Why has the right abandoned small government?

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Kasich is a big government republican now...he is also an asshole.
He sure seems fiscally responsible. But there were many options that would have been more small government than trump.

To his credit, Trump never even pretended to be small government or conservative. He came. right out the gate, talking about spending, spending, and more spending. That's what the republicans voted for. Tells me they don't give a damn about being responsible. They just cared about lower taxes, fewer Mexicans, and pissing off libruls. We get the leaders we deserve ...
I agree. Trump is what he ran on. That's the point of the OP, small government seems to have been abandoned.

Wrong...if a small government republican actually wins a primary, then conservatives will vote for them happily.......we didn't have that choice....
You had the option of choosing a more small government candidate in the primary....

I did...Ted Cruz, he lost to Trump......because he didn't have the personal skills to convince people to vote for him....
Kasich is a big government republican now...he is also an asshole.
He sure seems fiscally responsible. But there were many options that would have been more small government than trump.

To his credit, Trump never even pretended to be small government or conservative. He came right talking about spending, spending, and more spending. That's what the republicans voted for. Tells me they don't give a damn about being responsible. They just cared about lower taxes, fewer Mexicans, and pissing off libruls. We get the leaders we deserve ...

You are wrong...the other republicans had no chance against the clinton crime machine, as they all proved in being defeated by Trump, and the choice was Trump or the criminal.....making the choice an easy one. hilary has been a criminal since she married the rapist back in Arkansas...
I am not wrong. Many of them were much more small government than Trump. I didn't say they had a better chance of winning. It's interesting that you call other criminals when so many people associated with trump are going to jail. But lets stay on topic.

Yes.....many were smaller government types, in rhetoric, but they also couldn't get past the primary due to a lack of personal skills.......the goal was to keep the criminal out of the White House so she couldn't place the next 3-4 Supreme Court justices.....
Right because your concerns are more social.
It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.
Republicans have never been for small government they have merely convinced their voting base that they are
He sure seems fiscally responsible. But there were many options that would have been more small government than trump.

To his credit, Trump never even pretended to be small government or conservative. He came. right out the gate, talking about spending, spending, and more spending. That's what the republicans voted for. Tells me they don't give a damn about being responsible. They just cared about lower taxes, fewer Mexicans, and pissing off libruls. We get the leaders we deserve ...
I agree. Trump is what he ran on. That's the point of the OP, small government seems to have been abandoned.

Wrong...if a small government republican actually wins a primary, then conservatives will vote for them happily.......we didn't have that choice....
You had the option of choosing a more small government candidate in the primary....

I did...Ted Cruz, he lost to Trump......because he didn't have the personal skills to convince people to vote for him....
He really isn't as dislikeable as he is often portrayed. He is on his first wife afterall.
It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.
Republicans have never been for small government they have merely convinced their voting base that they are
That is the conclusion I made when I changed to independent.
You had the option of choosing a more small government candidate in the primary....

Yes, and then losing to Hillary and watching the end of the Bill of Rights after she appointed another Marxist to the SCOTUS.

If Hillary had won, the first and second amendments would be history. I believe we would also be in a shooting civil war.
You had the option of choosing a more small government candidate in the primary....

Yes, and then losing to Hillary and watching the end of the Bill of Rights after she appointed another Marxist to the SCOTUS.

If Hillary had won, the first and second amendments would be history. I believe we would also be in a shooting civil war.
You have quite an imagination. Remember when Obama was going to take all the guns too? So far trump has been more anti gun than Obama. Assuming they did eventually make bump stock illegal.
And as we learned the last 2 years, there is no real counter to them....

What I have learned over the last two years is this is an unconventional civil war that the democrats are waging. Donald Trump is EXACTLY the right weapon to fight these Stalinist turds with.

I didn't vote for him, but I sure the hell will in 2020.
No signs of being small government.


