Why has the right abandoned small government?

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  • I'm a big government Republican

  • I support small govenrment.

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I wonder how many small businesses could be started if the money that the idiot wants for his wall would be spent on low interest loan and grants...

Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.

The problem is they've tried and failed. Sp we have to cut the edges and I think Trump is working on that. Cutting departmenta by 10% is a good start, eventually we will have to deal with entitlements, the sooner the better

Tru p will never do it.

If you cut Government spending by 10%, it will hurt the economy & trump rather dupe his dotard masses than do that.
The economy would boom if we cut government spending by 10%. Government can't spend a dime without taking it from you first.
we almost had a recession without Government spending during the shutdown.
Small government is for small minds

No major nation on earth operates on a small government concept

We dont care what others do, we were the first republic, sonde Rome and it turned out ok.
Just learn tondonshit guy yourself and get out of other people's business
the right wing has alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror that "get in other's business".
I wonder how many small businesses could be started if the money that the idiot wants for his wall would be spent on low interest loan and grants...

You spout about a wall that can cost billions over the citizen who paid trillions extra for Obamacare?
The voting is interesting. Small government winning easily, but both parties deliver more government.
The voting is interesting. Small government winning easily, but both parties deliver more government.

Everyone claims to be for small government, but then we have an election and all those people prove they are liars.
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.

The problem is they've tried and failed. Sp we have to cut the edges and I think Trump is working on that. Cutting departmenta by 10% is a good start, eventually we will have to deal with entitlements, the sooner the better

Tru p will never do it.

If you cut Government spending by 10%, it will hurt the economy & trump rather dupe his dotard masses than do that.
The economy would boom if we cut government spending by 10%. Government can't spend a dime without taking it from you first.
we almost had a recession without Government spending during the shutdown.
We were nowhere close to a recession. Recession happens over several quarters
Small government is for small minds

No major nation on earth operates on a small government concept

We dont care what others do, we were the first republic, sonde Rome and it turned out ok.
Just learn tondonshit guy yourself and get out of other people's business
the right wing has alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror that "get in other's business".

OMG are you FOR crime and terrorism? Look man youmlefties have really got to stop relying in talking points.....THINK
...crime and terrorism are bad, it's not the same thing as how you live your life and run your business
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.

The problem is they've tried and failed. Sp we have to cut the edges and I think Trump is working on that. Cutting departmenta by 10% is a good start, eventually we will have to deal with entitlements, the sooner the better

Tru p will never do it.

If you cut Government spending by 10%, it will hurt the economy & trump rather dupe his dotard masses than do that.
The economy would boom if we cut government spending by 10%. Government can't spend a dime without taking it from you first.
we almost had a recession without Government spending during the shutdown.
We were nowhere close to a recession. Recession happens over several quarters
it was unsustainable in the short run.
Small government is for small minds

No major nation on earth operates on a small government concept

We dont care what others do, we were the first republic, sonde Rome and it turned out ok.
Just learn tondonshit guy yourself and get out of other people's business
the right wing has alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror that "get in other's business".

OMG are you FOR crime and terrorism? Look man youmlefties have really got to stop relying in talking points.....THINK
...crime and terrorism are bad, it's not the same thing as how you live your life and run your business
Government solves all problems for the right wing. They merely allege to be for Capitalism.
It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.

Very few. Most of us just laying low, hoping the statists burn themselves out. Not much we can do when the overwhelming majority are clamoring to be controlled.
I would like to add one for LIMITED government. Government must grow with the population and demand. What should NOT grow is the scope and reach of government.


Not (necessarily) small government.
I would like to add one for LIMITED government. Government must grow with the population and demand. What should NOT grow is the scope and reach of government.


Not (necessarily) small government.

I was about to make the clarification myself. Government should as big and powerful as is required to perform its legitimate functions. The real question is, what are the legitimate functions of government?
I would like to add one for LIMITED government. Government must grow with the population and demand. What should NOT grow is the scope and reach of government.


Not (necessarily) small government.

I was about to make the clarification myself. Government should as big and powerful as is required to perform its legitimate functions. The real question is, what are the legitimate functions of government?
Bombing brown people. amirite or AMIRITE?
The voting is interesting. Small government winning easily, but both parties deliver more government.
Which tells you what?



Quit voting for the Duopoly.

Government solves all problems for the right wing. They merely allege to be for Capitalism.
Government allegedly solves all problems for authoritarians, right or left.

Government is not the antithesis of capitalism. You are confusing shit again.

I have never seen anything out of him but right = bad and left = good.

he is no different than dozens and dozens of other hacks here in that regard.
I was about to make the clarification myself. Government should as big and powerful as is required to perform it's legitimate functions. The real question is, what are the legitimate functions of government?
Oh, SHIT!!!

You just threw out a danielpalos bat signal:


He'll be here shortly to tell us that the Fed Gov has all power, unlimited, based on the "general welfare" clause.

I was about to make the clarification myself. Government should as big and powerful as is required to perform it's legitimate functions. The real question is, what are the legitimate functions of government?
Oh, SHIT!!!

You just threw out a danielpalos bat signal:


He'll be here shortly to tell us that the Fed Gov has all power, unlimited, based on the "general welfare" clause.

Hmm... I never got that from his posts. He just keeps things deliberately vague and meaningless. You all fill in the blanks and pretend he's said something, but he hasn't.

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