Why has the right abandoned small government?

Size of government

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Republicans can't do it alone and in two freaking years especially when the MSM has become the propaganda arm of the left. Relax and be patient.
Johnson only shows how low the Libertarian Party has fallen. He's a big government liberal who smokes dope.

You voted for Trump and yet you're falsely knocking someone else for being big government. That's rich.

trump has turned the principles and policies of the Republican Party upside down....Amazing that these, so called, Conservatives roll over on their backs for him.
Which policies has he turned "upside down?"
Kasich would have been much better than Trump as a small government candidate. Yet repubs selected trump.

Kasich is a big government republican now...he is also an asshole.

Kasich co-authored the Balanced Budget Amendment in the Gingrich House.
Which had no chance. Kasich was good at authoring such exercises in futility. What real accomplishments does he have to his name?
He did some good things as governor.
John Kasich: 'I took the state of Ohio from an $8 billion hole … to a $2 billion surplus'
He did it with a massive tax increase. No thanks.
He cut income taxes.
Republicans can't do it alone and in two freaking years especially when the MSM has become the propaganda arm of the left. Relax and be patient.
Johnson only shows how low the Libertarian Party has fallen. He's a big government liberal who smokes dope.

You voted for Trump and yet you're falsely knocking someone else for being big government. That's rich.

trump has turned the principles and policies of the Republican Party upside down....Amazing that these, so called, Conservatives roll over on their backs for him.
Which policies has he turned "upside down?"
Free trade comes to mind.
Kasich is a big government republican now...he is also an asshole.

Kasich co-authored the Balanced Budget Amendment in the Gingrich House.
Which had no chance. Kasich was good at authoring such exercises in futility. What real accomplishments does he have to his name?
He did some good things as governor.
John Kasich: 'I took the state of Ohio from an $8 billion hole … to a $2 billion surplus'
He did it with a massive tax increase. No thanks.
He cut income taxes.
Kasich is a tax and spend liberal who supported Obamacare:

Kasich’s Fiscal Record | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously.

John Kasich, the Governor of Ohio, makes his presidential announcement today. He becomes the 16th person to join the Republican field and the 8th current or former governor.

Kasich is a fiscal policy expert. He has made a federal Balanced Budget Amendment a key talking point in his speeches and appearances so far, and was known for being a budget cutter while in Congress. His record in Ohio tells a very different story. Spending has risen rapidly during Kasich’s tenure in Columbus.

Data from the National Association of State Budget Officers illustrates the rapid growth general fund spending. From fiscal year 2012, Kasich’s first full fiscal year, to fiscal year 2015, general fund spending increased in Ohio by 18 percent. Nationally, state general fund spending increased by 12 percent during that period. Kasich’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2016 increased spending further. It included a year-over-year increase of 11 percent. The average governor proposed a spending increase of 3 percent from fiscal year 2015 to fiscal year 2016.

Much of the increase is due to Kasich’s support of Medicaid expansion. In 2013 the Ohio House of Representatives opposed Medicaid expansion. They inserted a provision in the state budget forbidding the Kasich administration from expansion without their approval. Kasich stripped the provision from the budget and then proceeded to expand the program without their approval.

Just 18 months after the expansion took effect, the costs have exploded. According to a recent report from the state’s Legislative Service Commission, costs are 63 percent, or $1.4 billion, over budget. The report says the overage is because of “higher than expected caseloads and per person costs.” The expansion population was 600,000 in June of 2015, compared to estimates of 366,000. Medicaid expenditures are 9.5 percent higher in fiscal year 2015 than they were in fiscal year 2014.
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.
You cannot show anything that Trump has or has not done to the deficit. All you can do is show what the liberals in the media say he has done.
Kasich co-authored the Balanced Budget Amendment in the Gingrich House.
Which had no chance. Kasich was good at authoring such exercises in futility. What real accomplishments does he have to his name?
He did some good things as governor.
John Kasich: 'I took the state of Ohio from an $8 billion hole … to a $2 billion surplus'
He did it with a massive tax increase. No thanks.
He cut income taxes.
Kasich is a tax and spend liberal who supported Obamacare:

Kasich’s Fiscal Record | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously.

John Kasich, the Governor of Ohio, makes his presidential announcement today. He becomes the 16th person to join the Republican field and the 8th current or former governor.

Kasich is a fiscal policy expert. He has made a federal Balanced Budget Amendment a key talking point in his speeches and appearances so far, and was known for being a budget cutter while in Congress. His record in Ohio tells a very different story. Spending has risen rapidly during Kasich’s tenure in Columbus.

