Why has the right abandoned small government?

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Trump is a big government guy who has been able to roll back far more regulation than "small government Bush" :lol: (can't type that with a straight face) ever did. He is a big government guy who revised the tax code for the first time in 30 years, to the advantage of the middle class. He's a big government guy who has put the democrats back on their heels dozens of times. We have had the Mewler-Torquemada Inquisition going on for two years. What has REALLY been discovered? James Comey obstructed justice to try and elect Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama engaged in treason using the NSA and FBI to deal with foreign spies to buy dirt from Russia in order to rig the 2016 election. The deep state under the guidance of Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein staged and attempted coup. If not for the insane hatred and fear in these vermin, none of this would have come out. NO ONE can deny that there is a deep state and that our FBI and DOJ are corrupt to the core, no one. Under Obama, we KNEW that the DOJ was corrupt, but no one could prove it. We couldn't prove it because the equally corrupt FBI was covering up for them. But the presence of Donald Trump has driven them so insane that they tipped their hand.

Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Reagan defeated the Soviets, Trump is defeating the traitors of the deep state.
He has spent all year demanding more spending. He's not a small government guy.

I already agreed he isn't small government. I just pointed out that Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Once the traitors and crooks are excised, THEN we may have a chance to start rolling back the size of government.
He does get points for regulation. I thought Trumps 1st year was quite alright really. With the way he hires lobbyists do you really think his intention is ever small government though?

No. Trump is a big government New Yorker. He'll spend every dime he can, but it won't be to provide nuclear arms to Iran and fund ISIS the way Obama did.
I've generally been in agreement with his foreign policy. It seems that any social are more important than small government with many.

I am a Libertarian. Liberty is the most important thing to me. It reigns supreme.
He has spent all year demanding more spending. He's not a small government guy.

I already agreed he isn't small government. I just pointed out that Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Once the traitors and crooks are excised, THEN we may have a chance to start rolling back the size of government.

This is the old "why do today what you can put off to tomorrow" attitude.

I'm very familiar with it; it's a trap I often fall into. It's bullshit and you know damn well that tomorrow never comes.

This is the "don't let perfect destroy good" attitude. Trump has done more to help America than any president since Reagan. Is he perfect? No, not by a long shot. But he is good.
We are discussing small government. That he certainly is not. The rest can be debated on another thread I suppose.

So what is the purpose of small government? To balance the budget, or the maximize the liberty of individuals. If it is the latter, Trump has done a stellar job.
Well we certainly shouldn't go broke because of small government.
He has spent all year demanding more spending. He's not a small government guy.

I already agreed he isn't small government. I just pointed out that Trump has done more to right the course of this nation than any president since Reagan. Once the traitors and crooks are excised, THEN we may have a chance to start rolling back the size of government.
He does get points for regulation. I thought Trumps 1st year was quite alright really. With the way he hires lobbyists do you really think his intention is ever small government though?

No. Trump is a big government New Yorker. He'll spend every dime he can, but it won't be to provide nuclear arms to Iran and fund ISIS the way Obama did.
I've generally been in agreement with his foreign policy. It seems that any social are more important than small government with many.

I am a Libertarian. Liberty is the most important thing to me. It reigns supreme.
Trump is definitely no libertarian.
Haven't you heard? The Conservative Republican Party is DEAD....This is now the "everything goes....damn the deficit" Party of trump....POT.....

When was the last time you heard the GOP warn about the deficit? Right...during the Obama administration. the King of Bankruptcy is free to borrow as much money as he wishes...
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.
Have to cut the Cheeto a little slack on the first budget....Ryan and McTurtle totally sandbagged him....The recent one should have been vetoed with prejudice, and Herr Trumpenfurher failed to stand up.
Republicans can't do it alone and in two freaking years especially when the MSM has become the propaganda arm of the left. Relax and be patient.
Republicans can't do it alone and in two freaking years especially when the MSM has become the propaganda arm of the left. Relax and be patient.
Full control for 2 years shouldn't have led to drastically increasing deficits. That's the wrong direction....
You seem to be under the delusion that Reagan was dictator.

