Why has the right abandoned small government?

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We haven't done any such thing....it was between Trump and the criminal, we had one option so we chose Trump. When a small government republican actually runs, we will vote for them.....simple as that.
So will a small government party emerge then? The teas party has disappeared and republicans move farther and farther away.

The problem is were not at the point it wins. And that's because of fake news and disinformation from the media. The good news is Trump has exposed how awful these people are and howntheybdont care about regular people. Just a little more time and well be set
I don't always agree with him, but sometimes he really has done a good job pointing out bad reporting. I want the facts, not made up stories. That kid with the native American drummer was a good example of irresponsible reporting. Too much of it is done for politics sake.

yeah he has flaws, but as long as he goes after the establishment and they resent him for it, hes got my vote
He has hired way too many lobbyists and spent too much for me to be any strong supporter. I haven't seen any moves against the corruption. Did I miss something?

we the problem is the system is rigged to where you need them, kinda like lawyers....laws could be plain English, but they wont ever do it. were going on the right direction, but we have more to do.

As for corruption, that would require some media help to put pressure for trials, and to investigate, but i doubt well get that. I think a few are being exposed like the house sexual harrassment fund, but we need more, I agree, the problem is any regulation pol won't even come close to touching this.
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.

What does the FoxConn plant have to do with spending or taxes? The state of Wisconsin has offered tax deferment to offset the cost of moving the plant. With the deferment the state still will generate FAR more tax revenue than it does presently.
Cash payments. Not expected to break even for 25 years. I don't trust politicians to make these deals. Government should not pick winners and losers.

I cited my claims, from radical left CNN no less.

I see nothing about "cash payments."

These are tax breaks and Wisconsin will enjoy positive cash flow as a result.
Wisconsin Senate approves $3 billion cash payment for Foxconn factory
The Wisconsin Senate approved nearly $3 billion in cash payments for Foxconn Technology Group on Tuesday.

{Under the bill, Foxconn would receive $2.85 billion in cash payments over 15 years if it invests $10 billion in the state and employs 13,000 people}

Not exactly the way you presented it.
It is more government any way you present it. You are giving the government the power to pick winners and losers. Amazon for example has lots of advantages already, they don't need government help running more competitors out of business. Anyone who is small government should not trust politicians to make these deals with their tax dollars.
And as we learned the last 2 years, there is no real counter to them....

What I have learned over the last two years is this is an unconventional civil war that the democrats are waging. Donald Trump is EXACTLY the right weapon to fight these Stalinist turds with.

I didn't vote for him, but I sure the hell will in 2020.
No signs of being small government.
What does the FoxConn plant have to do with spending or taxes? The state of Wisconsin has offered tax deferment to offset the cost of moving the plant. With the deferment the state still will generate FAR more tax revenue than it does presently.
Cash payments. Not expected to break even for 25 years. I don't trust politicians to make these deals. Government should not pick winners and losers.

I cited my claims, from radical left CNN no less.

I see nothing about "cash payments."

These are tax breaks and Wisconsin will enjoy positive cash flow as a result.
Wisconsin Senate approves $3 billion cash payment for Foxconn factory
The Wisconsin Senate approved nearly $3 billion in cash payments for Foxconn Technology Group on Tuesday.

{Under the bill, Foxconn would receive $2.85 billion in cash payments over 15 years if it invests $10 billion in the state and employs 13,000 people}

Not exactly the way you presented it.
It is more government any way you present it. You are giving the government the power to pick winners and losers. Amazon for example has lots of advantages already, they don't need government help running more competitors out of business. Anyone who is small government should not trust politicians to make these deals with their tax dollars.

Oh, I fully agree. Cronyism is ultimately bad for all of us. But I do understand where Wisconsin is coming from, this will fill their coffers.
Reagan revived the economy and revived the defense of the nation, so much so that the democrats beloved USSR fell. If he had had another 8 years, Communist China would be in the shitter as well.

To claim that the supply side programs of Reagan were not fiscally conservative is simply ignorant, even if those programs were largely thwarted by Tip O'Neal and Soviet Agent Jim Wright.

If his programs were fiscally conservative the national debt wouldn't have increased 300% during his tenure. That's a fact, no matter what revisionist history you want to spin.

Programs are irrelevant if you can't implement them.