Data from the National Association of State Budget Officers illustrates the rapid growth general fund spending. From fiscal year 2012, Kasich’s first full fiscal year, to fiscal year 2015, general fund spending increased in Ohio by 18 percent. Nationally, state general fund spending increased by 12 percent during that period. Kasich’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2016 increased spending further. It included a year-over-year increase of 11 percent. The average governor proposed a spending increase of 3 percent from fiscal year 2015 to fiscal year 2016.

Much of the increase is due to Kasich’s support of Medicaid expansion. In 2013 the Ohio House of Representatives opposed Medicaid expansion. They inserted a provision in the state budget forbidding the Kasich administration from expansion without their approval. Kasich stripped the provision from the budget and then proceeded to expand the program without their approval.

Just 18 months after the expansion took effect, the costs have exploded. According to a recent report from the state’s Legislative Service Commission, costs are 63 percent, or $1.4 billion, over budget. The report says the overage is because of “higher than expected caseloads and per person costs.” The expansion population was 600,000 in June of 2015, compared to estimates of 366,000. Medicaid expenditures are 9.5 percent higher in fiscal year 2015 than they were in fiscal year 2014.
He went from a deficit to a surplus. The federal government has been going in the wrong direction.
Republicans can't do it alone and in two freaking years especially when the MSM has become the propaganda arm of the left. Relax and be patient.
Johnson only shows how low the Libertarian Party has fallen. He's a big government liberal who smokes dope.

You voted for Trump and yet you're falsely knocking someone else for being big government. That's rich.

trump has turned the principles and policies of the Republican Party upside down....Amazing that these, so called, Conservatives roll over on their backs for him.
Which policies has he turned "upside down?"
Free trade comes to mind.

Trump is using tariff's as a negotiating tool. He has no intention to have high tariff's as a permanent policy.
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.
You cannot show anything that Trump has or has not done to the deficit. All you can do is show what the liberals in the media say he has done.
He hasn't decreased them, that is for sure.
Republicans can't do it alone and in two freaking years especially when the MSM has become the propaganda arm of the left. Relax and be patient.
You voted for Trump and yet you're falsely knocking someone else for being big government. That's rich.

trump has turned the principles and policies of the Republican Party upside down....Amazing that these, so called, Conservatives roll over on their backs for him.
Which policies has he turned "upside down?"
Free trade comes to mind.

Trump is using tariff's as a negotiating tool. He has no intention to have high tariff's as a permanent policy.
And yet we are all paying tariffs. Government often says things are temporary that stay around forever.
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.
You cannot show anything that Trump has or has not done to the deficit. All you can do is show what the liberals in the media say he has done.
He hasn't decreased them, that is for sure.
You cannot show anything that Trump has or has not done to the deficit. All you can do is show what the liberals in the media say he has done.

The only thing for sure is that you will spew more media garbage declaring it the truth. lol
Which had no chance. Kasich was good at authoring such exercises in futility. What real accomplishments does he have to his name?
He did some good things as governor.
John Kasich: 'I took the state of Ohio from an $8 billion hole … to a $2 billion surplus'
He did it with a massive tax increase. No thanks.
He cut income taxes.
Kasich is a tax and spend liberal who supported Obamacare:

Kasich’s Fiscal Record | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously.

John Kasich, the Governor of Ohio, makes his presidential announcement today. He becomes the 16th person to join the Republican field and the 8th current or former governor.

Kasich is a fiscal policy expert. He has made a federal Balanced Budget Amendment a key talking point in his speeches and appearances so far, and was known for being a budget cutter while in Congress. His record in Ohio tells a very different story. Spending has risen rapidly during Kasich’s tenure in Columbus.

Data from the National Association of State Budget Officers illustrates the rapid growth general fund spending. From fiscal year 2012, Kasich’s first full fiscal year, to fiscal year 2015, general fund spending increased in Ohio by 18 percent. Nationally, state general fund spending increased by 12 percent during that period. Kasich’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2016 increased spending further. It included a year-over-year increase of 11 percent. The average governor proposed a spending increase of 3 percent from fiscal year 2015 to fiscal year 2016.

Much of the increase is due to Kasich’s support of Medicaid expansion. In 2013 the Ohio House of Representatives opposed Medicaid expansion. They inserted a provision in the state budget forbidding the Kasich administration from expansion without their approval. Kasich stripped the provision from the budget and then proceeded to expand the program without their approval.