Trump is a big government guy who has been able to roll back far more regulation than "small government Bush" :lol: (can't type that with a straight face) ever did. He is a big government guy who revised the tax code for the first time in 30 years, to the advantage of the middle class. He's a big government guy who has put the democrats back on their heels dozens of times. We have had the Mewler-Torquemada Inquisition going on for two years. What has REALLY been discovered? James Comey obstructed justice to try and elect Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama engaged in treason using the NSA and FBI to deal with foreign spies to buy dirt from Russia in order to rig the 2016 election. The deep state under the guidance of Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein staged and attempted coup. If not for the insane hatred and fear in these vermin, none of this would have come out. NO ONE can deny that there is a deep state and that our FBI and DOJ are corrupt to the core, no one. Under Obama, we KNEW that the DOJ was corrupt, but no one could prove it. We couldn't prove it because the equally corrupt FBI was covering up for them. But the presence of Donald Trump has driven them so insane that they tipped their hand.

Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Reagan defeated the Soviets, Trump is defeating the traitors of the deep state.
He has spent all year demanding more spending. He's not a small government guy.

I already agreed he isn't small government. I just pointed out that Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Once the traitors and crooks are excised, THEN we may have a chance to start rolling back the size of government.
And as we learned the last 2 years, there is no real counter to them....

What I have learned over the last two years is this is an unconventional civil war that the democrats are waging. Donald Trump is EXACTLY the right weapon to fight these Stalinist turds with.

I didn't vote for him, but I sure the hell will in 2020.
No signs of being small government.


Trump is a big government guy who has been able to roll back far more regulation than "small government Bush" :lol: (can't type that with a straight face) ever did. He is a big government guy who revised the tax code for the first time in 30 years, to the advantage of the middle class. He's a big government guy who has put the democrats back on their heels dozens of times. We have had the Mewler-Torquemada Inquisition going on for two years. What has REALLY been discovered? James Comey obstructed justice to try and elect Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama engaged in treason using the NSA and FBI to deal with foreign spies to buy dirt from Russia in order to rig the 2016 election. The deep state under the guidance of Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein staged and attempted coup. If not for the insane hatred and fear in these vermin, none of this would have come out. NO ONE can deny that there is a deep state and that our FBI and DOJ are corrupt to the core, no one. Under Obama, we KNEW that the DOJ was corrupt, but no one could prove it. We couldn't prove it because the equally corrupt FBI was covering up for them. But the presence of Donald Trump has driven them so insane that they tipped their hand.

Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Reagan defeated the Soviets, Trump is defeating the traitors of the deep state.
He has spent all year demanding more spending. He's not a small government guy.

I already agreed he isn't small government. I just pointed out that Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Once the traitors and crooks are excised, THEN we may have a chance to start rolling back the size of government.

This is the old "why do today what you can put off to tomorrow" attitude.

I'm very familiar with it; it's a trap I often fall into. It's bullshit and you know damn well that tomorrow never comes.
And as we learned the last 2 years, there is no real counter to them....

What I have learned over the last two years is this is an unconventional civil war that the democrats are waging. Donald Trump is EXACTLY the right weapon to fight these Stalinist turds with.

I didn't vote for him, but I sure the hell will in 2020.
No signs of being small government.


Trump is a big government guy who has been able to roll back far more regulation than "small government Bush" :lol: (can't type that with a straight face) ever did. He is a big government guy who revised the tax code for the first time in 30 years, to the advantage of the middle class. He's a big government guy who has put the democrats back on their heels dozens of times. We have had the Mewler-Torquemada Inquisition going on for two years. What has REALLY been discovered? James Comey obstructed justice to try and elect Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama engaged in treason using the NSA and FBI to deal with foreign spies to buy dirt from Russia in order to rig the 2016 election. The deep state under the guidance of Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein staged and attempted coup. If not for the insane hatred and fear in these vermin, none of this would have come out. NO ONE can deny that there is a deep state and that our FBI and DOJ are corrupt to the core, no one. Under Obama, we KNEW that the DOJ was corrupt, but no one could prove it. We couldn't prove it because the equally corrupt FBI was covering up for them. But the presence of Donald Trump has driven them so insane that they tipped their hand.

Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Reagan defeated the Soviets, Trump is defeating the traitors of the deep state.
He has spent all year demanding more spending. He's not a small government guy.

I already agreed he isn't small government. I just pointed out that Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Once the traitors and crooks are excised, THEN we may have a chance to start rolling back the size of government.
He does get points for regulation. I thought Trumps 1st year was quite alright really. With the way he hires lobbyists do you really think his intention is ever small government though?
You had the option of choosing a more small government candidate in the primary....

