Why has the right abandoned small government?

Size of government

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Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.

The problem is they've tried and failed. Sp we have to cut the edges and I think Trump is working on that. Cutting departmenta by 10% is a good start, eventually we will have to deal with entitlements, the sooner the better

Incompetence is not an excuse. Republicans have failed over and over again at this. Why trust the GOP now when basically a Democrat (with spending) is in the WH? Where's the fucking accountability for this out of control deficit? Or are you whistling past the graveyard once again?
It was never about small government. It was about no government so Republicans could practice criminal behavior. Under Nixon and Reagan, Bush and Trump, they’ve out done themselves.
It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.

1. The majority of spending is entitlements which are untouchable, and you know it.

2. Free trade where the other side is cheating, is not small government, it is being the worlds bitch.

3. Low taxes are a small government position.
It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.

1. The majority of spending is entitlements which are untouchable, and you know it.

2. Free trade where the other side is cheating, is not small government, it is being the worlds bitch.

3. Low taxes are a small government position.
I’m sure something could be done with entitlements. I don’t think any politician wants to.

Cheating? We are getting all their resources for really cheap. What is the problem?

Low taxes are a small gov position. But it must be done with spending cuts. Increasing deficits grows govt.
It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.

1. The majority of spending is entitlements which are untouchable, and you know it.

2. Free trade where the other side is cheating, is not small government, it is being the worlds bitch.

3. Low taxes are a small government position.
I’m sure something could be done with entitlements. I don’t think any politician wants to.

Cheating? We are getting all their resources for really cheap. What is the problem?

Low taxes are a small gov position. But it must be done with spending cuts. Increasing deficits grows govt.

1. Sorry. Go back in time. And yell at the libs that demonized ever republican who ever dared to even mention entitlements. YOur beef is with them, not me.

2 Germany has twice the level of manufacturing employment we have. That is millions of good paying jobs, that you want to just let them have.

3. Sorry. Go back in time and yell at all the libs that demonized ever republican who ever dared to mention cuts. Your beef is with them, not me.
It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.

1. The majority of spending is entitlements which are untouchable, and you know it.

2. Free trade where the other side is cheating, is not small government, it is being the worlds bitch.

3. Low taxes are a small government position.
I’m sure something could be done with entitlements. I don’t think any politician wants to.

Cheating? We are getting all their resources for really cheap. What is the problem?

Low taxes are a small gov position. But it must be done with spending cuts. Increasing deficits grows govt.

1. Sorry. Go back in time. And yell at the libs that demonized ever republican who ever dared to even mention entitlements. YOur beef is with them, not me.

2 Germany has twice the level of manufacturing employment we have. That is millions of good paying jobs, that you want to just let them have.

3. Sorry. Go back in time and yell at all the libs that demonized ever republican who ever dared to mention cuts. Your beef is with them, not me.
Republicans just controlled govt for 2 years. They didn’t do anything small govt.

So you want to pay more for everything? That sounds big gov to me.
It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.
“Why has the right abandoned small government?”

It can be said that conservatives were never advocates of ‘small government’ to begin with.

Conservatives are for the most part authoritarians; they seek to compel conformity and punish dissent – and have used the authority of the state to accomplish those goals.

Whether it’s denying women their right to privacy or gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law, conservatives have pursued more government, and bigger government, to interfere in the private lives of citizens.

Conservatives have likewise used the authority of the state – more government, bigger government – to place an undue burden on the right to vote with ‘voter ID’ laws and to deny immigrants their right to due process.

And of course there is the paramount example of the right’s love of big government: the military and ‘defense’ spending.

The notion of ‘small government’ is much more than just being hostile to government regulation of private businesses – if conservatives are true advocates of ‘small government,’ then that advocacy must be comprehensive: to aggressively oppose government seeking to violate a woman’s right to privacy or a gay American’s right to marry as they oppose government regulation of business.
/——/ Libertarians agree with us on a small Gubmint. You libtards want an intrusive nanny state.
Oh really? You repugs gave us the DEA, EPA, TSA, DHS, ICE, War on (some) Drugs, warrantless wiretaps, no knock raids, NSA eavesdropping, Gov small enough to fit into a woman’s uterus, etc, etc, etc. But Liberals want an intrusive nanny state?