You aren't fiscally conservative if you're piling on $3 trillion worth of debt

No....the problem is we had a choice of two people....Trump and the criminal hilary. I will vote for the candidate who will damage the country the least.....and hope that a really good candidate will one day show up. Allowing the worst of the candidates to win is the worse thing you can do...fight in the primaries to get the small government candidate, then vote to keep the damage to a minimum in the general if the small government guy doesn't make it through to the general election...... I haven't changed, the options just weren't great.
Kasich would have been much better than Trump as a small government candidate. Yet repubs selected trump.

Kasich is a big government republican now...he is also an asshole.
If his programs were fiscally conservative the national debt wouldn't have increased 300% during his tenure. That's a fact, no matter what revisionist history you want to spin.

Programs are irrelevant if you can't implement them.

You aren't fiscally conservative if you're piling on $3 trillion worth of debt

No....the problem is we had a choice of two people....Trump and the criminal hilary. I will vote for the candidate who will damage the country the least.....and hope that a really good candidate will one day show up. Allowing the worst of the candidates to win is the worse thing you can do...fight in the primaries to get the small government candidate, then vote to keep the damage to a minimum in the general if the small government guy doesn't make it through to the general election...... I haven't changed, the options just weren't great.
Kasich would have been much better than Trump as a small government candidate. Yet repubs selected trump.

Kasich is a big government republican now...he is also an asshole.
He sure seems fiscally responsible. But there were many options that would have been more small government than trump.
Programs are irrelevant if you can't implement them.

You aren't fiscally conservative if you're piling on $3 trillion worth of debt

No....the problem is we had a choice of two people....Trump and the criminal hilary. I will vote for the candidate who will damage the country the least.....and hope that a really good candidate will one day show up. Allowing the worst of the candidates to win is the worse thing you can do...fight in the primaries to get the small government candidate, then vote to keep the damage to a minimum in the general if the small government guy doesn't make it through to the general election...... I haven't changed, the options just weren't great.
Kasich would have been much better than Trump as a small government candidate. Yet repubs selected trump.

Kasich is a big government republican now...he is also an asshole.
He sure seems fiscally responsible. But there were many options that would have been more small government than trump.

To his credit, Trump never even pretended to be small government or conservative. He came. right out the gate, talking about spending, spending, and more spending. That's what the republicans voted for. Tells me they don't give a damn about being responsible. They just cared about lower taxes, fewer Mexicans, and pissing off libruls. We get the leaders we deserve ...
Cash payments. Not expected to break even for 25 years. I don't trust politicians to make these deals. Government should not pick winners and losers.

I cited my claims, from radical left CNN no less.

I see nothing about "cash payments."

These are tax breaks and Wisconsin will enjoy positive cash flow as a result.
Wisconsin Senate approves $3 billion cash payment for Foxconn factory
The Wisconsin Senate approved nearly $3 billion in cash payments for Foxconn Technology Group on Tuesday.

{Under the bill, Foxconn would receive $2.85 billion in cash payments over 15 years if it invests $10 billion in the state and employs 13,000 people}

Not exactly the way you presented it.
It is more government any way you present it. You are giving the government the power to pick winners and losers. Amazon for example has lots of advantages already, they don't need government help running more competitors out of business. Anyone who is small government should not trust politicians to make these deals with their tax dollars.

Oh, I fully agree. Cronyism is ultimately bad for all of us. But I do understand where Wisconsin is coming from, this will fill their coffers.
Yes, but if you are small government you realize politicians are no good at making these sorts of deals and they rarely workout. Foxconn already seems to be a huge mess.

Foxconn's big plans for its Milwaukee headquarters have yet to materialize, city records indicate
Exclusive: Foxconn reconsidering plans to make LCD panels at Wisconsin plant | Reuters
As Foxconn changes Wisconsin plans, job promises fall short

We should not give politicians the power to pick winner and losers. It's crony capitalism.
You aren't fiscally conservative if you're piling on $3 trillion worth of debt

No....the problem is we had a choice of two people....Trump and the criminal hilary. I will vote for the candidate who will damage the country the least.....and hope that a really good candidate will one day show up. Allowing the worst of the candidates to win is the worse thing you can do...fight in the primaries to get the small government candidate, then vote to keep the damage to a minimum in the general if the small government guy doesn't make it through to the general election...... I haven't changed, the options just weren't great.
Kasich would have been much better than Trump as a small government candidate. Yet repubs selected trump.