Yes, and then losing to Hillary and watching the end of the Bill of Rights after she appointed another Marxist to the SCOTUS.

If Hillary had won, the first and second amendments would be history. I believe we would also be in a shooting civil war.
You have quite an imagination. Remember when Obama was going to take all the guns too? So far trump has been more anti gun than Obama. Assuming they did eventually make bump stock illegal.

Obama appointed the furthest left justices he could find. The drooling moron Sotomayor is a massive opponent of civil rights. The Marxist Kagan is an opponent of anything American. IF Hillary had won, she would have put another Kagan level leftist on the court. The court would then have ruled against the Colorado baker, breaking the back of religious freedom. They would have ruled in favor of hate speech prohibitions, ending freedom of speech. The end of the first amendment. Gone forever via judicial fiat. Likewise the second amendment. After Vegas the court would have accepted a challenge to individuals owning semi-automatic and perhaps all repeating arms and ruled that the second does not protect the right to keeps arms that fire more than once, or some such shit, ending the second. It WOULD have happened with a leftist court. We have 4 conservatives, 4 radical leftists, and that fuck Roberts. It doesn't take much to end our civil rights.
You had the option of choosing a more small government candidate in the primary....

Yes, and then losing to Hillary and watching the end of the Bill of Rights after she appointed another Marxist to the SCOTUS.

If Hillary had won, the first and second amendments would be history. I believe we would also be in a shooting civil war.
You have quite an imagination. Remember when Obama was going to take all the guns too? So far trump has been more anti gun than Obama. Assuming they did eventually make bump stock illegal.

Obama appointed the furthest left justices he could find. The drooling moron Sotomayor is a massive opponent of civil rights. The Marxist Kagan is an opponent of anything American. IF Hillary had won, she would have put another Kagan level leftist on the court. The court would then have ruled against the Colorado baker, breaking the back of religious freedom. They would have ruled in favor of hate speech prohibitions, ending freedom of speech. The end of the first amendment. Gone forever via judicial fiat. Likewise the second amendment. After Vegas the court would have accepted a challenge to individuals owning semi-automatic and perhaps all repeating arms and ruled that the second does not protect the right to keeps arms that fire more than once, or some such shit, ending the second. It WOULD have happened with a leftist court. We have 4 conservatives, 4 radical leftists, and that fuck Roberts. It doesn't take much to end our civil rights.
The supreme court was never ment to be political. I think making it political is a big mistake.

But again nothing so bad really happened under Clinton or Obama. You are definitely dramatic when it comes to politics.
What I have learned over the last two years is this is an unconventional civil war that the democrats are waging. Donald Trump is EXACTLY the right weapon to fight these Stalinist turds with.

I didn't vote for him, but I sure the hell will in 2020.
No signs of being small government.


Trump is a big government guy who has been able to roll back far more regulation than "small government Bush" :lol: (can't type that with a straight face) ever did. He is a big government guy who revised the tax code for the first time in 30 years, to the advantage of the middle class. He's a big government guy who has put the democrats back on their heels dozens of times. We have had the Mewler-Torquemada Inquisition going on for two years. What has REALLY been discovered? James Comey obstructed justice to try and elect Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama engaged in treason using the NSA and FBI to deal with foreign spies to buy dirt from Russia in order to rig the 2016 election. The deep state under the guidance of Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein staged and attempted coup. If not for the insane hatred and fear in these vermin, none of this would have come out. NO ONE can deny that there is a deep state and that our FBI and DOJ are corrupt to the core, no one. Under Obama, we KNEW that the DOJ was corrupt, but no one could prove it. We couldn't prove it because the equally corrupt FBI was covering up for them. But the presence of Donald Trump has driven them so insane that they tipped their hand.

Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Reagan defeated the Soviets, Trump is defeating the traitors of the deep state.
He has spent all year demanding more spending. He's not a small government guy.

I already agreed he isn't small government. I just pointed out that Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Once the traitors and crooks are excised, THEN we may have a chance to start rolling back the size of government.

This is the old "why do today what you can put off to tomorrow" attitude.

I'm very familiar with it; it's a trap I often fall into. It's bullshit and you know damn well that tomorrow never comes.

This is the "don't let perfect destroy good" attitude. Trump has done more to help America than any president since Reagan. Is he perfect? No, not by a long shot. But he is good.
No signs of being small government.


