Why has this message board got so personal to the left?

I think the libs are feeling a little remorse
They got what they wanted

Every post I have posted with factual info within is met with anger in just a few threads

BHO is a failure
the country is in a mess
and they know it

Its not rocket science

I feel sorry for this country
Its future
and those who allowed it to happen who will have to deal with it
hate never fixed anything and the hate for W still drives there entire agenda
Its nuts

we are 4 million jobs short of where we were in 07
the debt has doubled in 4 years
the GDP is going south

And there talking about Amnesty
it is nuts

can you direct me to any post where you gave facts?

I must have missed them

:eusa_drool:Wouldn't do any good...you would still miss them.

It's because democrats and republicans see different things in the same set of circumstances. Lower the nation's credit rating is good for democrats. The higher unemployment the more prosperous the people. A contracting economy is better than an expanding economy. More poor and fewer rich is a sign of economic health.

To republicans these are disasters but to democrats they are signs of progress.
We are on the wrong track. the country has been for years. sadly, I see nothing happening that is to our bennefit. all they pass is feel good legislation and pat themselves on the back for a job well done. take Obamacare. the worst thing about it is not that it doesn't improve anything or actually reform healthcare. It's that people now walk around saying oh good, we finally have health care reform. So our focus is taken off a real issue. We haven't fixed our economy, we haven't even guided in the right direction.

We need to stop lying to ourselves, we need to stop allowing our politicians to continue to lie to us. We're going backwards fast and the long term costs are more than we can handle.

:eusa_pray:Very True! And as each day goes by...its going to be harder and harder to explain this to our children and grandchildren. We better start thinking fast.
the banks had not been allowed under the laws to act as brokers for decades ( since the 1929 crash caused by republicans).

The brokers are the ones who sell the securities.

The banks could all of the sudden hire any smuck and train them any way they wanted to while Bush's sec held back the rules on WHO could be a broker.

A broker who had to mantain a licsence would NOT have sold sub prime tainted securities for the banks becuase it would have resulted in them losing their license and in so doing their jobs.

Without rules on WHO could be a broker the only people the NEW brokers were beholden to were their bosses.

The banks who hired them and trained them however they wanted them trained.

These "brokers" did whatever the bank told them to do.

They sold subprime laced mortgage securities without telling the customer what ws really in them.

that meant the banks could write mortages that would soon implode and make money off of them and not retain the risk they held.

The made money writing them and made money selling them off to unsuspecting buyers.

When the laws were finally implimented the banks were caught still holding too much of the shit they had made money off of for a near decade.

boom goes the economy
You must be a racist. Obama is great. The country is doing great. Obama can't fix 232 years of mistakes in 4 years.....

The only minority left in this great nation is the white male
either way
I thought BHO was 1/2 white anyway

And yes your spot on
as hard as BHO is trying he cannot change the greatness that once was over night

I wonder if the right would hate Obama less if he were 100% white?

They certainly wouldn't hate him less if he were 100% black.

I think Obama is a basically good guy who is in over his head, but Romney would have been a vastly worse choice. He'd have had us in Civil War in 8 years.

Obama hasn't been doing much to avoid that Joe......this Country is more divided now then when Bush left...just look at the divide on this board.....if its like this around the Country....and keeps getting worse.....who knows what the hell is going to happen....
I have to agree

Obama has been unable to unite the country like George Bush did

After 9-11, America united behind President Bush and gave him an 83% approval rate

By the time he left, America had once again united in disapproval of everything Bush was doing an gave him only a 23% approval rating

He is not leading the nation, all he is doing is dividing the nation.
Even the Dems are complaining that he will not meet with them to work things out.

Links to your claims.

It seem the American voters dont agree with you and liked his leadrship so much they rehired him.

stop lying about him not being a leader the American people already desided that

:eusa_hand:They didn't decide that. Ubango decided that for them...with his promises to free handouts. They were BRAINWASHED.
it is 2013:lol:

And in the 2012 elections, the electorate returned Republicans to the House and Senate even as they were re-electing Barack Obama. So what's that tell you?

Republicans received fewer combined votes than the Dems in both the House and Senate as well as the Presidency. It showed that the public is souring on the Republican brand

Come on Winger...it's a veritable draw! And the State contests overwhelmingly went towards the GOP. Why? Because progressive policies aren't working at the State level any more than they are at the National level. You've got California and Illinois slipping closer and closer to bankruptcy under Democratic leadership while Republican Govs are starting to see budget surpluses. It's just a question of time before the electorate sees through the distortions put out by the main stream media and realizes that a sane fiscal policy isn't a bad thing.
As adopted, Regulation R provides banks with a transitional exemption until the first day of their first fiscal year commencing after Sept. 30, 2008. This will give banks time to make any necessary changes in their systems and compliance programs and should ensure that banks have time to come into compliance with the Exchange Act provisions relating to the broker definition. This exemptive rule will become effective on the date that the Commission's current order expires, Sept. 28, 2007.

just a cpouple days beofre this date on implimentation of these rules bush got on TV and told us all the economy was going to crash
The only minority left in this great nation is the white male
either way
I thought BHO was 1/2 white anyway

And yes your spot on
as hard as BHO is trying he cannot change the greatness that once was over night

I wonder if the right would hate Obama less if he were 100% white?