Kasich is a big government republican now...he is also an asshole.
He sure seems fiscally responsible. But there were many options that would have been more small government than trump.

To his credit, Trump never even pretended to be small government or conservative. He came right talking about spending, spending, and more spending. That's what the republicans voted for. Tells me they don't give a damn about being responsible. They just cared about lower taxes, fewer Mexicans, and pissing off libruls. We get the leaders we deserve ...

You are wrong...the other republicans had no chance against the clinton crime machine, as they all proved in being defeated by Trump, and the choice was Trump or the criminal.....making the choice an easy one. hilary has been a criminal since she married the rapist back in Arkansas...
You aren't fiscally conservative if you're piling on $3 trillion worth of debt

No....the problem is we had a choice of two people....Trump and the criminal hilary. I will vote for the candidate who will damage the country the least.....and hope that a really good candidate will one day show up. Allowing the worst of the candidates to win is the worse thing you can do...fight in the primaries to get the small government candidate, then vote to keep the damage to a minimum in the general if the small government guy doesn't make it through to the general election...... I haven't changed, the options just weren't great.
Kasich would have been much better than Trump as a small government candidate. Yet repubs selected trump.

Kasich is a big government republican now...he is also an asshole.
He sure seems fiscally responsible. But there were many options that would have been more small government than trump.

To his credit, Trump never even pretended to be small government or conservative. He came. right out the gate, talking about spending, spending, and more spending. That's what the republicans voted for. Tells me they don't give a damn about being responsible. They just cared about lower taxes, fewer Mexicans, and pissing off libruls. We get the leaders we deserve ...
I agree. Trump is what he ran on. That's the point of the OP, small government seems to have been abandoned.
I cited my claims, from radical left CNN no less.

I see nothing about "cash payments."

These are tax breaks and Wisconsin will enjoy positive cash flow as a result.
Wisconsin Senate approves $3 billion cash payment for Foxconn factory
The Wisconsin Senate approved nearly $3 billion in cash payments for Foxconn Technology Group on Tuesday.

{Under the bill, Foxconn would receive $2.85 billion in cash payments over 15 years if it invests $10 billion in the state and employs 13,000 people}

Not exactly the way you presented it.
It is more government any way you present it. You are giving the government the power to pick winners and losers. Amazon for example has lots of advantages already, they don't need government help running more competitors out of business. Anyone who is small government should not trust politicians to make these deals with their tax dollars.

Oh, I fully agree. Cronyism is ultimately bad for all of us. But I do understand where Wisconsin is coming from, this will fill their coffers.
Yes, but if you are small government you realize politicians are no good at making these sorts of deals and they rarely workout. Foxconn already seems to be a huge mess.

Foxconn's big plans for its Milwaukee headquarters have yet to materialize, city records indicate
Exclusive: Foxconn reconsidering plans to make LCD panels at Wisconsin plant | Reuters
As Foxconn changes Wisconsin plans, job promises fall short

We should not give politicians the power to pick winner and losers. It's crony capitalism.

No, it is crony socialism...since the government picks the winner and loser....capitalism doesn't involve the government.
No....the problem is we had a choice of two people....Trump and the criminal hilary. I will vote for the candidate who will damage the country the least.....and hope that a really good candidate will one day show up. Allowing the worst of the candidates to win is the worse thing you can do...fight in the primaries to get the small government candidate, then vote to keep the damage to a minimum in the general if the small government guy doesn't make it through to the general election...... I haven't changed, the options just weren't great.
Kasich would have been much better than Trump as a small government candidate. Yet repubs selected trump.

Kasich is a big government republican now...he is also an asshole.
He sure seems fiscally responsible. But there were many options that would have been more small government than trump.

To his credit, Trump never even pretended to be small government or conservative. He came. right out the gate, talking about spending, spending, and more spending. That's what the republicans voted for. Tells me they don't give a damn about being responsible. They just cared about lower taxes, fewer Mexicans, and pissing off libruls. We get the leaders we deserve ...
I agree. Trump is what he ran on. That's the point of the OP, small government seems to have been abandoned.

