Why has this message board got so personal to the left?

Those radicals who live by the gun will die by the gun, just like the gun activist and the sniper.

Except it was the govt who entrapped Weaver, which was proven, and the supposed radicals weren't the ones shooting up towns, killing people, mass murdering, or anything like that. Nope, the govt was pissed because he had been going to aryan nation gatherings and he wouldn't pose as a spy for their infiltration purposes.

PROVE your claims

LBT is spouting militia mutt nonsense.
He is not leading the nation, all he is doing is dividing the nation.
Even the Dems are complaining that he will not meet with them to work things out.

Links to your claims.

It seem the American voters dont agree with you and liked his leadrship so much they rehired him.

stop lying about him not being a leader the American people already desided that

:eusa_hand:They didn't decide that. Ubango decided that for them...with his promises to free handouts. They were BRAINWASHED.

and your a fact free zone.

You hate democracy and the government our founders left us
The hatred the democrats had for Bush is eclipsed by the hatred republicans have for obama. That, in turn will be eclipsed by the hatred for the next president whoever it is.

Until the bitter end.

It is perfectly reasonable to hate a president who lied us into war and crashed the world economy.

IT IS NOT prefectly reasonable to hate the guy who is fixing it all

:eusa_drool:Fixing it all. HaHa. Ubango is all talk and no play. Open your eyes.
The hatred the democrats had for Bush is eclipsed by the hatred republicans have for obama. That, in turn will be eclipsed by the hatred for the next president whoever it is.

Until the bitter end.

It is perfectly reasonable to hate a president who lied us into war and crashed the world economy.

IT IS NOT prefectly reasonable to hate the guy who is fixing it all

:eusa_drool:Fixing it all. HaHa. Ubango is all talk and no play. Open your eyes.

If you believed that, you would not be running around as if your hair was on fire.
This type of fabrication out of context is why the far right has been rejected by Americans and will continue to be so rejected.

:eusa_hand:And the more they reject...the farther the left is going to go down the toilet.

when were you ever proven correct on the prediction of the outcome of policy?

You see you have been on the losing side so long you dont know what a fact is anymore

:eusa_drool:Well dude...at least Im not BRAINWASHED like you lefties are. I still know facts when I see them. You lefties just can't see that anymore...Its only what Ubango tells you what the facts are that is what you are to believe.

Wake up empty head.
Nothing personal

The Kenyan has been overwhelmingly elected in two elections. In both elections, the Right tried to smear him with evry trick in its arsenal. In both elections, he had FoxNews harping 24/7 about what a failure he was

America didn't buy any of it and evidently prefers his policies to the Rightwing hate machine

:cuckoo:Yeah...guess Ubango's promise to freebies really works. Lets see what happens when he doesn't come forward on them.

Last cry of defiance from a defeated party...

But....but.......He gives them FREE STUFF

:eusa_drool:Yes he does...but he hasn't come through with them all yet. And when he runs out of power to do so his followers are finally going to wake up...hopefully.
Those radicals who live by the gun will die by the gun, just like the gun activist and the sniper.

Except it was the govt who entrapped Weaver, which was proven, and the supposed radicals weren't the ones shooting up towns, killing people, mass murdering, or anything like that. Nope, the govt was pissed because he had been going to aryan nation gatherings and he wouldn't pose as a spy for their infiltration purposes.

PROVE your claims

Knock yourself out:

Ambush at Ruby Ridge - Reason.com

Now, quit lying.
I'm still waiting to hear your synopsis on Obama Administration "wins", TM. What's working for them?

the economy has been improving no matter how much you pretend it has not

I suppose you could call a 1.5% growth rate an improvement, TM but that's setting the bar about as low as it possibly can go. I've got a feeling that for the millions of Americans that are STILL out of work your "improvement" isn't something they're jumping up and down about.