Just 18 months after the expansion took effect, the costs have exploded. According to a recent report from the state’s Legislative Service Commission, costs are 63 percent, or $1.4 billion, over budget. The report says the overage is because of “higher than expected caseloads and per person costs.” The expansion population was 600,000 in June of 2015, compared to estimates of 366,000. Medicaid expenditures are 9.5 percent higher in fiscal year 2015 than they were in fiscal year 2014.
He went from a deficit to a surplus. The federal government has been going in the wrong direction.
Government spending exploded under Kasich. He simply off-loaded the cost of state programs to the federal government.
Republicans can't do it alone and in two freaking years especially when the MSM has become the propaganda arm of the left. Relax and be patient.

trump has turned the principles and policies of the Republican Party upside down....Amazing that these, so called, Conservatives roll over on their backs for him.
Which policies has he turned "upside down?"
Free trade comes to mind.

Trump is using tariff's as a negotiating tool. He has no intention to have high tariff's as a permanent policy.
And yet we are all paying tariffs. Government often says things are temporary that stay around forever.
Show your receipt.
Republicans can't do it alone and in two freaking years especially when the MSM has become the propaganda arm of the left. Relax and be patient.

trump has turned the principles and policies of the Republican Party upside down....Amazing that these, so called, Conservatives roll over on their backs for him.
Which policies has he turned "upside down?"
Free trade comes to mind.

Trump is using tariff's as a negotiating tool. He has no intention to have high tariff's as a permanent policy.
And yet we are all paying tariffs. Government often says things are temporary that stay around forever.
You mean like every program Dims have ever proposed? Kasich added millions of Ohioans to Medicaid. That will never be revoked.

The USA is a low tariff country. That's how China, South Korea and Europe take advantage of us.
trump has turned the principles and policies of the Republican Party upside down....Amazing that these, so called, Conservatives roll over on their backs for him.
Which policies has he turned "upside down?"
Free trade comes to mind.

Trump is using tariff's as a negotiating tool. He has no intention to have high tariff's as a permanent policy.
And yet we are all paying tariffs. Government often says things are temporary that stay around forever.
Show your receipt.
You think that you haven't bought anything effected by tariffs?
trump has turned the principles and policies of the Republican Party upside down....Amazing that these, so called, Conservatives roll over on their backs for him.
Which policies has he turned "upside down?"
Free trade comes to mind.

Trump is using tariff's as a negotiating tool. He has no intention to have high tariff's as a permanent policy.
And yet we are all paying tariffs. Government often says things are temporary that stay around forever.
You mean like every program Dims have ever proposed? Kasich added millions of Ohioans to Medicaid. That will never be revoked.

The USA is a low tariff country. That's how China, South Korea and Europe take advantage of us.
Like all government programs.
Which policies has he turned "upside down?"
Free trade comes to mind.

Trump is using tariff's as a negotiating tool. He has no intention to have high tariff's as a permanent policy.
And yet we are all paying tariffs. Government often says things are temporary that stay around forever.
Show your receipt.
You think that you haven't bought anything effected by tariffs?
Show us your receipt or stop lying traitor. You said we all are paying it, show us liar.
We are in Alinsky country with this argument. Does the crazy left (or pretend republicans) really think that a single republican administration, even an administration with a set of balls, can undo in two years what democrats have done to this Country in the last century? We are getting there and we have the leadership so we need to encourage the President to make America great again. .
Which policies has he turned "upside down?"
Free trade comes to mind.

Trump is using tariff's as a negotiating tool. He has no intention to have high tariff's as a permanent policy.
And yet we are all paying tariffs. Government often says things are temporary that stay around forever.
You mean like every program Dims have ever proposed? Kasich added millions of Ohioans to Medicaid. That will never be revoked.

The USA is a low tariff country. That's how China, South Korea and Europe take advantage of us.
Like all government programs.
They are almost all Dim programs.
trump has turned the principles and policies of the Republican Party upside down....Amazing that these, so called, Conservatives roll over on their backs for him.
Which policies has he turned "upside down?"
Free trade comes to mind.

Trump is using tariff's as a negotiating tool. He has no intention to have high tariff's as a permanent policy.
And yet we are all paying tariffs. Government often says things are temporary that stay around forever.
You mean like every program Dims have ever proposed? Kasich added millions of Ohioans to Medicaid. That will never be revoked.

The USA is a low tariff country. That's how China, South Korea and Europe take advantage of us.
You should watch.
Which policies has he turned "upside down?"
Free trade comes to mind.

Trump is using tariff's as a negotiating tool. He has no intention to have high tariff's as a permanent policy.
And yet we are all paying tariffs. Government often says things are temporary that stay around forever.
You mean like every program Dims have ever proposed? Kasich added millions of Ohioans to Medicaid. That will never be revoked.

The USA is a low tariff country. That's how China, South Korea and Europe take advantage of us.
You should watch.

I've read every book Friedman ever wrote.

The bottom line is that we have a problem with countries like China that steal our technology, violate our copyrights and systematically loot our country. Tariffs are about the only way to deal with these criminals.

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