Why has Trump become synonymous with white supremacy?

Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)
He hasn't. It's your "Maddow On The Brain Disease" that's creeping up.
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)
/——/ It’s a false narrative spread by low life Progs—-including the OP.
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)

Because he ran for office against Hilary......before that, he was good friends with Oprah, he was loved by black rappers, appeared on Will Smith's t.v. show, and was awarded honors and accolades from jesse jackson and the civil rights community.......

Then he ran against hilary....and he became a racist.

What BULLSHIT. Trump was ALWAYS a racist, and he was NOT good friends with Oprah.

Trump Says He Was Friends with Oprah Until He Ran for Office

Trump assumes that if people don't pubically disrespect you, they're friends. Trump has no friends. He has people he uses, and who use him. Nobody likes him, and everyone thinks he's an asshole.
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)

Because vile shitty lying pieces of filthy constantly spew shit from their face anuses.
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)

Because he ran for office against Hilary......before that, he was good friends with Oprah, he was loved by black rappers, appeared on Will Smith's t.v. show, and was awarded honors and accolades from jesse jackson and the civil rights community.......

Then he ran against hilary....and he became a racist.

What BULLSHIT. Trump was ALWAYS a racist, and he was NOT good friends with Oprah.

Trump Says He Was Friends with Oprah Until He Ran for Office

Trump assumes that if people don't pubically disrespect you, they're friends. Trump has no friends. He has people he uses, and who use him. Nobody likes him, and everyone thinks he's an asshole.
I suspect that if push came to shove even his kids would give him up.
Where is Tiffany?
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)
/——/ It’s a false narrative spread by low life Progs—-including the OP.
To your kind the truth is always low life.

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country.

Did you bother to tell all those Nazis and white supremacists that were running as Republicans that they don’t exist?
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)
/——/ It’s a false narrative spread by low life Progs—-including the OP.
To your kind the truth is always low life.

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country.

Did you bother to tell all those Nazis and white supremacists that were running as Republicans that they don’t exist?
/----/ You see Sparky - in a free and open country anyone can join a political party and run for office even the KKK. How do you suggest we stop them?
White Supremacist, KKK Member Running for Office as Democrat
White Supremacist, KKK Member Running for Office as Democrat
White Supremacist, KKK Member Running for Office as Democrat Who says history doesn't repeat itself? John Abarr is the Klansman who famously tried to recruit minorities into the Klan.
whats a White Supremacist anyway JShaw . Are White Supremacists violent cause if the are they belong in Jail . Anyway , TRUMP is popular with me because he seems to be a normal American old guy with attitudes similar to my attitudes and i am just an American JohnShaw .
Trump normal? To who, idiot savants? Trump normal. That's a good one.
Fake news. Trump can’t help it if the supremists don’t relate to dims. Doesn’t mean he ever advocated for them, though.

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Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)
They don't. The false narrative is a fictitious creation, a false narrative by fake news leftists like CNN, NBC, & MSLSD.

White Supremacists just praised Omar for her anti-Semitism. You notice the fake news leftis completely ignored it / refused to report it hardly at all.


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