So tell me...how is the tax increase that Barry just got his way on going to help that? That's a big "win" for Obama...and a big "loss" for anyone waiting for a job opening. It's what happens when your fiscal policy is based on ideology instead of economic fundamentals.
Except it was the govt who entrapped Weaver, which was proven, and the supposed radicals weren't the ones shooting up towns, killing people, mass murdering, or anything like that. Nope, the govt was pissed because he had been going to aryan nation gatherings and he wouldn't pose as a spy for their infiltration purposes.

PROVE your claims

LBT is spouting militia mutt nonsense.

What part of that is nonsense, JS? I don't support the views of Weaver or Harris but the govt abused its power and was called on it.
Careful! Speaking the truth to Truthmatters has been proven to be harmful to her health!
I think the libs are feeling a little remorse
They got what they wanted

Every post I have posted with factual info within is met with anger in just a few threads

BHO is a failure
the country is in a mess
and they know it

Its not rocket science

I feel sorry for this country
Its future
and those who allowed it to happen who will have to deal with it
hate never fixed anything and the hate for W still drives there entire agenda
Its nuts

we are 4 million jobs short of where we were in 07
the debt has doubled in 4 years
the GDP is going south

And there talking about Amnesty
it is nuts

You make several misconceptions with this thread. First, there is no discernible left posting regularly on this message board, no one seeking radical change to our society, no one advocating violence against the elected order and no one seeks to deny the franchise to vote - at least on the left.

There is a far left in America, but they are and remain a minority of anarchists and single issue hooligans who destroy personal property and operate outside of the established order. Few have committed atrocities as have those on the far right: Eric Rudolph, Scott Roeder, Tim McVeigh who are in league with the SLA and the Weatherman, relics of nearly a half century ago.

No one on this message board who you and others characterize as the left hope to deny rights to other American citizens. In fact we do not advocate banning all guns, that allegation is a construct of the right. It is settled law that sober, sane and honest citizens have the right to own, possess and have in their custody and control a firearm for the protection of their home and business.

Within that framework are other issues which are open to debate and of legitimate concern to the citizens of this country, on both sides of the argument, including: the type of weapon; the size of magazines; the type of ammunition; the ability to conceal; and the rate of fire. Such concerns are the direct result of the misuse of such guns.

As for GWB - boooooooooooooooosh - history will determine his place. IMO he was incompetent and left President Obama a mess. A mess which has been cleaned up during President Obama's term in office in spite of the rights efforts to rewrite history and to lie. As I noted you have done since the first day you began to post.
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Sounds like the OP is living in a dream world.

The country is moving forward.

The party of Lincoln and Reagan is dying a slow and painful death caused by the CANCER that is the Tea Party extremists.

Cling to your guns and your bible and be a joke. We don't care. Your gay sons will not be ashamed to be gay. You daughters will have their privacy violated. Wife beaters and mental patients will lose the guns.

If you put up a fight, you will meet the same end as Randy Weaver and family.

Your spokesman Wayne LaPierre went on TV and said basically we shouldn't have traffic lights because criminals fleeing a bank robbery won't stop at them.

Can you imagine anything more retarded?

Can you?

What are we moving forward towards? Because it doesn't look good to me.
I think the libs are feeling a little remorse
They got what they wanted

Every post I have posted with factual info within is met with anger in just a few threads

BHO is a failure
the country is in a mess
and they know it

Its not rocket science

I feel sorry for this country
Its future
and those who allowed it to happen who will have to deal with it
hate never fixed anything and the hate for W still drives there entire agenda
Its nuts

we are 4 million jobs short of where we were in 07
the debt has doubled in 4 years
the GDP is going south

And there talking about Amnesty
it is nuts

You make several misconceptions with this thread. First, there is no discernible left posting regularly on this message board, no one seeking radical change to our society, no one advocating violence against the elected order and no one seeks to deny the franchise to vote - at least on the left.

There is a far left in America, but they are and remain a minority of anarchists and single issue hooligans who destroy personal property and operate outside of the established order. Few have committed atrocities as have those on the far right: Eric Rudolph, Scott Roeder, Tim McVeigh who are in league with the SLA and the Weatherman, relics of nearly a half century ago.

