Why has Trump become synonymous with white supremacy?

Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)

The only people who would think that are the ones who have bought into the commie propaganda machine narrative. How's it feel to be a fool?


The propaganda machine recently had to apologize for accusing Ben Shapiro, a jewish neoconservative never trumper of being a Nazi.

Anyone who doesn't buy into the propaganda machine are racist, the commies need to step away from MSLSD.

Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)

The only people who would think that are the ones who have bought into the commie propaganda machine narrative. How's it feel to be a fool?


You can share whenever you're ready.

What's that supposed to mean, fool?


What do you think it means?

Sorry, I don't think like a commie, so I have no idea. I shared all you needed to know in my first post, commies don't deserve more.

Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)

The only people who would think that are the ones who have bought into the commie propaganda machine narrative. How's it feel to be a fool?


The propaganda machine recently had to apologize for accusing Ben Shapiro, a jewish neoconservative never trumper of being a Nazi.

Anyone who doesn't buy into the propaganda machine are racist, the commies need to step away from MSLSD.


Truly racist. Not only do they HATE white people, they think black and browns can't succeed without special privileges. They say MERIT based immigration policy is racist because apparently non-whites lack merit. Interesting...
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)

The only people who would think that are the ones who have bought into the commie propaganda machine narrative. How's it feel to be a fool?


You can share whenever you're ready.

What's that supposed to mean, fool?


What do you think it means?

Sorry, I don't think like a commie, so I have no idea. I shared all you needed to know in my first post, commies don't deserve more.


Must be your Tourettes then.
The dems and the media lied and are still lying about Charlotesville..read Trump's words and see for yourself....they all should lose their license to report news for that bit of lasting BS.....

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The dems and the media lied and are still lying about Charleston....read Trump's words and see for yourself....they all should lose their license to report news for that bit of lasting BS.....

I don't know how anyone can watch the Charlotesville videos showing a crazed mob of leftists attacking vehicles with sticks and fists (seriously how crazy do you have to be to punch a moving car?) and not think the driver was in fear for his life.
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)

Same reason Obama was a thug's guy?

As for your suggestion Trump is synonymous with white supremacy, you're likely just a prog. You don't like Trump but don't have an objective reason why.
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)

So what? How did it happen? Simple. Anytime Progressives are faced with anything to which they cannot argue, they just scream...RACISM!

When did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama denounce all his racist support? Did he NOT invite the leadership of Black Lives Matter to visit him in the Whitehouse?

Then there was:
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)

You asked............

Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here?

I would say for the same reason the black panthers saw obozo as their guy......

But Trump didn’t go to a Racist church that preached hate

against the Black man for 20 years................

I don’t think Trump wrote a book with disdain for Black people either....

I haven’t seen Trump stir the racial pot like obozo and you Tards do.............

You are all so very full of Shit....

If you had any brains you would all be embarrassed to show your lying ignorant faces...
The only people i have seen talking about it is democrats and retarded independents like you.
Sure, some white racists probably feel that way with him, after obama. Just like the blacks with obama after a white president every other time.

I'm being (partially) serious. Not taking sides.

What's with the name-calling, btw? I never did anything to you.
You disagreed with him.
I'm white and loving it. Fuck you if you don't like it. I just don't give a shit what you think. :cul2:
The only people i have seen talking about it is democrats and retarded independents like you.
Sure, some white racists probably feel that way with him, after obama. Just like the blacks with obama after a white president every other time.

I'm being (partially) serious. Not taking sides.

What's with the name-calling, btw? I never did anything to you.
You disagreed with him.
I respectfully disagree with people all the time. Kinda like how you talk out of your ass all the time
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)
Because the Democratic Party is fast becoming the Black-and-Other-Minorities Party?

Which doesn't leave much of an alternative for White Folk in general and supremacists in particular.
It saddens me to see Trump supporters sending tweets to POTUS BEGGING and PLEADING with him to build the wall and secure our country as he promised so many times. People BEGGING for the life of our country. It's very depressing that we are at this point of desperation.
Fking A bubba. This is our country not Mexicans. You like them so much go live in their slummy third world bacteri. Bye
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)

The only people who would think that are the ones who have bought into the commie propaganda machine narrative. How's it feel to be a fool?


The propaganda machine recently had to apologize for accusing Ben Shapiro, a jewish neoconservative never trumper of being a Nazi.

Anyone who doesn't buy into the propaganda machine are racist, the commies need to step away from MSLSD.


Truly racist. Not only do they HATE white people, they think black and browns can't succeed without special privileges. They say MERIT based immigration policy is racist because apparently non-whites lack merit. Interesting...
Exactly, here’s the dem party, blacks are so lazy, stupid, and useless. They need our help. Demolosers. They point at a black and say, see stupid black over there he needs my help. And after the insult, the black votes for them.
Even you twist his words in your statement here.
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)

He ran a campaign favorable for good, real Americans. He promised to work for the right people.
He ran on “Stop Wetbacks”, “Secure Our Southern Border” and “Americans First”.....the LefTarded twisted that into their default...”he’s a racist”. Simple shit.

Let’s play semantics...What’s the twisted part?
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)
He isn't OUR GUY he has simply talked about things that cuckservatives won't! Immigration,trade,free speech,cultural marxism etc. Trump is Israel's bitch but he is a starting point for REAL conservatives to start and from there some stay Conservatives some realize conservatism isn't conserving jack shit and move farther right towards White Racialism/Nationalism because without the white race there is NOTHING left to conserve.

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