I'm under no such delusion. It's called the power of veto and a good chunk of the debt piled on was due to his neo-con foreign policy.

So yes, Reagan caved to the democrats, probably more than he should have. Amnesty was a major fuckup, no one believed the democrats would keep their promises - they never do.

Blah, blah, the Democrats. Yes, it's always the Democrats' faults, isn't it. Riddle me this, Batman, if the Democrats are always the problem why did both Bush and Trump pile on massive amounts of debt when they had Republican control of Congress?
Because people vote on social issues, not fiscal ones. This is why we have not had a Conservative POTUS since a guy named Calvin.

To get votes on the "Conservative" side one has to be pro-life...everything is secondary to that.

Yeah, that whole supply side economics thing never happened under Reagan. You sure are smart...

Reagan ballooned the national debt, raised taxes on Social Security, signed off on allowing the federal government to blackmail the states out of their highway funding, signed off on EMTALA, and ratcheted up the failed War on Drugs. Reagan was a social conservative who catered to the religious right, but he was most certainly not a fiscal conservative by any stretch of the imagination.
Reagan created the model of deficits in lieu of insane inflation rates, as there were under Carter....That doesn't make it right, I'm just sayin'....You're correct to point out that he spent and expanded The State like crazy as well.

Even so, his stated intent was to increase revenues to pay off the debt and go forward debt-free from there....But he failed to realize that any time that there's extra money laying around in the District of Criminals, the remocrats and depublicans will always find a way to piss it away.

The ensuing nearly 40 years of working this flawed model has put them in the debt situation of today.
If his programs were fiscally conservative the national debt wouldn't have increased 300% during his tenure. That's a fact, no matter what revisionist history you want to spin.

Programs are irrelevant if you can't implement them.

You aren't fiscally conservative if you're piling on $3 trillion worth of debt

No....the problem is we had a choice of two people....Trump and the criminal hilary. I will vote for the candidate who will damage the country the least.....and hope that a really good candidate will one day show up. Allowing the worst of the candidates to win is the worse thing you can do...fight in the primaries to get the small government candidate, then vote to keep the damage to a minimum in the general if the small government guy doesn't make it through to the general election...... I haven't changed, the options just weren't great.
Kasich would have been much better than Trump as a small government candidate. Yet repubs selected trump.

Kasich is a big government republican now...he is also an asshole.

Kasich co-authored the Balanced Budget Amendment in the Gingrich House.
Johnson only shows how low the Libertarian Party has fallen. He's a big government liberal who smokes dope.

You voted for Trump and yet you're falsely knocking someone else for being big government. That's rich.
Johnson is a fraud. He's a big government liberal. Trump is the most conservative president we've had since Reagan. Who should I have voted for, Hillary? That's the question Trump haters like you can never answer.
Programs are irrelevant if you can't implement them.

You aren't fiscally conservative if you're piling on $3 trillion worth of debt

No....the problem is we had a choice of two people....Trump and the criminal hilary. I will vote for the candidate who will damage the country the least.....and hope that a really good candidate will one day show up. Allowing the worst of the candidates to win is the worse thing you can do...fight in the primaries to get the small government candidate, then vote to keep the damage to a minimum in the general if the small government guy doesn't make it through to the general election...... I haven't changed, the options just weren't great.
Kasich would have been much better than Trump as a small government candidate. Yet repubs selected trump.

Kasich is a big government republican now...he is also an asshole.

Kasich co-authored the Balanced Budget Amendment in the Gingrich House.
Which had no chance. Kasich was good at authoring such exercises in futility. What real accomplishments does he have to his name?
Programs are irrelevant if you can't implement them.

You aren't fiscally conservative if you're piling on $3 trillion worth of debt

No....the problem is we had a choice of two people....Trump and the criminal hilary. I will vote for the candidate who will damage the country the least.....and hope that a really good candidate will one day show up. Allowing the worst of the candidates to win is the worse thing you can do...fight in the primaries to get the small government candidate, then vote to keep the damage to a minimum in the general if the small government guy doesn't make it through to the general election...... I haven't changed, the options just weren't great.
Kasich would have been much better than Trump as a small government candidate. Yet repubs selected trump.