No one on this message board who you and others characterize as the left hope to deny rights to other American citizens. In fact we do not advocate banning all guns, that allegation is a construct of the right. It is settled law that sober, sane and honest citizens have the right to own, possess and have in their custody and control a firearm for the protection of their home and business.

Within that framework are other issues which are open to debate and of legitimate concern to the citizens of this country, on both sides of the argument, including: the type of weapon; the size of magazines; the type of ammunition; the ability to conceal; and the rate of fire. Such concerns are the direct result of the misuse of such guns.

As for GWB - boooooooooooooooosh - history will determine his place. IMO he was incompetent and left President Obama a mess. A mess which has been cleaned up during President Obama's term in office in spite of the rights efforts to rewrite history and to lie. As I noted you have done since the first day you began to post.

How nice...so what you're basically saying is that you're OK with someone owning a gun...but only if you get to decide that gun will be a single shot weapon that uses bird shot for ammo? Is that what you call "settled law"?
can you direct me to any post where you gave facts?

I must have missed them

:eusa_drool:Wouldn't do any good...you would still miss them.

Nice try, you cant find a post of yours with fact in it huh?

:eusa_drool:Yes I can dude. In fact I found seven of them. The thing is I don't work for you. You see I don't go by the lefties rules...I take care of myself. If you want to see those seven posts get off your * * * for once and do something on your own.
It is true about every president in the history of the United States. But, in the past, the ones who didn't vote, or voted for an opposing party was willing to accept the winner's leadership. That's what has changed. At the end of the day, after the election, we were all united in the goals, even if we had differences of how to get there. That isn't true any more. It isn't that obama won by a small majority, it's that very close to half the nation, or more than that if you count the entirety of people who didn't vote for him, is unwilling to accept his role.

OP. The cause is the most divisive president in history.

We have the most divisive president in history because we have the most divided people in history.

Bingo. The problems in government come from problems with the people.

This is the problem with having multiple cultures. There are some inherent conflicts. We have a progressive culture looking for more and more Federal government and a liberty culture that wants the Federal government out of our lives as much as we can.
And since when were what you characterize as "far right" extremists "in league" with the SLA and the Weathermen?
It isn't the left that's savaging and eating their own for not towing the radical party line.

e.g. Colin Powell.

All of a sudden, he's no Republican or conservative.

WoW!! You people are taking things way personal.
William Degan - Idaho Peace Officers? Memorial

In a case that made national news, Marshal Degan was gunned down on August 21, 1992, while on a peaceful surveillance mission in Ruby Ridge, Idaho. The man who killed him had broken the law, skipped a court date and escaped with his family, promising armed resistance if the authorities tried to capture him. Marshal Degan was the most decorated member in the history of the U.S. Marshals Service. He is survived by his wife and two two sons. Years later, Bill Degan’s wife said, “Whenever men who spend their lives serving the country are killed in the line of duty, we all lose a piece of ourselves. I lost a bigger piece than others in August of 1992.”

Harris shot Degan in self defense and was proven innocent in an Idaho jury. Weaver didn't shoot anyone.

says some internet poster.


:tongue:Why don't you stop trying to sound like a boss...get off your * * * and get the proof yourself. You lefties are so lazy. No wonder you follow that nitwit in the WH around.
Nothing personal

It is "We the People" who feel that way

Given a non-stop smear campaign from the right, We the People prefer a Kenyan over the best the GOP has to offer

Most of "We the People" are uninformed voters.
The majority of voters know very little of what they are voting for. They vote for their party, on both sides.
Many can not name who their Representative is or who their Senators are or even who the VP is let alone any of the issues.

Oh yes

Calling those who do not support your candidate stupid

How lame can you get?

Stupid and uninformed are not the same. There are a lot of intelligent people that are uninformed about much of the universe.

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