Why has Trump become synonymous with white supremacy?

And he has also endorsed Dems. And because someone paid them to make those statements, doesn’t mean they are true. Bet you wouldn’t demand to have them open their books, would you.
What we have NOW is a narrative that anyone who loves his/her nation over all others is a White Nationalist, which is intended to be conflated with White Supremacist.

If you can't see the clear communist agenda, you are a stupid motherfucker.

Be careful, though, because the White Supremacists are calling themselves White Nationalists to keep the feds off their backs.
There is nothing communist about supporting legal immigration. Or about despising Trump's rhetoric about people from other countries (and those countries are always black and brown people.....why is that?)
He had nothing to do with it, hmm? They just made up all that questionable stuff he said. Interesting.
They DELIBERATELY made anything he said a racist comment. You FUCKING know they did.

It is pointless talking about this, because you will never see nor except the obvious communist slant in the media.
First, he only repeated the lines Hillary’s campaign had thrown out.And it had nothing to do with race, to begin with, it was about citizenship. And he later took it back.
Secondly, he stated some of the illegals crossing our borders are criminals and rapists. That is not racist and has nothing to do with skin color. It is sim0le, documented fact.
They were speaking of African nations at the moment. And some are shitholes. Has nothing to do with their race.
No, he does not skirt the line. Only those with an agenda see it that way. His history is there for all to see, but it is ignored by those wishing to plant the seed it is otherwise.
But the racists kinda hijacked the whole thing. We all know it quickly became about something other than a statue. C'mon man...
You asked why, and I gave you the answer. The MSM still pushes that "both sides" false narrative.

Where did I say they weren't partially to blame?

Here's the thing; Trump hasn't come out and said blatantly racist things, but he skirts the line enough to where he is basically flirting with the angry white guy demographic. That's why people get frustrated with him.

What is birtherism then? What are his comments about illegals being rapists (every demographic has rapists, unfortunately; why single them out?), or his comments about African nations being shitholes? What is the purpose of those?

Maybe the media has played up these "stories" to generate clicks and views, but let's not pretend he hasn't contributed heavily to that perception of himself.

I realize that. But my question is, what is his motivation for making those comments? Things most candidates would never say? We criticized Obama when he would make similar comments. Why doesn't Trump deserve to be held accountable?
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)

Because Trump is the biggest help to black people to come along since Lincoln and the white supremacists want to make amends for their past.
What race doesn’t think they are supreme?? This is why we need to shit down immigration

Well I'm white and I don't think white people are "supreme". So I guess me and most people I know would fall into that category.
I didn’t ask you what you thought.. again stop being afraid to answer my questions

Were you not just asking me for my personal opinion? Why, I don't know, but I could've sworn that's what you were just asking me about.
No I didnt ask how you personally felt,, but what most races feel
because the left sold him that way to demonize him.

He had nothing to do with it, hmm? They just made up all that questionable stuff he said. Interesting.
Actually, yes. They twisted his words. They failed to bring up his history. The facts are he forced Palm Beach, which was racist to its core, to open up their clubs to those of color. He also supplied the Rainbow Coalition with free space, as they were being run out of NYC, by increasing rental prices.
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Lol what?? Are you for strength of diversity or not?

Depends on the context. As do most things.
It’s a straight question yes or no

It isn't a straight question, actually. Only fools think in such black and white terms.
Not really it’s my face every day.. maybe you need some diversity in your life

It's your face? What does that mean?
In my face lol don’t deflect.. comprehension skills not there today ? Lol
You can believe whatever you want. Doesn’t make it true. Plain and simply.
No race is supreme-

James 2:9 ESV / 46 helpful votes
But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors
Romans 10:12-13 ESV / 50 helpful votes
For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Romans 2:11 ESV / 69 helpful votes
For God shows no partiality

whats a White Supremacist anyway JShaw . Are White Supremacists violent cause if the are they belong in Jail . Anyway , TRUMP is popular with me because he seems to be a normal American old guy with attitudes similar to my attitudes and i am just an American JohnShaw .

You don't know what a white supremacist is, Pismoe? The definition is literally in the name.
-------------------------------- are White Supremacist violent or do they break the law as those types should be in jail . Or do they simply have the attitude and opinion that their race is SUPREME among all races like the 'louie farakhan' people John Shaw ??
--------------------------------------- so sayeth the Religious Bible but American people are FREE to believe that their race is Supreme aren't they Depotoo ??
So, what you're saying is...all Trump supporters are klansmen, right?

It doesn't pay to listen too much to what McRachet says anymore than listening to a robot running around waving its arms with a cracked circuit board!

What race doesn’t think they are supreme?? This is why we need to shit down immigration

Well I'm white and I don't think white people are "supreme". So I guess me and most people I know would fall into that category.
I didn’t ask you what you thought.. again stop being afraid to answer my questions

Were you not just asking me for my personal opinion? Why, I don't know, but I could've sworn that's what you were just asking me about.
No I didnt ask how you personally felt,, but what most races feel

Well I can't exactly speak for "most races". I can only speak for myself. I think diversity of opinion is good. I think fair, unbiased hiring and merit-based succession planning is good. Do I think just throwing more women and brown people into positions because they are women or brown is good? Not necessarily. Other people will have their own opinions. I can only account for my own.
What race doesn’t think they are supreme?? This is why we need to shit down immigration

Well I'm white and I don't think white people are "supreme". So I guess me and most people I know would fall into that category.
I didn’t ask you what you thought.. again stop being afraid to answer my questions

Were you not just asking me for my personal opinion? Why, I don't know, but I could've sworn that's what you were just asking me about.
No I didnt ask how you personally felt,, but what most races feel

Well I can't exactly speak for "most races". I can only speak for myself. I think diversity of opinion is good. I think fair, unbiased hiring and merit-based succession planning is good. Do I think just throwing more women and brown people into positions because they are women or brown is good? Not necessarily. Other people will have their own opinions. I can only account for my own.
You are not answering my question.. again answer my question.. or delete your post
Well I'm white and I don't think white people are "supreme". So I guess me and most people I know would fall into that category.
I didn’t ask you what you thought.. again stop being afraid to answer my questions

Were you not just asking me for my personal opinion? Why, I don't know, but I could've sworn that's what you were just asking me about.
No I didnt ask how you personally felt,, but what most races feel

Well I can't exactly speak for "most races". I can only speak for myself. I think diversity of opinion is good. I think fair, unbiased hiring and merit-based succession planning is good. Do I think just throwing more women and brown people into positions because they are women or brown is good? Not necessarily. Other people will have their own opinions. I can only account for my own.
You are not answering my question.. again answer my question.. or delete your post

Rephrase your question and I will answer. I have to go in 10 minutes though. The gym awaits and this is my first PTO day of the year. I want to enjoy it.
I didn’t ask you what you thought.. again stop being afraid to answer my questions

Were you not just asking me for my personal opinion? Why, I don't know, but I could've sworn that's what you were just asking me about.
No I didnt ask how you personally felt,, but what most races feel

Well I can't exactly speak for "most races". I can only speak for myself. I think diversity of opinion is good. I think fair, unbiased hiring and merit-based succession planning is good. Do I think just throwing more women and brown people into positions because they are women or brown is good? Not necessarily. Other people will have their own opinions. I can only account for my own.
You are not answering my question.. again answer my question.. or delete your post

Rephrase your question and I will answer. I have to go in 10 minutes though. The gym awaits and this is my first PTO day of the year. I want to enjoy it.
Might want to enjoy some therapy lol

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