Why has Trump become synonymous with white supremacy?

But the racists kinda hijacked the whole thing. We all know it quickly became about something other than a statue. C'mon man...
And the communist media COULD NOT WAIT to make it about racism and paint with the broadest brush possible. You KNOW that is true.


That is what sells. Of course they are going to play it up. The torches and the chanting, and the fighting and murder, didn't exactly make it difficult for them.
Even you twist his words in your statement here.
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)

He ran a campaign favorable for good, real Americans. He promised to work for the right people.
He ran on “Stop Wetbacks”, “Secure Our Southern Border” and “Americans First”.....the LefTarded twisted that into their default...”he’s a racist”. Simple shit.
Why do white supremacists believe Trump is their guy? I don't get it. How did that happen? Could someone please fill me in here? Thanks!!:)
Why do democrats create different groups telling them to make them selves supreme in America?? Why can’t whites? I’m confused

Democrats promote diversity right? They say that’s America’s strength??

It is, to some extent. Where they go wrong is thinking that just adding more black people or women is increasing diversity. Just because one person is white and another is black doesn't mean the two don't have similar ways of viewing the world.
Sorry can you answer my question or delete your post?

Yes that is what is often said. I imagine you can find republicans saying similar things.
What we have NOW is a narrative that anyone who loves his/her nation over all others is a White Nationalist, which is intended to be conflated with White Supremacist.

If you can't see the clear communist agenda, you are a stupid motherfucker.

Why do democrats create different groups telling them to make them selves supreme in America?? Why can’t whites? I’m confused

Democrats promote diversity right? They say that’s America’s strength??

It is, to some extent. Where they go wrong is thinking that just adding more black people or women is increasing diversity. Just because one person is white and another is black doesn't mean the two don't have similar ways of viewing the world.
Sorry can you answer my question or delete your post?

Yes that is what is often said. I imagine you can find republicans saying similar things.
Lol what?? Are you for strength of diversity or not?
Democrats promote diversity right? They say that’s America’s strength??

It is, to some extent. Where they go wrong is thinking that just adding more black people or women is increasing diversity. Just because one person is white and another is black doesn't mean the two don't have similar ways of viewing the world.
Sorry can you answer my question or delete your post?

Yes that is what is often said. I imagine you can find republicans saying similar things.
Lol what?? Are you for strength of diversity or not?

Depends on the context. As do most things.
What race doesn’t think they are supreme?? This is why we need to shit down immigration
What race doesn’t think they are supreme?? This is why we need to shit down immigration

Well I'm white and I don't think white people are "supreme". So I guess me and most people I know would fall into that category.
Democrats promote diversity right? They say that’s America’s strength??

It is, to some extent. Where they go wrong is thinking that just adding more black people or women is increasing diversity. Just because one person is white and another is black doesn't mean the two don't have similar ways of viewing the world.
Sorry can you answer my question or delete your post?

Yes that is what is often said. I imagine you can find republicans saying similar things.
Lol what?? Are you for strength of diversity or not?

Depends on the context. As do most things.
It’s a straight question yes or no
It is, to some extent. Where they go wrong is thinking that just adding more black people or women is increasing diversity. Just because one person is white and another is black doesn't mean the two don't have similar ways of viewing the world.
Sorry can you answer my question or delete your post?

Yes that is what is often said. I imagine you can find republicans saying similar things.
Lol what?? Are you for strength of diversity or not?

Depends on the context. As do most things.
It’s a straight question yes or no

It isn't a straight question, actually. Only fools think in such black and white terms.
First, he only repeated the lines Hillary’s campaign had thrown out.And it had nothing to do with race, to begin with, it was about citizenship. And he later took it back.
Secondly, he stated some of the illegals crossing our borders are criminals and rapists. That is not racist and has nothing to do with skin color. It is sim0le, documented fact.
They were speaking of African nations at the moment. And some are shitholes. Has nothing to do with their race.
No, he does not skirt the line. Only those with an agenda see it that way. His history is there for all to see, but it is ignored by those wishing to plant the seed it is otherwise.
IMHO it was started by the MSM when Trump said that "there were good people on both sides" at Charlottesville, and the MSM lied that Trump meant that the two sides were the white supremacists and the protestors. When in-fact the riots were about removing or destroying confederate statues of Robert E. Lee. Trump meant that "both sides" were of the Robert E. Lee statue debate.

'Dilbert' creator defends Trump remarks on Charlottesville

But the racists kinda hijacked the whole thing. We all know it quickly became about something other than a statue. C'mon man...
You asked why, and I gave you the answer. The MSM still pushes that "both sides" false narrative.

Where did I say they weren't partially to blame?

Here's the thing; Trump hasn't come out and said blatantly racist things, but he skirts the line enough to where he is basically flirting with the angry white guy demographic. That's why people get frustrated with him.

What is birtherism then? What are his comments about illegals being rapists (every demographic has rapists, unfortunately; why single them out?), or his comments about African nations being shitholes? What is the purpose of those?

Maybe the media has played up these "stories" to generate clicks and views, but let's not pretend he hasn't contributed heavily to that perception of himself.
Sorry can you answer my question or delete your post?

Yes that is what is often said. I imagine you can find republicans saying similar things.
Lol what?? Are you for strength of diversity or not?

Depends on the context. As do most things.
It’s a straight question yes or no

It isn't a straight question, actually. Only fools think in such black and white terms.
Not really it’s my face every day.. maybe you need some diversity in your life
Why has Trump become synonymous with white supremacy?

The cause is very obvious:

View attachment 252877

There is no such thing as a white supremacist unless there are black and red and others as well. Why does no one ever call the Black Panthers or BLM "Black Supremacists?" The entire thing is simply another manufactured atheist attack on whites and the attempt to conflate simple healthy patriotic nationalism with a tiny faction of Aryan radicals as if they were all part of the same thing.

People call them black supremacists all the time, including myself. What are you talking about?

Man, I must live in a bottle! Can you link me to a couple of times where you've said that?

You can find all my comments on the race board, where I argue with IM2 all the time about these subjects.

Well if you argue with IM2, then you can't be all bad.
What race doesn’t think they are supreme?? This is why we need to shit down immigration

Well I'm white and I don't think white people are "supreme". So I guess me and most people I know would fall into that category.
I didn’t ask you what you thought.. again stop being afraid to answer my questions

Were you not just asking me for my personal opinion? Why, I don't know, but I could've sworn that's what you were just asking me about.
Yes that is what is often said. I imagine you can find republicans saying similar things.
Lol what?? Are you for strength of diversity or not?

Depends on the context. As do most things.
It’s a straight question yes or no

It isn't a straight question, actually. Only fools think in such black and white terms.
Not really it’s my face every day.. maybe you need some diversity in your life

It's your face? What does that mean?

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