Why has the right abandoned small government?

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It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.

We haven't done any such thing....it was between Trump and the criminal, we had one option so we chose Trump. When a small government republican actually runs, we will vote for them.....simple as that.
So will a small government party emerge then? The teas party has disappeared and republicans move farther and farther away.

The problem is were not at the point it wins. And that's because of fake news and disinformation from the media. The good news is Trump has exposed how awful these people are and howntheybdont care about regular people. Just a little more time and well be set
I don't always agree with him, but sometimes he really has done a good job pointing out bad reporting. I want the facts, not made up stories. That kid with the native American drummer was a good example of irresponsible reporting. Too much of it is done for politics sake.
Reagan ballooned the national debt, raised taxes on Social Security, signed off on allowing the federal government to blackmail the states out of their highway funding, signed off on EMTALA, and ratcheted up the failed War on Drugs. Reagan was a social conservative who catered to the religious right, but he was most certainly not a fiscal conservative by any stretch of the imagination.

Reagan revived the economy and revived the defense of the nation, so much so that the democrats beloved USSR fell. If he had had another 8 years, Communist China would be in the shitter as well.

To claim that the supply side programs of Reagan were not fiscally conservative is simply ignorant, even if those programs were largely thwarted by Tip O'Neal and Soviet Agent Jim Wright.

If his programs were fiscally conservative the national debt wouldn't have increased 300% during his tenure. That's a fact, no matter what revisionist history you want to spin.

Programs are irrelevant if you can't implement them.

You aren't fiscally conservative if you're piling on $3 trillion worth of debt
An eagerness to raise taxes doesn't make you a fiscal conservative. Democrats insist on more spending on almost every government program except defense.
And as we learned the last 2 years, there is no real counter to them....
You need to realize that not everyone on the Right Wing want small Government. Many of us want a smallER Government, but not the nearly non-existent Government thst the Livertsrians seem to want.

We on the Conservative Right prefer a Government that is focused on the right things with nearly Authoritarian power and has almost no power on everything else.
You need to realize that not everyone on the Right Wing want small Government. Many of us want a smallER Government, but not the nearly non-existent Government thst the Livertsrians seem to want.

We on the Conservative Right prefer a Government that is focused on the right things with nearly Authoritarian power and has almost no power on everything else.
Smaller government hasn't been delivered. But we all have different ideas of what it means. More debt is not my idea of smaller government.
Given that Liberals - Republicans and Democrats alike - view a budget increase anything less than the requested amount as a “cut”, it will take a lot for Conservatives to move towards efficient government.
It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.

Because people vote on social issues, not fiscal ones. This is why we have not had a Conservative POTUS since a guy named Calvin.

To get votes on the "Conservative" side one has to be pro-life...everything is secondary to that.

I would say that this is largely the correct response. Those who claim to be conservatives want small government only on issues where they want it. On other issues, they want nearly infinite government. Which is really the same as the Democrats.
Smaller government hasn't been delivered. But we all have different ideas of what it means. More debt is not my idea of smaller government.

I agree with everything you’re saying. The problem is that there are too many who don’t want to match spending reductions with tax cuts. Neither can be effective without the other.
They won't because cutting spending and entitlements is unpopular. Plus we need to keep our military budget grotesquely bloated for some reason.
Reagan gave us massive monetary inflation and a deficit that skyrocketed, notwithstanding indiscriminate military spending and massive foreign aid. And his foreign policy was as crazy as it was unconstitutional.
They won't because cutting spending and entitlements is unpopular. Plus we need to keep our military budget grotesquely bloated for some reason.

You’re absolutely correct. That’s the Establishment Political Mentality that needs to be overcome. There are ways to overcome that issue, IF the population is willing to work together.
They won't because cutting spending and entitlements is unpopular. Plus we need to keep our military budget grotesquely bloated for some reason.
I often wonder who cutting entitlements is so unpopular with. I can't imagine they are really worried about the people. Are there big lobbyists who benefit from lots of welfare? There is something going on.
It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.

We haven't done any such thing....it was between Trump and the criminal, we had one option so we chose Trump. When a small government republican actually runs, we will vote for them.....simple as that.
So will a small government party emerge then? The teas party has disappeared and republicans move farther and farther away.

The problem is were not at the point it wins. And that's because of fake news and disinformation from the media. The good news is Trump has exposed how awful these people are and howntheybdont care about regular people. Just a little more time and well be set
I don't always agree with him, but sometimes he really has done a good job pointing out bad reporting. I want the facts, not made up stories. That kid with the native American drummer was a good example of irresponsible reporting. Too much of it is done for politics sake.

yeah he has flaws, but as long as he goes after the establishment and they resent him for it, hes got my vote
It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.

We haven't done any such thing....it was between Trump and the criminal, we had one option so we chose Trump. When a small government republican actually runs, we will vote for them.....simple as that.
So will a small government party emerge then? The teas party has disappeared and republicans move farther and farther away.

The problem is were not at the point it wins. And that's because of fake news and disinformation from the media. The good news is Trump has exposed how awful these people are and howntheybdont care about regular people. Just a little more time and well be set
I don't always agree with him, but sometimes he really has done a good job pointing out bad reporting. I want the facts, not made up stories. That kid with the native American drummer was a good example of irresponsible reporting. Too much of it is done for politics sake.

yeah he has flaws, but as long as he goes after the establishment and they resent him for it, hes got my vote
He has hired way too many lobbyists and spent too much for me to be any strong supporter. I haven't seen any moves against the corruption. Did I miss something?
They won't because cutting spending and entitlements is unpopular. Plus we need to keep our military budget grotesquely bloated for some reason.

That may be changing, slowly but changing. Trump is already making Europe pissed that he expects then to pay for their defense and maybe we can remove the bases overseas at some point. And if we have a wall to secure our border, then we don need as much funding for defense
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.

What does the FoxConn plant have to do with spending or taxes? The state of Wisconsin has offered tax deferment to offset the cost of moving the plant. With the deferment the state still will generate FAR more tax revenue than it does presently.
Cash payments. Not expected to break even for 25 years. I don't trust politicians to make these deals. Government should not pick winners and losers.

I cited my claims, from radical left CNN no less.

I see nothing about "cash payments."

These are tax breaks and Wisconsin will enjoy positive cash flow as a result.
Wisconsin Senate approves $3 billion cash payment for Foxconn factory
The Wisconsin Senate approved nearly $3 billion in cash payments for Foxconn Technology Group on Tuesday.

{Under the bill, Foxconn would receive $2.85 billion in cash payments over 15 years if it invests $10 billion in the state and employs 13,000 people}

Not exactly the way you presented it.

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