more media garbage declaring it the truth. lol

The increased deficit was understandable under Obama coming out of W's recession....but trump was handed a solid economy.....Still he is breaking deficit records. He had to give his rich friends a tax break....then proclaimed that the better economy would pay for it.


Deficit spending by the Federal government during a recession is vital – an important means to bring a recession to an end.

But record deficit spending during a good economy is a recipe for doom....just a matter of time until Peter pays the Piper....
A total ban on Chinese products would be devastating to many American companies. Furthermore, how wold that be compliant with Republican values that you pretend to be so fond of?

If a company needs Chinese materials to do its business then it isn’t an American company. Such a ban would be 109% compliant with the Conservative (if not Republican) ideals of Nationalism and Isolationism.
I was thinking more along the lines of Walmart. Most of the stuff it sells is made in China.
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.
You cannot show anything that Trump has or has not done to the deficit. All you can do is show what the liberals in the media say he has done.
He hasn't decreased them, that is for sure.
You cannot show anything that Trump has or has not done to the deficit. All you can do is show what the liberals in the media say he has done.

The only thing for sure is that you will spew more media garbage declaring it the truth. lol

The increased deficit was understandable under Obama coming out of W's recession....but trump was handed a solid economy.....Still he is breaking deficit records. He had to give his rich friends a tax break....then proclaimed that the better economy would pay for it.


Deficit spending by the Federal government during a recession is vital – an important means to bring a recession to an end.
That's just another big government hoax.
You cannot show anything that Trump has or has not done to the deficit. All you can do is show what the liberals in the media say he has done.
He hasn't decreased them, that is for sure.
You cannot show anything that Trump has or has not done to the deficit. All you can do is show what the liberals in the media say he has done.

The only thing for sure is that you will spew more media garbage declaring it the truth. lol

The increased deficit was understandable under Obama coming out of W's recession....but trump was handed a solid economy.....Still he is breaking deficit records. He had to give his rich friends a tax break....then proclaimed that the better economy would pay for it.


Deficit spending by the Federal government during a recession is vital – an important means to bring a recession to an end.

But record deficit spending during a good economy is a recipe for doom....just a matter of time until Peter pays the Piper....
It is irresponsible
It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.

I support small government. Tariff's and border walls I am fine with. One of the tasks someone needs to be doing, and since the free market is not allowed to do that, better that someone does it.
You mean like every program Dims have ever proposed? Kasich added millions of Ohioans to Medicaid. That will never be revoked.

The USA is a low tariff country. That's how China, South Korea and Europe take advantage of us.
You should watch.

I've read every book Friedman ever wrote.

The bottom line is that we have a problem with countries like China that steal our technology, violate our copyrights and systematically loot our country. Tariffs are about the only way to deal with these criminals.

I agree stealing technology and violating copyright is bad. So why don't we stop buying anything from them? I suspect they would stop stealing a lot faster than taxing ourselves will work.

And you imagine that would be better than Trump's strategy?

I suspect it would be more effective. Of course first you would have to sue them and if they refused to pay up get more serious. Other countries would probably be happy to join in with us since they steal everyone technology and copyrights.

Why would they pay up? American law isn't in force in China.
You should watch.

I've read every book Friedman ever wrote.

The bottom line is that we have a problem with countries like China that steal our technology, violate our copyrights and systematically loot our country. Tariffs are about the only way to deal with these criminals.

I agree stealing technology and violating copyright is bad. So why don't we stop buying anything from them? I suspect they would stop stealing a lot faster than taxing ourselves will work.

And you imagine that would be better than Trump's strategy?

I suspect it would be more effective. Of course first you would have to sue them and if they refused to pay up get more serious. Other countries would probably be happy to join in with us since they steal everyone technology and copyrights.

Why would they pay up? American law isn't in force in China.

Because they want to sell us goods. The stealing of technology and copyrights is more of a legal matter than a matter of trade. If they choose to steal from us we really shouldn't buy from them should we? When do you expect trumps tariffs to have success? His attempt at changing nafta was weak at best. It didn't really move us more to free trade.
I've read every book Friedman ever wrote.

The bottom line is that we have a problem with countries like China that steal our technology, violate our copyrights and systematically loot our country. Tariffs are about the only way to deal with these criminals.
I agree stealing technology and violating copyright is bad. So why don't we stop buying anything from them? I suspect they would stop stealing a lot faster than taxing ourselves will work.
And you imagine that would be better than Trump's strategy?
I suspect it would be more effective. Of course first you would have to sue them and if they refused to pay up get more serious. Other countries would probably be happy to join in with us since they steal everyone technology and copyrights.
Why would they pay up? American law isn't in force in China.
Because they want to sell us goods. The stealing of technology and copyrights is more of a legal matter than a matter of trade. If they choose to steal from us we really shouldn't buy from them should we? When do you expect trumps tariffs to have success? His attempt at changing nafta was weak at best. It didn't really move us more to free trade.

#1 I despise this corporate entity that is the "Federal gubermint".

#2 You can't have free trade by importing goods from countries that use slave labor without tariffs.

#3 You can't have an honest monetary system when you have a central bank that charges usury on a fiat currency with no intrinsic value.
I agree stealing technology and violating copyright is bad. So why don't we stop buying anything from them? I suspect they would stop stealing a lot faster than taxing ourselves will work.
And you imagine that would be better than Trump's strategy?
I suspect it would be more effective. Of course first you would have to sue them and if they refused to pay up get more serious. Other countries would probably be happy to join in with us since they steal everyone technology and copyrights.
Why would they pay up? American law isn't in force in China.
Because they want to sell us goods. The stealing of technology and copyrights is more of a legal matter than a matter of trade. If they choose to steal from us we really shouldn't buy from them should we? When do you expect trumps tariffs to have success? His attempt at changing nafta was weak at best. It didn't really move us more to free trade.