Trump is a big government guy who has been able to roll back far more regulation than "small government Bush" :lol: (can't type that with a straight face) ever did. He is a big government guy who revised the tax code for the first time in 30 years, to the advantage of the middle class. He's a big government guy who has put the democrats back on their heels dozens of times. We have had the Mewler-Torquemada Inquisition going on for two years. What has REALLY been discovered? James Comey obstructed justice to try and elect Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama engaged in treason using the NSA and FBI to deal with foreign spies to buy dirt from Russia in order to rig the 2016 election. The deep state under the guidance of Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein staged and attempted coup. If not for the insane hatred and fear in these vermin, none of this would have come out. NO ONE can deny that there is a deep state and that our FBI and DOJ are corrupt to the core, no one. Under Obama, we KNEW that the DOJ was corrupt, but no one could prove it. We couldn't prove it because the equally corrupt FBI was covering up for them. But the presence of Donald Trump has driven them so insane that they tipped their hand.

Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Reagan defeated the Soviets, Trump is defeating the traitors of the deep state.
He has spent all year demanding more spending. He's not a small government guy.

I already agreed he isn't small government. I just pointed out that Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Once the traitors and crooks are excised, THEN we may have a chance to start rolling back the size of government.

This is the old "why do today what you can put off to tomorrow" attitude.

I'm very familiar with it; it's a trap I often fall into. It's bullshit and you know damn well that tomorrow never comes.

This is the "don't let perfect destroy good" attitude. Trump has done more to help America than any president since Reagan. Is he perfect? No, not by a long shot. But he is good.
We are discussing small government. That he certainly is not. The rest can be debated on another thread I suppose.
What I have learned over the last two years is this is an unconventional civil war that the democrats are waging. Donald Trump is EXACTLY the right weapon to fight these Stalinist turds with.

I didn't vote for him, but I sure the hell will in 2020.
No signs of being small government.


Trump is a big government guy who has been able to roll back far more regulation than "small government Bush" :lol: (can't type that with a straight face) ever did. He is a big government guy who revised the tax code for the first time in 30 years, to the advantage of the middle class. He's a big government guy who has put the democrats back on their heels dozens of times. We have had the Mewler-Torquemada Inquisition going on for two years. What has REALLY been discovered? James Comey obstructed justice to try and elect Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama engaged in treason using the NSA and FBI to deal with foreign spies to buy dirt from Russia in order to rig the 2016 election. The deep state under the guidance of Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein staged and attempted coup. If not for the insane hatred and fear in these vermin, none of this would have come out. NO ONE can deny that there is a deep state and that our FBI and DOJ are corrupt to the core, no one. Under Obama, we KNEW that the DOJ was corrupt, but no one could prove it. We couldn't prove it because the equally corrupt FBI was covering up for them. But the presence of Donald Trump has driven them so insane that they tipped their hand.

Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Reagan defeated the Soviets, Trump is defeating the traitors of the deep state.
He has spent all year demanding more spending. He's not a small government guy.

I already agreed he isn't small government. I just pointed out that Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Once the traitors and crooks are excised, THEN we may have a chance to start rolling back the size of government.
He does get points for regulation. I thought Trumps 1st year was quite alright really. With the way he hires lobbyists do you really think his intention is ever small government though?

No. Trump is a big government New Yorker. He'll spend every dime he can, but it won't be to provide nuclear arms to Iran and fund ISIS the way Obama did.
They want Democrats to govern with small government constraints

Once they are governing
All bets are off
No signs of being small government.


Trump is a big government guy who has been able to roll back far more regulation than "small government Bush" :lol: (can't type that with a straight face) ever did. He is a big government guy who revised the tax code for the first time in 30 years, to the advantage of the middle class. He's a big government guy who has put the democrats back on their heels dozens of times. We have had the Mewler-Torquemada Inquisition going on for two years. What has REALLY been discovered? James Comey obstructed justice to try and elect Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama engaged in treason using the NSA and FBI to deal with foreign spies to buy dirt from Russia in order to rig the 2016 election. The deep state under the guidance of Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein staged and attempted coup. If not for the insane hatred and fear in these vermin, none of this would have come out. NO ONE can deny that there is a deep state and that our FBI and DOJ are corrupt to the core, no one. Under Obama, we KNEW that the DOJ was corrupt, but no one could prove it. We couldn't prove it because the equally corrupt FBI was covering up for them. But the presence of Donald Trump has driven them so insane that they tipped their hand.

Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Reagan defeated the Soviets, Trump is defeating the traitors of the deep state.
He has spent all year demanding more spending. He's not a small government guy.

I already agreed he isn't small government. I just pointed out that Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Once the traitors and crooks are excised, THEN we may have a chance to start rolling back the size of government.
He does get points for regulation. I thought Trumps 1st year was quite alright really. With the way he hires lobbyists do you really think his intention is ever small government though?

No. Trump is a big government New Yorker. He'll spend every dime he can, but it won't be to provide nuclear arms to Iran and fund ISIS the way Obama did.
I've generally been in agreement with his foreign policy. It seems that any social are more important than small government with many.
You had the option of choosing a more small government candidate in the primary....

Yes, and then losing to Hillary and watching the end of the Bill of Rights after she appointed another Marxist to the SCOTUS.

If Hillary had won, the first and second amendments would be history. I believe we would also be in a shooting civil war.
You have quite an imagination. Remember when Obama was going to take all the guns too? So far trump has been more anti gun than Obama. Assuming they did eventually make bump stock illegal.

Obama appointed the furthest left justices he could find. The drooling moron Sotomayor is a massive opponent of civil rights. The Marxist Kagan is an opponent of anything American. IF Hillary had won, she would have put another Kagan level leftist on the court. The court would then have ruled against the Colorado baker, breaking the back of religious freedom. They would have ruled in favor of hate speech prohibitions, ending freedom of speech. The end of the first amendment. Gone forever via judicial fiat. Likewise the second amendment. After Vegas the court would have accepted a challenge to individuals owning semi-automatic and perhaps all repeating arms and ruled that the second does not protect the right to keeps arms that fire more than once, or some such shit, ending the second. It WOULD have happened with a leftist court. We have 4 conservatives, 4 radical leftists, and that fuck Roberts. It doesn't take much to end our civil rights.
The supreme court was never ment to be political. I think making it political is a big mistake.

But again nothing so bad really happened under Clinton or Obama. You are definitely dramatic when it comes to politics.

It's been political since Marshall.

Horrible things happened under leftist courts, such as the discarding of the Constitution in favor of a dictatorship of the Judiciary which creates law by fiat.

This is NOT what the framers of this great nation intended.


Trump is a big government guy who has been able to roll back far more regulation than "small government Bush" :lol: (can't type that with a straight face) ever did. He is a big government guy who revised the tax code for the first time in 30 years, to the advantage of the middle class. He's a big government guy who has put the democrats back on their heels dozens of times. We have had the Mewler-Torquemada Inquisition going on for two years. What has REALLY been discovered? James Comey obstructed justice to try and elect Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama engaged in treason using the NSA and FBI to deal with foreign spies to buy dirt from Russia in order to rig the 2016 election. The deep state under the guidance of Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein staged and attempted coup. If not for the insane hatred and fear in these vermin, none of this would have come out. NO ONE can deny that there is a deep state and that our FBI and DOJ are corrupt to the core, no one. Under Obama, we KNEW that the DOJ was corrupt, but no one could prove it. We couldn't prove it because the equally corrupt FBI was covering up for them. But the presence of Donald Trump has driven them so insane that they tipped their hand.

Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Reagan defeated the Soviets, Trump is defeating the traitors of the deep state.
He has spent all year demanding more spending. He's not a small government guy.

I already agreed he isn't small government. I just pointed out that Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Once the traitors and crooks are excised, THEN we may have a chance to start rolling back the size of government.

This is the old "why do today what you can put off to tomorrow" attitude.

I'm very familiar with it; it's a trap I often fall into. It's bullshit and you know damn well that tomorrow never comes.

This is the "don't let perfect destroy good" attitude. Trump has done more to help America than any president since Reagan. Is he perfect? No, not by a long shot. But he is good.
We are discussing small government. That he certainly is not. The rest can be debated on another thread I suppose.

So what is the purpose of small government? To balance the budget, or the maximize the liberty of individuals. If it is the latter, Trump has done a stellar job.

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