Kasich is a big government republican now...he is also an asshole.

Kasich co-authored the Balanced Budget Amendment in the Gingrich House.
The "balanced budget" was a total sham, and some of the worst self-congratulatory Kabuki theater I've ever seen.

Ross Perot pointed out dozens of times in 1992 that, given the currently operating tax receipts and spending patterns of the day, the budget was going to come into balance all by itself in 2002...The "republican balanced budget" never balanced in 1998 when passed...It was projected to come into balance in....


Wait for it......


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You aren't fiscally conservative if you're piling on $3 trillion worth of debt

No....the problem is we had a choice of two people....Trump and the criminal hilary. I will vote for the candidate who will damage the country the least.....and hope that a really good candidate will one day show up. Allowing the worst of the candidates to win is the worse thing you can do...fight in the primaries to get the small government candidate, then vote to keep the damage to a minimum in the general if the small government guy doesn't make it through to the general election...... I haven't changed, the options just weren't great.
Kasich would have been much better than Trump as a small government candidate. Yet repubs selected trump.

Kasich is a big government republican now...he is also an asshole.

Kasich co-authored the Balanced Budget Amendment in the Gingrich House.
Which had no chance. Kasich was good at authoring such exercises in futility. What real accomplishments does he have to his name?
He did some good things as governor.
John Kasich: 'I took the state of Ohio from an $8 billion hole … to a $2 billion surplus'
Johnson only shows how low the Libertarian Party has fallen. He's a big government liberal who smokes dope.

You voted for Trump and yet you're falsely knocking someone else for being big government. That's rich.
Johnson is a fraud. He's a big government liberal. Trump is the most conservative president we've had since Reagan. Who should I have voted for, Hillary? That's the question Trump haters like you can never answer.

Oh, he may well be the most conservative president since the 80s, but that isn't small government, is it, which is the entire point of the thread. Conservatives abandoned small government during the Bush 43 years.
No....the problem is we had a choice of two people....Trump and the criminal hilary. I will vote for the candidate who will damage the country the least.....and hope that a really good candidate will one day show up. Allowing the worst of the candidates to win is the worse thing you can do...fight in the primaries to get the small government candidate, then vote to keep the damage to a minimum in the general if the small government guy doesn't make it through to the general election...... I haven't changed, the options just weren't great.
Kasich would have been much better than Trump as a small government candidate. Yet repubs selected trump.

Kasich is a big government republican now...he is also an asshole.

Kasich co-authored the Balanced Budget Amendment in the Gingrich House.
Which had no chance. Kasich was good at authoring such exercises in futility. What real accomplishments does he have to his name?
He did some good things as governor.
John Kasich: 'I took the state of Ohio from an $8 billion hole … to a $2 billion surplus'
He did it with a massive tax increase. No thanks.
Republicans can't do it alone and in two freaking years especially when the MSM has become the propaganda arm of the left. Relax and be patient.
Johnson only shows how low the Libertarian Party has fallen. He's a big government liberal who smokes dope.

You voted for Trump and yet you're falsely knocking someone else for being big government. That's rich.

trump has turned the principles and policies of the Republican Party upside down....Amazing that these, so called, Conservatives roll over on their backs for him.
Johnson only shows how low the Libertarian Party has fallen. He's a big government liberal who smokes dope.

You voted for Trump and yet you're falsely knocking someone else for being big government. That's rich.
Johnson is a fraud. He's a big government liberal. Trump is the most conservative president we've had since Reagan. Who should I have voted for, Hillary? That's the question Trump haters like you can never answer.

Oh, he may well be the most conservative president since the 80s, but that isn't small government, is it, which is the entire point of the thread. Conservatives abandoned small government during the Bush 43 years.
You mean neo-cons. They have never been for small government. You also continually confuse Republican politicians with the rank and file. That latter have always been for cutting government, but the former are frauds who lie to the people who elected them. Douchebag RINO Republican politicians are the biggest problem this country has, next to the Democrat Party, of course.

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