Why has Trump become synonymous with white supremacy?

It is you that stated whites, dear.
I want only legal immigration here.
I was going to try to have a rational conversation with you, but it appears that would be useless. Just something for you to mull over, though. This nation is built on legal immigration from the time it was labeled the US. Secondly, atheists in Europe is the third highest in the world, yet you seem to not acknowledge that fact, or have any mention if white Europeans immigrating here.

I could care less the skin color of anyone wanting to legally immigrate here, as long as they are willing to assimilate, live by our Constitution, and to accept the values this country has stood for
You can believe whatever you want. Doesn’t make it true. Plain and simply.
No race is supreme-

James 2:9 ESV / 46 helpful votes
But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors
Romans 10:12-13 ESV / 50 helpful votes
For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Romans 2:11 ESV / 69 helpful votes
For God shows no partiality
--------------------------------------- so sayeth the Religious Bible but American people are FREE to believe that their race is Supreme aren't they Depotoo ??
------------------------------------ doesn't have anything to do with what i believe but its gotta be Legal for any American to believe that their race is Supreme and the Bible means nothing in this Secular Nation . And that leads to the question or statement of SO WHAT if an American believes that their 'race' is Supreme then what is wrong with that Depotoo ??
-------------------------------- who cares about Athiests , when were they mentioned in this thread . Concerning immigration , i sure don't know or care what immigration many years ago has to do with immigration TODAY . And there have been many time that 'immigration' was completely shut down for the good of the USA Depotoo .
you could point out the post number so i can see what i supposedly said and also see the context of what i SUPPOSEDLY Said Depotoo .
It is you that stated whites, dear.
I want only legal immigration here.
I was going to try to have a rational conversation with you, but it appears that would be useless. Just something for you to mull over, though. This nation is built on legal immigration from the time it was labeled the US. Secondly, atheists in Europe is the third highest in the world, yet you seem to not acknowledge that fact, or have any mention if white Europeans immigrating here.

I could care less the skin color of anyone wanting to legally immigrate here, as long as they are willing to assimilate, live by our Constitution, and to accept the values this country has stood for
You can believe whatever you want. Doesn’t make it true. Plain and simply.
--------------------------------------- so sayeth the Religious Bible but American people are FREE to believe that their race is Supreme aren't they Depotoo ??
------------------------------------ doesn't have anything to do with what i believe but its gotta be Legal for any American to believe that their race is Supreme and the Bible means nothing in this Secular Nation . And that leads to the question or statement of SO WHAT if an American believes that their 'race' is Supreme then what is wrong with that Depotoo ??
-------------------------------- who cares about Athiests , when were they mentioned in this thread . Concerning immigration , i sure don't know or care what immigration many years ago has to do with immigration TODAY . And there have been many time that 'immigration' was completely shut down for the good of the USA Depotoo .
------------------------------------------ and WHAT did i say about WHITE Depotoo ??
Why has Trump become synonymous with white supremacy?
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)
Bullshit, this is just another tool of the butthurt supporters of the anointed loser to try to discredit the annoying orange.
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)
Curious, where was this powerful white supremacist voting block when the black guy was on the ballot? Why did they only come out when it was the old white woman running?
It is you that stated whites, dear.
I want only legal immigration here.
I was going to try to have a rational conversation with you, but it appears that would be useless. Just something for you to mull over, though. This nation is built on legal immigration from the time it was labeled the US. Secondly, atheists in Europe is the third highest in the world, yet you seem to not acknowledge that fact, or have any mention if white Europeans immigrating here.

I could care less the skin color of anyone wanting to legally immigrate here, as long as they are willing to assimilate, live by our Constitution, and to accept the values this country has stood for
You can believe whatever you want. Doesn’t make it true. Plain and simply.
------------------------------------ doesn't have anything to do with what i believe but its gotta be Legal for any American to believe that their race is Supreme and the Bible means nothing in this Secular Nation . And that leads to the question or statement of SO WHAT if an American believes that their 'race' is Supreme then what is wrong with that Depotoo ??
-------------------------------- who cares about Athiests , when were they mentioned in this thread . Concerning immigration , i sure don't know or care what immigration many years ago has to do with immigration TODAY . And there have been many time that 'immigration' was completely shut down for the good of the USA Depotoo .
------------------------------------------ and WHAT did i say about WHITE Depotoo ??
I apologize, if I have misread your posts. Could have sworn your implication is you only want whites immigrating here.
Democrats promote diversity right? They say that’s America’s strength??

It is, to some extent. Where they go wrong is thinking that just adding more black people or women is increasing diversity. Just because one person is white and another is black doesn't mean the two don't have similar ways of viewing the world.
Sorry can you answer my question or delete your post?

Yes that is what is often said. I imagine you can find republicans saying similar things.
Lol what?? Are you for strength of diversity or not?
-------------- NO .
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)

If you don't support policies designed to make whites a minority in the US, the left and the media will label you a white supremacist. Trump opposed mass immigration thus gaining the support of such individuals.
naw , i only care about culture and support of Western Culture . And thanks for the apology Depotoo .
to me DIVERSITY mean Disunited . What do i have in common with a white 'brit' or a 'brown moroccan' that wants to bring gun control to the USA . What can a 'black American' and fan of WESTERN Culture and Civilization in America have with a 'somali muslim' in Minnesota that wants 'shariah' law in the USA , eh ??
Great question. Nazism is a socialist ideology and all demolosers. You own it
Lol what?? Are you for strength of diversity or not?
-------------- NO .

Diversity is just another word for inequality, because to be diverse is to include what is not equal between two things.

In practice, "diversity" means less white.
I just thought diversity meant everyone. If someone doesn’t like everyone in, they’re no better than the people they’re bitching at
Because the Dems planted it.

So the dems are the cause? They convinced the white supremacists that Trump is their man? Interesting theory.
You and your ilk are the ones who think that if you tell a lie enough times that it becomes the truth.
Why would it be so hard for you to think otherwise.?
The Dems forced him to insult people of other races.
As if.

Your simple comment reveals the white leftist mindset on so many levels.

White is the default.
"Others" should not be criticized.
Factual statements are insults.
Feelings before facts.
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)
Why do democrats create different groups telling them to make them selves supreme in America?? Why can’t whites? I’m confused

This was your question right? And I already said I can't account for the opinion of others. Nor have I heard anyone in the mainstream calling for "other groups to make themselves superior". That's an interesting take, for sure.

Anyway, I guess if that's all you have, it's kind of a weird question, and not a very good one.
Again not what I asked you

Except that was your quote. Nice revisionist history, though.

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