Face it. The only limit to government power the right is for is to limit the ability of government to regulate business.
It was never about small government. It was about no government so Republicans could practice criminal behavior. Under Nixon and Reagan, Bush and Trump, they’ve out done themselves.
Government acts like a referee and conservatives want them to look the other way
Not, “The right”....Republicans...there is a difference.
You mean Republican politicians. They are almost as bad as Democrat politicians.
Republicans-old white men.

Democrats-everybody else.

I don’t understand why Republicans think Democrats are so awful. Is it jealousy that the untalented feel towards the talented.

Ok, so which one is talented, Biden (old white man), Sanders (old white man), Warren (old white woman), Cortez (stupid young woman), Booker (stupid man)?
Not, “The right”....Republicans...there is a difference.
You mean Republican politicians. They are almost as bad as Democrat politicians.
Republicans-old white men.

Democrats-everybody else.

I don’t understand why Republicans think Democrats are so awful. Is it jealousy that the untalented feel towards the talented.

Ok, so which one is talented, Biden (old white man), Sanders (old white man), Warren (old white woman), Cortez (stupid young woman), Booker (stupid man)?
Of course there’s old whites in the Democratic Party. It’s a coalition party. But it’s not all old whites. Which is very much like the Republican Party.
It was never about small government. It was about no government so Republicans could practice criminal behavior. Under Nixon and Reagan, Bush and Trump, they’ve out done themselves.
Government acts like a referee and conservatives want them to look the other way
And liberals want government to be the coach instead.
Republicans don’t like government. They don’t like school. They don’t like scientists. They like trump. Trump, a man who is about the most ignorant on earth.
It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.
“Why has the right abandoned small government?”

It can be said that conservatives were never advocates of ‘small government’ to begin with.

Conservatives are for the most part authoritarians; they seek to compel conformity and punish dissent – and have used the authority of the state to accomplish those goals.

Whether it’s denying women their right to privacy or gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law, conservatives have pursued more government, and bigger government, to interfere in the private lives of citizens.

Conservatives have likewise used the authority of the state – more government, bigger government – to place an undue burden on the right to vote with ‘voter ID’ laws and to deny immigrants their right to due process.

And of course there is the paramount example of the right’s love of big government: the military and ‘defense’ spending.

The notion of ‘small government’ is much more than just being hostile to government regulation of private businesses – if conservatives are true advocates of ‘small government,’ then that advocacy must be comprehensive: to aggressively oppose government seeking to violate a woman’s right to privacy or a gay American’s right to marry as they oppose government regulation of business.
/——/ Libertarians agree with us on a small Gubmint. You libtards want an intrusive nanny state.
Oh really? You repugs gave us the DEA, EPA, TSA, DHS, ICE, War on (some) Drugs, warrantless wiretaps, no knock raids, NSA eavesdropping, Gov small enough to fit into a woman’s uterus, etc, etc, etc. But Liberals want an intrusive nanny state?

Face it. The only limit to government power the right is for is to limit the ability of government to regulate business.
/——-/ agree 100%, but did democRATs vote against any of that in large numbers?
It was never about small government. It was about no government so Republicans could practice criminal behavior. Under Nixon and Reagan, Bush and Trump, they’ve out done themselves.
Government acts like a referee and conservatives want them to look the other way
And liberals want government to be the coach instead.
Republicans don’t like government. They don’t like school. They don’t like scientists. They like trump. Trump, a man who is about the most ignorant on earth.

I can't speak for Republicans. I despise Trump, and I'm really looking for an excuse to vote Democrat. But I'm having a hard time finding one.
It was never about small government. It was about no government so Republicans could practice criminal behavior. Under Nixon and Reagan, Bush and Trump, they’ve out done themselves.
Government acts like a referee and conservatives want them to look the other way
And liberals want government to be the coach instead.
Republicans don’t like government. They don’t like school. They don’t like scientists. They like trump. Trump, a man who is about the most ignorant on earth.
/----/ "Republicans don’t like government. They don’t like school. They don’t like scientists. "
It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.

1. The majority of spending is entitlements which are untouchable, and you know it.

2. Free trade where the other side is cheating, is not small government, it is being the worlds bitch.

3. Low taxes are a small government position.
wars on crime, drugs, and terror plus walls is not a small Government position; only being unwilling to Pay for it is.

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