They certainly wouldn't hate him less if he were 100% black.

I think Obama is a basically good guy who is in over his head, but Romney would have been a vastly worse choice. He'd have had us in Civil War in 8 years.

Obama hasn't been doing much to avoid that Joe......this Country is more divided now then when Bush left...just look at the divide on this board.....if its like this around the Country....and keeps getting worse.....who knows what the hell is going to happen....

Don't think so, Harry. Pubs will vote Pubs, but the mainstream has a growing umbrage against the vileness of the far right and libertarians that cost Romney the election.

I mean, even here in SLC, a hotbed of Republicanism, the center of the party is leaning against the crazies. I think the haters will be surprised in the next round of caucuses.
the banks had not been allowed under the laws to act as brokers for decades ( since the 1929 crash caused by republicans).

The brokers are the ones who sell the securities.

The banks could all of the sudden hire any smuck and train them any way they wanted to while Bush's sec held back the rules on WHO could be a broker.

A broker who had to mantain a licsence would NOT have sold sub prime tainted securities for the banks becuase it would have resulted in them losing their license and in so doing their jobs.

Without rules on WHO could be a broker the only people the NEW brokers were beholden to were their bosses.

The banks who hired them and trained them however they wanted them trained.

These "brokers" did whatever the bank told them to do.

They sold subprime laced mortgage securities without telling the customer what ws really in them.

that meant the banks could write mortages that would soon implode and make money off of them and not retain the risk they held.

The made money writing them and made money selling them off to unsuspecting buyers.

When the laws were finally implimented the banks were caught still holding too much of the shit they had made money off of for a near decade.

boom goes the economy

Again, how did that cause the housing bubble? Or do you not realize that no one has ever offered one iota of evidence that allowing banks to offer more services to their customers caused any problems in the real world? It does, theoretically, make the system less stable, but there has been zero real world impact at this point in time.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6bmEv2-rFA]President Bush's speech on the financial crisis 9/24/08 (1) - YouTube[/ame]
William Degan - Idaho Peace Officers? Memorial

In a case that made national news, Marshal Degan was gunned down on August 21, 1992, while on a peaceful surveillance mission in Ruby Ridge, Idaho. The man who killed him had broken the law, skipped a court date and escaped with his family, promising armed resistance if the authorities tried to capture him. Marshal Degan was the most decorated member in the history of the U.S. Marshals Service. He is survived by his wife and two two sons. Years later, Bill Degan’s wife said, “Whenever men who spend their lives serving the country are killed in the line of duty, we all lose a piece of ourselves. I lost a bigger piece than others in August of 1992.”

Harris shot Degan in self defense and was proven innocent in an Idaho jury. Weaver didn't shoot anyone.

Those radicals who live by the gun will die by the gun, just like the gun activist and the sniper.

Except it was the govt who entrapped Weaver, which was proven, and the supposed radicals weren't the ones shooting up towns, killing people, mass murdering, or anything like that. Nope, the govt was pissed because he had been going to aryan nation gatherings and he wouldn't pose as a spy for their infiltration purposes.
I'm still waiting to hear your synopsis on Obama Administration "wins", TM. What's working for them?
Harris shot Degan in self defense and was proven innocent in an Idaho jury. Weaver didn't shoot anyone.

Those radicals who live by the gun will die by the gun, just like the gun activist and the sniper.

Except it was the govt who entrapped Weaver, which was proven, and the supposed radicals weren't the ones shooting up towns, killing people, mass murdering, or anything like that. Nope, the govt was pissed because he had been going to aryan nation gatherings and he wouldn't pose as a spy for their infiltration purposes.

PROVE your claims
the banks had not been allowed under the laws to act as brokers for decades ( since the 1929 crash caused by republicans).

The brokers are the ones who sell the securities.

The banks could all of the sudden hire any smuck and train them any way they wanted to while Bush's sec held back the rules on WHO could be a broker.

A broker who had to mantain a licsence would NOT have sold sub prime tainted securities for the banks becuase it would have resulted in them losing their license and in so doing their jobs.

Without rules on WHO could be a broker the only people the NEW brokers were beholden to were their bosses.

The banks who hired them and trained them however they wanted them trained.

These "brokers" did whatever the bank told them to do.

They sold subprime laced mortgage securities without telling the customer what ws really in them.

that meant the banks could write mortages that would soon implode and make money off of them and not retain the risk they held.

The made money writing them and made money selling them off to unsuspecting buyers.

When the laws were finally implimented the banks were caught still holding too much of the shit they had made money off of for a near decade.

boom goes the economy

Again, how did that cause the housing bubble? Or do you not realize that no one has ever offered one iota of evidence that allowing banks to offer more services to their customers caused any problems in the real world? It does, theoretically, make the system less stable, but there has been zero real world impact at this point in time.

so I just gave you the evidence and you just deny it.

why should I U tell you anything?

You cant absorb facts

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