#1 I despise this corporate entity that is the "Federal gubermint".

#2 You can't have free trade by importing goods from countries that use slave labor without tariffs.

#3 You can't have an honest monetary system when you have a central bank that charges usury on a fiat currency with no intrinsic value.
And why can't we have free trade with countries that use slave labor? Tariffs are just a tax on us. I fail to see how increasing taxes helps.
And you imagine that would be better than Trump's strategy?
I suspect it would be more effective. Of course first you would have to sue them and if they refused to pay up get more serious. Other countries would probably be happy to join in with us since they steal everyone technology and copyrights.
Why would they pay up? American law isn't in force in China.
Because they want to sell us goods. The stealing of technology and copyrights is more of a legal matter than a matter of trade. If they choose to steal from us we really shouldn't buy from them should we? When do you expect trumps tariffs to have success? His attempt at changing nafta was weak at best. It didn't really move us more to free trade.

#1 I despise this corporate entity that is the "Federal gubermint".

#2 You can't have free trade by importing goods from countries that use slave labor without tariffs.

#3 You can't have an honest monetary system when you have a central bank that charges usury on a fiat currency with no intrinsic value.
And why can't we have free trade with countries that use slave labor? Tariffs are just a tax on us. I fail to see how increasing taxes helps.

Are you fucking SERIOUS??????

Any politician who has been in office for 20-30 years BELIEVES in and WANTS 'BIG GOV't, no matter what they say. They believe in the power of the govt to solve all your problems....while making them rich and powerful.

The illusion / con played on Americans by politicians on both sides is that they hate each other and want different things.

Think of pro wrestling - they talk, they hate each other, they fight, and after the show they are sitting together laughing and eating at the local Dennys.

They keep us divided.

They keep us arguing amongst ourselves over whose politicians are the least criminal / crooked....while they all get away with crimes we never would.
The same reason the left has...since about 2001, the West has become lazy and short sighted.

All that cheap money sloshing around is the main reason, IMO.
Any politician who has been in office for 20-30 years BELIEVES in and WANTS 'BIG GOV't, no matter what they say. They believe in the power of the govt to solve all your problems....while making them rich and powerful.

The illusion / con played on Americans by politicians on both sides is that they hate each other and want different things.

Think of pro wrestling - they talk, they hate each other, they fight, and after the show they are sitting together laughing and eating at the local Dennys.

They keep us divided.

They keep us arguing amongst ourselves over whose politicians are the least criminal / crooked....while they all get away with crimes we never would.

Not true, Libertarians like Ron Paul never advocated big government. But most are as you say, IMO.

I agree and applaud the rest of your post though.
A total ban on Chinese products would be devastating to many American companies. Furthermore, how wold that be compliant with Republican values that you pretend to be so fond of?

If a company needs Chinese materials to do its business then it isn’t an American company. Such a ban would be 109% compliant with the Conservative (if not Republican) ideals of Nationalism and Isolationism.
I was thinking more along the lines of Walmart. Most of the stuff it sells is made in China.

But that goes for all companies. I mean the tariffs are literally affecting the Trump 2020 campaign with the majority of their banners being made in China. Trumps lines of clothing were made in China, Mexico, Bangladesh, Honduras and Vietnam. His "University" encouraged students to outsource jobs overseas. His furniture collection, China. His picture frames, India. His daughters clothing line made in Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia and Vietnam.

These are the ideals. Make it in a sweatshop overseas.

I suspect it would be more effective. Of course first you would have to sue them and if they refused to pay up get more serious. Other countries would probably be happy to join in with us since they steal everyone technology and copyrights.
Why would they pay up? American law isn't in force in China.
Because they want to sell us goods. The stealing of technology and copyrights is more of a legal matter than a matter of trade. If they choose to steal from us we really shouldn't buy from them should we? When do you expect trumps tariffs to have success? His attempt at changing nafta was weak at best. It didn't really move us more to free trade.

#1 I despise this corporate entity that is the "Federal gubermint".

#2 You can't have free trade by importing goods from countries that use slave labor without tariffs.

#3 You can't have an honest monetary system when you have a central bank that charges usury on a fiat currency with no intrinsic value.
And why can't we have free trade with countries that use slave labor? Tariffs are just a tax on us. I fail to see how increasing taxes helps.

Are you fucking SERIOUS??????

Of course. You didn't answer the question.
Any politician who has been in office for 20-30 years BELIEVES in and WANTS 'BIG GOV't, no matter what they say. They believe in the power of the govt to solve all your problems....while making them rich and powerful.

The illusion / con played on Americans by politicians on both sides is that they hate each other and want different things.

Think of pro wrestling - they talk, they hate each other, they fight, and after the show they are sitting together laughing and eating at the local Dennys.

They keep us divided.

They keep us arguing amongst ourselves over whose politicians are the least criminal / crooked....while they all get away with crimes we never would.

This is the most ironic post I have ever seen. You post a dozen "we got you now" threads a day and then you post this?

You know they work to keep up divided and then you actively join them and do you very best to divide people as much as possible.

Clearly you have no problem with the country being divided since you choose to play a role in that division.

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