Why Hayek was Right About Nazis Being Socialists

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
Friedrich Hayek, a famous economist, proved the Germans of the 30s and 40s were clearly socialists.
So what is the gripe? Apparently American socialists hate the notion that they are not the only socialists. They use propaganda to try to undermine that indeed the Nazis were true socialists. In fact it is difficult to locate a group more socialist than were the Nazis.

This article for example tries to help the socialists of America by denouncing the version by Hayek who lived under those socialists and could easily testify as a true expert about socialism.

To the deniers. Ask why the Germans were so delighted with Hitler until he went to war? Ask how Hitler embarked under massive socialist programs that actually did cause Germany to once more be prosperous.
Because of the German prosperity under Hitler, one might think American socialists would be happy Hitler was a socialist. And point out he did deliver prosperity as they tell us now they can do.

Why Hayek was Right About Nazis Being Socialists​

Friedrich Hayek, a famous economist, proved the Germans of the 30s and 40s were clearly socialists.
So what is the gripe? Apparently American socialists hate the notion that they are not the only socialists. They use propaganda to try to undermine that indeed the Nazis were true socialists. In fact it is difficult to locate a group more socialist than were the Nazis.

This article for example tries to help the socialists of America by denouncing the version by Hayek who lived under those socialists and could easily testify as a true expert about socialism.

To the deniers. Ask why the Germans were so delighted with Hitler until he went to war? Ask how Hitler embarked under massive socialist programs that actually did cause Germany to once more be prosperous.
Because of the German prosperity under Hitler, one might think American socialists would be happy Hitler was a socialist. And point out he did deliver prosperity as they tell us now they can do.

Why Hayek was Right About Nazis Being Socialists​

What a let down. I thought you were talking about Salma.
Friedrich Hayek, a famous economist, proved the Germans of the 30s and 40s were clearly socialists.
So what is the gripe? Apparently American socialists hate the notion that they are not the only socialists. They use propaganda to try to undermine that indeed the Nazis were true socialists. In fact it is difficult to locate a group more socialist than were the Nazis.

This article for example tries to help the socialists of America by denouncing the version by Hayek who lived under those socialists and could easily testify as a true expert about socialism.

To the deniers. Ask why the Germans were so delighted with Hitler until he went to war? Ask how Hitler embarked under massive socialist programs that actually did cause Germany to once more be prosperous.
Because of the German prosperity under Hitler, one might think American socialists would be happy Hitler was a socialist. And point out he did deliver prosperity as they tell us now they can do.

Why Hayek was Right About Nazis Being Socialists​

Yeah, they did promote prosperity, until the ran out of other peoples money, which was why Heir Hitler had to go to war.
The bottom line for National Socialism is that you can be a Capitalist but you are required to do whatever the State tells you to do.

It is not classical Socialism but it is damn close.
I was going to comment on that aspect myself. Back when I was a child, we had the socialism of FDR. Believe me, he was a practicing socialist. When my parents needed food, they had to use Federal ration coupons. If Dad needed tires for his car, he had to get a permit form, called a ration coupon merely to buy a tire. Then tires were not as they are today. Today the tires are vastly improved. An industry was created in WW2 known as tire regrooving. I had an uncle who regrooved tires so they had tread and he earned his living that way. Lights were covered when the Sun went down. We normally saw columns of jeeps passing by and trucks for the military. War planes were heard above us all day long. We had war planes crash in the city of Oakland so it was real folks.
I was going to comment on that aspect myself. Back when I was a child, we had the socialism of FDR. Believe me, he was a practicing socialist. When my parents needed food, they had to use Federal ration coupons. If Dad needed tires for his car, he had to get a permit form, called a ration coupon merely to buy a tire. Then tires were not as they are today. Today the tires are vastly improved. An industry was created in WW2 known as tire regrooving. I had an uncle who regrooved tires so they had tread and he earned his living that way. Lights were covered when the Sun went down. We normally saw columns of jeeps passing by and trucks for the military. War planes were heard above us all day long. We had war planes crash in the city of Oakland so it was real folks.
There was a war on jackass
Socialism comes in various forms and degrees. I love American socialism! Don't you? BTW, good people or bad people can be socialists.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

The problem is that it will not work for all people. No system does. And that is the reality. Poverty and people that have want is not going away. Too many thieves. Too much corruption. Too much cheating. Defense, Medicare, Medicaid, social programs, Social Security and other programs are monstrosities in size and growing. There was a time when a good percentage of people did not have health insurance ut when they paid for things the costs were massively lower also. You would think the government getting involved with supplement those costs. All it did was increase them a thousand-fold it seems. Most hospitals have whole wings dedicated to billing. We now have a growing number of poor and working poor people with children going to sleep hungry. Pure socialism is all people living roughly the same. That does not exist. And since the people pushing it live like royalty it will not happen.
The key to Germany's economic recovery in the 1930s was nationalizing its labor unions and tying wages to productivity.
Yeah, they did promote prosperity, until the ran out of other peoples money, which was why Heir Hitler had to go to war.
Hitler spent so much money he forbade the government from passing a budget, so as not to arouse concern.

Sound familiar everyone?

Hillter basically burned all their bridges with his spending, it was either world conquest or economic ruin.
Socialism comes in various forms and degrees. I love American socialism! Don't you? BTW, good people or bad people can be socialists.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

I have never met a Socialist that i liked....

Nazi: It stands for a member of the far-right National Socialist German Workers' Party.
You are an idiot.

Far Right term used by you Marxists, means people who promote freedom, life, and happiness.
Want to know the real term for this?

What Is Classical Liberalism? Definition and Examples
Classical liberalism is a political and economic ideology that advocates the protection of civil liberties and laissez-faire economic freedom by limiting the power of the central government. Developed in the early 19th century, the term is often used in contrast to the philosophy of modern social liberalism.

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