Wrong...if a small government republican actually wins a primary, then conservatives will vote for them happily.......we didn't have that choice....
No....the problem is we had a choice of two people....Trump and the criminal hilary. I will vote for the candidate who will damage the country the least.....and hope that a really good candidate will one day show up. Allowing the worst of the candidates to win is the worse thing you can do...fight in the primaries to get the small government candidate, then vote to keep the damage to a minimum in the general if the small government guy doesn't make it through to the general election...... I haven't changed, the options just weren't great.
Kasich would have been much better than Trump as a small government candidate. Yet repubs selected trump.

Kasich is a big government republican now...he is also an asshole.
He sure seems fiscally responsible. But there were many options that would have been more small government than trump.

To his credit, Trump never even pretended to be small government or conservative. He came right talking about spending, spending, and more spending. That's what the republicans voted for. Tells me they don't give a damn about being responsible. They just cared about lower taxes, fewer Mexicans, and pissing off libruls. We get the leaders we deserve ...

You are wrong...the other republicans had no chance against the clinton crime machine, as they all proved in being defeated by Trump, and the choice was Trump or the criminal.....making the choice an easy one. hilary has been a criminal since she married the rapist back in Arkansas...
I am not wrong. Many of them were much more small government than Trump. I didn't say they had a better chance of winning. It's interesting that you call other criminals when so many people associated with trump are going to jail. But lets stay on topic.
Wisconsin Senate approves $3 billion cash payment for Foxconn factory
The Wisconsin Senate approved nearly $3 billion in cash payments for Foxconn Technology Group on Tuesday.

{Under the bill, Foxconn would receive $2.85 billion in cash payments over 15 years if it invests $10 billion in the state and employs 13,000 people}

Not exactly the way you presented it.
It is more government any way you present it. You are giving the government the power to pick winners and losers. Amazon for example has lots of advantages already, they don't need government help running more competitors out of business. Anyone who is small government should not trust politicians to make these deals with their tax dollars.

Oh, I fully agree. Cronyism is ultimately bad for all of us. But I do understand where Wisconsin is coming from, this will fill their coffers.
Yes, but if you are small government you realize politicians are no good at making these sorts of deals and they rarely workout. Foxconn already seems to be a huge mess.

Foxconn's big plans for its Milwaukee headquarters have yet to materialize, city records indicate
Exclusive: Foxconn reconsidering plans to make LCD panels at Wisconsin plant | Reuters
As Foxconn changes Wisconsin plans, job promises fall short

We should not give politicians the power to pick winner and losers. It's crony capitalism.

No, it is crony socialism...since the government picks the winner and loser....capitalism doesn't involve the government.
Well crony capitalism is a much more popular term. But yes it is much closer to socialism than capitalism. So why are so many republicans so strongly behind it?
And as we learned the last 2 years, there is no real counter to them....

What I have learned over the last two years is this is an unconventional civil war that the democrats are waging. Donald Trump is EXACTLY the right weapon to fight these Stalinist turds with.

I didn't vote for him, but I sure the hell will in 2020.
No signs of being small government.


Trump is a big government guy who has been able to roll back far more regulation than "small government Bush" :lol: (can't type that with a straight face) ever did. He is a big government guy who revised the tax code for the first time in 30 years, to the advantage of the middle class. He's a big government guy who has put the democrats back on their heels dozens of times. We have had the Mewler-Torquemada Inquisition going on for two years. What has REALLY been discovered? James Comey obstructed justice to try and elect Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama engaged in treason using the NSA and FBI to deal with foreign spies to buy dirt from Russia in order to rig the 2016 election. The deep state under the guidance of Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein staged and attempted coup. If not for the insane hatred and fear in these vermin, none of this would have come out. NO ONE can deny that there is a deep state and that our FBI and DOJ are corrupt to the core, no one. Under Obama, we KNEW that the DOJ was corrupt, but no one could prove it. We couldn't prove it because the equally corrupt FBI was covering up for them. But the presence of Donald Trump has driven them so insane that they tipped their hand.

Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Reagan defeated the Soviets, Trump is defeating the traitors of the deep state.
Kasich would have been much better than Trump as a small government candidate. Yet repubs selected trump.

Kasich is a big government republican now...he is also an asshole.
He sure seems fiscally responsible. But there were many options that would have been more small government than trump.

To his credit, Trump never even pretended to be small government or conservative. He came right talking about spending, spending, and more spending. That's what the republicans voted for. Tells me they don't give a damn about being responsible. They just cared about lower taxes, fewer Mexicans, and pissing off libruls. We get the leaders we deserve ...

You are wrong...the other republicans had no chance against the clinton crime machine, as they all proved in being defeated by Trump, and the choice was Trump or the criminal.....making the choice an easy one. hilary has been a criminal since she married the rapist back in Arkansas...
I am not wrong. Many of them were much more small government than Trump. I didn't say they had a better chance of winning. It's interesting that you call other criminals when so many people associated with trump are going to jail. But lets stay on topic.

Yes.....many were smaller government types, in rhetoric, but they also couldn't get past the primary due to a lack of personal skills.......the goal was to keep the criminal out of the White House so she couldn't place the next 3-4 Supreme Court justices.....
Kasich would have been much better than Trump as a small government candidate. Yet repubs selected trump.

Kasich is a big government republican now...he is also an asshole.
He sure seems fiscally responsible. But there were many options that would have been more small government than trump.

To his credit, Trump never even pretended to be small government or conservative. He came. right out the gate, talking about spending, spending, and more spending. That's what the republicans voted for. Tells me they don't give a damn about being responsible. They just cared about lower taxes, fewer Mexicans, and pissing off libruls. We get the leaders we deserve ...
I agree. Trump is what he ran on. That's the point of the OP, small government seems to have been abandoned.

Wrong...if a small government republican actually wins a primary, then conservatives will vote for them happily.......we didn't have that choice....
You had the option of choosing a more small government candidate in the primary....
And as we learned the last 2 years, there is no real counter to them....

What I have learned over the last two years is this is an unconventional civil war that the democrats are waging. Donald Trump is EXACTLY the right weapon to fight these Stalinist turds with.

I didn't vote for him, but I sure the hell will in 2020.
No signs of being small government.


Trump is a big government guy who has been able to roll back far more regulation than "small government Bush" :lol: (can't type that with a straight face) ever did. He is a big government guy who revised the tax code for the first time in 30 years, to the advantage of the middle class. He's a big government guy who has put the democrats back on their heels dozens of times. We have had the Mewler-Torquemada Inquisition going on for two years. What has REALLY been discovered? James Comey obstructed justice to try and elect Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama engaged in treason using the NSA and FBI to deal with foreign spies to buy dirt from Russia in order to rig the 2016 election. The deep state under the guidance of Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein staged and attempted coup. If not for the insane hatred and fear in these vermin, none of this would have come out. NO ONE can deny that there is a deep state and that our FBI and DOJ are corrupt to the core, no one. Under Obama, we KNEW that the DOJ was corrupt, but no one could prove it. We couldn't prove it because the equally corrupt FBI was covering up for them. But the presence of Donald Trump has driven them so insane that they tipped their hand.

Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Reagan defeated the Soviets, Trump is defeating the traitors of the deep state.

Exactly....well posted......:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
And as we learned the last 2 years, there is no real counter to them....

What I have learned over the last two years is this is an unconventional civil war that the democrats are waging. Donald Trump is EXACTLY the right weapon to fight these Stalinist turds with.

I didn't vote for him, but I sure the hell will in 2020.
No signs of being small government.


Trump is a big government guy who has been able to roll back far more regulation than "small government Bush" :lol: (can't type that with a straight face) ever did. He is a big government guy who revised the tax code for the first time in 30 years, to the advantage of the middle class. He's a big government guy who has put the democrats back on their heels dozens of times. We have had the Mewler-Torquemada Inquisition going on for two years. What has REALLY been discovered? James Comey obstructed justice to try and elect Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama engaged in treason using the NSA and FBI to deal with foreign spies to buy dirt from Russia in order to rig the 2016 election. The deep state under the guidance of Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein staged and attempted coup. If not for the insane hatred and fear in these vermin, none of this would have come out. NO ONE can deny that there is a deep state and that our FBI and DOJ are corrupt to the core, no one. Under Obama, we KNEW that the DOJ was corrupt, but no one could prove it. We couldn't prove it because the equally corrupt FBI was covering up for them. But the presence of Donald Trump has driven them so insane that they tipped their hand.

Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Reagan defeated the Soviets, Trump is defeating the traitors of the deep state.
He has spent all year demanding more spending. He's not a small government guy.

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